

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    la_mujeritanz – Welcome! This is a great group! Post as often as you like.
    Silly Heather UK – Love your recipes! What is the poem you refered to that you stab the Haggis? What does Och aye the noo!!!! mean? Sounds funny!
    Geri in UK – rutabaga, Swede, Turnip, all the same to me! :)
    Joyce, Indiana – the walking videos I do are Leslie Sansone's walking videos. No need for anything but sneakers (clothes are optional! :)). I have 3 of her videos, Walk Away the Pounds, 5 Mega Miles, and the 3 Mega Miles.
    Maryann in UK, - I found that 'Just for Today' is the best way to live! Forget the past, you can't change it; don't worry about the future, it will come anyway. I also liked your SPIES challenge! Great stuff!
    Ruthanne – Welcome! You have found the right group for motivation and helping each other!
    Vicki GI NE – Heat wave here too, but raining! It is really sad when you can't trust your co-workers.
    Jill in western MA – I moved up to CT from TN because of family. My mother is taking care of my step-father who has dementia. She is 78 and he is 79. Too much for her. My sibs and I are trying to convince her he needs to be in a home for proper care and to help her out.
    Yanniejannie – My heart goes out to you. I understand how you feel. When my father was in his last stages of life, he was comatose and at home. He lived almost 2 weeks in that condition. The family cared for him as best we could and Hospice came in every day to check on us and him. It was a long stressful 14 days. None of the nurses thought it would take that long. They said he had a very strong will to live. Prayers and hugs to you my friend.
    Teral, in Plano – Get rid of that flu! Take echinacea, I swear by it to help strengthen your immune system. My children where brought up using it and now they are grown and using for their children and spouses too! Doesn't cure it, but strengthens you to fight it off naturally. Love the stuff!
    Sandy from ON – Keep on keeping on!
    Joyce, Indiana – You are brave trying Zumba!
    Sylvia – Grandkids are so much fun aren't they? I had 2 of mine overnight Sat/Sun. We had a blast!
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills – When I had PT for neck problems, they used resistance bands a lot. I bought a set too and love using them. I only need to do it more often!
    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington- I 'puppies' are my children (of course they never could take the place of the real ones!) I was up all night with one of them last night vomiting all over. Just like a child, she looked so pitiful and sick.
    Michele in NC – Medical care and insurance can be so frustrating sometimes!
    Susan – losing inches is a better way of measuring results than the scale. I am up 3 pounds today too and I know it has to be water gain. (I was bad over the weekend with the DGSs over!)

    This post is getting too long. I am glad to be able to answer so many today. It has been a while since I was able to do this! I do love this post and the people in it! So tired today, up all night with sick puppy (1-1/2 year old but still a puppy to me). I will check in later!

    My SMART goals for January: 
    I will lose 5 pounds by January 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year. 

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes. 

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed. 

    Week 1 steps average: 6315, Curves 3 times (closed do to snow and holiday). Did my video once to make up for it. 
    Week 2 steps average: 7800, Curves 5 times! Too much salt, candy, and junk food this week!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Sorry I didn't go and read back the three or four pages I fell back on. But did read the last page.

    Talking about Leslie sansone tapes no need to buy them they are on u tube.

    Joyce A for effort in the zumba. It's new moves moving different muscles.

    Happy Anniversary. I'm sure that card made your day.

    As for me I had a very bad day yesterday. Nurse practioner seen me in the hall at hospital I was getting my blood work done that was ordered last wed. If I had of known was serious I would have been there on Thursday. She asked how I was doing and I told her the puffers she ordered were not doing much. And she said I have heart failure to what extremes I don't know. Find out more on Thursday. But all in all that sent me into and eating stupor. Just couldn't handle the stress.

