Adopt a Noob - Official MFP thread



  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I'm willing to volunteer also as a mentor.

    I've used MFP to lose 60 lbs and to help me stay healthy through my pregnancy. I gave birth in February 2013, and I'm 18 lbs lighter than my pre-baby weight now with about another 18 lbs to go to get to my final goal, at least for now.

    Previously, I did a lot of lifting and did well with it, but due to family circumstances, I've cut back on my gym time significantly lately and mostly do yoga, pilates, and walking as my main forms of exercise now.

    I'm generally a friendly positive person, and I'd be happy to provide support to a new person who is struggling to find his/her way. Please be sure to include how you found me in your friend request or message to me so I know how you found me.

    ETA: I'm also a science geek, so I like to post about science stuff routinely.
  • evelyn150
    evelyn150 Posts: 6 Member
    Please consider me. I need to lose at least 60 lbs. i would like your advice and support. Thank you.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm willing to volunteer also as a mentor.

    I've used MFP to lose 60 lbs and to help me stay healthy through my pregnancy. I gave birth in February 2013, and I'm 18 lbs lighter than my pre-baby weight now with about another 18 lbs to go to get to my final goal, at least for now.

    Previously, I did a lot of lifting and did well with it, but due to family circumstances, I've cut back on my gym time significantly lately and mostly do yoga, pilates, and walking as my main forms of exercise now.

    I'm generally a friendly positive person, and I'd be happy to provide support to a new person who is struggling to find his/her way. Please be sure to include how you found me in your friend request or message to me so I know how you found me.

    ETA: I'm also a science geek, so I like to post about science stuff routinely.

    What happened to your previous MFP account? (This question is for everyone offering their services who has rebooted.)
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Please consider me. I need to lose at least 60 lbs. i would like your advice and support. Thank you.
    Have you read through all the posts from prospective mentors in this thread? If not, take a few minutes, and see if there's one that you feel you might click with better than others. Then, pick a couple, send them a message, telling them you found them here. I'm sure that would be the best way to find the help you need.

    Best of luck.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'm glad to see MFP having a thread for us to give back. I'd be willing to mentor a few noobies. So, here's my about me:

    I am a science geek with a clinical laboratory background and I am also a professional bellydancer.

    I have been a MFP member for a few years, I dropped out after the first year (note, during this year, I didn't go into the community, join any groups, or have any friends, I just used the site to log my food and exercise.) I left to go back to not so healthy diet programs and paid a lot of money to lose weight and gain it back. In 2012, I decided to try MFP again in hopes to keep the weight off from my last expensive weight loss diet (this one was the HCG diet in a doctor's office, and no I don't support this method so if you are planning to do this I will only discourage it) because I had joined a gym. This time I started joining groups, reading the message boards, and started gaining some absolutely wonderful friends here. But I started gaining weight, I started working with a trainer, taking Les Mills classes, consulted a dietician, and continued my bellydancing all in hopes of losing. By the summer of 2013 I had gained back the 40 lbs I had lost and was confused, frustrated, and angry. My doctor sent me to an endocrinologist where it was discovered that I have hypothyroidism and I am insulin resistant, thus why in spite of eating right and working out I was gaining weight.

    So, armed with the knowledge of my health issues, I have rededicated to my journey and have lost 5 lbs in the past three months. If you are gluten free for medical reasons, have exercise induced asthma, hypothyroidism, or insulin resistance, I might be a good fit, if you're not any of these I might still be a good fit. But I'm essentially at the beginning of my journey so we can work our way through it together (I have about another 55 lbs to lose).

