Like Minded Lushes - November



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thanks for all the support and well wishes. Yesterday I went crazy and ate cookies and chips. I felt so guilty. I had stupid spats with DH and everythings was just bad. Today is the nothing but clear liquids day and starting the prep for the procedure tomorrow. No alcohol today since it isn't allowed. I am a little scared but we do what we gotta do. I hope you all have a great day.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello fellow lushes! Well, tonight we are suppose to not have beers. I am committing to it; he may not. Really, I haven't been doing very well in that department. But, I am doing my calorie count. Some days go over because of beer, some do not. I did go 3 days without 2 or so weeks ago! Would like to repeat that. Weight is going up and down within 5 lbs....errr. I need to control more, but, I don't know......seems life right now is not too controllable. Mom is fading with cancer and no job at this time. Two years ago all was so different! I feel that I am just floating along.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    "I am a little scared but we do what we gotta do. I hope you all have a great day. ". Hang in there, Robin, we are all thinking of you and sending you love and hugs!

    Crazycat59 - I know just what you mean. Two years ago I was happily married, had a great job, had a wonderful holiday in Virginia and then Aruba and was looking forward to a big family Christmas and New Year with the children and grandchildren. Everything changed summer 2009. My darling husband of 34 years died, I retired and then moved house - for a while I felt that the ground had been cut from under me and I didn't know who I was or what I was doing. I am not saying that everything is peachy now but I am feeling more settled, I have started making new friends and, as I am closer geographically to one of my daughters, I have been able to spend a lot of time with my two youngest granddaughters who are aged 6 & 3.

    I really feel for you and your family and will be remembering your Mum and you in my prayers. Keep strong; this too shall pass and remember that we are never given any challenge that we are not strong enough to deal with.:smile:

  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    GL Robin!

    I've not quite recovered from the Saturday binge, so drinking wine doesn't even sound good to me. :laugh:

    I did, however, buy a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A yesterday. I usually never crave that stuff, but I was picking up my daughter from my mom and we were meeting right next to the place. The aroma of frying chicken permeated the air and I *had* to have one. It was fabulous! It (other than the hamburger and handful of fries on Sunday) was the first fast food I've eaten since November 1st. I stopped myself at 1/2 of it though and put it in the fridge for later.
  • lefrance12
    I have surpassed my goal, however I think it is because I have been drinking my calories, working out and eating protein thereafter. How weird to me. I still feel kind of bad about the drinking though. I normally drink over the weekend and this time it carried over to tuesday!!! Go Figure:noway: I am going to break until saturday if i can.:indifferent:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Hit a happy hour yesterday and then proceeded to drink a bottle of wine...


    Super, uber lush
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    yvonne - sorry to hear about your colleague. That is really scary. I wish the best for her/him and their family.

    Robin - good luck to you tomorrow!

    Stay strong lushes!!! It is almost the weekend.
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    I haven't had a drink all week, YAY me!
  • dawnalis
    Silly goose I'm right along with you on that one, I'm leaving for Mexico on Tuesday and I haven't had a drink in 2 and a half weeks cuz I'm totally going to overindulge in Mexico, like I do every time I go to Mexico, but when I'm at home I usually drink my weeks share of alcohol on Friday or Saturday night, but let me just say I definatley don't miss the hangovers at all, as well as the crappy food I eat while I'm hungover!!!
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    I know I will make up for it on the weekends. I'm trying not to drink during the week. Yes I don't miss the hangovers and the low blood sugar the next day. It's all about habit.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Robin, hope the colonoscopy wasn't too bad...
    Yvonne, sorry to hear about your co-worker...very scary
    Dawn, have super fun in Mexico. Is it Cancun?
    Bobobbin, your at the home stretch. You'll be snockered off 2 glasses of wine.
    Deblu, nice to withhold during the week. It is a good feeling to not be hungover

    Back to day 1 for me...Think instead of limiting days, I may have to try and limit quantity...there lies the problem
  • dawnalis
    going to Puerto Vallarta, been there about 7 times and I just know I pretty much drink from the time the bar by the pool opens until I go to, oddly enough I don't really get hungover there, might be cuz I'm eating at the same time I'm this lush is definatly going to be a lush for that week, but I'm going to try to go to the resort gym in the morning at least! wish me luck everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    no drinks last night!
    I was in Puerta Vallarta years ago. I think maybe you don't get hungover because of the elevation? I feel like I can drink like a fish at sea level! I live in Colorado, though.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Okay. No wine Monday - woke up fuzzy. Glass and a half on Tuesday - woke up clear. None last night - woke up feeling like I'd downed a bottle of tequila. Why oh why? Is it some kind of sadistic de-tox thing? Has any one else had this happen?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Is it some kind of sadistic de-tox thing? Has any one else had this happen?

    I do believe it is...our bodies are creatures of habit...woke up crabby and fogheaded as well, no alcohol last night
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Is it some kind of sadistic de-tox thing? Has any one else had this happen?

    I do believe it is...our bodies are creatures of habit...woke up crabby and fogheaded as well, no alcohol last night

    I haven't drunk alcohol at all this month but there's been a few mornings where I've woken up feeling decidedly groggy and rubbish. If I'd have been drinking the night before then I would have blamed it on that. It's making we wonder if I blame alcohol when that isn't actually the cause.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks Pam, for your words of encouragement. You have been through alot too!! I'm glad that you finally are feeling settled. Have fun with your family; that helps. I am retooling my mind to accept the inevitable.

    I did manage not to have beer last night! I'm planning the same tonight. Probably helps that my stomach hasn't felt well....

    Good going for those that managed all week!! Those that didn't, well, there is always tonight...... : )
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    no drinks last night!
    I was in Puerta Vallarta years ago. I think maybe you don't get hungover because of the elevation? I feel like I can drink like a fish at sea level! I live in Colorado, though.

    I'm in Colorado as well and have the same "problem". When I travel anywhere that's sea level, I *never* seem to get drunk. I actually drink less on vacation, because after a couple, I'm over it.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well, Amy (I am Amy too) you can go to Vail and get a pretty good buzz;)
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Thanks Pam, for your words of encouragement. You have been through alot too!! I'm glad that you finally are feeling settled. Have fun with your family; that helps. I am retooling my mind to accept the inevitable.

    I did manage not to have beer last night! I'm planning the same tonight. Probably helps that my stomach hasn't felt well....

    Good going for those that managed all week!! Those that didn't, well, there is always tonight...... : )

    Glad to have been of some help. At times like this it is important to just live in the moment and enjoy each second you have with your mother. That was one of my blessings; there were two months between Stephen having his stroke and him dying. We spent every day together and, although his speech was affected by the stroke, we shared a lot together and many, many laughs in those eight weeks, so I have those to add to all my other happy memories.

    Anyway, big smiles to all the lushes. Lucky peeps who are going to Mexico; wish I was going too!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Never mind, I did 30 minutes swimming tonight so am feeling really good, so I'll just enjoy what I've got.

    Robin, hope all went well with the colonoscopy and that you are feeling less stressed now.

    Guess what, lushes, tomorrow's Friday and the weekend begins!! Happy days :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
