

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    A few more replies

    My dogs are doing the happy dance also Happy to be home.
    We should start a thread for women reaching onederland.
    I weigh on the wii every morning

    the more you get out and be with others the better.
    Cry when you have to. You will be doing something and think
    last time was with him and tears will come. Things like that are normal.
    If you have the health for it volunteer at something it is so rewarding.
    And makes you feel needed.

    Enjoy your party. See you almost threw our a party outfit that you thought
    you would never fit again. How great is that.

    May your day end better than it started.

    I cry at the drop of a hat. Hopefully I won't at the funeral I'm going to in a few min.
    She's 84 and had a great life.

    Another one makes three now. Enjoy your time with friends.

    Let him learn on this own.
    You would think he would let you help
    You have done so well.

    Ok tv just went off. Must be time to go. See you all in a bit.

  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning! Happy Friday to all!
    I am taking my fabulous friend, Delores to lunch for her 82nd birthday! She is a delight and an inspiration, with her physical issues, she still is creating new crafts every day (we are crafting buddies), entertains her family, and friends on occasion, and keeps on going as much as possible. Excited to treat her to a special time!

    Gotta run but my thoughts and prayers are with everyone I meet here, and read your stories. I meant to say, I read and empathize with all of you! :drinker:
    from Arizona
  • dtown8
    dtown8 Posts: 4
    Happy Friday everyone! I am so excited, I just had to share. I'm just getting started with this and I was starting slow and just focusing on developing my exercise routine, drinking water, weighing measuring, and recording everything. Well this morning I just couldn't take it anymore and I stepped on the scale (I said I was only going to weigh once a week on Mondays). I am down 7 pounds! I have NEVER, ever lost that much weight so quickly and I did weight watchers for 2 years!. My official "weigh in" is on Monday so I'm hoping that it wasn't just a fluke. But wow, that was such a great way to start a Friday.
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    For Amy on Martha's Vineyard: Just read along as you have time, it's almost impossible to keep up with all the stuff going on in this group! Sad to hear about your new diagnosis--that can be an awfully painful thing. I have an old high school friend who suffers from constant neck twisting, she tries to keep up her spirits and says she's looking at the world from a different view. It is exhausting to be in pain all the time though. If you'd like to friend me, you may--luckyinlove2 Anyway, the biggest thing is keep trying, because nothing will be achieved if we don't try!

    in northwest Illinois where it's warmer (28) and foggy!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good morning,

    We are off again.

    Trying to drink my water:drinker:


    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I can't believe the weather we've had in the last month. It has ranged from 60 to -6, snow, rain, ice, tons of fog, then this morning we had a thunderstorm. Pretty odd for January. But it melted off all the snow so it will be really muddy for a while.

    This morning I have to call the furnace repair guy and get the furnace at the studio fixed. It has not worked at all this winter, but it haven't felt like going there to work, so I let it go. Finally I'm starting to get the urge to get back to work, so it's time to get it fixed. Also, yesterday when I went up there to get my painting supplies I found that the roof was leaking in the office. Water had covered the floor, the dog bed, my chair, and had wicked up the drywall a few inches, so apparently it has been leaking a while. It missed my computer by about two inches. Hubby went up to check and could not find where it was coming from, so we need a roof repairman too. Oh joy.

    Linda, I'm so glad your dogs are home! I love a good doggie happy dance. My old dog used to get so happy that he spun in circles till he got dizzy and fell down. And I cry easily too. Happy, sad, hurt, or mad. The tears flow. I hope you make it through the funeral. I'm glad your friend had such a nice life.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: My “thunder thighs” are gradually succumbing to weight loss, recumbent bike riding and yoga. I still have loose skin, :grumble: though it is looking less like a deflated balloon than it did. I hope for more skin shrinkage as time goes by.:flowerforyou:

    Jb: Is your picture a dog or wolf?:flowerforyou:

    Meg: The “doggie deli story made me laugh out loud. DH wanted to know what was funny so I read it to him. He also laughed out loud. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks for brightening our day. Our dog showed no ill effects from his “ordeal.”:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: I share your chocolate strategy, although I prefer a different brand.:flowerforyou:

    Amy on Martha’s Vineyard: Welcome to the group. It sounds like you have a challenging medical situation. I hope you will find ways to minimize negative impacts.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy in IL: Let your DH eat his Fruit Loops and count the calories. Calories in, calories out even works with Fruit Loops. :wink: I don’t share my food log, but I assure you it has junk in it. I’ve lost weight anyway by staying within my calorie goals and exercising.:flowerforyou:

    Debi for TN: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Susan: I’m so sorry that you will be returning to a home with water damage. It sounds like your maintenance guy did all the right things. I’m glad nobody was hurt and your dad is safe, but sorry you’re going home to a mess.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I think you’re burning a ton of calories by worrying. Formal exercise can wait, although walking the hospital halls might help you relax a bit. I found it a good stress reducer when DH had his stroke last year. I’m glad you’re going to Alanon. They’re a supportive group with lots of help to offer.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: Congrats on the 160s!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yanniejannie: I’m struggling a little with the water portion of my goals, but am doing much better than before. I’m glad they’re helping you, too.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve never cared about stylish clothes in the past, but I’m starting to develop an interest. :bigsmile: Shopping is a lot more fun now that I’m down to smaller sizes, things fit, and I’m no longer squeezing into them. I also spend nearly all my time in jeans or yoga togs. I LOVE being comfortable. Sorry to hear your DH is having problems with panic. I wonder if he has night terror dreams.:flowerforyou:

    Linda C: I’m happy your little dogs are doing better now. :flowerforyou:

    Liz from Halifax: Stay warm! I can eat my Endangered Species Dark chocolate in a very controlled way, but I have to leave Reese’s Peanutbutter Cups at the store or I eat them until they’re gone.:blushing:

    Dtown8: Congratulations on the loss.:flowerforyou:

    I’m going to try for a haircut from my barber again today. If I can’t get it done by him I’ll have to make an appointment with a beauty shop. I'm reluctant because I like his cuts so much.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” Leo F. Buscaglia

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Rita - Would love to be kept in the loop for any gathering with Alison!! Really want to meet you both face to face!! :happy:

    Heather - know the feeling of finding clothes from the past that now fit! I have two winter coats I've owned since the late 80's-early 90's that now fit. One is a long down coat that certainly came in handy with the biter cold we had the last week or so. It was fun telling my niece that my coat was older than her or her older sisters!

    Michele - thanks for friending me on Facebook - so glad I got to see the videos of your Christmas and Halloween decorations!! You and Vince certainly go all out!! :flowerforyou:

    Amy from the Vineyard - Not much to figure out on how to participate on this board - just jump in as much as you like!! It's really a great group of women with all kinds of expertise.

    Well, today is our anniversary (44th) and we are heading out for dinner tonight. I don't think the restaurant posts nutritional info on line. Their menu is seasonal, as they use as much as possible from local farmers, including their meats. I'll try to make the best choices and go from there.

    Have a great weekend, all and drink lots of water!!! :drinker:

    Jill from western MA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My youngest daughter usually goes shopping with me when I buy my clothes. She tries to keep me more current younger cloethes. I don't want to dress like my Mom but I am not a 30 year old. My budget doesn't allow me to shop at Macy's or stores of that price range. C J Banks suits me just fine. I have never tried their jeans, I have always bought them at Walmart but I'm not finding what I want in the smaller size at Walmart so I am going to have to change my jeans shopping. I don't go to church anymore, so sorry Mom and Dad, and I don't go to any functions that require me to dress up. So jeans and nice upper body wear suits me fine. I do have a pair of dress pants to wear if I need that. I can't remember the last time I wore anything that shows my legs, psoriasis changed that.

    I have looked and looked and I can't find a place on my settings to change my calories. MFP has put it at 1200 calories and I dont' like that. My doctor yesterday said 1300.

