Looking to add people on 1200 calories a day



  • Ever heard the phrase 'you can catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar'? The messengers who are saying "eat more than 1200" are SO NEGATIVE. No one wants to take advice from people who are so negative. People will make their own decisions about their health, and do their research (or not do their research). Folks are here looking for encouragement, and one who is wise understands how to give it, and how to correct someone to get them on the right path, and hopefully on the path that is right for that individual.

    A lot of us posted positive and helpful replies. Some even shared their experiences eating 1200 calories per day, and the (often) inevitable gaining back of weight lost.

    Some people will always be a bit rude, but that is no reason to ignore helpful advice! Don't focus on the few negative posts - lots of posts here are very positive.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day because I don't exercise. I feel like I'm starving all the time!!!

    READ THIS: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants?hl=guide+to+sexy+pants
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Wow! I have learned a ton by reading this thread. I only got so far as page 5 so far but it was enough with all the links to help me find out that I need to replan!

    I am only 5'2" and only wanted to go from 136 down to 120 so I thought 1200 was what I should eat, and that is what MFP showed when I put my numbers in. I have read a lot on here and now realize that I the reason I am so exhausted and have headaches nearly everyday is because I am not getting enough nutrients especially now that I am exercising much more.

    I'm wading through all the information, and I am a little daunted figuring it all out, but thank you for all the links. I will be eating more from now on.

    I'm glad we were able to help. Good luck to you!
  • I am also on 1200 a day. I have just started three days ago and plan to do this for at least 3 months.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day because I don't exercise. I feel like I'm starving all the time!!!
    What's your BMR? Even if you don't exercise much, you still need to give your body enough energy to fuel your vital organs! If you aren't eating at least your BMR that might explain why you're so hungry (and if you're actually starving, that means your body will throw a hissy fit and likely lose weight slower)
  • add me girlies!!!
    training and eating at 1200 cals a day (well trying to lol)
    need some support! xxx
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Wow! I have learned a ton by reading this thread. I only got so far as page 5 so far but it was enough with all the links to help me find out that I need to replan!

    I am only 5'2" and only wanted to go from 136 down to 120 so I thought 1200 was what I should eat, and that is what MFP showed when I put my numbers in. I have read a lot on here and now realize that I the reason I am so exhausted and have headaches nearly everyday is because I am not getting enough nutrients especially now that I am exercising much more.

    I'm wading through all the information, and I am a little daunted figuring it all out, but thank you for all the links. I will be eating more from now on.

    I'm glad we were able to help. Good luck to you!

    We got through to one person Mia!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Wow! I have learned a ton by reading this thread. I only got so far as page 5 so far but it was enough with all the links to help me find out that I need to replan!

    I am only 5'2" and only wanted to go from 136 down to 120 so I thought 1200 was what I should eat, and that is what MFP showed when I put my numbers in. I have read a lot on here and now realize that I the reason I am so exhausted and have headaches nearly everyday is because I am not getting enough nutrients especially now that I am exercising much more.

    I'm wading through all the information, and I am a little daunted figuring it all out, but thank you for all the links. I will be eating more from now on.


    Read the sexy pants and the road map links. Good luck to you.
  • whitway2014
    whitway2014 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on Paleo + RS so eating more around 1800 right now but I'd be happy to benefit from your group.
  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    I lost most of my weight on 1550 NET calories (ie 1750 or so total a day). I was never hungry, never fell off the wagon, didn't lose a bunch of muscle mass, and didn't regain the weight like so many do.

    Read the sexy-pants link as well as this one:
    or the short n sweet version here:

    1200 calories is not enough for 95% of you guys. It's unhealthy and hard to maintain. Damaging your metabolisms by losing muscle is NOT a good thing, and you will be unhappy to boot! Do it the right way once, rather than the fast way over and over and over...and over...

    total agree with this. iam losing netting 1700 or more a day just did my settings again as I do after ever 10 lb or so now I can net 1950 to lose why eat that low unless you enjoy not eating train your body to use calories not to survive on as little calories as you can.
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    Oh boy, looks like it's time to post this AGAIN!

    Reposting my previous reply to a similar topic:

    "How did you set up your MFP account? You need to pick an accurate activity level. Too many folks pick "sedentary" when they are actually lightly active or even more. Also set your goal to lose no more than 1 pound/week to achieve a sustainable weight loss. Plateaus, inadequate intake & hunger are the biggest cause for people to quit. View this as a lifestyle change, not a diet. You need to find a happy medium between eating too much & dieting, so you can live with it for life! After finding your actually calorie goal, then eat back exercise calories. I'm not sure how you are measuring your exercise calories? If using MFP then most folks find their calories burns high & thus eat back 1/2-2/3 of the actual calorie burn. Other methods of measuring vary in accuracy depending on the device.

    If you prefer a more constant daily calorie goal, then you can switch to the TDDE-deficit method. The following I just posted in another thread:

    If you let MFP set your calories, then yes, you eat back exercise calories. I decided to use the TDEE method mostly, because I didn't like the constantly changing calorie goal. ... If you want a more constant calorie goal, then I'd switch to the TDEE-deficit method & self-set your calorie & macro goals. For protein, ensure you are getting AT LEAST 1 gram/pound lean body mass--for most women that's 100-125 grams/day. Your fat should be set at 0.4 grams/pound of lean body mass. Carbs are whatever is left. ... meet your calorie goal most every day!!! If after 3-4 weeks, you're not losing then adjust your daily calorie goal by 100 calories & watch for another 3-4 weeks. You may need more calories or less calories, it can be a little trial & error from the TDEE-deficit calculation. If you need to lose >20 pounds, set your deficit at TDEE-20%. If your need to lose 10-20 pounds, then TDEE-10 to 15%, and once you're down to <10 pounds to lose, set your goal to TDEE-5-10%.