    Well today I have said ok what did that do for you. Lucky wii didn't give me a ten lb. gain but gave me a little loss has to be the water pills she put me on. So today is a smarten up day. If ever I had to lose weight I must now. There's a rush on it now.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Good afternoon my lovlies!:flowerforyou:

    Happy anniversary Barbie!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Kevrit - Och aye the noo is a Scotticism roughly meaning Oh yes, right now, but I don't think Scottish people actually say it! It's more used by the English in a kind of gentle mockery. :blushing:
    The poem is ADDRESS TO A HAGGIS by Robert Burns, in whose memory Burns Night is. The Scottish national poet.
    The relevant verse is

    His knife see rustic Labour dight,
    An cut you up in ready slight,
    Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
    Like onie ditch.
    And then, O what a glorious sight,
    Warm - reekin, rich!

    The haggis is brought into the room on a silver plate, or, in our case a stainless steel one, to the accompaniment of a piper. We don't have a real piper so we will have downloaded bagpipe music. I have ordered some napkins which look like one pound Scottish notes to add to the merriment.

    This afternoon I made the alterations to my vintage top that I am wearing to the party on Sat. I then searched through my old jewellery boxes to find domething to wear with it. Years ago my DMIL, whose legacy will be funding our weekend in London, gave me a double strand crystal necklace. It looks really nice with the top as it reflects the pink. Job done!
    DH helped me decide and, although he is still suffering nerves over the whole thing, picked out his own party outfit of a cream double breasted jacket, very vintage, and a black t - shirt. Somewhere he has a gold necklace, not worn in many years, so he is going to search for that. On Thursday I am going to have my nails gelled and he is having his hair and eyebrows trimmed.
    The restaurant we are going to on Friday night rang today to check on the booking. It's a two star Michelin so I won't be dieting.! Then we have two exhibitions to go to, so a full schedule!

    Meg - I hope the fact we haven't had an update isn't bad news. Thinking of you.

    Tonight we have calves liver with turnips and locally grown broccoli.

    Actually I am starving so off to have my snack!:laugh:

    Heather UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    kevrit - What is the difference between Lesli Sansone's Mega 3 and 5 miles and her regular 3 and 5 miles? I have both of the regular and wondering if the others would be better.

    BTW, my 17-year-old son tried the two mile walk video last week while I was at work. When I got home, he told me "it's a lot harder than it looks!" This is from a former football lineman! :happy:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake! Wish you years of loving togetherness :drinker: :drinker:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Well, I guess I’m not too bright. :blushing: Did anyone besides me not know that lemon pepper has salt in it?? I thought that it was like basil or any other seasoning you buy, and that it was just powdered lemon and pepper. This does explain a lot of things, though. I use a liberal amount of lemon pepper on my baked fish, which I eat several times each week. I couldn’t understand why my scale wasn’t moving, but it must be water retention from all of the salt! Duh. :grumble:

    Joyce – It’s not that my brother can’t get in on the conversations, it’s that he won’t. Even when we’re all in the same room, he won’t say anything at all to support me in making hard decisions. It’s always up to me to be the “bad guy.”

    Barbie – If anyone deserves a rest day, it’s you! Glad you enjoyed it. Happy Anniversary to you and Jake! :flowerforyou:

    Michele – They only take our recycling every other week, also. I asked if we couldn’t get our trash every other week (we also don’t have much), but they said no. Selling your condo at a high price means holding it until the market is where you want it to be. We buy during major crashes (about every 10-12 years), then rent them out until the market is high (maybe 8 years). When the market has leveled out, we then sell since we’re tired of the renters. We’ve usually recouped our entire purchase price by then from the rents, so anything we sell for is all profit. I don’t know the market in Florida, so you’d need to ask a realtor whether you could get enough for your condo to meet your goals. You might also want to look into a 1031 exchange when you sell, to avoid paying capital gains taxes. I would love to get my parents to make the decision that they can’t live alone anymore themselves, but they don’t see it. They won’t consider assisted living, either, so are in their house by themselves. They can’t do the stairs at my house, so living with me isn’t an option.

    Yanniejannie – Thank you for your many kind comments and wise counsel. My brother had his children in his 40’s, so he still has young kids at home and can’t leave his job to help me out. He knows that I’m stressed out, but tends to downplay that as unimportant. My husband and I have had many talks about euthanasia, too. Like you, we don’t have any good answers. It’s a hard subject to deal with.