    Well my body did just what I thought it would last night. Couldn't sleep. Heart pumping hard. So I got up, got my Nook out and started a new book, it was a short one. I love the Amish romances. My Mom always felt like there was Amish or Mennonite in her background a long time ago and she always liked their stories. Of course she liked them because they were clean for her to read and taught good values like family. So I download some Amish romance stories, they are usually pretty short. Of course my brain that is hiped up on chocolate takes over my logic and tells me that as long as I am awake and can't get to sleep and may not sleep at all, might as well eat more chocolate to maintain my energy during the day. So I finish it off.:sad: Well that really got my heart pumping hard, I mean really hard. When I finished my book I did try to get to sleep I found I had to sleep with my head elevated some so I could sleep. I finally did get to sleep. So I was interested to see what my Fitbit showed as my sleep for last night and as I was sittting on the commode I saw that that little tiny wasn't in my wrist band! OK, now what do I do. That little thing without it's clip, the cat destroyed that the first week, would be like finding a needle in a haystack. So I looked in my jeans pocket and it was still there! Glad that it wasn't lost but I also know that I had an entire night of restless sleep that wouldn't be showing up as calories burned. So now I am dragging today. But all the chocolate is gone to. Just need to figure out how to log all that chocolate and be honest with myself at the same time. Quite ashamed of what it may look like. I'm glad Christmas comes only once a year.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Just remembered I wanted to ask Grandmallie how her brother is doing & saw her post.He does have a lot going for him with a caring Sister & family. It's wonderful you are there for him.

    Weather here is looking kind of dreary,with warmer temps,fog & rain.That will take care of the snow.Good time
    For staying warm inside.

    DH wanted pizza for a late lunch,so my main eating is done for this day. Do your husbands like Greek yogurt? Mine tried it..once!
    So I buy both kinds.

    My FitBit needs a battery.Hoping DH will go to Wmart for that.

    Gonna do my packing this wk end,hate having to do things at,last minute.I'm going to read a Kindle book.Pat in Ohio
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have looked and looked and I can't find a place on my settings to change my calories. MFP has put it at 1200 calories and I dont' like that. My doctor yesterday said 1300.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce, you should be able to. Go to "Goals", and click on "change goals". Then instead of "Guided" use the "Custom" option. I have experimented myself.

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: jill..Happy Anniversary to you and Dh, enjoy your dinner

    Linda..glad your puppies are ok we have 2 toy poodles and they like treats too much and now have to have less too, very hard sometimes

    Best wishes to all have a safe weekend

    Juanita in sudbury
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~boy Chicago weather-frigid temps,snow and today it`s thundering and lightning and in the 30`s.
    So nice to shower and do dishes etc.
    Hope everyone with pipes bursting are ok.:mad:
    Congrat`s to the ones who lost hugs to the ones who need it.:drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart:
    Hugs jane
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I have been out of contact since Tuesday. Been in Iowa watching DGS while thier sister was born. They are ages 2-4&7. I am worn out. My eating has been not good, so not looking forward to weigh in Tuesday. But time sendt with them was great. Even got to see some old friends. Now on the way home and back to real life. I will get caught up reading next couple days. Hope you are all doing well. Remembering you in my daily prayers. Thanks for alwAys being here.
    Blesses Vicki in Iowa heading to Nebraska in fog and ice
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Go to My Home on the website and then Goals. It should get you to settings you can change.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks Rennie, that did it. When I looked at that page I guess I need guidelines form my diabetic eduacator as to what percentage of carbs/protein and fat to set those levels.

    Well I did it. I went and got all my candy bar wrappers. I hadn't thrown them away yet because they were in my candy box stil. To keep my bed neat, gotta worry about that when you are eating chocolate in bed instead of sleeping, I put them all in the box as I ate the candy. So I separated them and logged them ALL in. Bad bad numbers. :sad: :frown: 1568 calories of chocolate! That's more than my daily allotment of healthy calories. So I am cutting back some of my supper, leaving my fruit off, not eating an evening snack, just the bedtime one.

    Have been doing riding my bike today. I hope I can get over 10,000 steps in and 10 miles. Plus I'm drinking more water than normal. Really making my tummy feel yucky with all the chocolate and extra water.

    My husband is even less technologically challenged than I am. He is very proud of all the Karaoke songs he has on his list. So he has been working the last several days to put that on paper so he can take it with him when he goes out and refer to it. Of course knowing him I will have to print out numerous copies because he will lose them. So I found the word processor on my computer and he is back in my office trying to put them all down on it. I used to use the processor quite a lot when Mom was alive. She would have me do all sorts of things for her plus she had to update some documents for two different pensions she had. I sure hope he doesn't close it down before I get a chance to save it. He isn't the most patient of all men and a little bit ago he was back there yelling and banging on my desk. He had done something and the screen disappeared. I don't know what I did, that's the problem, but I found it again and he resumed where he left off. I offered to do just do the whole thing for him but his stubbornness won't let him do that. The last coupon i printed off, last night looked like my ink cartridge is getting low. I just hope it has enough ink to print this long list off. Since he refuses to wear his glasses and all Karaoke lounges are dark, he has a good size font and I'm sure it will be quite a few pages. I always forget how to change the ink since I use the printer so infrequently. When I was doing things for Mom I used it a lot. Now it sits gathering dust.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member

