NSV - Non Scale Victories



  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    I have NEVER exersised before in my life! Even during school (15 years ago!) I always found excuses to skip class! I ve been logging for 10 days and since day 2 I started exersising...6 days/week! I have never imagine I would ever do something like that...and it feels GREAT!

    I always found a reason not to exercise. Usually It was the asthma, it is triggered by many things. I let it rule me... No longer. I have found control, and I CONTROL it now. AdVair is my friend. I can live the active live I have always wanted. And do so more and more all the time.

    Heck, I even want to dance. Would love to do a Hip hop Class and just have FUN.

    @Canieatmore -- WAY TO GO, Congratulations!!!! Great NSV!
  • ep_euphoria
    Yesterday I bought a C-Cup and a D-Cup bra!
    Today my D-Cup doesn't fit as well as I hoped after a day of wear, but I don't care... I was a D-Cup (same band size) when I was 12!! It's been 8 long years haha
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I ran into an old boss a few weeks ago. She wanted to know if I had my stomach stapled.
    Yesterday a friend looked at me and said "you lost more weight!"
    I have a new boy friend, and another guy hanging around.
    I bought some new size 12 jeans a couple days ago. I haven't worn a size 12 in 20 years.
    I started walking a couple years ago and kept going. Now I jog 4 miles every day. I'm addicted to jogging.
  • Shesalovebug
    Shesalovebug Posts: 180 Member
    I have a few NSV's -

    My hubby compliments me daily and tells me how great I'm looking.
    My mother actually told someone I look "amazing" which blew me away because she is not very giving with complimenting my looks.
    My size 16's that were hidden in the closet all fit me.
    I fit into and purchased 3 pair of 14's last week.
    My body feels different, anytime I'm putting on clothes, or showering or even just walking around. I can feel that there's less of me and I love it!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    What a great thread!

    My NSV's are I feel AMAZING, especially after a very intense HIIT workout...good old endorphins.
    I'm wearing a size 8 petites pants and can squeeze into some 6's and even a 4 (YEAH A 4) in some brands.
    My performance and focus at work has improved drastsically. No more 3 o'clock slump and taking on projects I would have never taken on before.
    An old boyfriend told me I looked "beautiful"..shhh don't tell hubby he would be jealous...lol!
    No more tummy troubles and no more feeling blue all the time
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    What a great thread!

    My NSV's are I feel AMAZING, especially after a very intense HIIT workout...good old endorphins.
    I'm wearing a size 8 petites pants and can squeeze into some 6's and even a 4 (YEAH A 4) in some brands.
    My performance and focus at work has improved drastsically. No more 3 o'clock slump and taking on projects I would have never taken on before.
    An old boyfriend told me I looked "beautiful"..shhh don't tell hubby he would be jealous...lol!
    No more tummy troubles and no more feeling blue all the time

    That is Fantastic!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    My NSV is sticking to my eating plan even though I can't excercise and my scale seems to be super glued on the wrong #. I will keep going!
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    My NSV is sticking to my eating plan even though I can't excercise and my scale seems to be super glued on the wrong #. I will keep going!

    Good for you! Mine was "glued" for 4-5 weeks, but then it moved today! Keep going!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I got an email from a friend I have not seen in a few months and she mentioned that she had been told I look amazing. Thats awesome that people are commenting to each other that I look good....It means that they are not just fibbing when they say it to my face!

    I was in acupuncture yesterday and I was lying on my back. When I started there in the summer, I could see my tummy rise and fall when I was on my back. I noticed yesterday that even when I take the biggest deepest breath possible, my tummy no longer sticks out further than my boobs! That has always been my "fat scale" so it made me really happy. The dr laughed at me when I mentioned it to him afterwards!
  • Brittanyohlendorf
    Brittanyohlendorf Posts: 10 Member
    I have completely cut out soda and fast food for the last three months and have started working out regularly I am proud of that. I think its more satisfactory for me to know I can eat healthy and enjoy what I have been eating great post
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I lost one inch in my waist
    my double chin is going away
    I got rid of all my maternity clothes
    I can almost wear my normal shirts with out an undershirt
    I find it easier and easier to resist all the bad foods :) and
    I am able to make my family healthy good meals
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    One day away from finishing 2nd round of P90X and 2nd round of Insanity.
  • anthonynormand
    My pants fit better, and the scale has not moved in weeks
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I have been walking on the treadmill at the gym on a regular basis since July. This morning, I hit a wrong button, and it ramped the speed up to 4.5 miles per hour, which for me is running. So I started running! I spent 30 minutes running for 1 minute, then walking for 4 minutes. It felt great!

