50 pounds by June 1st challenge part 2



  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Hope you get back on track Sugar_apple, we all have 'bad' times so dont get disheartened - keep the motivation up! x

    Thanks.....I know its just blaoting from TOM but still its hard to see the numbers go up...

    On a good note I did my 3 mile Walk at Home DVD (45 mins)...it was awesome
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost

    I would like to see EVERYONE get in 1.5 hours of physical activity beyond cleaning, laundry, picking up toys, chasing kids, etc.

    Yard work WILL count though.

    For the past five hours this has just been eating at me. You couldn't be more sexist if you tried. Housework (almost always done by women) doesn't count but yard work (almost always the guys domain) does?

    I say bull-hockey!

    Today I scrubbed three toilets, changed the bedding on five beds, flipping the mattresses as I went (two queens, 1 double and 2 twins). I vacuumed 800 square feet of carpet moving beds, nightstands, couches, love seats, recliners, end and coffee tables in the process. I washed 14 windows, inside and out, did three loads of laundry, defrosted the freezer, cleaned the refrigerator, and the oven. I scrubbed no less than 400 square feet of ceramic tile on my hands and knees, and wiped down another 1,000 square feet of hardwood floor. Did I mention the two showers and one bath tub that also got scrubbed or the four bathroom sinks and counter tops?

    Sorry bad boys, but unless your "yard work" consisted of chopping down trees and splitting fire wood, I've got you beat!

    Sorry it seemed sexist. Around here, i do all the housework inside AND outside, so no sexism implied. I guess i meant the REGULAR cleaning routines, laundry, chasing kids, picking up toys wouldnt count because they are things you are already doing every day anyways... So i was saying to have activity above and beyond the norm. Not that those activities dont help out in leading a non-sedentary lifestyle! They certainly do! And i say this as a stay-at-home-mom to 2 young VERY active boys and as the wife of a husband who works 60+ hours a week.

    So yes, if you are deep cleaning, rearranging furniture, boxing up things to move, etc those things certainly should and do count! Your dinner dishes and 2 loads of laundry and vacuuming the livingroom floor probably DON'T count unless you are the (lucky) type that normally wouldnt do that sort of activity.

    And i don't know many ppl, male or female, who are out doing heavy-duty hardwork on a daily basis (but i am sure there are some who do!), so was thinking that yes, raking a yard full of leaves or stacking firewood certainly IS a workout. Some 'yard work' may not seem like a workout to you... use your best judgement! :)

    No sexism intended :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    My weekend 1.5 hour fitness challenge update: I got in 44 minutes of running/walking.

    Did about 25 minutes of running at my normal pace and about 2 minutes (in 20 second intervals) of me running at max speed. The remainder of time was my 4mph walking pace. ....

    Tomorrow is another run with some friends so hope to get a good one in and more time running vs walking, but i will take what i can get as i am new to this :) (just officially finished wk 5 of C25K)
  • MartyDiller
    MartyDiller Posts: 48 Member
    My weekend 1.5 hour fitness challenge update: I got in 44 minutes of running/walking.

    Did about 25 minutes of running at my normal pace and about 2 minutes (in 20 second intervals) of me running at max speed. The remainder of time was my 4mph walking pace. ....

    Tomorrow is another run with some friends so hope to get a good one in and more time running vs walking, but i will take what i can get as i am new to this :) (just officially finished wk 5 of C25K)

    Thank you for taking the time to post challenges! I have not been able to do very much exercise this weekend (due to very busy schedule), but i'm looking forward to future challenges to keep me motivated and on my toes.

    Great job on your work out! You are inspiring me to start up my running again!
  • MandyGirly
    Finally got new batteries in the scale after 3 weeks... and I'm down 5.6lbs! Yay me! :happy:

  • JulieTX86
    Finally got new batteries in the scale after 3 weeks... and I'm down 5.6lbs! Yay me! :happy:


    Way to go!
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Finally got new batteries in the scale after 3 weeks... and I'm down 5.6lbs! Yay me! :happy:


    Congrats!! Thats a perfect amount to lose in 3 weeks ~ hope the rest falls off as planned!

    As for the housework thing... i never actually counted that as my 'cals burned', its just part of being a housewife, so unless i do cardio as in treadmill or cross trainer i dont put it on MFP. Just my opinion on it, dont think she meant anything by the way he discribed the challenge... i say bring on the next one!! :wink:
  • suelynn62
    suelynn62 Posts: 67 Member
    Good Morning All. I just found your group and would love to join. I've lost 41 lbs. since January 2010 and would like to lose about 50 more. What do I need to do to join?

