This is what is wrong with the fitness industry



  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I don't think it was fair to comment on the model's fitness level. Lots of women don't want to be muscular -- and no I don't mean "bulky" or "manly." I mean they don't necessarily want the kind of arms and legs that a lot of the women on this site seem to be shooting for. Some people like to lift light with their girly weights and get it done that way, and you CAN and DO still see results from that, just different ones. I wish more people on this site would see that.

    I agree, I honestly thought she was a little chubby

    If you think THAT'S chubby, you have some very unrealistic expectations of women. her ribs were visible, come on.

    I took that as a joke/sarcasm and I'm a woman.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Didn't read all the dunno if first to say this...
    I like as well how they make the girls bigger... is that to make me feel better?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    OP, you are way too vested in this.

    Here, have a donut.

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    So the problem with the fitness industry is that D*i*c*k*s doesn't sell heavy enough pink kettlebells and models aren't muscular enough?

    Maybe the problem with consumers is that people are too particular about their kettlebell color and the muscle mass of random models.
    just admit that this has everything to do with the fact that you are (OP) butt hurt that you can't but pink kettbells, and just a little bit less with the evil fitness industry controlling your workout based on what color they make what amount of weight.
  • michelle32720
    michelle32720 Posts: 10 Member
    Not to mention, virtually no one needs a 10lb. kettlebell. Even an 18 is kinda puny for most things.

    I'm willing to admit that I own a 15 lb kettlebell, but use it for very specific things (windmills, for instance - my shoulders have both been injured so many times that I don't trust anything much heavier in case a shoulder gives out. I would rather drop 15 lbs on my ribs than 35 or 50 lbs). For regular workouts, though, trying to do swings or snatches or almost anything else with a 10 lb weight would just be a waste of time. You might as well swing your purse around (hell, most women's purses probably weigh more than that).
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member

    As for the kiddie ads, check out! I wish they had those when I was a child, so much more fun than a Barbie doll!

    Thanks for this! My first niece was born on Saturday and I see some future gifts here!
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    They make it bigger because they use a lower density material to make it more aesthetic.

    You can't make pink iron.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    So the problem with the fitness industry is that D*i*c*k*s doesn't sell heavy enough pink kettlebells and models aren't muscular enough?

    Maybe the problem with consumers is that people are too particular about their kettlebell color and the muscle mass of random models.
    just admit that this has everything to do with the fact that you are (OP) butt hurt that you can't but pink kettbells, and just a little bit less with the evil fitness industry controlling your workout based on what color they make what amount of weight.

    I'm (OP) fine now that someone showed me I can buy pink weight plates :wink:
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    So putting a pic of woman of less muscluar body type to adervtize lifting equipment somehow offends your sensibilities? It just seems strange to me that you would feel that way and i felt it worth pointing out.

    I'm sure simply minded people who have trouble thinking for themselves will always be lead by the nose from advertizing.
    That model in the pic is lifting a whopping 20 lbs over her head. You don't need to have a sizeable amount of mass to accomplish such a feat.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    They make it bigger because they use a lower density material to make it more aesthetic.

    You can't make pink iron.

    Actually it was just a rubber coating on iron. Must've been hollowed out to allow for the extra size.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. You would not believe the reactions I am getting when I tell people I want to start weight lifting...

    I lol'd. I decided to start weight training a few weeks ago and when I told my friends that I want to start doing lifts, all of them were like "But you're gonna look like a dude?!"
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    If they made an entire line of pink kettle balls that went heavy (and I was into kettle balls) I'd probably buy them because I like the color pink.

    I agree I like pink...I would buy pink plates for lifting, I want pink gloves with orange lacy bits and pink and orange shoes...

    so what it's pink.

    ETA I don't want to live in a gender neutral society ...I am not a feminist either, I am just a woman who likes pink, I like purple and blue too..and when I had my son...he never wore pink as a baby..if he wants to now fine...he preferred trucks to dolls didn't have much to do with me.
    Like so?


    Am I reading this wrong, or do those pink plates have only 20lbs printed on them?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    They make it bigger because they use a lower density material to make it more aesthetic.

