Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    Worked on the exercise ball last night -- yes, that was humorous! I'm not certain if falling off the thing is considered exercise or not -- but I logged it -- my heart rate was certianly soring! Tonight is my tough run -- Leash, this old lady will be looking for some youth vibes!!!

    Kechie -- I'm with you on the starving part. I can eat the same thing every day -- but make me log it and I'm instantly starving! Good luck with lunch -- can you go exercise to get some extra calories????

    Leash -- Leave it to a man to get the directions wrong! come on bgood!

    Tabby -- I almost ruined my computer this morning -- I was drinking coffee when I read your dog terd comment -- cracked me up!!! But I'm with you on doing almost anything to lose weight! What is this apple cider you speak of??:huh:

    Enjoy the day!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Kechie~ ha! 133 calories over...that's small potatoes...just finished entering my total calorie burn for yesterday, using my BodyBugg.... I was 690 over from my total daily burn, forget any kind of deficit! :embarassed:
    Where is our piggy smiley?:sad:
    AND I still woke up with my stomach turning itself inside out in desperate search of food! Soooo hungry!
    Logging calories sucks! :explode:
    But, it is a good reminder that WHAT we eat is so important. There are so many nutritionally poor but calorie high foods are out there. :grumble:
    It was still a successful non drive thru day though! Woohoo! 2 in a row! :tongue:

    Thanks for all the advice, answers, etc Ray! :flowerforyou: The ankle and foot feel soooo much better today with the extra day of rest from running! :bigsmile: Tomorrow is 1 month out! I've logged 389 miles so far in quest of completeing 26.2! :laugh: How funny is that?!?!

    Kechie~ I hope you have a wonderful lunch with your DH! Drinking water while he eats sounds horrible though! :noway:

    Leash~ hope you were able to find something low cal but delicious to eat for the rest of the day!

    Tabby~ 8 calories, schmalories! Feeding the horses should have burned those off no problem! Good job on being so close to spot on! :drinker: You are braver than I...not quite desperate enough for the vinegar.

    B~ nice job leaving Leash hanging! Oh well, I guess you DID contribute to planetary alignment so I'll cut you some slack! :wink:

    Julie~ Great job on the exercise ball workout! Those things are dangerous! Hope you're getting some sleep!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    oink, oink :wink:

    (directed at nobody in particular...just my way of saying "good morning!")
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    oink, oink :wink:

    (directed at nobody in particular...just my way of saying "good morning!")

    You can direct it at me, I have a starbucks problem and I don't even like coffee that much! I need to get in this game!

    Still stalking my doctor.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Alright, here's our mascot:

    8 calories is nothing... literally. Actually, not to get all serious, but I think that's part of why this has become so difficult for me. In a way, I feel like I made better choices (and certainly wasn't as chunky) a few years ago, before I knew what logging food even was. It's just my OCD personality, but that 8 calories over would totally bug me. Really, we can't possibly log exactly down to the calorie, and logging is a good estimate. But, like I said, that 8 would bug me. I feel like I almost got a little obsessive over the numbers and hated it. If I went out to dinner, or to a friends, I would give it my best estimate (but clearly I don't whip out my food scale in the middle of dinner at my Grandma's:laugh: ) and it used to just eat me alive (no pun intended:tongue: ) that I wasn't exactly sure.

    Alright, I'm making myself sound like a total freak :huh: Anyhow, that's been my struggle.

    Pulled in to work (school!) today blasting "We Don't Need No Education" from my car :laugh: I just crack myself up sometimes... :blushing:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Fitting for the heaviest in the crew to provide eating advice (oink oink) hahah! Actually, for me it's a grunt grunt.

    Get to know zero or negative calorie foods and like them, they are miraculous to feel full and not grow the cal count. They actually taste good if you give em a chance, for me especially the mixed fruits, what awesome flavors we have all around without the need for processed sugars.

    My favorites:
    Veggies (raw is best) – Broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, radish, carrot
    Fruits – Apple, melon, orange (mango or other too), berries (all kinds)

    You can eat ALL you want, really, it’s almost no limit. Examples:
    6 cups of strawberries are only 292 calories
    6 cups of honeydew melon is 326 calories
    6 cups of apple is 390 calories
    6 cups of carrots are 315 calories
    We are talking about SIX CUPS, that’s a monster portion, and trust me, you won’t be full after 3 cups.

    These are great an hour or 2 before ANY meal, or to curb that nighttime hunger.

    Just a thought…..

  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    accountability moment -- went to heat up lunch just now, dumped out the pulled pork from a previous night's meal and thought, "that's a lot of meat!" so i put half of it back in the tupperware, and will enjoy it another time. not trying to pat myself on the back, just thanking you all for the assist on that one.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    accountability moment -- went to heat up lunch just now, dumped out the pulled pork from a previous night's meal and thought, "that's a lot of meat!" so i put half of it back in the tupperware, and will enjoy it another time. not trying to pat myself on the back, just thanking you all for the assist on that one.

