
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Pages and pages to read -- congrats to those with pounds gone and other victories! My victory is that I am just the same, weight-wise. Still want to lose a bit more, but only for my own satisfaction.

    Friday I used my unexpected day off for doctor appointments. Had my bone density scan done in the morning, then in the afternoon went to see the orthopedist again about my left hand/wrist since that was hurting again. They put another cortisone shot into the area and want me to wear the thumb immobilizing brace again for 6 weeks. That made cutting up onions, etc., a bit of a challenge, but got through it. Made white chili and some beef stroganoff for the week's offering.

    Invitations for DH's birthday party on the 18th have gone out and we have one RSVP. Haven't decided on a menu yet.

    My Fitbit zip is not functioning properly since I changed the battery again. Very weird - sometime it seems to be OK, but often seems turned off. I plan on writing to them - it s/b fine since changing the battery and I've only had it since August. Funny how I've come to rely on it / check it and it truly is motivational.

    Got all the Christmas decorations away and things mostly tidied. While I did one-handed chores and did laundry yesterday DH ran the vacuum. It is done, but waaaay faster than when I vacuum. For whatever reason, I was just exhausted yesterday and went to bed before 8:30p last night. Very weird...

    After church this morning we went and got the cars filled up since the next several days are due to be so much colder [for Atlanta anyway!], and I don't like pumping gas when it is warmer!

    Now on my radar is the tax preparation -- just downloaded all our transactions from the credit union for sorting / analysis. Did I ever say what a nerd I am and love to use excel? :blushing: :embarassed:

    I am considering a gym change to get a lower cost. The Y is $72/mo and I can go to a single @ $55 (vs. senior family), but if I can get the access for cardio and weights for less I may change. Tried the Antytime Fitness (5 in our area) and it w/b about $35/mo for a 24 month contract and $45/mo for a 12-month contract, but only 5 treadmills, 5 ellipticals and no tracking/recording on the weight machines, which I really like about the Y. Going to re-check Kinetix and see what specials they might have. The other plus at the Y is no contract, not to mention the extra facilities. I don't use the pool, etc., but it is there if I want to. Just have to decide.

    Well, need to finish dinner prep and make some cornbread.


    Gail, metro ATL
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    CynthiaT60 - I had lost the cartilage in both knees by the time I was about 50. I remember the pain well!! Over a couple of years, I did have both knees replaced, not at the same time. Before then, the orthopedic doctor I was seeing did treat me conservatively for a few years. One thing he did was Synvisc injections. Synvisc is made in part from chicken combs and acts as a lube job for the knees. In my case, it provided relief for about 6 months each time, so we could reduce pain and delay surgery for a while. I can say that the pain was less the day after surgery compared to the day before surgery!

    Doing the rehab exercises was critical to regaining range of motion in the knees. I also did some of the exercises extensively before surgery to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Maybe see if your doctor would refer you to physical therapy to start some exercises to strengthen the knee since he wants to wait on the surgery. I was nearly 54 for the first knee and 55 for the second. I haven't regretted it even once. Today, I can do 15 full squats with a 10 pound weight and plan to add more weight soon.

    Grandmallie and Kevrit (and any other folks in the region), I definitely want to get together once the weather is berter!!!

    Hugs to al my Vitamin F friends!!

    Jill in western MA
    Thank you, Jill! I had the injection...didn't help, unfortunately. I'm training at the gym and confident that the muscles are pretty good. But I'm on a roll at the moment with losing weight; maybe it'll help even before surgery!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gail in Atlanta, the Y costs that much?????? Wow, I'm glad I have a Medicare D plan that it is free. I don't think I could my husband that I could afford that much for a gym membership if it wasn't for the medicare D. Now to get off my butt and go to the strength training classes.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am going to try harder to keep up with this thread. Is there a way to "bookmark" the thread to save your place? I keep forgetting what page I was on...

    Carol from cold, drizzly, cloudy, foggy, NC

    You mark your spot by posting. When I don't have time to write a real post I'll say something witty,(:laugh: ) such as "Marking my place." Or, "No time now, marking my place." Some people write Bump. :flowerforyou:

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    That was one of my questions, too. But then what? I find the topic in "My Topics", but don't come out on the same page as my bump. Am I being blond?

