Please dont wear perfumes to the gym

Its very irritating to people like me with asthma, and it doesn't make you smell any better when it mixes with your sweat.

Thank you.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    what if you go after work should we take showers first?

    OR maybe if you need to be a breathing bubble you should just work out in a bubble, too? :wink:
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    So many people wear perfume, deodorant etc. that can cause allergic reactions. To have to smell that crap when you are breathing hard at the gym is just wrong.
  • Soritaia
    Soritaia Posts: 63 Member
    I cant breath when im around strong perfume.. or fresh perfume.
    allergic reactions when trying to work out aren't fun.
    I think the gym should definitely a sent free zone :) and everywhere else for that matter.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    OK so its agreed. everyone shower before hitting the floor for your workout
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    There should also be a ban on girls who wear makeup to the gym. Seriously, if you don't plan on sweating and ruining your perfectly applied mascara and caked on foundation, then get the hell out. There's no need to look cute when you're working out and you're taking up machines.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I'm not a fan of perfume at all (it bothers my allergies) but if someone is coming to work out from work or something they got ready for before going to the gym and they wear makeup/perfume/whatever else, I don't fault them for it.
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm not a fan of perfume at all (it bothers my allergies) but if someone is coming to work out from work or something they got ready for before going to the gym and they wear makeup/perfume/whatever else, I don't fault them for it.

    true, but there are people who get dolled up just to go to the gym. makes no sense.
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    So many people wear perfume, deodorant etc. that can cause allergic reactions. To have to smell that crap when you are breathing hard at the gym is just wrong.

    perfume, i agree, but antiperspirant? you want people to go without that!?!?! at the gym!?! yeeeesh
  • The perfume complaint I can get on board with (I'm a vile mouthbreather), but I've also never come across someone who applied so much that it really bothered me, and I'm sensitive to smells, as in I get headaches very easily. If someone wants to cake on the makeup before working out however, who cares? Their loss, they just wasted makeup.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Uh.... no. Just no. Either get your own gym or deal with it. I am not going to change everything in my medicine cabinet because you are "sensitive" to scented items. And guess what, neither will the rest of the world.

    Im highly allergic to entitled whiners. But I dont expect or assume they are gong to change just for me.

    If this seems to overly rustle my jimmies, its because my sons 2nd grade teacher had a sign on her door that labeled her classroom as "scent free". And we were to refrain from using scented laundry supplies on our child's clothes, no scented hairspray or gel, and for conferences, she would cancel them if we were "scented". Because it gives her headaches.

    If you are actually allergic, as in you may have a medical emergency if you encounter scented products, apply for disability and stay home. Otherwise, do what the rest of us do when other people's actions make us uncomfortable, either leave or call the *kitten* out on his excessive axe body spray usage.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    There should also be a ban on girls who wear makeup to the gym. Seriously, if you don't plan on sweating and ruining your perfectly applied mascara and caked on foundation, then get the hell out. There's no need to look cute when you're working out and you're taking up machines.

    Waterproof mascara. Why wash my face before my workout? Its a waste of time.

    And to further piss everybody off. I braid and knot my hair before my workout. My body heat during my workout sets it, so I have perfect curls walking OUT of the gym.

    You can look fabulous at the gym, and still have a killer workout.

    PS- the best time to give yourself a facial (exfoliate and extract) and/or use blackhead strips is after a vigorous workout.
  • Thank you. For those of you who are protesting this idea, there are some scent-free workplaces. Do you complain about schools that implement peanut-free lunch rules? No? Because you don't think it's OK for kids to have to worry about going to the hospital after lunch break?

    Yes, I try to balance my horrendously-bad allergies with other people's freedom to smell however they want, but when you're dousing yourself in perfume after your workout in our small locker room, then you're just a d-bag.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I wonder why if a girl wears perfume/makeup, that it's anyone's business.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you. For those of you who are protesting this idea, there are some scent-free workplaces. Do you complain about schools that implement peanut-free lunch rules? No? Because you don't think it's OK for kids to have to worry about going to the hospital after lunch break?

    Yes, I try to balance my horrendously-bad allergies with other people's freedom to smell however they want, but when you're dousing yourself in perfume after your workout in our small locker room, then you're just a d-bag.

    perfume haters vs anaphylactic shock from eating peanuts. Get over yourself.
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    I had someone tell me that they were annoyed that she could smell the shampoo on the hair of the girl on the treadmill next to her. She said it "should be against gym policy to drown yourself in Herbal Essences and force us all to smell it."

    I like all those smells, personally. Haha.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thank you. For those of you who are protesting this idea, there are some scent-free workplaces. Do you complain about schools that implement peanut-free lunch rules? No? Because you don't think it's OK for kids to have to worry about going to the hospital after lunch break?

    Yes, I try to balance my horrendously-bad allergies with other people's freedom to smell however they want, but when you're dousing yourself in perfume after your workout in our small locker room, then you're just a d-bag.

    As a mother of a son allergic to peanuts, yes I DO and did complain about peanut free lunch rules. My son knows not to stick his hand in other peoples lunch boxes. And my daughter shouldnt be limited by my sons allergies.

    YOU have the allergy, its YOUR responsibility to cope and figure out alternatives, not everybody elses
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    There should also be a ban on girls who wear makeup to the gym. Seriously, if you don't plan on sweating and ruining your perfectly applied mascara and caked on foundation, then get the hell out. There's no need to look cute when you're working out and you're taking up machines.

    Damnz, how 'bout you mind your own business and just focus on your workout? Gees.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thank you. For those of you who are protesting this idea, there are some scent-free workplaces. Do you complain about schools that implement peanut-free lunch rules? No? Because you don't think it's OK for kids to have to worry about going to the hospital after lunch break?

    Yes, I try to balance my horrendously-bad allergies with other people's freedom to smell however they want, but when you're dousing yourself in perfume after your workout in our small locker room, then you're just a d-bag.

    perfume haters vs anaphylactic shock from eating peanuts. Get over yourself.

    Oh, I bet the detergent aisle at the grocery store is deadly
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you. For those of you who are protesting this idea, there are some scent-free workplaces. Do you complain about schools that implement peanut-free lunch rules? No? Because you don't think it's OK for kids to have to worry about going to the hospital after lunch break?

    Yes, I try to balance my horrendously-bad allergies with other people's freedom to smell however they want, but when you're dousing yourself in perfume after your workout in our small locker room, then you're just a d-bag.

    As a mother of a son allergic to peanuts, yes I DO and did complain about peanut free lunch rules. My son knows not to stick his hand in other peoples lunch boxes. And my daughter shouldnt be limited by my sons allergies.

    YOU havebthe allergy, its YOUR reaponsibility to cope and figure out alternatives, not everybody elses

    Well said.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member