

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning and Happy Weekend,

    How "funny" that we're all celebrating the balmy 20 degree temps we're enjoying this morning. I did my grocery shopping, Sharked the floors, got some beans soaking for the crock pot. Going to try for a little after lunch work out. Going to skip the scale this week and wait until later next week. Think I overdid it on the sodium and don't want water retention to break my heart.

    Tina, I would Zumba every day if I could. I much prefer "my instructor" and live classes with people over the DVD's but the timing for morning classes makes it tough to go more than 1-2 times per week....so that's what will have to make me happy for now. Plus, an occasional DVD is still pretty good.

    Off to drag my boy to the library while it's still "warm" and while I can still keep him from his Ipad and Minecraft.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lost 1 lb. woohoo! Was at the doctor's yesterday and they measured me at 5'5" :noway: :noway: When did I shrink? I thought I used to be 5'6". That may have been my mistake 43 years ago, figuring out metric to - you know - the nonmetric way. I am going to re-check my height at home. 5'5.5" perhaps?

    Be back later.

    from foggy Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Renny, I sued to be 5'6 1/4" and now am 5'4 1/2". I never knew it until I decided to check my BMI and needed to get an accurate height. I was always so proud that I hadn't shrunk like my MOM and sister. I DO NOT want to become my MOmther as far as my spine.

    Found out today that when you microwave 1 cup of soup for 2 minutes that you get an explosion of soup. I think 1 1/2 minutes would work better!

    Wind is blowing hard today. Temp is 42* but I'm sure the wind chill is much less. But they are just occasional bursts. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and then back to the arctic blasts. Need to get out and do some little errands today, need some nice flats to wear to church tomorrow so I can wear some slacks then to Sams and pick up refills. Charlie as has anew script for his fungal toenails. His big toes are the ugliest things I have ever seen. You take this pill once a week, never heard of that dosing, have heard of the drug. I just know that it takes a long, long time to get rid of it. I think it would be better if he jsut had them taken off. But he doesn't like to have anything done to him.

    Watching my favorite sports, professional golf. One of my favorite players, a young 20 year old Jordan Speith who is this generations golden boy, is doing poorly today. Going to put on my oil treatment from Canookie, ride my bike then go out.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, just a quick message and I have to go out again; busy day. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WoooHooo.........made it into the 30s!!!! Chipped all the ice off the drive and sidewalk.

    I don't follow much on MFP other than this thread (who has time???), but there is a young man (link_slayer) whose thread caught my eye last summer; he already was on here when he got the horrific news that he had Ca of the tongue. Well, the support on his thread has been nothing short of phenom. all through his treatment........I looked in now and then to see what was up........AND.....yesterday he got the GREAT news that his 3mo. eval. after his last PET scan shows no cancer!!!!! I am soooo proud of all the people who have come together in a world community to boost him up and supprt him through all this..........and I'm really glad to write about something happy for a change.

    Tina...........Poor kitties. Shame on the people who left them. If you call animal control they will investigate, document, take statements, and hold the people responsible
    not sure how it would work across state lines but I'm sure they have some kind of arrangement with other states.

    janehadji..........My new Sauconys are fushia and green---they'll really see us coming!!!

    Michele............Yep; they sure SEEM related LOL!!!!

    Renny..........Shrinking woman here, too.............used to be 5'4", now 5'3" on a good day. My maternal gm had Alzheimers.

    Heather.........You are probably having your dinner right now----hope you are taking pictures for us!!!

    Taz.............My dh worked till 11pm for about 14 yrs.............I LOVED it..........got dd to bed and had the whole evening to myself.

    Hello to everyone else also.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I went to the launch party for a friend's new business this morning, but didn't eat any of the snacks, although the brie was calling to me! She is starting a small side business doing people's colors for them. Another friend is a stylist, who has a good eye for clothes and accessories. Both charge $150/hour, and I'm trying to decide if I have to try their services in order to be supportive? It's sort of like all of those home parties people have, where you feel obligated to buy something you really don't want or need. What do you think?