    Just be aware: I believe you can eat anything in moderation, I don't weigh myself regularly on the recommendation of my dietician because I get too obsessed with the number, so I decided to only get my weight when I go to the doctor's office (I by no means expect anyone else to do this unless they are so inclined, I just want you to know that I will not be able to give a weekly or daily weight loss/gain), I don't comment on every post that my friends make, I post where I feel what I say will be real and helpful, not just saying something just because, if you specifically want my opinion on something feel free to message me and I will respond back. If you're planning to do a radical diet or have an eating disorder I may not be the best person to help you as my experience with radical diets have always resulted in gaining back and I don't feel I have enough information to truly be able to help someone with an eating disorder.

    Hope everyone is successful in their weight loss!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I'm open to helping a couple people get started. I started in 2010 and lost around 50 lbs. I've put some back on since this past September, but that's mostly due to not really caring about being accurate with logging.

    I specialize in weight training and helping folks develop sustainable eating plans. The focus should be on fat loss not weight loss. I do not believe in starvation dieting nor strict elimination dieting. I believe you can enjoy all foods within a reasonable amount.

    If you are willing to put in the time, I am more than willing to help a couple folks get started. I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach with NSCA. Also, I'm currently preparing for my first powerlifting competition later in 2014.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    okay well I've decided if anyone's bat excrement crazy enough to want me for a mentor, I'll mentor them

    - 38, female and built like a shorarse brick ****house.
    - successfully maintaining a healthy body fat percentage without tracking, for well over a year now. I've been on MFP longer than it appears as I had another ID here previously
    - I have been obese in the past, mostly from being sedentary and eating too much, but not any more.
    - I tend to take a long term sustainability and line of least resistance approach to a healthy lifestyle. If you can't stick at something long term, it's not going to help you. So chill and find what you *can* stick to long term, so long as it's healthy and going to move you in the right direction towards your goals
    - I don't believe in puritanism when it comes to foods. Eat what you want, just be careful with portion control and stay within your calories (or sensible portion sizes for long term maintenance)
    - I like lifting heavy things
    - I hate running. If I have to travel a long way on foot, then I walk. Uphill and downhill are fine, carrying heavy things too, but what's the rush? I'll just walk by and enjoy the scenery.
    - I like science
    - I'm a nerd
    - I have a sense of humour
    - I dabble in freelance writing
    - I'm obsessed with palaeoanthropology, the middle palaeolithic era especially and neanderthals even more so
    - I think I probably have more than my fair share of neanderthal genes/traits (ya know, that shortarse brick ****house thing), but seeing as I like lifting heavy things and didn't want to look like a supermodel anyway, I don't see why that should be viewed as a bad thing
    - I'm British and like British things like tea, vindaloo and a bit of cricket on a Sunday afternoon
    - I used to play ice hockey, in defence, and one season got a medal for the most penalty minutes for that particular season. I didn't get into that many fights, honest guv! Actually, I'd love to play ice hockey again and plan to at the earliest opportunity
    - I may be eccentric with a weird sense of humour and inclined to bouts of parody and sarcasm, but I really care about people and try to help people when I can

    Excellent mentor!!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    okay well I've decided if anyone's bat excrement crazy enough to want me for a mentor, I'll mentor them

    Excellent mentor!!

    From all the helpful and patient advice I've seen this member give in the forums I would strongly agree with this recommendation.
  • deeforever
    deeforever Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm sort of new…again, lol…and I would like some help. My goal is to lose 70 lbs by the end of the year (at 2 lbs each week) and get off my high blood pressure meds. I want to live my best life! Is it too late to get a mentor?
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I'm willing to volunteer also as a mentor.

    I've used MFP to lose 60 lbs and to help me stay healthy through my pregnancy. I gave birth in February 2013, and I'm 18 lbs lighter than my pre-baby weight now with about another 18 lbs to go to get to my final goal, at least for now.

    Previously, I did a lot of lifting and did well with it, but due to family circumstances, I've cut back on my gym time significantly lately and mostly do yoga, pilates, and walking as my main forms of exercise now.

    I'm generally a friendly positive person, and I'd be happy to provide support to a new person who is struggling to find his/her way. Please be sure to include how you found me in your friend request or message to me so I know how you found me.

