
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Figured out what happened with my calorie goal. When I changed the calorie's burned for my workout this morning, the original number stayed there and just added my new calories! Oh, well, back to my 1500 calorie limit! LOL

    Rita from TN
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Monday,

    Cold and light snow here in Denver todat.

    No time to read and catch up on the posts maybe tomorrow.

    The weekend was very productive. Finished getting all the boxes and our outdoor table & chairs from the storage unit. Got our roll top desk put back together, put the family room basement together and now it's just the boxes that are in the garage that need to be brought in and unloaded. Maybe by next weekend I will be able to get my car in the garage again.

    Forgot to put my pediometer on this weekend:grumble: and it would have been great to know how many steps I took going out to the garage, getting a box and bringing it in and taking it either up or down stairs. Who needs a stair master when you have all those stairs to go up and down all day long:wink:

    Hoping everyone had a good weekend. I didn't open up MFP all weekend but I was careful to drink plenty of water and tried to keep the calories in line. Got up this morning and headed straight to the bike so I've gotten off to a good start to this week.

    Dinner in the crockpot so we can eat right away and start moving more boxes.

    Drink plenty of water and let's keep moving.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I know it is still January but I am really tired of the cold :sad: As I am writing the National News is talking about the frozen Midwest. One comfort here is it is dry so no ice or snow to deal with this time.

    If you are bundled up and bracing the snow and ice please know my heart goes out to you!

    There; now I can go finish dinner. :laugh:

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    As you can see from the length of this post, I started off with great intentions! I've had to skim the last page, though, as I've run out of time.

    Hubby came home yesterday with two fresh giant King Salmon – complete fish with the heads and tails that he had ordered from a fish market in Seattle. We had quite an adventure trying to figure out how to cut it up, and made quite a mess of it. We finally googled it. It looks pretty bad, but was totally delicious and I now have a LOT of it in my freezer. :smile:

    The scale finally decided to move again, and I was down another 2 lbs. Hooray! :drinker: :drinker: My body is odd, in that it likes to hold weight and then make a good drop every 2-3 weeks if I’ve been on track. This pattern has been consistent through several diet centers, etc., so I try not to get discouraged in between drops.

    Heather – It sounds like you had a wonderful party! So glad everything went well and you enjoyed it.

    Alison – How awful that you FIL is having to live like that, in unsanitary conditions and without dignity. Is there anywhere else that he could go?

    Katia – An RV is a huge expense and lifestyle commitment. If you aren’t totally sure, I’d wait and rent one first before buying. You'll have to let us know what you decide... it does sound exciting!

    Sylvia – Non-leaking pipes are a good thing! So jealous that you got to see the eagle. Your dinner sounded great! Wow about the custody case. I can’t imagine any judge in his/her right mind giving custody to that mother. :brokenheart:

    Barbie – My hubby drives almost everywhere that we go together, too. He doesn’t like my driving and comments almost the entire time, so that I want to leave him by the side of the road. :grumble: He only lets me drive when he’s been drinking. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Connie – A lost wax casting class – do you make jewelry?

    Margaret – The ice sculptures sound amazing. I love things like that! Thanks for sharing your elder driving experience with me. Does your DH like to play soccer, or just watch it? My hubby plays it three times a week, and has for his entire life.

    Joyce – Have you tried changing your Fitbit’s battery? It sounds like a wonderful, secure childhood. I don’t mind the smell of coffee, but can’t drink it even with a ton of sugar. It’s truly abhorrent to me. I do slightly better with hot tea if it has a ton of sugar (so I don’t usually touch it). My brother’s wedding video has a lovely scene with me choking big time on the tea during the Chinese Tea Ceremony part of his wedding. (He is married to a Chinese Malaysian girl and had two ceremonies – Taoist and Christian. I took the kids and went to Kuala Lumpur for the wedding).

    Michele – The VA also makes the appointments without consulting you, and sends a letter saying when they are, so that you can’t say anything without a huge hassle. This is how all of my Dad’s appointments are made, and they usually fall on top of something else that I’ve scheduled.

    Meg – What an awful RV experience! The refrigerator sounded just disgusting.

