
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: Oh my, I bet Molly was absolutely adorable modeling :love: !!! 3 year olds are magical:heart: !!! My little sweet 7 year old, modeled her new shoes and boots, she put those boots on tucked her jeans in the boots and sashayed around, she knew she looked good:laugh: ! Has your Dr. decided not to do surgery?

    Carol in NC:smile: Last night when I went to bed the weather guy said we might have a dusting to an inch of snow today, this morning they are saying 1 to 3 inches for us:frown: , 3 to 6 inches in your area. Stay warm today!!! Sounds like you`ve been really busy, maybe a snow day or two and you can relax a bit!

    Patty:smile: Wishing you good luck on your test:flowerforyou: !!!

    Sylvia:smile: I cannot imagine a judge in their right mind giving custody to someone like that:noway: ! I`m wishing the best of luck to your son and grandchildren!!!

    Margaret:smile::drinker: I`m having water with you!!!

    So much more I want to say, yet I have no more time, early meeting this morning:grumble: ! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cold NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Good morning,
    I'm back from yoga. Lovely!:bigsmile:

    I'm about to force DH to have quinoa for lunch. Normally he insists on his sandwich and I eat it alone, but today we have organic buffalo mozzarella from a farm down the road and roasted and marinated artichokes, salady bits and pastrami so he will have to choke it down as a salad! ! ! !:laugh: :tongue: :wink:

    I found one hotel I liked in NYC yesterday, but the price is horrendous! I will continue looking. The insurance people never picked up the phone and didn't call me back. Terrible business practice! Another thing still to do.
    My friend is calling in this pm on her way home. She is an old school friend and one of the "girls" for the trips we do. Will be great to see her. At 65 she has got to carry on working as she has never been good at managing money. She had a very bad depressive illness for years, which didn't help, but she is much better now.

    Barbie - I feel your frustration! Money worries are just about the worst! And especially when it all seems so unecessary. I am grateful for our NHS, with all its problems. Free meds for over 60s. Hope you get the specs sorted soon.

    Well, off to sort out the dreaded quinoa!

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jenero: Where are you from? It is fun knowing. You will be able to find us by checking under “MyTopics.” At the beginning of each month Barbie starts a new thread. You’ll find the link at the end of the previous thread. Regarding scales. Our first purchases were food scales and dishers so we could accurately measure portions. They’ve been a fabulous help. After a month or two we got frustrated with our old bathroom scale and bought a new digital scale. We found both the food scale and bathroom scale at Amazon at reasonable prices. The dishers cost more and we got them at a local restaurant supply place. Measuring cups do the same job but are less convenient.

    Laura in CO: It sounds like you had a very productive weekend and are settling in to your new home. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Jane in CO: Your body has a weight loss pattern similar to mine. I don’t know whether anyone loses steadily at the rate they’re expecting. That is why we have so many plateau princesses.:bigsmile:

    Sandy from ON: Congratulations on fighting off illness. I think I’ll need to look for the Happiness Project. I hope my library has it. Nobody has a delete winter button but my cousin, along without countless others including many Canadians, hides from it in AZ.:wink::flowerforyou:

    Meg: I also love chicken skin. I’ll have to try putting a bit of oil on the skin before I season the bird to cook. Thanks for your good wishes.:flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: I’ve always preferred lightly seasoned food, or so I thought. It turns out I preferred heavily salted and lightly other seasoned food. I changed because of DH’s stroke last year. I no longer add salt to anything I cook, and then add it to my servings at the table. I know I’m using a lot less salt now and I feel better. My “sacrifice” has turned out to be a real blessing.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Good news from your son’s attorney about the supervised visits. I hope he is able to make it happen. I envy your time with the little grandson.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I am sorry about your medicine problems. It has happened to me, too. The insurance company didn’t want to pay for my Nexium. Then they refused to pay for the generic replacement. Luckily, my pharmacist only charges a nominal fee for generics. I’m going to the eye doctor before I turn 65 so that I can get my glasses replaced if necessary. There will be a copay, but I won’t be out on a limb until they wear out. Then I’ll be out on a limb.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m glad that you’ve made an appointment with your doctor about the bleeding. Bleeding is worrisome. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I’m impressed with your doctor for giving you a list of foods to introduce into your diet. While I was awaiting gallbladder surgery, I just got lists of foods to avoid. Nuts and fatty foods were on that list. Your granddaughter’s runway stint sounds adorable. My DGD is turning three in March and we’re planning to be there. I wish they lived closer so we cold see her more often.:flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinatti: Good luck on the test.:flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: Minus 16??? Yikes! I’m glad you’re warm and inside. We have a fake fireplace in our bedroom and like it. It puts out a good amount of heat. Ours looks like an old cast iron wood stove, but it isn’t cast iron. It does a better job of heating than the gas fireplace in the living room. I like both of them and wouldn't want to give up either.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee in NC: Have a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK: My DH is not a fan of quinoa either. :noway: It reminds him too much of birdseed. :laugh: I like it well enough as a change from brown rice, and the nutritional values are impressive. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! I am looking forward to it. I am figuring out alternatives that allow me to keep my left wrist straight and find that I have to be a lot more mindful of what I’m doing. That isn’t a bad thing. Did any of you see the plank post on the main thread? It is hilarious. I posted a link to the strength thread but may have forgotten to post it here. Enjoy! (You can guess which one I resemble.)


    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Jealous of morning yoga and farmer's market access. Wish I was closer, the salad sounds fab!

    Good Morning to all,

    Another kink in my plan this morning that I'm just trying to adjust to. Had to call the AAA to start the truck we pulled in off the street (on the off chance that a snow plow came through). Battery was dead this am, due to extreme cold, and it was blocking the car in the garage that would start. Fortunately no where, like SCHOOL, to rush off to. Now that's situated but work out is not done. Headed in that direction shortly.

    Should hear shortly (couldn't go with because of my son being home) if the nerve block procedure worked for my mom and whether she'll be leaving or spending the night in the hospital. If she stays, we'll have to bundle up and drive over for a bit this afternoon.

    I'm letting a diva suck WAY too much time on custom label design for, wait for it, 7 candles and lip balms for her "destination birthday" trip. In all my years of event planning I never ran across a bridezilla that could go up against this birthday queen. I've never done it, don't believe in it, but I'm VERY close to wishing her luck and sending her on her happy little way. The other SMALL part of me is determined to win this bloody battle:drinker:

    Best wishes on achieving all your goals for today. Off to burn some calories.

    Gloria in SUPER DUPER FREEZING COLD Metro Detroit
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Thaanks Katla!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Here is a topic under "Motivation & Support" than I found interesting & inspiring about losing weight
    A lot of us on here can relate,regardless of age or how long you have been on MFP.

    "What They Don't Tell You About Losing Weight"
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    ",Brenda: I too want fast results. It has taken me 1 ½ years to lose just under 32 pounds. I have learned to be ok with that because I am not willing to cut my calories more to lose faster. I am trying to do this through small “do-able” changes that aren’t too drastic, because that is what I have failed at before".

    This is exactly what I am trying to do,for the same reasons.Hopefully,slow but sure will work for both of us.

    Katla,I used thyme,rosemary & black pepper,along with a lot of fresh veggies in the soup yesterday.I would change the recipe by sweating the veggies in a bit of olive oil before adding milk to the broth.It called for cooked,diced chicken breast,another no taste
    Ingred,so no wonder it was tasteless.Live & learn.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :glasses: Sunny but cold this lovely Tuesday Morning,

    Greetings to all. Didn't take notes but congrats to those of you that have lost, congrats to those of you that are getting in your exercise.

    Jane H ~ WOW:noway: fresh salmon that would be wonderful.

    Katla- my hubby and I love looking at the campgrounds to see what RV's people have and on occasion think it would be nice to have one but I'm afraid that once we bought it we wouldn't be able to afford the gas to use it:ohwell:

    Amanda- the twins sound adorable:love:

    Jenero-come back often and let us get to know you:flowerforyou:

    Last night I didn't measure and weigh my food so I have no idea how much I ate and then it wasn't until this morning that I remembered I forgot ...again:blushing: to complete my food log.

    Another day at the office the month end is upon me and I have qtly reports to get done before Friday not my favorite thing to do:grumble: but it must be done.