    I came out of the party to find that I had 3 phone messages telling me that my father had decided to drive today. I get so frustrated with this! I almost think he needs to have a minor accident to convince him that it isn't a good idea, but there is no guarantee that it would be minor, and he might also hurt another undeserving person in the process. I've had several fights with Dad about this, so I called my brother and told him to talk to Dad. He drove anyway. I'm not sure what to do. He has a valid driver's license and a van, and the doctor says that his vision would pass the test even though he's blind in one eye. His reflexes are very slow, though, and he has no feeling in his feet to tell if he's on the gas pedal or the brake. He's mentally clear, and I've told him that he's behaving like an irresponsible 2 year old, but he won't listen. I don't feel that I can "steal" the car. :angry: :angry:

    Rori – I liked the term “sodium souvenir!” :drinker:

    Joyce – You’re one of the few other people I’ve run across who doesn’t like coffee, either. I don’t just dislike it – I detest it! No tiramisu for me. My grandparents always said that I was a poor Norwegian! The only coffee-flavored anything that I can stand is Kahlua, which somehow reminds me more of chocolate. :blushing:

    Katia – The Porsche is something I’ve wanted since childhood, when I first asked my father for one. Hubby said they weren’t safe for the kids to ride in when they were small, although I pointed one out that had a car seat in it. My kids have both promised me one when they get rich! By then, I’ll probably be old enough to kill myself in it. :wink: I always thought I’d look nice driving a red Porsche wearing red lipstick and a large red picture hat! I think I’ve about outgrown the idea, though. I have a BMW convertible already, which is probably much more comfortable. In hubby’s defense, he did offer to sell one of the other cars and replace it with a Porsche if I really, really wanted it. (Did I ever mention that I’m quite spoiled?)

    Renny – I hope you have a safe trip! Good job on the weight loss! I don’t think they’re as accurate as they could be at measuring at the doctor’s office. 1 inch could be the difference between standing up straight and slouching.

    Amanda – I’m not sure what to say about not eating enough, as it’s something I’ve never yet experienced. I’m sure that it’s just as large a problem as the other way, though – especially when you’ve been heavy and don’t want to start back down that path. Balance must be a very difficult thing. I do know all about the “head hunger,” though, which is nasty stuff.

    Heather – We recently replaced our toaster with a toaster oven. I can’t say that it toasts very well and is a bit slow, but it is also a great convection oven and I use it all the time to bake my fish. I miss the counter space that I no longer have, but hubby was set on the toaster oven. We had one years ago, that I relegated to the basement. How cool that your hubby thought to buy the whiskey glasses without being told! :smile:

    Tina – Congratulations to your hubby on his new job!!! I’m sure it will be a positive change once you get used to it.

    Margaret – No specific comment, but just wanted to say “hi!”

    Patceoh – I’m certainly enjoying learning about everyone’s RV experiences. Do you still have one?

    Yanniejannie – Fuchsia and green – how delightful! Fuchsia has been my favorite color for the past couple of years. The old shoes were fuchsia and gray. :drinker:

    Jane in Colorado
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Well, the dinner is over and every one has gone home.

    Sorry no pics, except of the table I laid with the tartan on my old camera. Just forgot in the heat of the moment.
    It all went very well and we did the whole ritual, including greeting our guests with the bagpipe music as they walked in the door! DH paraded the haggis and read the poem and stabbed it. Excellent! The starters went down a treat as did the puds. I didn't drink too much whisky, so am sober enough to type this. A v good evening all round considering the two couples had not met each other before and we hadn't met the wife at all.

    Still lots of glasses to wash, but we are leaving it until the morning.

    Katla - hope you enjoyed your brunch. I love brunch.

    A lot of us seem to be in for some bad weather soon, here and in the US, so I hope we all stay warm and dry. We had terrific winds this afternoon and I was worried about the power going off like at Christmas, but it is quiet now. More rain forecast for the poor souls in the west of England who are still flooded out from Christmas and getting about the roads in boats. Water everywhere as far as the eye can see.
    In our garden we have a few snowdrops and the daffodils are beginning to push through the earth. The hellebores are coming out under the silver birch.