    I cleaned out my closet last weekend. There was one shirt that I figured was slightly too big, but since I had never worn it, I washed it and put it back in the closet so I could wear it at least once. It ended up in my gym bag this morning, and when I put it on after my workout, I had to laugh. It is a size 2XL, and I'm just SWIMMING in it. When I first got it, it was too small and I couldn't button it up.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I I find it easier and easier to resist all the bad foods :) and
    I am able to make my family healthy good meals

    Funny how that happens!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I I find it easier and easier to resist all the bad foods :) and
    I am able to make my family healthy good meals

    Funny how that happens!

    I know I never thought I would be able to just walk past chocolate and say no thanks :)
  • emmak58
    NSVs - I was needing a snack on the way home from picking up my son from school, but instead of going to a fast food drive through I made a plate of veggies, cheese and meat to snack on. My husband also enjoyed it very much. At Lowe's when I asked an employee where an item was, I was able to walk as fast or faster than he did to get to it!
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Great thread!

    I have lost 1.5 inches in my hips, 1 inch from each thigh, and 1 inch from waist.
    I turned down a root-beer float last night.
    My work pants are starting to feel a little bigger.

    Yet notice that my ticker hasn't moved........ still no lbs. lost!!??
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Both of my wedding rings fit! First time in almost 3 years! YAY!
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    I have so many more non-scale victories than I do scale ones, esp since I only started my journey last week.

    But I am already feeling victorious because I KNOW that this time is for real and I won't stop until I reach my goal.

    1.This is the first time I have ever made a commitment to be healthier and lose weight and have stuck to it for more than a day or a couple of hours.I feel very determined now, that once I've stuck to it for a week, I can do it for life

    2. For YEARS I have had a phobia of scales. I hated going to the doctor just for the fact that I didn't want them yelling out my weight. I was less concerned with others knowing it, more than I myself was scared of knowing the truth. I hate to admit it, but I was in denial. I would constantly tell myself "I'm not that fat" OR look at those fatter than myself and say "Well atleast I'm not her" OR tell myself "Pictures add 10 lbs extra...I don't really look that fat in the mirror" or "I have really big boobs, which is why I look bigger" or the best yet "Well men like me anyway and I get compliments all the time sooo I guess I look good". The list continues...but I wasn't happy with my weight despite any of this and I avoided scales at all cost. Last week was the FIRST time in yeaaaaaars that I've voluntarily stepped on a scale. I first decided oh well, when I feel like I've lost weight I'll step on it :huh: Yea...just like those who decide they need to lose weight BEFORE going to the gym, I wanted to lose weight before getting on the scale SMH. I sucked it up though and decided I NEED to know where I'm at so I can track my progress concretely...and yess I stepped on it and am sooooo proud that I know the truth and I'm NOT devastated because I am doing something about it so I see it as temporary! I now step on it daily excited to see my progress! :smile:

    3. I have not had cravings for all the foods I'd normally "crave" or simply eat because they exist. So proud! I feel like it has happened quite naturally. Before, my diets would fail because I would turn down the cake, or the pizza, or the fried chicken but secretly be upset because I want it and I'm secretly pining after it. This time...my family has offered me pizza, this, that and the third and when I say no, I feel fine. I don't feel like it is a lie or like a dagger is going through my heart :laugh:

    4. I have been dedicated to working out, and a day hasnt gone by thus far that I haven't tried to do some type of physical activity

    5. I feel great that I am realistic! I think I would fail before I even tried in the past because I was trying those "lose 20 lbs in a week" diets that are insane and unsustainable. Now, I know that realistically, it is going to take at minimum a year for me to lose ALL the weight, and atleast 6 months or so for me to be half way there. I accept this and it doesn't deter me or make me feel like I need to do something quick and miraculous. Which adds to why I know this time is different and it will become a lifestyle and not just a fad.

    Looove this thread, I really needed to say those things :heart:
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