    Way to go! :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I am cracking up reading all the posts. This is me this morning:

    Align scale with edge of vanity. Step on. 141 :huh:
    But I suffered through vinegar last night! Adjust alignment 1/32 of an inch, get back on, 141 :frown:
    Stand on right foot (didn't someone on here say that worked?) 142 :sick:
    Quickly switch to left 143 :sad:
    Get off scale, turn on overhead light (just in case I am not reading right) 141 :indifferent:

    SIGH. I expect miracles. Must be those damn 8 calories. :noway:

    By the way Julie, the vinegar is raw apple cider vinegar. It can't be the kind you buy in the grocery (which is pasturized), it is the cloudy kind you get in a health food store. I got mine from making apple cider and having it sit around too long. It goes to hard cider, then vinegar. I mix 3T with 1t of honey in a large glass of water. There is some research that indicates that it helps in metabolizing fat. It has other health benefits too your digestion, and be careful if you try it it will make you very "regular." Sorry. TMI

    bg, good job putting half back! Pulled pork sounds good right now. I just had a tuna sandwich, carrots and an apple. By the way, I have eaten four carrots and two apples today Ray. Pulled pork sounds much better! :bigsmile:

    I too, begin to obsess about the calories and such, but I think that is what I have to do to be successful. I can certainly let it go easily enough when I feel like it. My biggest sacrafice is a beer or glass of wine with dinner. I have a six pack of sam adams octoberfest in the fridge right now. Tell me that's not hard to resist! :drinker:

    Speaking of, have any of you had the Chocolate Bock? Sam Adams brews it. Chocolate. Beer. OMG :tongue:

    Becky, you must burn 8 zillion calories a day anyway? What's 600? I remember when I was doing BJJ and running and working at the gym every day (before I had to get a job with an income) I ate so much it was unbelievable. I was smaller than I have ever been since HS.

    Jess, I have been riding since I was 11. 30 years! On weekends I teach riding and work at a local stable, my mom has draft horses and we do sleigh rides in the winter. If you are ever in VT in the winter let me know, we can give you a sleigh ride. It is so fun, and my mom's trails go through the woods which are beautiful when covered in snow. Love horses! As a teen they kept me away from boys! Something to think about for you folks who have young daughters! LOL

    I like the new smaller group. I can actually remember (usually) who said what!

    Oh, and I did get in 3.44 miles at lunch time. Felt great. Cold (40 and windy) and sunny!

    Back to work for this girl. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    accountability moment -- went to heat up lunch just now, dumped out the pulled pork from a previous night's meal and thought, "that's a lot of meat!" so i put half of it back in the tupperware, and will enjoy it another time. not trying to pat myself on the back, just thanking you all for the assist on that one.

    You're welcome :flowerforyou:

    @Tabby: I'm coming to collect that Hoptober TONIGHT. LOVE it! Good stuff...

    I'm back from lunch and a horrible liar. I ate. Yes, I ate lunch. I ate as if I had not eaten lunch already. It was weird. I was hungry. I'm estimating I ate 1500 calories. I'm chalking today up to burning 1700 calories in the half on Sunday.? Tomorrow is a new day.:drinker: (That is water in those cups.)
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess, you're funny. And yes. This IS a secret club and we DO have a secret handshake :wink:

    How about a fist bump?? :drinker: Or can we do cheers w/ coffee mugs?? That's my beverage of choice besides water of course! :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Oh, you guys! You're killing me!! I'm sure you would all think I'm a crazy loon w/ my logging. I am WAY OCD about everything. I log EVERYTHING, and I use a food scale to weigh/ measure my food too. I almost left my food scale at home before we traveled to my Mom's the last time and about had a panic attack! :blushing:

    OK, this morning I told myself I'd sleep in but darn time change! So I got up at 6 and did ChaLean Extreme Get Lean Intervals. Then got the kiddos off to school and met a friend at the gym. Did 15 min on tm (incline power walk, waiting for the AMT machine, they were all full!) then did 25 min on the AMT. Then 1,800 yard swim.

    Another bike ride w/ my friend's dd tonight. It's an Indian summer here, in the 60's again. I'm going to take advantage of it as much as I can!!!

    Now LOG that food and keep it clean. Don't make me come to your house!!!!!!!!!:devil:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Yes yes Jess we see every single day that you have completed your diary and are under your goal... heres your gold star :bigsmile: I love that you bring your food scale everywhere, thats pretty darn cool! I don't even have a food scale haha... seriously your an inspiration, I wish more moms were like you.