    Love to those with ill friends and family. :heart: :flowerforyou:
    Heather in quiet Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    evening my lovelies,
    just a quick note.. work was ok, check in with my FIL it is just God awful over there,checked his room and he had urinated all over the bed and on the floor, the companion that comes told my SIL either he gets a shower or she reports the bunch of them. it is just down right disgusting that A- the let him stay like that B- that they could care less.
    I over stuffed myself today, had all sorts of bad stuff and not even going to log it.. horribly horribly bad, and a I have a stomach ache I stuffed myself so bad..
    so on to the next and circle 4,tomorrow I am back on track to start losing more weight,have been slacking for the last month.
    gonna brush my teeth and collapse.
    I did set up my wireless printer so that is all good to go.
    it's not fancy but it will do just fine for me:wink:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.
    Went to see Thelma today.It breaks my heart to see her like that.They are gonna start tube feedings on her.
    Hope everyone is doing good today.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Patceoh: Thank you so much for your reply about RV’s. I read it word for word to DH. It sounds as though your timing was perfect and you made great choices along the way. We have good friends who are currently wintering in their 5th wheel someplace in TX. They move to a new state or campground about once a month and are having the adventure of a lifetime. They have said they plan on shorter trips after this, shorter being a month at a time rather than 6 or 7 months.:flowerforyou:

    Gmom: I am not a dancer, but love yoga. I also prefer live classes to a DVD. They’re more motivating, and also safer in that I won’t try something the wrong way or beyond my ability unknowingly.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Good luck with your height recheck. For what it is worth, I think each measuring device will be consistent with itself, but not necessarily other measuring devices.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Sorry about your soup explosion.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m happy for the young man who is now cancer free, and unsurprised that so many people here worked to be his support team. :smile: There are a few jack*sses and flamethrowers, but most people here are great.:flowerforyou:

    Jane in CO: Congratulations on your self-control at your friend’s business launch party. :smile: My dad drove within a week or so of his death because no doctor took his license. He was clear mentally, but his body was too weak to be trusted. Mom was driving half blind until her health deteriorated to the point I got control. I have no good advice for you, but a great deal of experience and sympathy. :cry: It sounds like you have a wonderful DH. I rode in a friend’s Porsche 911T in the 70’s. I swear that pebbles on the road caused bruises on my behind.:grumble: If I’m going to have a bruised backside, I’d rather ride a horse. That is just my pov.:wink:

    Heather: Congratulations on a wonderful Robbie Burns celebration! I didn’t realize that parts of Britain are still flooded from Christmas. I enjoyed my brunch with sailing friends. Here in the western US, we’re starting to worry about drought. Spring rains could still save us. I have them in my prayers as rains, not floods.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Best wishes for a better day tomorrow. Is there an agency you can report FIL’s nursing home to?:flowerforyou:

    Jane: Good night and best wishes for a great tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    I had a good time at our sailing club brunch. I got a lot of attention for losing weight, a positive, along with “can you advise my wife,” a serious negative. :noway: I’d actually lost most of this the last time they saw me. Oh, well.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We are at the lake cabin and the pipes aren't leaking, so we are happy. We took the dogs for a walk across the dam and there was a bald eagle out there standing on the ice. It was awesome! We took pictures, then went to another parking lot to get pictures from another angle and met a student from Saudi Arabia with a huge camera taking pictures of the geese. We pointed out the eagle, but he didn't seem interested. He was totally into those geese though.

    I made myself a pretty tasty supper tonight. I took a pork sirloin chop (with no sodium solution added) trimmed it and cut it into thin strips, browned it in a little olive oil, and added a sauce made from orange juice, apricot preserves (the all fruit kind) and some black pepper. I added a little flour for thickening. It was so yummy! Not bad considering I was using what little I had out here. I don't keep much in this kitchen, so I have to bring whatever I need. It would have been good over brown rice, but I didn't have any. I peeled a sweet potato , cut it into thick slices and baked it in the oven with mrs dash. My whole meal had ZERO sodium. Poor hubby had chicken fried rice and crab rangoons from our local Chinese drivethru that we picked up on our way out here. His had LOTS of sodium.