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Susan so sorry to hear about your daughter’s puppy. It’s really hard when your children are hurting and you can’t be with them.
    Sandy – I can’t imagine -36 degrees. We have wind chill in the teens today and I’m freezing.
    Linda in Northern Ontario – you are right, - 40 is cold! Do you even go outside? You know I’ve seen diaries when gals are eating under 1000 calories and 500 of them are junk food. I don’t know how their body can function for very long like that.
    Cleo in Pitt – welcome and come back often. I think you’re wise to not put time frames on your weight loss goal. It takes awhile for our bodies to get the message we’re serious!
    To all the girls in the NE and Midwest, you’ve been on my mind and I’m hoping your are doing ok with the extreme cold temperatures. Stay safe and warm.
    Brooke in CO – I didn’t know you were in the Springs. We lived there for 9 years and my DD’s loved Co so much they moved back once they got married.
    DeeDee – me too, I’m a lady of leisure also and feel like I worked hard before I retired so I can do the things I love. Must tell you everytime I see your posts with the drinking cups it reminds me to go get my water jug! Thank you!
    Joyce – I hope your family Christmas wasn’t affected too much by the weather. It’s always fun when you all can be together.
    Anne – good for you for updating your ticker. I did the same thing this afternoon. Sure hated to but I did eat all those things that made my weight go up.
    Anamika – I took a tip from your goals and got a big mug of warm lemon water. It’s cold here and it made me feel warm. I know Allison drinks it so it’s going to be my drink of choice when it’s too cold for water.
    Kathy – Co foothills. Welcome to the group. There are several members from CO all along the front range. Good luck with your journey to lose weight and get healthy. Enjoy your vacation.
    Lis – welcome and stay warm and safe in these wintery conditions.
    DebA – sure hope you got your delivery of propane so you could get warm. Do you have a wood fireplace?
    Yanniejannie – so sad about your friend and gmw391 (what’s your name?) we need to check on neighbors.
    Cheryl – so good to see you again. I’m still struggling to get back on track but everyday gets better. Sorry about your thumb. I hope you get the proper care for it
    Tina inFL – Wow, I’m impressed with your organizational skills. You have a great frame work for a successful journey. It’s good that your DH is joining you at the Y. Good luck.
    \I was hoping to catch up but got a bad headache. I’ll try again tomorrow!
    Sue in TX

    Susan so sorry to hear about your daughter’s puppy. It’s really hard when your children are hurting and you can’t be with them.
    Sandy – I can’t imagine -36 degrees. We have wind chill in the teens today and I’m freezing.
    Linda in Northern Ontario – you are right, - 40 is cold! Do you even go outside? You know I’ve seen diaries when gals are eating under 1000 calories and 500 of them are junk food. I don’t know how their body can function for very long like that.
    Cleo in Pitt – welcome and come back often. I think you’re wise to not put time frames on your weight loss goal. It takes awhile for our bodies to get the message we’re serious!
    To all the girls in the NE and Midwest, you’ve been on my mind and I’m hoping your are doing ok with the extreme cold temperatures. Stay safe and warm.
    Brooke in CO – I didn’t know you were in the Springs. We lived there for 9 years and my DD’s loved Co so much they moved back once they got married.
    DeeDee – me too, I’m a lady of leisure also and feel like I worked hard before I retired so I can do the things I love. Must tell you everytime I see your posts with the drinking cups it reminds me to go get my water jug! Thank you!
    Joyce – I hope your family Christmas wasn’t affected too much by the weather. It’s always fun when you all can be together.
    Anne – good for you for updating your ticker. I did the same thing this afternoon. Sure hated to but I did eat all those things that made my weight go up.
    Anamika – I took a tip from your goals and got a big mug of warm lemon water. It’s cold here and it made me feel warm. I know Allison drinks it so it’s going to be my drink of choice when it’s too cold for water.
    Kathy – Co foothills. Welcome to the group. There are several members from CO all along the front range. Good luck with your journey to lose weight and get healthy. Enjoy your vacation.
    Lis – welcome and stay warm and safe in these wintery conditions.
    DebA – sure hope you got your delivery of propane so you could get warm. Do you have a wood fireplace?
    Yanniejannie – so sad about your friend and gmw391 (what’s your name?) we need to check on neighbors.
    Cheryl – so good to see you again. I’m still struggling to get back on track but everyday gets better. Sorry about your thumb. I hope you get the proper care for it
    Tina inFL – Wow, I’m impressed with your organizational skills. You have a great frame work for a successful journey. It’s good that your DH is joining you at the Y. Good luck.
    \I was hoping to catch up but got a bad headache. I’ll try again tomorrow!
    Sue in TX
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    That was one of my questions, too. But then what? I find the topic in "My Topics", but don't come out on the same page as my bump. Am I being blond?