    Vicki – You deserve to be spoiled! The hair color and nails sound like a great pick-me-up. Maybe we are indeed “shoe twins!” I hope that yours like to log steps, so that mine will, too! :bigsmile:

    Eileen – Glad that your DS and family are all okay. It sounds like a very scary accident.

    Laura – It sounds like you’re putting a big dent in the boxes! Here’s hoping your garage is clear before the next snow storm.

    Jane in Colorado
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    evenin ladies~
    well I am too pooped to pop,worked until 5, came home tried getting DH dinner for tomorrow ready since I have to work all day tomorrow,
    Finally got my smartphone, well for me not so smartphone.. maybe I should call my almost 6 yr old DGD so that she can show me how to work it lol.
    but a cover for it but it will probably be the end of the week before it gets here, do any of you put a skin on the glass front of yours, this freakin thing was almost 500.00 so I want to baby it as much as I can, dont want anything happening to it.
    Jane~ my DH and I are the only ones that really care about my FIL but we are both working full time, and my BIL works nights, my SIL is retired and supposedly taking care of him, but she couldn't even take care of her own kids,she verbally abuses him as does her son who lives there too.
    they want him in a nursing home asap, but they cannot force him because he has lifetime rights to the house.
    the place is a dump and my poor MIL is probably rolling in her grave to see what is going on in that house..
    well I am off to go to sleep, I have to get up early and get to the gym and then go to work.so will check in the the am:wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Colograndma: I found a place about 45 miles from here to look at the Trail Manors. :smile: We’ll be more than half way there later in the week for an appointment, and will go on out and look at them. DH isn’t enthused but I’m curious. We'll at least know what we're talking about. Thanks for the idea.:flowerforyou:

    Edraper: I’m glad your family survived the motorcycle hitting them. Scarey, indeed.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: Stay focused. You are probably the best person around to deal with technology goofs.:flowerforyou:

    Laura: Our friends are SeaHawks fans. I suggested a seafood spread for the game. Salmon, coconut shrimp, cracked crab… I don’t know if they’ll do it, but they sure liked the idea. :bigsmile: What would a Denver menu include, in addition to omlettes?:huh: :wink:

    Jane in CO: I’m doing my best to stall on the RV. I think the boat is enough, but DH wants to be more comfortable traveling. We’ll see. I agree with you about the expense and lifestyle commitment.:flowerforyou:

    Today is a low energy day for me. I’m still trying to regain some spunk after my round of cold/flu. It still seems to have a hold on me. Darn it. I’m better but still no energy.:ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison I got a protector and skin for mine. I don't know how many times I have dropped mine. I got all my supplies at Radio Shack, well I got the phone there also.

  • jenero52
    jenero52 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here and not really sure how the community works. You'll have to guide me along for a day or ten! Do I search for this group/topic when I want to check in? Is this a place where we can share our lives and support each other in the journey? It looks like it :smile:
    I've been a bit discouraged as my weight hasn't budged at all. Perhaps I need a more reliable scale. Any recommendations? I decided to check my measurements and seem to have gone down a bit. I do find it a challenge to take my own measurements I must say!
    Here's to the beginning of the end of January!..We're expecting -45 tomorrow morning...:sad: Winter though art a heartless ### :grumble: :wink:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Wow, busy ladies.

    I am feeling much better...whew. I didn't end up with a full blown cold, thank goodness for coldfx & vit C.

    I did make it to aquafit on Saturday. Only 3 of us showed up. Our instructor spent a lot of time in the pool with us, it was almost living have a personal training session. We had a blast and a great workout. I picked up a band and a ball for my SMAK exercises to work on at home. I didn't go to aquafit on Sunday as I was still fighting whatever bug was trying to wreak havoc in my body.

    I was planning on catching up with all the posts today at work as Mondays are our slow day and the boss was out on the road. Well best laid plans....got to work this morning and no internet. I tried everything I knew and finally had to call our service provider. They sent out a tech and he got it partly working then I had to call our IT support and they had to send someone to finish off and get it all working. I sat there from 8 am until about 3:30 reading. I read quite a bit of The Happiness Project and I'm loving it.