    I have finished one of the three scarves for the kids, and am getting ready to add the fringe on the other two. They will need those scarves Monday and Tuesday. It's getting cold again!

    Have a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jane, I didn’t do any of the driving of the RV’s. Jake does all the driving no matter how we travel. He thought the 5th wheel and the motorhome were easier than the trailer. The disadvantage to the 5th wheel is that you have to have a powerful truck to pull it and it has to be specially outfitted to attach the 5th wheel. Jake loved driving the motorhome but we had to find the right kind of car to tow behind it so we’d have a vehicle to drive when we got where we were going. A lot depends on how you want to use your RV. We bought a book called “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to RVing and it helped us figure out what sort of RV we wanted.

    :bigsmile: Michele, thanks for the reminder about “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” I have the whole set and I haven’t done them in awhile….I love exercising to music.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I loved almost every minute of the time we had our RV and ever since the day we decided to sell it, I haven’t missed it at all……you’re right about the money it costs.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, when my doctor insisted that I gain weight, it was very stressful for me. I had to take it one day at a time and carefully add a few calorie dense foods (nuts and chocolate almond milk were at the top of my list). I didn’t want to eat anything that I considered not healthy.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I know your dinner tonight will be wonderful and you’ll be supreme at not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good work you’ve done.

    :flowerforyou: Tina, I’m sorry that line dance didn’t work for you……exercising with friendly people and music makes me happy.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, after walking the dogs one at a time for awhile, I realized that I liked it…..each dog has a different personality and walking them one at a time allows each dog to choose her own walking route and decide how fast to walk and what bushes to sniff and how long to walk. The only bad part is when I call one dog to walk and the other one looks so sad even when I say “I’ll be right back”.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I am shorter now than I used to be

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I wouldn’t spend $150 for a service unless I really wanted it……the older I get, the more able I am to avoid doing things because of guilt or obligation. If you have lots of money, you could buy your friend’s services more as a gift, but if you have limited money like I do, then I’d suggest you don’t buy anything because you think you have to.

    :bigsmile: This morning Jake bathed both dogs and I walked each of them after their baths…..somewhere in between I worked on the income tax and wrote a letter I’ve been putting off for a long time.

    :flowerforyou: Later we went to lunch in honor of the life of a woman who died recently. Her daughter invited a small group of friends and treated us all to lunch. During the meal each of us introduced ourselves and shared our memories of the woman who died. It was a very touching event and a good meal.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • colograndma
    Hi ladies, had all good intentions to pop in here and write while I was at work, but it was a zoo. Forgive me... I did read, just could not post. I did not even get a chance to tally my meals ::blushing:

    DH had a busy day too teaching a lost wax casting class, that he will finish tomorrow. He wants to go out to eat.... so we probably will.... Hope to find a nice salad!

    Hugs to you all, promise to write tomorrow as I am off.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello all my fitness pals. It has been a quiet day today; I spent the whole day on the computer doing a test bank chapter and have 5 more questions to go. And I can’t get them written LOL. Ok weather wise here, but Monday and Tuesday we are back to the -25-ish wind chills. We went to our friends’ for dinner last night and had butternut squash and spinach lasagna. Delish!!!

    Today I am grateful for my daughter who is such a good cook.

    Joyce: I have been hearing about some promising new treatments on the horizon for MS

    Anne: racquetball sounds like fun!

    Heather: can’t wait to check out the music!

    Amanda: sorry you are having one of those days! Hope it passes quickly

    Tina: sending you warm thoughts! Hope all works out for DH and you. You’re right that will be one big change

    Alison: so glad your brother is feeling better and able to eat. That is so encouraging that Jean is stopping drinking too

    DeeDee: you too…warm up! Sending thoughts of a fireplace!

    Liz: have you been to the doctor for your floaties? Please be careful. My dad had a splat once and his heart rate was 20. He bought a pacemaker!