    Got my exercise in this morning, our fireplace (electric) TV stand and new TV will be delivered today and that is the last of the big purchases we have for this move. Hubby started getting the office boxes brought in and got a few unpacked but by the time dinner was over dishes done lunches made he was ready to sit in bed and catch up on Downton Abbey as we have missed it since the first week. So watched two weeks worth and by then it was bed time....evenings go by much too fast.

    I better get my papers moving I want my desk clear before the start of the next month. Everyone have a good day.

    Keep moving it's good for us.:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :blushing: Just remembered someone asked what we eat for the Super Bowl here in Denver....

    A lot of mexican food and of course there are wings, dips, chips, BBQ Burgers....your normal fare of eat too much of any of it and you WILL gain weight:sad:

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Hello to all: I am having a wonderful day so far. This is the first Tuesday in a long while that I have not had a doctor's appointment for one thing or another. I feel like I have so much time today:wink: Planning on going to the Wellness Center to exercise. I haven't done that for quite a while and I need to work on strength training. Busy week at work as one of our ortho docs did what he calls a "high efficiency" surgery day yesterday. He sends all of his hip and knee replacements to the pools first day postop. Food is going fairly well, I am trying to be conscious of adding more anti-inflammatory foods to my day. Have had fish two days in a row now and blackberries.

    Patty - Good Luck on your test. I know you will do well. Just pretend you are doing it for an actual client.:happy:

    Gloria - Had to laugh about your "birthday queen". Good luck and hope you win the battle!:drinker:

    Everyone have a warm, safe day. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    LOL Sue. I just heard back from her and she FINALLY likes a font on for her candle label. Now I have to do her word art lip balm label. She even said how great I am to work with. I might only make a nickle off this job before it's over but compliments will get her everywhere:glasses:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Good Morning,

    Welcome newcomers.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laura CO easy to forget logging when you are so busy. Hope move is going smoothly.

    Patceoh great plan slow and steady. I am trying to slow down how fast I eat.

    Jane DH does MFLS fantasy league. Kind of like Football fantasy league but for soccer. He occasionally plays soccer with a group of fellow soccer lovers.

    Sandy like the delete winter button. For me it is delete the bitter cold button.

    Barbie hope Dr. was able to figure something out for DH. Sorry about the glasses. Go Seahawks.

    Michele hope you Dr. visit goes well.

    Amanda sounds like you and your Dr. have a good plan for you.

    Patty thinking of you. I know you can do this. Good luck!


    Heather I just had an artichoke for lunch yesterday. The first one I have had in years. When I was little my mom and I would share one every once in a awhile. Quinoa yum!
    NYC and Chicago have something in common when it comes to hotel rates. Have you looked into renting a home /condo since you’ll be here for a month?

    Katlla quinoa birdseed. :laugh: Planking:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Gloria Birthday Queen love it.

    Edrapper 70 I almost hit a motorcyclist when I was 17 and have never liked motorcycles since. I was hit because I had to slow down to avoid him. He would have been killed or seriously hurt. I lost the friendship of the passenger who was in my car. Her parents sued me even though I was hit on my rear bumper. I was turning left and a person behind me hit me. The motorcycle veered in front of me because otherwise he would have broadsided me. So that is why I do not like motorcycles.

    Home again. No school too cold. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello everyone!
    So much has happened.
    Barbie so sorry about your glasses, the good thing is hopefully you dont need them for your walks or line dancing, you'll just miss them for your reading and computer :smile:

    Sylvia praying for your son and grandkids. Glad to hear about your pottery:bigsmile:
    Michelle hope your doctor reveals the problem
    Meg, Katla Deedee Yanniejannie Alison and all the others I have missed hope you are doing well
    Am trying out the 5:2 intermittent fast to reduce my body fat percent, will let you know how it goes. I am so glad to get back to my routine
    Anamika from Mumbai:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy frigid Tues.
    We are at -11 before windchill.Another snow day.
    Violet and I played clean up and cleaned her room.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning, my Vitamin F buddies!