    Katia – Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I appreciate your taking the time. I agree that assisted living would be the best starting point, if they would agree to it. It’s funny that the VA will pay for my father to be in a full-time facility, but won’t put a penny towards assisted living, which would be cheaper for them. The state veterans home wants $10,000 per month for my mom to be there with my dad (he would be free), which would wipe out their savings very quickly. They’re depression-era children, and won’t consider it.

    Vicki – How terrible that one person’s dishonesty reflects on all of you. I can see why you’re frustrated! :angry:

    Jill – A live-in is a great idea, if my parents would agree to it. That may be the solution for a little while.

    Rori – Maybe we could get you to give us all a training class one day and show us how the resistance training works! Looking forward to seeing you again.

    Patceoh – I’m sorry for the loss of your mother, but glad that things worked so smoothly and happily for her in her last years.

    Linda – I hope that you get good news back from your blood work. Anything to do with the heart is scary, for sure.

    Jane in Colorado
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good morning,
    Welcome Ruthanne:flowerforyou:

    Dee dee drinking water as I type.:drinker:

    Happy Anniversary Barbie.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Heather We get grief for You betcha here in Minnesota. Mostly means I agree. Rarely said. The movie Fargo didn’t help.

    Linda sorry about the blood work. First thing breathe. We are here for you. It sounds like you know you need to make major changes. You will do it with a good plan one or two steps at a time.

    Kevrit hope puppy is better. Glad you had a great weekend.

    Pat have a safe trip. Enjoy the sun and family.

    Patty good luck on your test.

    Alison prayers for you and brother. :flowerforyou:

    Viv nice you helped your friend.

    Michele ah yes insurance can’t live with it can’t live without it.

    Teral hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:
    Yanniejannie you remind me I need to write out my Health directive. Part of our estate planning that is on the list.


    Joyce I got my band at Target. They do have different resistance. Mine have a handle. I also have the strap kind without handles depends on the exercise I am doing.

    Maryann like the SPIES. Makes me think. Spiritual mediate on what is my purpose Physical continue to exercise hour per day Intellectual be open to learning every day reading Digestive Wellness currently, Emotional just because I see the hook does not mean I need to bite Social continue to see and talk to family and friends as often as I can.


    Enjoying the freshly fallen snow from my window. Simple pleasure.
    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Milestone: I just broke down and bought a chocolate doughnut.... but I threw it away after two bites!!
    I have to say that it helps that it is stale, but at one time not so long ago, I would have ate it anyway.:laugh: :laugh:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy anniversary Barbie and Jake,many more.Enjoy!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake enjoy your day

    :flowerforyou: Linda thoughts and prayers going to you hope all works out well on thursday

    Best wishes to all
    Juanita in sudbury
  • mkd1955
    mkd1955 Posts: 22 Member
    Just wondering if it's too late to join this group. I am 58 and need to lose about 40lbs. My motivation hasn't been great, and I seem to take my health for granted, even though I am not so healthy! I have diabetes, high choloresteral, and high blood pressure. :sad: I am 5'4" and weigh 160 as of this morning. I used to do Medifast, still have some of the food, but I am now trying to eat better with real food. More veggies, fruits and less snacks and salt. (that's my downfall, salty snacks!) The idea of sharing with people my age really appeals to me. Reading through the thread, you all have been overcoming such odds and seem to be winning. I think I would like to have this group in my corner! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy from Cherry Hill, NJ
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Good Tuesday morning. Weather is changing--windy and cold today. Last evening when I got home from work had 6 letters from my insurance company about the accident I had last Nov. They are paying the medical bills and then going after the other one. Not sure what is going on as they paid some and not others. DH goes into work late today so he was going down to talk to them. I do not understand why they have to make things so hard.:mad:

    Yanniejannie--I know this is not an easy time for you and sending you a HUG!:heart:

    Sandy--Sorry to hear about your step dad. Remember to take care of you and not let it get you down.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce--Sounds like you are doing well, just do what you can. That is what I do and I figure that is better than nothing.:smile:

    Sylvia--What a shock that must be. Good thing is they found it early and giving him treatment. Sure hope the kids test ok. I hope you can find the car your DGS wants. Our DGD will always tell DH things she would like and gives lots of details. They are funny.