    Katla: you are right; I tend to get really involved in stuff and don’t realize how the time flies by. I love the sound of fog horns…so romantic!

    Juanita: staying the same is a victory too! Being sick can pack on the pounds!

    Carol: congrats on the loss!

    Margaret: one of our rental houses has a boiler! The thing is about 125 years old and runs like a charm!

    Ozgirl: welcome aboard. I’ve been to New Zealand. I have no advice on the dentures but congratulations on your weight loss!

    Sandy hope you are well soon

    Jane: hope those shoes come soon! Take care of the footsies!

    Michele: I buy that hot chocolate all the time at Walmart

    Rori: hope you are back to your spunky self soon

    REnny: so sorry for your loss. I love that you are wearing a hat for her. Congrats on the loss!

    Well I’ve read all the posts but have no more time for replies tonight. Take care all, Meg from weird-weather Omaha
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :grumble: OMG - I really AM 5'5" . I checked myself against old measurements on our family measures wall (you know the one you will never ever paint over!!!!!) and I am 5'5". Apparently I had my DH check me a number of years ago already at 5'5". Soooo....how about an inversion table contraption. Would that help lengthen me? No wonder I have arthritis in my back:grumble: . Those discs are having a heck of a time! Booooooo :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: On another note. The memorial service was lovely today. Nice to see her pictures on the screen from the time she was a lil gal in the UK until her final days in Canada. She was an elegant lady, well educated and well spoken. I wore a hat in her honour. (Only one I still had that served a winter time...brown.) Her (2nd) DH gave an amazing eulogy too. What a powerful thing to hear people speak with such eloquence about the love of their lives in old age. Heartwarming. Frankly, I do not know what my 80's will look like, but this pair made it real.

    :smile: After that, we got what we still needed to get (at Costco, Staples, etc) before I jet off. Including printer paper (!!) on which to print my e-ticket for flight and train!! hahaha:bigsmile: :bigsmile: That tends to be a tad important don't you think??? Tomorrow I will pack. I always have my packing list ready, but frankly I DO need my PRINTED list, since I cannot rely on memory!

    :tongue: Funny thing just happened, DH just found his 2nd pair of keys for his van in the seams of the love seat. Oh for pete's sake. I do not know how often we look for things he has "lost". Could he possibly survive 10 days without me? He says he can't. but he always does, and he should not whine! :heart:

    from even more foggy Vancouver Island, BC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Alison more than your share. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie good news about young fellow MFP.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Barbie nice way to celebrate your friend.:flowerforyou:

    Jane so sorry about your friend. It was hard to watch a friend go through this.Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Heather celebration sounded fun. I can believe you are glad in some ways it is over.

    Jane Co went through this with my mom too. I did take the AARP 55 driving course and they reminded me the reason it is so hard for them to give up their car is it represents independence to them. They suggested to start brain storming with your loved one for other ways the can get from point A to point B without using their car. Also is there any chance to involve the family doctor. With my dad we told him the doctor told him he could no longer drive. According to that course men typically drive four years longer than they should and woman six. This is because typically woman outlive their husbands. Per mile driven the people in his age group have more accident than those 25-65. My mom argued she never drove very far, but she did have three fender benders in three years confirming this statistic. She only gave it up because of her health. I know how frustrated you are. Been there.

    I am glad I took that course. I think it did make me a safer driver and more alert to potential dangers on the road.

    Ended up going to see the St. Paul Winter Ice Sculptures in Rice Park. They were amazing. I think my favorite was the ice fishing scene. The artist sculpted fish and a boot as a man sat by his fish house. Also learned it is Vietnamese New Year. At our restored Union Depot they were having a celebration.Many young women were dressed in traditional outfits. Gorgeous.

  • AnswerintheSky
    Good Evening Wonderful Women!