    You and me both. I go to My Topics and go to the right side where it says `last post` of the thread. Click on `view`. Then I work my way backwards to where I last posted. (You can also see your own last post on your own profile page. You can make note of the date and time when you posted that).

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    That was one of my questions, too. But then what? I find the topic in "My Topics", but don't come out on the same page as my bump. Am I being blond?


    This is not a blonde thing. It's a newbie thing. You'll have to look for your last post. Start from there and begin your comments. I open a word document on my computer and write all of my comments on it as I go along. I started this after much frustration with starting to make lengthy posts within MFP and losing them to mysterious electronic glitches. When you're ready, copy your word document, hit the reply button, paste your post into the window and hit the "post reply" button. If you don't succeed the first time, keep trying! :bigsmile:

    Good luck.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Holly Molly can't believe this site I was here late this morning trying to get page 9 done.
    Come back and we are on 13 so read from where I left off this morning to here taking very few notes

    I'm in Northern Ontario. Hubby made a set of bunk beds for granddaughter dolls and she wanted another quilt.
    The ones I made her were Christmas. She was here on Friday so I had her cut out 3 inch by 3 inch squares she did good
    But there not all straight. But it looks ok. Only have the corners t o turn in by hand.

    Being a diabetic is sure a hard thing to understand.
    So much to learn.

    I don't have the cold cereal very often I just have to much of it.

    Well didn't do good at all on my diet today. And only because I felt lazy all day.
    Kind of draggy. Leftover spaghetti for lunch.
    Hubby brought me out for Chinese tonight Had almond chicken, fried rice and chicken balls.

    I'm sure wii won't be smiling come morning.
    Tried to ride by bike again today only 2 min. and I'm beat.
    Can't wait to see the doctor on the 13th to see what is wrong.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • I am new at getting on this page. So If I have it right HI. I hope to make this year healthy and happy for me. To look after myself. T
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :cry: Susan so sorry to hear about your DD little dog. I have known that pain several time during my life and is a terrible pain to ones heart.
    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am back from my walk with my friend. She is going back to Texas on Tuesday and won’t be back here until February so we had to talk about everything……80 minutes went by very fast.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, here is the link to 101 fitness resolutions that rock

    :flowerforyou: jb, I’ve had some days where I experimented with eating “a little bit more” and it was disastrous and difficult to get back to my healthy plan that worked….you’re right that it’s never too late to start again.

    :brokenheart: heryl, sorry to hear about your thumb….good luck on the competition at work

    :flowerforyou: Tina, being organized is a great way to minimize stress.

    :bigsmile: Margaret, I like your goal “live with intention”

    :flowerforyou: Pa77y, congrats on your great beginning to the journey.

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, thanks for another great quote

    :flowerforyou: Sylvie, just to be safe it’s probably a good idea to not eat all your exercise calories, but be sure to eat enough to nourish your body if you do a lot of exercise…..i use a pedometer to count steps and that’s enough for me.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia In Kansas, could your blood pressure be too low from one of your new meds?

    :flowerforyou: Jane, what a contrast 60 one day and snow the next.

    :bigsmile: Renny, we are so fortunate on the west coast to have such mild and beautiful weather.

    :flowerforyou: Meogge, you’ve come to the right place….we all love hearing about your exercise classes.

    :flowerforyou: JaneMartin, congrats on doing some cleaning….when I don’t feel well, that’s the last thing I think of doing.

    :flowerforyou: Geri, I’ve heard many good reports of people losing weight and feeling good on intermittent fasting….best wishes to you

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Debi, I drink 9 glasses of water a day

    :flowerforyou: Julie, a home rowing machine---what fun----can you row and watch TV at the same time? Or read a book?

    :bigsmile: Sandy, congrats on getting rid of some of that holiday weight

    :flowerforyou: June, if you stay connected to this thread every day, it will be easier to stick to the rest of your plan.

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, your dinner looks yummy and sounds nutritious

    :flowerforyou: Michele, icing can cover a lot of mistakes in a cake.

    :flowerforyou: Molly, where do you live that it’s so cold?