    You can't make pink iron.
    No but you can paint it. I can't put the URL because it has d*icks in it but they sell a pink iron one, at 8kg.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    So the problem with the fitness industry is that D*i*c*k*s doesn't sell heavy enough pink kettlebells and models aren't muscular enough?

    Maybe the problem with consumers is that people are too particular about their kettlebell color and the muscle mass of random models.
    just admit that this has everything to do with the fact that you are (OP) butt hurt that you can't but pink kettbells, and just a little bit less with the evil fitness industry controlling your workout based on what color they make what amount of weight.

    I'm (OP) fine now that someone showed me I can buy pink weight plates :wink:

    ok then all is well lol
  • michelle32720
    michelle32720 Posts: 10 Member
    So the problem with the fitness industry is that D*i*c*k*s doesn't sell heavy enough pink kettlebells and models aren't muscular enough?

    Maybe the problem with consumers is that people are too particular about their kettlebell color and the muscle mass of random models.
    just admit that this has everything to do with the fact that you are (OP) butt hurt that you can't but pink kettbells, and just a little bit less with the evil fitness industry controlling your workout based on what color they make what amount of weight.

    Oh, but you totally can.

    You can even get them skull shaped.

    And that was just through a cursory search (although I admit that I had the skull shaped ones bookmarked). Granted, mine are all black, but if one wanted them in pink, you could get them.

    The problem the OP is trying to point out is that the fitness industry is forever telling women that if you lift anything "too heavy" you'll get "bulky" and "look like a man" and we all know that it isn't true. If you have ever looked inside a women's fitness magazine, you get pictures of fitness models holding tiny pink 2 lb dumbbells accompanying articles about how to get "toned" without "getting bulky".
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    If a woman is more likely to use a pink one because it matches her nail polish, I have no problem with that. If an out of shape woman sees a skinny woman on the kettlebell box and wants to be more like the skinny woman, I'm ok with that as well.

    Are we trying to kid ourselves into thinking these things don't matter to most woman? The fitness industry is trying to sell products - when women start painting their nails "dumbbell gray" instead of pink and start buying magazines with muscled woman on the cover instead of anorexics, I'm sure the advertisers will respond accordingly.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yes, on average women are a bit weaker but not THAT much...

    Men's raw bench press world record: 710 pounds
    Women's raw bench press world record: 430 pounds are in fact that much stronger.

    We are not talking about comparing the strongest man on earth to the strongest woman on earth at a lift that men are exceptionally stronger at than women. Not to mention the need to factor weight into those kinds of numbers, I'm guessing there is less difference between relative squat numbers.

    However, if we are comparing untrained males to untrained females in exercises that aren't challenging the absolute limit that an individual can lift, I would have to seriously doubt that the strongest female novice is weaker than the weakest male novice.

    Squats and deadlifts are a different story, but if we're talking about bench....I had to train for at least 6-8 months to bench press what most untrained men can bench press, and I'm pretty serious about my training and fairly strong for a woman.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    As a man and I'm only speaking for myself. If I walk in a gym and the only 45s available are pink, purple, or any other color. I would lift them sh*ts till I couldn't any more. I don't care what color the weights are. As long as I can lift heavy who cares.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Like so?


    Am I reading this wrong, or do those pink plates have only 20lbs printed on them?

    Well, I don't think I could handle an 85# overhead lunge (bum shoulder) but at least with plates you can always just put more on lol.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    The problem the OP is trying to point out is that the fitness industry is forever telling women that if you lift anything "too heavy" you'll get "bulky" and "look like a man" and we all know that it isn't true. If you have ever looked inside a women's fitness magazine, you get pictures of fitness models holding tiny pink 2 lb dumbbells accompanying articles about how to get "toned" without "getting bulky".

    i guess you can blame the articles for influencing the consumers, but they are only going to put out the products that sell.

    But, if its really the case that magazines are pushing that sort of workout (haven't picked one up since highschool) then they are not very good sources of information.

    I guess you can say the industry is evil, but the truth is they are only as evil as people are stupid