    Michele--My boss and I have talked about how to prove it and this person knows when to do it and how to cover it up for the most part. She plays Bingo and lottey tickets all the time. I think her dad used to bail her out and now that he has passed no one does it. Sad part is she makes good money and has nothing to show for it. I just keep praying for her. All I can do, she can be very mean and spiteful. Not a happy person.

    Amanda--I had my gallbladder out about 15 years ago. They tried doing it laser and the stones where to big so had to do the open. I was in the hospital almost 10days as ended up with pneumonia. It took me a good 6 weeks to recover. Sure hope you can get it all worked out and be there for the new grand baby. I know I kept putting it off for almost 10 years. Everytime I would have an attack I would go to ER they would give me a shot. Then one time I got sick at work and went back to ER next thing I remember I was coming out of surgery. It was the first surgery I had ever had and I was so scared so kept putting it off. Silly Me!:blushing:

    Alison--Sorry to hear DB is having problems. Please take care of yourself. HUGS to you and prayers.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Barbie--Happy Happy Anniversary.:flowerforyou:

    Kevrit--I try and live by that just for today and give up the past and not worry about tomorrow. So much easier said than done, But working on it. I should say God and I are working on it and he has the hardest part. Prayer does make a difference.

    Linda--Sorry to hear your health news. Take it one day at a time. Every step is a step up!

    Heather--The more I read about your party Saturday night and all you are doing the more fun it sounds. Hope you post a picture of you and DH in your party clothes. I would so enjoy partying with you so much fun!!

    Meogge--Good for you!!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Kathy--You have come to the right place.

    Guess I should get some work done, Got the pictures from the hospital of the new baby in the mail yesterday. They sent them to my house as we ordered them, I wanted a 5 x 7 as we have one wall with all the grandkids and they each have a 5 x 7. I told the kids anymore and we will need a bigger wall. I know the younger ones like to come and check out the pictures and see all the cousins. Have a great afternoon and keep logging and smilling.

    Blessed! Vicki GI NE:angry:
  • 641345
    641345 Posts: 3
    Anyone living in Ontario Canada who is 50plus?
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    Hello to all:

    Happy anniversary Barbie!! May you have many more.

    Linda - Hope tests come out well.

    Allison - Hang in there. I think it is wonderful that you are so supportive of your brother.

    Heather - The party sounds like great fun.

    Weather is cold and very windy here. We had to chase down our garbage cans this morning as they blew away. Now have them bungeed to the house. Lucky yesterday was garbage pickup day and they were empty. Neighbors cans were also in the street.

    Kitty is at vet to have ultrasound of bladder. Will see how things go but preliminary ultrasound did not look particularly good.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in very, very windy SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane, an option my brother and SIL had to take was for them to move in with her mother. It's not the best of siturations but it keeps her safe. She has early dementia and was devastated when her husband, my SIL father, died two years ago. He also was very stubborn. Her home is paid for and they let their drug addicted, vagabond son and his fiance and two children live in their own home free of charge. Well that's another situation. So poor grandma, she has her daughter and SIL and frequently her two great grand children live with them frequently.

    I found some of Leslie Simcone videos on U Tube last night and bookmarked them. So today I put the first one on, the beginner 1 mile walk. Wore me out! So I guess that helps me make the decision of no more Zumba. I figure once I can actually get this one mile walk do-able I can add some more exagerated moves like in Zumba and just do my own person Zumba. I could even mute the video and put on my own music. Oh the plans, to be done or not who knows.