    :bigsmile: Joyce, it sounds like your family Christmas was a great success and that you had a great time.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :blushing: Yesterday was Day 4 of the diet....Weekends are the hardest......I will stay strong...I will stay strong....LOLOL
    :heart: Just let me say I love "My Fitness Pal" cause it keeps me honest with how much I am eating.
    :grumble: Hubby wanted big breakfast so I made scrapple, sausage, hash brown potatoes, biscuits and homemade sausage gravy.
    :blushing: I ate 1 egg, sausage patty, biscuit and 1/2 cup sausage gravy= 652 calories.
    :huh: Now if this was last week, I would have eaten 2 eggs, 2 pieces of sausage, 2 biscuits, a cup of gravy, scrapple and hash browns. I know better, what was I thinking.
    :grumble: Hubby wanted spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread for dinner, so I made spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread.
    :blushing: I made angel hair pasta for me, measured out 1 cup of pasta with 1/2 cup sauce, 3 meatballs and a piece of garlic bread = 650 calories, for a total of 1212 calories.
    :smile: I did 15 minutes on stationary bike and 45 minutes of Leslie Sanzone which burned up 634 calories.
    I love leslie Sanzone but I can't wait for the spring so I can start walking outside again.
    :wink: Today was better but am glad tomorrow is Monday.
    :happy: Wishing everyone a great week from Rose in Laurel, DE
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :laugh: I just found out what diet means...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Welcome youbet52,frmvt, jmilski,Feng3,Albagal:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laurel DE sounds like watching your portions great job!

    Linda hope you feel more energetic.

    Reny thanks for the tip about finding your last post on your profile page. Glad feeling better

    Sue in TX hope headache is better.

    Gail congrats on maintaining. My DH is 65 and on his plan he can join silver sneakers which covers his gym membership.

    Alison sorry about your brother. Some people refuse to learn. I agree how painful it is to watch.

    Bonella like vow not to quit. Start where you are.

    Svs10928 43 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mandy agree.

    Joyce 51 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry for the loss of your mom. I agree she would be proud!

    Barbie I love to walk too.

    Jane hugs .

    Vicki exciting about grandbaby. Don’t blame you for not wanting to travel. You will get back on track.

    Sylvia I had that a couple of weeks ago. I was tried the next day.

    Carol NC it helps me to look at the last date and time to help me keep track of where I am.

    Jane CO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!with weight loss.

    Kayzoola good reminder about sugar.

    Mary jay with ya!

    Heather hope you feel better.:flowerforyou:

    Anne good job getting back on track.

    Quiet day staying inside keeping warm. A good day.

    Limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee:drinker:
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Thought I'd share my new way of limiting my eating...broken dishwasher. :laugh:
    Found out it was leaking so off limits until a tech comes on Tuesday. Now everytime I think about fixing something to eat, I think about having to hand wash the dishes and pots and all of a sudden I'm not so hungry anymore. Maybe I should leave it broken for awhile.

    Tina from MD
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :laugh: I just found out what diet means...

    Too funny, Rose. :laugh: :laugh:

    Uhm... profound statement coming: what is it that you REALLY want?

    Really. It is okay to know what you want.

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Tired right now, today wasn't the best day. I don't know if it's the weather or what but I have felt listless today. I have to work both jobs tomorrow and start my first Monday cycling and ab class, I better find me some energy. The big questionn is what the weather will do tonight. Will we wake up tomorrow to a city if ice, we will see. Signing off from Cincinnati, Ohio Patty
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hello Friends~
    For those interested in my face exercise routine, check out the book “Face Exercises” by Jeremy Brown. Available on Amazon.
    Here are two new favorites:

    For firming up jowls: Turn your head to one side, then lift it up to look up at the ceiling. Feel a stretch in your jaws and neck as you do this. As you feel the stretch, place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth as if you want to push it up. When your tongue is pushing the roof of your mouth, try to swallow. Do this several times on each side.

    For line around your mouth: Place one finger on each side of your mouth (half an inch from the tip of either side of your lips). Apply a bit of pressure and at the same time, slightly pull the skin so that there would be a bit of initial resistance. Gently pull the sides of your mouth and as you do, fight the pulling movement by moving your lips to the center. It’s like you are lifting weights with your lips. Your fingers will be providing the resistance necessary to strengthen the muscle in this area.

    LaurelFisher: The Rainbow Bridge description put a lump in my throat. Thanks for sharing.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions on how to find my place in the thread. I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble figuring it out!

    Just wanted to share an NSV with y'all...I ran tonight!! Granted, it was only from the end of the street back to my house (short block) but I did it. However, I never want to do it again without the proper support garment. I may have black eyes tomorrow. LOL

    I managed to get in my 10,000 steps today by pacing the house to get in a lot of them since it was too wet and cold to take a long walk today.

    It's time to turn in and get ready for another work week. January is hell month at work for me so I dread it extra tomorrow. On the bright side, I have a doctor appointment at 9 a.m. so I can sleep in a bit. We'll see how my thyroid blood work turned out to see if we need to adjust my meds for a smaller me. AND, the doctor will love me because I've lost more weight!

    Good night from Carol in NC!