Am I the Only Person Turned of by...



  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    judging by these responses it appears i actually am the only one. its pretty much impossible to find a girl without a tattoo it seems like.

    I thought you couldn't find a girl because you want someone to stay home, cook and clean?
    And WHAT is wrong with that?

    nothing at all.
  • blackvalleyboats
    blackvalleyboats Posts: 7 Member
    Personally I've never understood tats, don't care for them. These days if you wanna be unique, keep yourself tat and pierced free.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Personally I've never understood tats, don't care for them. These days if you wanna be unique, keep yourself tat and pierced free.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    As a casual observer of this thread, I must say there are quite a few judgmental, "non-judgmental" PC-police in here.

    We can't ALL be attracted to the same things. If the OP doesn't like be it. Maybe he just hasn't met THAT girl yet, who just happens to have a tattoo, who will rock his world and completely change his view. It happens. It happened to me. I wasn't "into" tattoos....then I met my hairy (another thing I thought I didn't like), tattooed, military guy (oh yeah, I vowed NEVER to marry some guy who would be away from home on "business" all the time....8 deployments and a 20-year Navy career later....ooops).

    Now, I have one tiny, meaningful tattoo on my ankle. Hubby still has his original 9, but we're about to go get him re-inked for color and in celebration of his retirement. He wants a full sleeve(s). I'm all for it....but I would still KILL him if he got something on his neck, face, head, etc. The professional circle I run in would not accept's life. It's not fair...and in Utopia, maybe it wouldn't happen, but we live in a real world where other people DO judge you on your appearance. Personally, I think it's fine because, again, we can't all be the same....and who would want to.

    Prosecuting the OP or others because they have personal preferences that cause them to think other are unattractive is silly. It's biological. Yes, it is TOTALLY influenced by our backgrounds, upbringings, etc. Is it PC? Absolutely not. Is it ok? As long as his opinion is not translating into direct harm, I think it is. To each, their own. There is someone for everyone.....
  • nmpx
    nmpx Posts: 76
    I have no tattoos and I plan to keep it that way.
    Personally, there's nothing worse than an attractive girl with a dress on and tattoos sticking out if it, but that's just me. It's more original not to have any tattoos then it is to have a tattoo at this point.
    Tattoos can be attractive sometimes, I just fine they have to be on the right kind of body and you have to have the personality to match in order to pull them off.
  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    As a casual observer of this thread, I must say there are quite a few judgmental, "non-judgmental" PC-police in here.

    We can't ALL be attracted to the same things. If the OP doesn't like be it. Maybe he just hasn't met THAT girl yet, who just happens to have a tattoo, who will rock his world and completely change his view. It happens. It happened to me. I wasn't "into" tattoos....then I met my hairy (another thing I thought I didn't like), tattooed, military guy (oh yeah, I vowed NEVER to marry some guy who would be away from home on "business" all the time....8 deployments and a 20-year Navy career later....ooops).

    Now, I have one tiny, meaningful tattoo on my ankle. Hubby still has his original 9, but we're about to go get him re-inked for color and in celebration of his retirement. He wants a full sleeve(s). I'm all for it....but I would still KILL him if he got something on his neck, face, head, etc. The professional circle I run in would not accept's life. It's not fair...and in Utopia, maybe it wouldn't happen, but we live in a real world where other people DO judge you on your appearance. Personally, I think it's fine because, again, we can't all be the same....and who would want to.

    Prosecuting the OP or others because they have personal preferences that cause them to think other are unattractive is silly. It's biological. Yes, it is TOTALLY influenced by our backgrounds, upbringings, etc. Is it PC? Absolutely not. Is it ok? As long as his opinion is not translating into direct harm, I think it is. To each, their own. There is someone for everyone.....

    thank you for your input
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    As a casual observer of this thread, I must say there are quite a few judgmental, "non-judgmental" PC-police in here.

    We can't ALL be attracted to the same things. If the OP doesn't like be it. Maybe he just hasn't met THAT girl yet, who just happens to have a tattoo, who will rock his world and completely change his view. It happens. It happened to me. I wasn't "into" tattoos....then I met my hairy (another thing I thought I didn't like), tattooed, military guy (oh yeah, I vowed NEVER to marry some guy who would be away from home on "business" all the time....8 deployments and a 20-year Navy career later....ooops).

    Now, I have one tiny, meaningful tattoo on my ankle. Hubby still has his original 9, but we're about to go get him re-inked for color and in celebration of his retirement. He wants a full sleeve(s). I'm all for it....but I would still KILL him if he got something on his neck, face, head, etc. The professional circle I run in would not accept's life. It's not fair...and in Utopia, maybe it wouldn't happen, but we live in a real world where other people DO judge you on your appearance. Personally, I think it's fine because, again, we can't all be the same....and who would want to.