    ETA: I'm also a science geek, so I like to post about science stuff routinely.

    What happened to your previous MFP account? (This question is for everyone offering their services who has rebooted.)

    I decided to take a break from MFP for a while to handle some personal issues. I'm back now though and doing quite well.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm willing to volunteer also as a mentor.

    I've used MFP to lose 60 lbs and to help me stay healthy through my pregnancy. I gave birth in February 2013, and I'm 18 lbs lighter than my pre-baby weight now with about another 18 lbs to go to get to my final goal, at least for now.

    Previously, I did a lot of lifting and did well with it, but due to family circumstances, I've cut back on my gym time significantly lately and mostly do yoga, pilates, and walking as my main forms of exercise now.

    I'm generally a friendly positive person, and I'd be happy to provide support to a new person who is struggling to find his/her way. Please be sure to include how you found me in your friend request or message to me so I know how you found me.

    ETA: I'm also a science geek, so I like to post about science stuff routinely.

    What happened to your previous MFP account? (This question is for everyone offering their services who has rebooted.)

    I decided to take a break from MFP for a while to handle some personal issues. I'm back now though and doing quite well.

    FWIW, I think that you would be a fantastic mentor (as would many of the people who have volunteered).
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    I'll take one or two, if a good fit.

    I'm 42, married, a mom of a teen boy, and work full-time. Overweight my whole life and *was* obese for 15 years. Dieted and exercised on and off since I was 12 but never really gave anything my undivided or long-term attention.

    Something clicked in the fall of 2012 for me--specifically it was my knees, when I got up and down. Seriously, though, after a lifetime of living with my head up my *kitten* I decided I wasn't doing myself or the world any favors by staying fat. Registered on MFP November 2012 and started logging every day the following month. I have lost 45 pounds in that time. Still want to lose another 30 or so but am very pleased with my slow and steady progress.

    Started a "boot camp" class a year ago and slowly learned to love exercise for the first time in my life. Went from being a couch potato to exercising 5-6 days a week. Couldn't run 1/16th a mile when I started boot camp; ran my first 5K in November.

    Food-wise, I believe in eating in a way that is sustainable for life. I don't believe in "bandwagon" diets (paleo, all juice, etc.) but I do try to avoid fast food and a lot of processed food and don't drink soda. That being said, I would probably give you grief if I saw McDonald's and Diet Coke in your log every day. I prepare most of my breakfasts and dinners and love to cook. Chocolate is my reason for living so I have had to learn to enjoy it in moderation, but I do typically eat something chocolate every day. I do drink alcohol a few times a month.

    The main thing I ask is that you be serious and motivated enough to give this an honest go. I don't claim to know everything but I will always do my best to be honest and helpful, even if it's not always what you want to hear. I can be crass and tend to use humor especially when it's not appropriate. If you are overly sensitive or tend to be a prima donna (this applies to guys and girls), you might want to keep reading through the threads :bigsmile:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm sort of new…again, lol…and I would like some help. My goal is to lose 70 lbs by the end of the year (at 2 lbs each week) and get off my high blood pressure meds. I want to live my best life! Is it too late to get a mentor?

    Try PM'ing a few.... see if they are still available.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    A little late to this party, but I'm in.

    I'm a 41yo male. I lost a bit of weight a few years ago. Unfortunately, I did it "the wrong way," because I bought into a lot of the nonsense that you always hear about weight loss. I've learned a bit since then, and have more-or-less gotten back to where I should/need to be. I truly wish I knew then what I know now. Of course, I don't know everything. There's actually a bit I don't know - the basics, yes, but some of the finer details not as much as I'd like. But, the thing is: I know that I don't know it, but I'm pretty sure I can help you get the right info.