    Michelle, I had ordered the cookbook Fix It and Forget it lightly. Wow, some amazing recipes. I can't wait to try them!

    I'm off to bed as I had a great workout tonight at the gym tonight, it wasn't nearly as busy as it's been the last few weeks.

    I'm counting the days to spring unless someone has a delete winter button??????? :laugh:


    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. Very cold and windy today. Work was ok, I gave the new students their first test. Then the scanner wouldn’t work so no grading! I got an email after I got home that it was fixed, so I guess that’s my priority for the morning. I didn’t go to water class tonight; I have a little GI distress and my legs ache. DH stayed home today with the same, only he was much worse. So I thought I’d take it easy today. I did get my hair and nails done yesterday so I don’t look so “hag-ish” today!

    Today I am grateful for all my great coworkers.

    Teral: cute pic!

    Vicki: do you mean shellac? I love it but only do it a couple of times a quarter…too expensive for me! Stay warm out there! Great NSV!!!

    Connie: we are planning a jeep trip to CO in the summer to a ghost town and some places with trails. Please make it warm up somewhat!!!

    Jeri: eagle watching while cooking? Now that sounds wonderful

    Katla: hoping you feel better soon!

    Brenda: I too want fast results. It has taken me 1 ½ years to lose just under 32 pounds. I have learned to be ok with that because I am not willing to cut my calories more to lose faster. I am trying to do this through small “do-able” changes that aren’t too drastic, because that is what I have failed at before.

    Kay: welcome back!

    Michele: I’m glad to hear you are calling the doctor about the bleeding. You need to take care of yourself. Usually chicken spices are poultry seasoning, paprika, garlic salt or garlic powder, and seasoned pepper. She puts it right on the skin. I first put a tiny bit of oil on the skin, then the spices. I hate to say it but I love crispy chicken skin. We don’t have it often so it’s a treat for me.

    Yanniejannie: I’m jealous of your weather!

    Alison: so glad Sean is home and recovering in his own environment! As long as the alcohol stays away from that environment which I will pray for.

    Heather: your possible trip to Scotland sounds grand. I’m Scottish by heritage and always have wanted to go there

    DeeDee: my weekend totally dissolved too!

    Sylvia: all I can say is WHAT????? How could any judge grant someone like that custody????? Even partial custody is too much.

    Kevrit: 220,000 calories! Wow I’m making some pecan pies to send LOL

    Eileen: so glad everyone is ok after the crash. How scary!

    Viv: hope you never find that third thing to go wrong!

    Laura: I’ll be rooting for Denver too

    Jane: fresh salmon sounds delightful!

    Jenero; welcome aboard. I use a digital weight watchers scale at work. They purchased it at Kmart. You can search for us under community, my topics, and this will pop up. Barbie starts a new thread every month and when we hit 500 posts.

    Well I’m off to read a book. Right now I’m working on Cardinal of the Kremlin or something like that by Tom Clancy. It’s older but I’ve not read it. Good night all and stay warm! Meg from freezing Omaha
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies,

    Just a quick stop in here.........snow comes back tomorrow: expecting 9---12 inches...........now that I can finally see almost all of my yard again!!! Ran around all day.

    Heather........Great idea; I'll speak with the folkdance people at the memorial; I'm pretty sure they will think we can do better.

    Jenero............Love your pic!!!!

    Hello and best to everyone!!!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    "The scale finally decided to move again, and I was down another 2 lbs. Hooray! My body is odd, in that it likes to hold weight and then make a good drop every 2-3 weeks if I’ve been on track. This pattern has been consistent through several diet centers, etc., so I try not to get discouraged in between drops. "

    Jane,that is my losing pattern,tho I only lose a pd usually.This body loves the pounds & fights me over every ounce:grumble:

    Sylvia,how scary to worry about the custody of your Grkids.Good thoughts that all goes well. I'd rather have a shorter date,less time to stew about it.