    Prosecuting the OP or others because they have personal preferences that cause them to think other are unattractive is silly. It's biological. Yes, it is TOTALLY influenced by our backgrounds, upbringings, etc. Is it PC? Absolutely not. Is it ok? As long as his opinion is not translating into direct harm, I think it is. To each, their own. There is someone for everyone.....

    Again, context.
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Personally I've never understood tats, don't care for them. These days if you wanna be unique, keep yourself tat and pierced free.

    I just love how you get bent because you think someone is against women who stay home, cook and clean and then get self righteous about someone different.

    Having tattoos means you have tattoos, That all it means. Not having them doesn't make you anything other then someone who doesn't have them.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Personally I've never understood tats, don't care for them. These days if you wanna be unique, keep yourself tat and pierced free.

    I just love how you get bent because you think someone is against women who stay home, cook and clean and then get self righteous about someone different.

    Having tattoos means you have tattoos, That all it means. Not having them doesn't make you anything other then someone who doesn't have them.
    Not bent, not self-righteous. I'll decide what not-having-a-tattoo makes me.
  • itsjosiebitch
    itsjosiebitch Posts: 68 Member
    I don't have any tattoos but I do not hate them, i kinda like them (not all tattoos but I can appreciate a nice one)
  • jeffdoc
    jeffdoc Posts: 224 Member
    I like tasteful tattoos that are easy to cover up. I saw a girl a few days ago that had stars tattooed all over one side of her face and I just couldn't understand why....she was a pretty girl and then she did that to herself :(

    I totally agree. I was trying to figure out a tactful way to say what I was thinking and you summed it up perfectly. If it's tasteful and easily covered up for when you get dressed up for a function..then it's all good. Neck tattoos, facial tattoos, hands...that sort of thing....not my thing.

    I have a tattoo. On my left outer calf halfway between my knee and ankle...of the New England Patriots symbol. I got it because it has meaning. It's my hometown NFL football team and it's symbolic of the Red, White, and Blue of my beloved USA! So it has a double meaning to me.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Personally I've never understood tats, don't care for them. These days if you wanna be unique, keep yourself tat and pierced free.

    I just love how you get bent because you think someone is against women who stay home, cook and clean and then get self righteous about someone different.

    Having tattoos means you have tattoos, That all it means. Not having them doesn't make you anything other then someone who doesn't have them.
    Not bent, not self-righteous. I'll decide what not-having-a-tattoo makes me.

    But it sounds like you have also decided what having a tattoo makes others.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Ink belongs on paper lol
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ink comes from the earth, paper comes from the trees that provide us with oxygen, when we die we become part of the soil that feeds a seed to grow into that tree that becomes the paper. So, what you're saying, ink belongs on all that is natural? lol
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    judging by these responses it appears i actually am the only one. its pretty much impossible to find a girl without a tattoo it seems like.

    No tattoos. Wouldn't put nothing permanent on this fabulous bod! lol

    I seen how they look as you get older and I'm cool.

    I do like them on men though. Sexy.

    Edit: No disrespect as I read further I'm seeing people are really offended. Most my friends have tattoos, now that they are in their 30's they are now getting them removed. My mother also has one and it just doesn't look right to me now that she is 53. Just my opinion and they are cool for the moment. :smile:

    But will admit that the pics in earlier post of older ladies with tattoos are cool just not cool for me or for my mom. :flowerforyou:
  • chapklc
    chapklc Posts: 21 Member
    That's lovely!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    **should say off in the title, oops. Tattoos? they just dont do it for me. i see pretty girls, then they have these paragraphs written on them or worse.
    I don't care what other people do but I've never gotten a tattoo. I like to change things up now and then and they're just too permanent. It would be like buying a really nice shirt but then having to wear the same one every day.
  • lovesraspberries
    lovesraspberries Posts: 9 Member
    I've got a small one, but I really wish I didn't, so no, you aren't the only one. You are right. Body's are born lovely just as they are. I'd get mine removed in a heartbeat if I could. I'm so glad to hear that there's a man out there that thinks the same way.
  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member
    I personally don't like tats on guys or girls. Don't have one, neither does my hubby. Though maybe a tramp stamp if it was small and something I really REALLY liked. :tongue:
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Personally I've never understood tats, don't care for them. These days if you wanna be unique, keep yourself tat and pierced free.

    I just love how you get bent because you think someone is against women who stay home, cook and clean and then get self righteous about someone different.

    Having tattoos means you have tattoos, That all it means. Not having them doesn't make you anything other then someone who doesn't have them.
    Not bent, not self-righteous. I'll decide what not-having-a-tattoo makes me.

    But it sounds like you have also decided what having a tattoo makes others.
    Have you?