    I'm off for a walk, we have a big match tonight for my vball girls, very excited! Have a great day!

    Kechie- That lunch better have been worth it haha... tomorrow is a new day!

    Tabby- Don't worry about those measly 8 calories... your doing awesome! I was over by 200 yesterday, eek!

    All I have time for, everyone else, keep logging!!!!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Boxing done.
    Running and self defense still to come. :happy:

    Lunch at Wendy's with a friend but nothing fried! I had a half size grilled chicken/pecan/apple salad (AND I only ate about half of it!) I also had a baked potato, no sour cream. A huge victory for me! (patting myself on the back :laugh: )

    B~ nice job with the portion control! :drinker:

    Kechie~ I must say I'm relieved to hear that you didn't drink water while watching DH eat! I would guess that you are still in recovery from Sunday. It'll be okay!

    Tabby~ :laugh: the scale and I *danced* together this morning as well. I've been drinking gallons of water hoping to flush out the sodium from all the recent fast food. Sadly, it isn't helping!
    Yes, horses are a great way to keep the girls away from boys. Although, my son (from age 11-18) thought working at the stable was THE best job he has ever or will ever have in his life! :laugh:

    Kelynn~ you are absolutely right! There is a balance. I definitely get more food focused when first logging my food. I was never so obsessed as when I did Body for Life and preplanned then recorded every meal. BUT, it worked and just the past 2 days have opened my eyes again to how easily I pop things in my mouth and easily add 500+ calories to my daily total without enjoying or even tasting the food! :grumble: Do what is most helpful to you!

    Ray~ :heart: your post! It is so true...a handful of M&Ms clocks in at 200+ calories and is in no way filling. A handful or two of grapes, filling and low calorie!

    Jess~ another busy day for you! :smile: BUT ~ even God rested, you know! :wink: :laugh: :wink:
    I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I second the goldstar for Jess! Just hope all this logging doesn't turn me into a scale obsessed cra....wait was a bad DON'T even OWN a scale!!! whew....
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    You are a bunch of barm-pots, but I love it!

    Since last week I have somehow manage to put on 3 pounds and I refuse to believe I drank enough wine, ate enough cake and chilli on Saturday to have out in THAT much :sad: I was hoping it was just water retention and it would be gone by now :sad: :sad:

    I'm hungry now and just ate loads of pasta for tea, and I'm eating flipping maintenance calories, so I should be eating more than enough.

    In better news, my dad has been allowed home from hospital today with two different kinds of antibiotics, but by the look of it the infection didn't reach his heart. :smile:

    Erika x
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good news Erika -- so happy to hear your dad is home and that the infection didn't reach his heart!

    As for the barm-pot -- I am uncertain what that means -- but IF I did do it, I'm pretty certain I didn't inhale :bigsmile:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good news Erika -- so happy to hear your dad is home and that the infection didn't reach his heart!

    As for the barm-pot -- I am uncertain what that means -- but IF I did do it, I'm pretty certain I didn't inhale :bigsmile:

    Ha! 'Barm-pot' an expression my family uses to express barmy and potty! Another word for loon!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Boxing done.
    Running and self defense still to come. :happy:

    Lunch at Wendy's with a friend but nothing fried! I had a half size grilled chicken/pecan/apple salad (AND I only ate about half of it!) I also had a baked potato, no sour cream. A huge victory for me! (patting myself on the back :laugh: )

    Ray~ :heart: your post! It is so true...a handful of M&Ms clocks in at 200+ calories and is in no way filling. A handful or two of grapes, filling and low calorie!

    Jess~ another busy day for you! :smile: BUT ~ even God rested, you know! :wink: :laugh: :wink:
    I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

    Good job, Becky!! WTG on the good choices. I love Wendy's baked potatoes, that's my choice if we are on the road for a pre-race meal if there is no baked potatoes around! It worked before my Half IM! :bigsmile:

    M and M's are definitely high in cals for little nutrition or filling value. Although you've gotta watch grapes too, they are higher in cals than you think!

    I know, I know. I feel really good. I got in a 21 miler w/ my friend's dd tonight. I definitely listen to my body and know when I need to back off. :tongue: Usually Sundays are my rest days, but lately I haven't been taking it. :blushing:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yes yes Jess we see every single day that you have completed your diary and are under your goal... heres your gold star :bigsmile: I love that you bring your food scale everywhere, thats pretty darn cool! I don't even have a food scale haha... seriously your an inspiration, I wish more moms were like you.

    I'm off for a walk, we have a big match tonight for my vball girls, very excited! Have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:

    Except for when I'm tapering. :tongue: But normally I am under because I have a lot of exercise calories. Tougher to do on my rest days, although I am not at a baseline of 1,200 anyway. I have my own settings customized to what works for me. :wink: Good luck to your vball girls!!