    SW: 236
    GW: 150
  • AmandaR910
    Billybed is keeping track of our weights, and we weigh in on Mondays, so I would shot him a message. :smile:

    Loving the scale lately, guess the hard work is finally paying off after a few weeks of nothing. :smile:
    I've stepped up my gym work outs (not harder, just longer, only have 23 more days until baby so got to get in as much as possible before I'm out for 2-6 weeks and relying on diet alone)
  • AmandaR910
    Also in response to the cleaning/yard work. I don't count cleaning as calories burned either. I clean everyday. I put my lifestyle as sedentary just in case, to account for little slip ups, but IMO cleaning really shouldn't count if it's something you do regularly (in which case it affects your calories already if you log it as your lifestyle activity level).
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Your dinner dishes and 2 loads of laundry and vacuuming the livingroom floor probably DON'T count unless you are the (lucky) type that normally wouldnt do that sort of activity.

    Based on research, I've got to disagree with you on the vacuuming. Unless you've got a Roomba robot vacuum cleaner or are doing it sitting down, the back and forth step movement, plus pushing and pulling the machine certainly should count as exercise. And while I don't do a heavy cleaning like I did yesterday (company coming) I am thorough when I do vacuum. Here's some data I found:

    Activity Expenditure Details Activities > Home Activities Calories burned with Vacuuming - 238 calories per hour

    It is already more difficult for the female body to burn calories than the male body. When I watch the biggest looser, I could just scream when I see the women working every bit as hard as the men, matching them hour for hour on the treadmill, etc. and then see the scale register 18-20 pound weight loss for the guys, and 8-10 for the girls. I know and understand the physics involved but still think we should be given credit for what we do.

    I also do ALL of the work involved in a 2500 square foot house on 3 acres other than driving the big John Deere that pulls the mower over the meadow. And I'm 69-years old. Trust me, I'd much rather be outside raking leaves than on my knees scrubbing our tile floors. My hubby has a heart condition (will be having bypass surgery in a week) and can exert little physical effort without getting tired. And I didn't say YOU were sexist, just that the analogy was.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Finally got new batteries in the scale after 3 weeks... and I'm down 5.6lbs! Yay me! :happy:


    yay you!!! I am stuck on a rotten stinkin' plateau grrrrr ;)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... well I went above and beyond today toward my 1.5 hrs of exercise for this weekend. I just completed an awesome hike. My legs feel pretty weird right now. My BFF and I just hiked a section of the Bruce Trail from Queenston Heights park to Woodend Conservation area. It took us 3 hours and according to my HRM I burned 1570 calories. Holy Moly Man ... don't think I'll be able to eat all of those exercise calories ... but I do think I earned a little something extra on my dinner dish tonight. Woo Hoo.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Challenge complete!! :smile:

    50mins cardio Saturday
    40mins cardio today (Sunday)

    Weigh in day tomorrow, keeping my fingers crossed!! :laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Oh and in response to the yard work house work comments. I personally believe that all adkwatergal was saying is if your activity is something you do on a regular basis then you shouldn't count it as your exercise in the challenge. For her ... housework is a normal activity ... and for her, heavy yard-work wasn't. We're all grown ups here and we know what is excessive activity and what isn't. I want to thank adkwatergal for posting a challenge to help us all push ourselves a bit toward our ultimate goal of 50 lbs. by June 1st and ultimately to a healthier lifestyle. After reading through some of these posts it looks like we're doing great!!! Way to go Team!!!
  • aprildauer
    Had a horrible weekend with eating and not looking forward to weighing in. Oh well my HRM will be here tuesday so I can start Insanity and Im sure Ill be back on track.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    My BFF and I just hiked a section of the Bruce Trail from Queenston Heights park to Woodend Conservation area. It took us 3 hours and according to my HRM I burned 1570 calories.

    I love a good hike! Great burn and great job on the Weekend Challenge! Awesome! :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Challenge complete!! :smile:

    50mins cardio Saturday
    40mins cardio today (Sunday)

    YAY! Great job on the Weekend Challenge! I hope your scale rewards you accordingly! :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Well, i managed to get 113 minutes completed for the Weekend Challenge :)

    i posted yesterday about Saturday's run/walk... Today i had plans to meet an acquaintance for a 30 min mostly run, a little walking session so i decided to WALK to our meeting place and back (20 min each way) instead of driving there. Pretty darned chilly out there, but i love being outside... even in (almost) winter!

    Now, if the scale would kindly take me OFF my plateau, i would surely appreciate it! :grumble:
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    Well Saturday was my day off so I did 1 hour on the elliptical on friday and 1 hour on the elliptical tonight. We have two dinners (on two different nights) I will be limiting my portions. I am even going to carry a measuring cup to make sure I only take so much.