    Just got back from my new Personal Trainer at the city-run, tax-payer funded, local gym. I think this arrangement will work out very well. He was a very knowledgeable young man who addressed my posture problems head on and gave me some exercises to do every day until I see him again. He also knows a lot about nutrition (Canada Food Guide) as do I (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) so we had a lively discussion about that with much common ground. I am to track my number of servings of certain food groups (protein, omegas, water, vegetables, etc) daily and show it to him each week. He recommended that we meet twice per week and that I drop in to the gym on my own as well. (I'm getting a monthly pass as incentive.) So far, so good...

    My daughters are coming over for an order-in pizza dinner tonight. Then I'm hoping they'll stay to play a game of either Mexican Train or Balderdash. They gave me Balderdash for Christmas. I bought Mexican Train for myself at Christmastime. We've already played both. I'll let them choose.

    Morris (my cat) still comes running at bedtime for his treat which contained his tapazole (for hyperthyroidism). I haven't given him any form of treat for at least a week and a half. Instead, I've been stuffing the pill into his mouth until he swallows it rather than spits it out. At first I used my finger but now I use a pill popper which I purchased from the vet. Funny how forgetful (read "dumb") cats can be! He still comes running expectantly...

    May you all experience the richest blessings tomorrow - Sunday. May the temperatures be reasonable!

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane, I absolutely LOVE the smell of coffee. It is such a reminder of home when I was a child and we would wake up to the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen. I knew with all my heart that my precious always there Mom and Dad were down there fixing breakfast for all of us kids. Since Dad was a pastor of a small church he had that luxury of having breakfast with all of us and help us get off to school or whatever was happening in our day. Mom and Dad were a match made in Heaven. When we were in Psychiatric training in nursing school we were not only highly encouraged to sit and talk tot he patients and have a cup of coffee with the patients. Since I didn't like the taste of coffee I wanted to have hot tea but my instructor wouldn't let me. She said the patients would take that as a sign of being better than them and not accepting them. So I would have a cup of coffee with tons of sugar in it trying to drink it. I love hot tea.

    On the subject of beds and furniture in RVs, I was reading my latest emails that come to me all the time from Sleep number and they have a line of RV beds. That would be wonderful.

    Meg, what have you heard about breakthroughs on MS. I would consider my MS to be pretty benign and hope it stays that way. My neurologist says as the years go by and my MRI remains the same whether she has to decide if I even have MS. But I stay on my medicine anyway. We know that something is wrong because of all the cognitive, fatigue and intermittent leg weakness/paralysis that I had at the beginning of this journey with her. Oh, even one episode of optic neuritis. And it always respnds very well with the high dose IV Solu Medrol. The first word in MS is multiple and I have still have just the ONE plaque in my brain. It is in the pons area of the brain.

    So glad the special party in London went well although some of those words were quite foreign to me!!!

    $150 for personal service shopper. I don't think I could quite do that. I am not spoiled.

    Had to buy an ear muff today. isn't pretty and makes a mess of my hair but in this awful arctic plunge we are having my ears and head are freezing. It was regular $12 at Payless shoe store, on sale for $6 and with my AAA card I get 10% off. I also got a plain pair of low heels so I wouldn't have to wear tennis shoes with my slacks to church. I wore jeans last week. There was one other woman in jeans and she said that was her first day wearing them. So I want to wear my slacks. It isn't just church that I want to wear them. Now that I look better I want to wear better clothes. I see so many nice outfits in stores and I know that they wouldn't go well with tennis shoes. I do need to have a different pair of shoes other than low heels. I have a pair of crocs. I wear orthodics and tennis shoes has always been so comfortable.

    I think my FitBit is slowing down. It won't sync with the FitBit site, can't get my sleep log. It does pick up all the data from MFP but I think that is the computer that is doing that, not my device. I walked a good distance in the mall, Sam's Club, Kohl's and rode a couple of miles on my bike and it really hasn't shown much. I have around 3000 steps.

    Renny, maybe you need to 'lose' all of your Dad's keys.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Renny, maybe you need to 'lose' all of your Dad's keys.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce - You mean my DH keys, right?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My dad's been dead for years. :tongue:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of this "Element Yoga for Strength and Flexibility" DVD today. There is a bonus meditation part that I didn't do. I probably won't ever do it, to be honest. I'm not that much into meditation

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do some pilates. See, I have this disk for the Wii called "Fit in Six". Really, most of the workouts are too short, but the pilates one (as I recall) isn't. Haven't done that one in a while.