    Alison,you amaze me with all you are able to do.I will only say the woman caring for your FIL needs to be locked up:cry::cry:

    Barbie,count your blessings. My DH can sleep while I drive.Maybe it's pay back,as I refused to drive any of our RVs :bigsmile:

    Expecting wind chills of -25-35 tonight & same tomorrow night.The gas man came to inspect our fire place. All is well,so thankful it will be a heating source if electric ever goes out.

    Used a soup recipe today from Skinny Taste .....didn't care for it.Was just bleh,even tho I followed directions & added more spices.Seems the food I am used to always tastes best? Oh,well.....just another perk of these mature years !

    Everyone in the mid west,keep warm & keep at it. One day at a time.....we WILL do it ! Pat in Ohio
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    A quick post to say hi. I spent Saturday and Sunday at church for HOURS and was back again tonight for a meeting. I love my church and I'm so glad to have it back from the hands of the mentally ill pastor we had 2 years ago, and I am carefully choosing what I do, but sometimes things seem to hit all at once! I guess it doesn't help that I also work at churches! :happy: I got home too late to do my 30-day Shred, so it's just the step counting today. I haven't slept well since before Christmas and it is really catching up to me. I'm so tired that I'm half hoping it WILL actually snow here tomorrow so that I can sleep in and rest on Wednesday. :ohwell:

    I'm off to bed now and hope to sleep! :yawn:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again! It's been a pretty good day, although I never quite made it to rehab. I went to get my hair cut at 3:00 and she didn't finish till 4:30. It was just a cut and style, but she was taking her sweet time. I like it though. Just hope I can do it myself the way she did. My son talked to his attorney who thinks he will be able to limit her to supervised visitation, which is fine with him. So I feel a lot better about things. Tomorrow I get to pick up my grandson at 10:00 and play with him till time to take him to preschool at noon. We will do lunch, just the two of us, which is always fun. My son is taking the girls to their therapist appointments tomorrow so I get the little guy. He makes me laugh so much!

    Janero, welcome! I got a digital scale on Amazon that was about $22 and had free shipping. I like it because it reads to one decimal place which helps my motivation. When the pounds aren't coming off at least I can see the ounces coming off. I weigh every day although some people don't weigh that often. It helps me to be sure I'm going the right direction. I've seen similar scales at local stores though. Sears had a weight watchers scale for $19 at christmastime. I thought that was a strange choice for a gift idea. Where do you live?

    Meg, I just love your posts. I look forward to them. When I think about checking out this thread I always hope Meg has posted. I hope you and hubby are feeling better soon.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: I gave up drinking coffee five years ago when I started on MFP and figured out that what I liked about the coffee was the hazelnut creamer I put in it. Now that I walk the dogs for a long time in the morning, it’s a good thing that I don’t try to drink coffee (or any liquids) before going out.

    :grumble: :angry: I started my day with the news that one of Jake’s prescriptions is no longer covered by our insurance. I’ve started a process to see if the doctor can negotiate to get it covered and if that doesn’t work, then we’ll see if the doctor can prescribe an alternate med. Then my glasses broke and I sure don’t have the four or five hundred dollars to replace them, so now I’m wearing my old ones. I was in shock all day and had to reach deep into my spiritual resources to recover. Even so, I got several items on my “to do list” accomplished.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..18,000 steps today ----

    “Enough is abundance to the wise." - Euripide
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Alison - you deseve that sleep!

    Called the insurance about the reclast. Now the insurance tells me that as of Jan 1 it no longer has to be precertified. Now why wasn't I told this before? Well, I'm going to call again, this time I'll probably speak to someone else and see if they say the same thing. I also called the MD's office about that bleeding and I have an appt tomorrow at 1:45, which works out since I work at the Green Room from 10-12:30. Lynette called and asked me to make her a cake. So I made a pineapple angelfood cake. It's one of my go-to recipes. Also, I had some boxed angel food cake mix that I wanted to use up. We finished the packages to send to Bryan so we'll probably take them to the post office later today.

    Took the packages to the post office then left the cake for Lynette. Tonight I play mahjongg.

    Sylvia - how sweet of your gd to say! Warmed my heart. I'm so sorry about your son's predicament. Unfortunately, the courts seem to side with the biological mother, regardless. Why, that I really don't know. But supervised visitation sounds very possible. What a hassle!