    Can he sing pretty good. Let him do his thing he'll ask for help when he's good and ready..
    What was it today with wanting sugar. I went to a funeral today and came back with the worst attitude.
    was telling myself why get healthy I'm only going to die anyhow.
    Came home had a big slice of fruit cake that wasn't enough then had 3 chocolates. Then son came over and I gave him what was left of the box of chocolates.

    Well I fell to far back and not trying to catch up. I managed to go to my aunts funeral. Without breathing problems I did the pump and pulmicort before I left and was fine. Seen my nurse practioner wed. as doc cancelled my appointment. She's sending me for lung capacity test and stress test. So hopefully will be soon. But I think I know exactly what's happening I more than likely did a lot of damage to my lungs when I had the fry stand I used to clean the grill without a mask on. And that stuff is deadly. Oh well to late to turn back the clock.

    To all of you I couldn't get to good luck. You can do whatever you set yourself up to do.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Wow! I've been away for a few days, and am 10 pages behind on reading. I don't have time to do it now, unfortunately, but thought that I'd start here anyway.

    Since I remembered that Fitbit had replaced Cheryl's counter when she lost it, I wrote to them about mine. And guess what?! They're replacing it at no charge. I haven't received notice that it's been shipped yet, so am not sure how long this will take, but what amazing customer service!! It certainly wasn't their fault that I lost it.

    Speaking of great customer service, I'd also recommend Dansko. I had a pair of their professional clogs which got scuffed on the side. I wrote and asked them if they could recommend a dye or a polish to me that I might stain them with. They simply replaced my shoes at no charge. Given that these are $120+ shoes, I was totally blown away by their standing behind their product like that.

    I haven't been eating too well the past couple of days, so need to get back on track. I've maintained my loss from last week, but haven't lost any more. I hope you're all doing well!!!

    Jane in Colorado
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies,
    has been a long day and I am bushed,, worked till 3 then went over to the hospital..they called me around 1 and asked my permission to insert a PICC line, he kept pulling the feeding tube out of his nose, and he hasnt had any formal nutrition in 4 days, so he was pretty good while they put that it, before his IV was stuck and he didnt get the addivan so he was getting a little out of control, so now this poor pan ,has a body restraint and wrist restriants that he has had on but now he has ankle restraints, it is just horrible to see him this way.. but I have to be there.... I am not the only sister he knows, but I am the one that has always been there and im not going to stop now, this is when he needs me most...
    I have to work until at least noon or more tomorrow, from there straight over to my FIL , then out to dinner with friends, after all that maybe I can get over to see Sean..
    brought a box of candy and a thank you card to the nursing staff taking care of Sean, they are doing such a wonderful job ,just wanted to thank them, because he can be a handful...
    well i am just having some chamomile tea and then im off to bed..
    sorry i cant really keep up with everyone, but hope all is well with everyone..
    love you guys.
    Hey Pat/Phoo you out there somewhere?
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got home from having dinner out. I thought it was awful. There is a new place in town called Fuzzys Taco shop, which I think is a chain. Anyway, we decided to try it. Online it said they have a salad with shredded chicken. The calories and sodium were pretty good, so that's what I ordered, small, without dressing, feta cheese, cilantro, or tortilla chips. What I got was a big steel mixing bowl with a very small amount of shredded chicken and cheese over the tiniest amount of lettuce and chopped up tomatoes. I do not understand how that was a salad. It also had chopped onions which I don't like but missed it on the menu or would have told them to hold the onions too. Anyway, I ate what I could. It was so salty it felt like I had opened my mouth and poured it in. When we got home I ate a banana to get the taste out of my mouth. The place also smelled strongly of fish, and since I am allergic to fish I didn't like that smell. Hubby had two tacos and they weren't good either. I told the clerk that I didn't like it, and she said sorry then turned her back on me and started cleaning something. I really hate paying for good I don't like. I doubt we will ever go back.

    Ok, rant over. I hope everybody is having a good evening.