    I'm thinking that today I might do some cooking for the week. I just neeed to run to the FoodLion (they're closest to me) to get some sour cream. I also want to roast this chicken that I bought. Aldi did have these roasting bags, but they didn't have them when I went yesterday, so that's something else that I need to get

    Rori - glad you're better and were able to make it with the trainer

    Joyce - I'm really surprised that the neurologist makes the appt and then leaves it to the doctor to notify you of when it is. What if that isn't a good time for you? Doctors are so busy, is there someone in that office that you can call. Wouldn't surprise me if they forget to call (or don't know that they need to). I'm not a coffee drinker, too. It's amazing how many places don't serve hot tea. The Newcomers usually have their annual gala at this country club and they don't serve hot tea. I usually keep some tea bags in my pocketbook.

    Alison - you amaze me what a giving person you are.

    Tina - congrats on your dh getting the job! You know, I'm embarrassed to say this, but I don't know how to use pinterest to search for things or to see recipes. Isn't that sad?????

    Sylvia - yup, sodium and the addition of exercise will up the weight temporarily. At least it's not a lot, you'll get it off. Hope everything goes well at the lake and the pipes didn't refreeze

    katla and patceoh - when Vince retired he wanted to buy an RV and go on the NASCAR circuit. I had no desire whatsoever for that. So we compromised and bought a house in NC - NASCAR country!

    Made a meatloaf for Vince, then some chicken, now making these cookies for him (hope they turn out OK), next I'll roast the chicken. Have it all ready to go into the oven. We shall see how this bag works. Then made some biscuits because I realized Vince doesn't have many (I just don't like buying the premade ones if I can avoid it, you don't know what ingredients they're using) and then these cream cheese chocolate muffins. I just won't tell Vince there's cream cheese in them or he won't eat them. Oh, the bag worked out pretty good. I didn't put any seasoning on the chicken so next time I probably will.

    Renny - congrats on the loss

    Joyce - when I microwave hot chocolate for a few minutes at 100% power, that's when I get an overflow of the hot chocolate. However, I find that if I microwave it at a lower power, like maybe 60%, then it still gets hot but I don't have the spillover

    Jan - I hear ya, need to check this thread multiple times a day. I check one other thread but only once/day. It isn't as active as this one so I can catch up by posting just once/day. Thanks for sharing about link_slayer. Tell him for me that I'm just so happy for him. As far as those kitties and the authorities holding the owners responsible, I would think that neighboring states would have a reciprocity, but if they moved multiple states away, the authorities might have a harder time, if they can do anything at all.

    Jane in CO - I don't know if I could justify $150 in the name of being supportive. Is there someone close to you who will give you an honest answer that you can ask if you need help with colors? Some people do, there's nothing to be ashamed about. But if you really don't, then I don't know that I would spend $150 (that is, if I just had it laying around). About your dad, this may sound mean, but can you talk to the police, explain the situation and ask that he be pulled over for some reason? Maybe they can give you some direction, if the MD won't do anything. I'm not a big coffee drinker, I'm lucky if I have it once or twice a year, and even then only if someone else makes it.

    Heather - more and more I think Mother Nature needs her meds adjusted! She's out of control! So glad your dinner went so well.

    Alison - that's just terrible about your father.

    Meg - brrrrrrrr. Stay as warm as you can. That lasagna sounds simply divine. Unfortunately, our WalMart doesn't carry that hot chocolate (boo). Today I did get this Nesquick chocolate 25% lower sugar. But sugar is still the first ingredient. It doesn't seem all that bad. I am going to try the chocolate almond milk, tho

    Renny - Vince laughs at me, but a few days before I need to start packing, what I do is put things as I'm thinking of them into a bucket in the closet. there's no way I can remember everything at one time, but as I think of them I put them into the bucket. Then I just pack everything that's in the bucket.

    Michele in NC