    When entering foods here, does anyone use the "meal"s? I've been trying using them and I have some questions.

    Jan - when my father died, I remeber that the paper had a standard form that they used. They'd ask certain questions and just include the information that you give in answer to those questions. I coudn't put in anything else. Now down here you can, but not by him.

    Eileen - that is so scary about the motorcycle driver.

    gmom - I used to "homeschool" my kids, too, on days when they were home. Also, I would do it over the summer. Not every day of the week, but a few times/week during the summer.

    Jane in CO - your adventure of cutting up the salmon reminded me of when Jessica was in college, her major was biology, and she had to dissect a shark. So right there on my dining room table was dissected shark, eyes in one spot, guts in another. It was...ummmm...interesting.

    katla - I'm curious as to what you think of that RV, be sure to let us know. A seafood theme for food for the Superbowl sounds so neat. Wish I'd have thought of it.

    jenero - we're glad to have ya. Yes, this is a plce where you can vent and everything else, express joys sorrows, and share accomplishments (and downfalls). Check in regularly for lots of encouragement. -45...wow, where do you live?

    Sandy - glad you like that cookbook. I find it really neat.

    NCCarol - *I* don't want snow. Guess I'd live with cold but no snow for me. Maybe it'll snow by you, but please keep it. I don't want it

    Sylvia - we didn't realize this at first, but Amazon used to have free shipping on orders over $25, but right before Christmas they upped it to free shipping on orders over $35. Amazon is going to start charging sales tax in NC Feb. 1 so yesterday Vince ordered TurboTax. Amazingly, it came in the mail today. Much to his dismay....lol that means he has no reason not to start on the taxes....lol

    The previous owner of the house got something in the mail from the bank, it looked important so I called him. I always make something for him & his boys so I made some cookies (antoher box mix that I wanted to use up, plus the sprinkles)

    Am planning to do some elliptical on the AMT. I know that it's harder working on that AMT machine because you need to use your arms more. I'm not planning to do any HIIT, just plain elliptical. Then I volunteer at the Green Room. then have the MD appt.

    barbie - one of Vince's medications we used to get quite cheaply at WalMart, but the last time he got it filled, the price was up. Seems that they had to eliminate some of the meds from the list of ones they only charge $4 for and his was one of them.

    Michele in NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi guys, up to my ears in work today, but sending greetings to all!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Saw my doctor yesterday and she has given me a whole list of things that I am to try to introduce into my diet. She's also made an appointment for me to see a dietician on Friday. Will let you know how that goes.

    On Sunday my darling granddaughter did her first stint on the runway. She was modelling at a wedding show. Apparently she stole the show (no surprise!) and was confident enough to do twirls. At the end of the show she stood on the edge of the stage blowing kisses to her twin brother who was waving like a loon and giggling. Those three year olds are so magical!

    Bogged down with work today, so must go.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Bump for later, My test is tomorrow at 4:45, once over I will catch up. I miss reading all the postes, wish me luck.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good cold morning. We are at -16'.........high today 4',so will be home with gas fireplace keeping us warm.So
    Glad the electric stayed on.:smooched: Schools are closed of course.Looking for snow later this wk.
    I would move to Fl,but never happen as I hate the heat worse than cold.:grumble::grumble:

    " Well I am up to date. I think I am glad I am at work this afternoon as DH came for lunch and last evening we bought one of those fake fireplace unit that you can put your tv on. When I left for work this morning he had all the parts out of the box and all over the floor. Sounds like him and DS were working on it all morning. I just hope it is done when I get off work and he will be relaxing. He is to go over to the Vets home this afternoon as our CMA group is doing Bingo with the residents. We try and do that acouple times a year and have a good time. It is funny as most the guys in our group wear the leather when they ride and some of the female residents get so excited. "

    How are you liking your fireplace? So nice of your group to help out at the Vets home.So many elderly homes are forgotten,as
    If we won't all be in their shoes one day. Ok,will take my soap box & make another mug of tea. Pat in frozen Ohio