    For exercise, I pick things up and put them down. For cardio-type exercise, I like to pick things up and put them down quickly. Currently, I'm basically maintaining. I've more or less gotten to a point psychologically where I don't care if I lose, gain, or maintain weight. It just so happens that I've stayed in the groove from 179-183 lbs consistently for a number of months now. That's kinda what happens when you get into particular dietary habits - you find what works for you, do it, and reap the benefits.

    I'm here on MFP most days at some point - some days more than others - and like to help others, when and where I can. The only thing I'd really ask is that, if you ask me something, at least consider and try what I suggest. If you don't like it, or it doesn't work for you, we'll try something else.
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    I am looking for a mentor to help me along the way.

    A little about me:
    I am 25, married, with a one year old daughter.
    I work full time 11 hour days which includes my travel to and from work.
    I am 5'7 and weigh 184 lbs. I am down by over 45 lbs since I started back in 2011, took about a year off when I found out I was pregnant then got back to it last year.
    I am not looking to get skinny, I am just looking to find the point where I am truly happy with my body.
    I have started running (slowly) and I enjoy going to the gym and doing kickboxing classes.
    However within the next few months I do want to begin lifting.

    Anyone who is willing to help in my effort to lose the last 40 lbs I have left please feel free to message me.

    Thank you for your time.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Hi there, I am full up on noobs right now. I'll update here if that changes.

    Thank you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I am looking for a mentor to help me along the way.

    A little about me:
    I am 25, married, with a one year old daughter.
    I work full time 11 hour days which includes my travel to and from work.
    I am 5'7 and weigh 184 lbs. I am down by over 45 lbs since I started back in 2011, took about a year off when I found out I was pregnant then got back to it last year.
    I am not looking to get skinny, I am just looking to find the point where I am truly happy with my body.
    I have started running (slowly) and I enjoy going to the gym and doing kickboxing classes.
    However within the next few months I do want to begin lifting.

    Anyone who is willing to help in my effort to lose the last 40 lbs I have left please feel free to message me.

    Thank you for your time.

    I would suggest looking at everyone's profile and messaging a specific person. This way you might find someone similar to you or that you can follow.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I'm afraid I've also caught my limit, but if you have specific questions about my areas of experience I'm happy to answer.
  • Dino_bacon2112
    Dino_bacon2112 Posts: 341 Member
    I feel like I could possibly be a good mentor.

    About me:
    I've been on MFP for a while now and have lost 35 lbs. I have a hard time sticking to my own advice and sometimes a week off becomes a month or a year off.
    I have helped two other people (in person) reach their goal weights through calorie reduction and exercise
    I lift, I run, and I did Insanity until I got bored
    ***I am a full time college student and work full time! If you are in a similar situation and would like advice from experience, I'm your gal!
    ******I'm not for everybody. I'm not the most supportive, but I am trying to be more supportive. I curse a lot, I flirt a lot, and I sometimes yell at fish. If you don't think you would like these qualities, please do not apply.
    I do IIFYM and I will explain that to noobs as many times as possible
    I am an expert at posting cat gifs
    I like anime and totally nerdy stuff

    If you want to be my noob, please PM before you friend request me so we can be sure you can handle my specialness.

    ETA: I'm willing to take 2-3 noobs on. I'll only take 3 if you're really cool.

    Quoting my post because I'm still willing to take on 1 or 2 more noobs. First one is great, btw!
  • KathrynBacchus
    Good day,

    I'm new here. Started today actually and I guess it's because it's a new year and I don't want to turn 30 and still be overweight. I'm not looking to be "skinny". Just healthy. I want to be able to walk comfortably without getting out of breath. I want to fit into my clothing better, and generally I want to get my life back on track.

    My biggest problem is lack of motivation and for the most part, there is no one to be accountable to. I dislike exercising but I'm going to make a huge effort this time around to become more consistent.

    My diet has changed since last year and I hardly eat fast foods or drink soda. I love vegetables and fruits, but I also have a weakness for carb-sweets.

    So if anyone is willing to adopt this noob *me* then please PM me because I could really use the support.