    I don't think my FitBit battery is low but it really isn't picking up my steps today. I think I gained about 300 steps between the video and 2 miles on my bike. I know I may be gaining muscle in my legs, just wish I could get rid of the jiggle jaggle in my thighs.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Kathy from N>J>:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
    jane (IL)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, I've had a busy few days and haven't posted any detailed answers etc. but have been reading and thinking of everyone who needs thinking of. Maybe that's everybody. :flowerforyou:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Viv in UK: Good luck to your friend and her mom.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I had gallbladder surgery at least 10 years ago, and it was the laparoscopic version. I was in the hospital over night and released to go home the next day. The surgery was during the summer, and I wasn’t scheduled to go back to work for a week or so. Then I had light duty for a few weeks. All in all, I remember being easily tired for about three weeks. Part of that was because I went on vacation directly before the surgery and had a severe gallbladder attack during the vacation. I barely missed having to have the emergency version of the surgery, which involves cutting you wide open. If you are having gallbladder attacks, don’t put off the surgery. You don’t want to have it on an emergency basis in Germany, or anywhere else. If you’re fairly stable, discuss it with your doctor and then use your best judgment.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: On medical decisions, I understand you. My dad was 73 and loved life. He needed a heart transplant in order to live. They didn’t/don’t give heart transplants to 73 year old people, so he died. :cry: Our medical advances have led to situations in which decisions must be made, for better or worse. I surely don’t understand what the whole picture is for your friend, but my heart goes out to you and to her during this prolonged ordeal. My prayers go to you, to her, and to the decision makers that they be merciful and wise.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: You and your dad are in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Good luck to your son and his children for positive health outcomes.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Happy 25th Anniversary! Jake seems like a very good guy and you’re lucky to have found one another.:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Lin C: Learning about your heart condition has to be terrifying news. Keep us in the loop as you learn more. You will be in my continuing prayers. Meanwhile, do the best you can each day and drink your water. It will help flush out the water retention. Sodium is not your friend. One mistake my dad made was to drink lots of milk, which had an abundance of sodium. It increased his water retention and made him feel worse. Hugs.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Enjoy Robbie Burns Night. I’ll be thinking of you, and his grisly poem. :tongue: Your dinner of calves’ liver with turnips and broccoli sounds yummy. :love: Now that I’ve read your post, I’m starving, too.:laugh:

    JaneHadji: I must not be very bright either. Thanks for your warning about lemon pepper. I looked on my container and it has a LOT of salt. I guess I’ll be using lemon juice or grated lemon peel in the future. :ohwell: I wonder if there are other options for your parents, such as those my in-laws used. Is there a visiting nurse available? Can they get meals on wheels? Is there a grocer that will take orders and deliver? Mom used that service for a time in her community before things got too bad. How much support do they need to stay in place? (Not requiring you continuing to do it all.):flowerforyou:

    Meogge: Small steps taken consistently make a big difference. Congrats.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy from Cherry Hill NJ: It is never too late. Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    I’m feeling lousy today but will try to go to a city meeting anyway. The topic is really interesting or I’d stay home. I hope this cold goes on its way soon. Hugs to those who need them. (Cyber hugs are germ free.):wink:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    I'm not fifty, but close,,, hope I can join the group...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Amanda, I had the laporiscopic surgery years ago. I was an RN and I was back to work in a week. He said if it were a less physical job it could have been less. I can understand your predicament though. I was with my daughter with the birth of both her girls so I know how important that must be for you. Can your surgeon give you some advice as to the size of your stones or the severity of your gall bladder disease? Good luck on your decision. :heart:

    FitBit battery is fine, I think my problem is that I use the wrist band until I put my clothes on. The velcro is wearing pretty thin on it now and I made this makeshift wristband out of an old sock at night. I didn't have it on today, just the FitBit wrist band. I was going to put it in my jeans pocket after I took my shower and I wanted to do that step video and get some bike riding in first, then shower. My cat ate the rubber clippy thing about 2 days after I bought it. I guess I need to bite the bullet and buy a new one. They don't sell them in the stores, only on line and it's about $15 plus shipping and I just didn't want to do it. But i'm also tired of not getting good readings on my steps.

    Joyce, Indiana