    Meeting your macros, especially protein, is very important! You want to lose fat not muscle (lean body mass), so protein intake is very important. The more lean body mass you lose, the lower your BMR will be. That's where folks get lost in the "starvation mode" idea. It's not so much borderline/low calories cause "starvation," as it robs you of your lean body mass, and as the lean body mass drops, so does your BMR (i.e. daily basal calorie burn). Resistance training/heavy lifting is also essential for maintaining lean body mass/muscle as well."

    Here's a link to Heybales TDEE calculator: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/heybales

    "Go to heybales profile page & look for the link to his Excel spreadsheet. It's a few lines down from "About Me." The spreadsheet is great! I've been using it for 8 months now & have lost tons of weight, as has my family. The instructions are at the top of the document. You change the values in "yellow" & the others will adjust to give you your %BF, BMR, TDEE & macro goals. It also allows you to enter your activity in "hours." I redo my numbers monthly or after I've lost 5 pounds. The second tab also allows you to track your values over time, so everything is in one simple spreadsheet!"

    Hope this helps! Good luck!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Ever heard the phrase 'you can catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar'? The messengers who are saying "eat more than 1200" are SO NEGATIVE. No one wants to take advice from people who are so negative. People will make their own decisions about their health, and do their research (or not do their research). Folks are here looking for encouragement, and one who is wise understands how to give it, and how to correct someone to get them on the right path, and hopefully on the path that is right for that individual.

    I suspect you're seeing negativity where it doesn't exist. Why is it that the suggestion for people to take what advice works for them and disregard the others is only interpreted one way? (In other words, perhaps you should disregard the advice that is phrased in a way that you don't prefer and accept that it may be beneficial to others.) Some people actually prefer more straightforward communications.

    Besides, I sometimes prefer a little bit of balsamic vinegar instead of honey. For example, I haven't tried eating cooked spinach with honey, but I doubt I would like it at all.

    That was mean. Honey took that one right in the feels.

  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    I keep reading this post, it's like a trainwreck all these December 2013 joiners or January 2014 joiners confused by these 1200 calorie a day binge dieters. ARGH!

    I feel so bad for you...
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    me too :) Anyone can add me :)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Wow! I have learned a ton by reading this thread. I have been eating 1200 and had no idea that I was putting myself at risk. I am reading all the links and I see that I need to re-plan! The post by the lady who's hair started falling out, and the person whose hormones got messed up really woke me up.

    I am only 5'2" and only wanted to go from 136 down to 120 so I thought 1200 was what I should eat, and that is what MFP showed when I put my numbers in. I have read a lot on here and now realize that I the reason I am so exhausted and have headaches nearly everyday is probably because I am not getting enough nutrients especially now that I am exercising much more.

    I'm wading through all the information, and I am a little daunted figuring it all out, but thank you for all the links. I will be eating more from now on. I might be asking for help to work out macros, I have a lot of learning to do I see.

    Does mad Happy dance!!! Everything in this thread was now worth it.
  • lol :)
  • hello, I am new and would like to have support so I can reach my goals.
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Wow! I have learned a ton by reading this thread. I have been eating 1200 and had no idea that I was putting myself at risk. I am reading all the links and I see that I need to re-plan! The post by the lady who's hair started falling out, and the person whose hormones got messed up really woke me up.

    I am only 5'2" and only wanted to go from 136 down to 120 so I thought 1200 was what I should eat, and that is what MFP showed when I put my numbers in. I have read a lot on here and now realize that I the reason I am so exhausted and have headaches nearly everyday is probably because I am not getting enough nutrients especially now that I am exercising much more.

    I'm wading through all the information, and I am a little daunted figuring it all out, but thank you for all the links. I will be eating more from now on. I might be asking for help to work out macros, I have a lot of learning to do I see.

    Does mad Happy dance!!! Everything in this thread was now worth it.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Wow! I have learned a ton by reading this thread. I have been eating 1200 and had no idea that I was putting myself at risk. I am reading all the links and I see that I need to re-plan! The post by the lady who's hair started falling out, and the person whose hormones got messed up really woke me up.

    I am only 5'2" and only wanted to go from 136 down to 120 so I thought 1200 was what I should eat, and that is what MFP showed when I put my numbers in. I have read a lot on here and now realize that I the reason I am so exhausted and have headaches nearly everyday is probably because I am not getting enough nutrients especially now that I am exercising much more.

    I'm wading through all the information, and I am a little daunted figuring it all out, but thank you for all the links. I will be eating more from now on. I might be asking for help to work out macros, I have a lot of learning to do I see.

    Does mad Happy dance!!! Everything in this thread was now worth it.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    A light shines from heaven and angels start singing "Hallelujah"
  • LissyWilliams1
    LissyWilliams1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello guys❤
    Im kick starting my clean eating & exercise, looking for some support to keep me going!
    Encouragment, tips and tricks welcome!
    1200 calories

    Cheers Alissa Xx