    Michele - you asked about a mix for hot chocolate you could make. Here's a recipe from our Y that is diabetic friendly:

    Creamy Diabetic Hot Chocolate Mix

    3/4 cup non fat dry coffee creamer
    3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    1/2 cup non fat dry milk powder
    sugar substitute (Splenda, Truvia, etc.) equal to 1 cup sugar

    Mix it all together. Mix 2 tablespoons of mix into 6 ounces boiling water. Makes 22 servings
    Calories: 23.1
    Fat: 0.6g
    Carbs: 6.7g
    Protein: 0.8g

    If you don't want to use nofat dry coffee creamer, I would suggest making the mix without it, then mixing the 2 tablespoons into 6 oz. hot non-fat (skim) evaporated milk. That will give it that creamy flavor. I would also recommend using a GOOD cocoa since that will control the flavor of the hot chocolate.

    Stay warm out there and drink water!! :drinker:
    Jill in western MA
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Helllllllo.........shiveringggggg..........we are in the low 20's and that's w/o the windchill. One station is saying 10 to 12" another says 8-10"---lowered the snow total because they say it will start as sleet...........great, just great!!! NOT!!! DH took meds and clothes for 2 more days to work with him............lol, also wiped me out on cash!!! He works about 45 min away.

    Sylvia...........I can't believe a judge would even entertain the idea of allowing those poor kids to be exposed to the ex-wife. I surely hope your sons' lawyer wins. What a heartache!

    Michele...........Our paper will publish as many print inches as one is willing to pay for in an obit---some of them take up a quarter page........I've read about some very interesting lives depending on the deceased person and the talent of the writer. I'll contribute and help write it.

    Gloria...........Glad you were able to please your "birthdayzilla".........best of luck with the rest of her order.

    Barbie.........So sorry to hear about your glasses.

    Jane ...........Have a fun day with Violet!!!

    Anamika..........Good luck with your 5:2.........please let us know how it goes.

    Katla...........Love quinoa...........and, even better, my husband will eat it!!!

    Margaret.........Scary motorcycle story!!!! I burned my leg badly on my cousins Honda when I was about 15.........exhaust pipe. Sometimes I think I have had as many lives as a cat.

    Love the idea of that "delete winter" button!!!!

    Started a new book.........Anne Tyler............Ladder of Years...........so far pretty good.

    Stay warm. Nothing coming down here yet, but can't be far off.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kind of silent yesterday, not sure why, I feel OK. For once I just don't have anything to say. We have one of the electric fireplaces, love it. People are amazed at how real the flame looks. We can turn on the 'flame' only, heat only or both. Yes, our electric bills have gone up because my husband is so cold and he uses quite a lot in the family room. Our house is a bilevel so the downstairs is below ground and the walls are block. When we had the house built we had the downstairs left completely unfinished so we could finish it in our own time. We were ignorant at the time on what we were doing and just put paneling over the block walls. Later we changed that to drywall after taking the paneling off. So there is absolutely no insulation down there. We wanted one with a nice mantle like an old fashioned fireplace so we could put things on it. At Christmas time the nativity is there, at other times, family pictures and heirlooms. I prefer that over a TV.

    I am so so tired of this weather. Since we don't have nay weather friendly windows, we keep the drapes closed a lot. When I do go out it takes me so long to warm up. I'm anxious to see what my thyroid level is when I get it rechecked.

    Neurologists office better have my husbands appointment made today. If not I am going to be one mad wife. We have set a date to go over to Louisville with our youngest daughter to meet our oldest daughter for a late lunch/supper. My husband immediately wanted to got to the same McDonalds we always go to since it is right off the interstate and easy for all to get to. I put my foot down on that and we are going to meet at Jason's Deli, the place that is new here in Evansville that does sell healthy foods and I have picked for our old nurses lunch next month.

    Got my cat beside me, lunch in my belly, time to get up and get moving. I think I'll open up the drapes a bit and ride the bike. It is right beside the window and I can look outside.

    Joyce, Indiana, or is it the polar ice cap
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Back again...........nothing coming down here yet............according to what I'm seeing on tv, our Atlanta people are having it really bad; lots of accidents and icy roads; thinking of you all and hoping you are all safely tucked in at home.

    Heather..........I was on the phone with my cousin today. He's a retired high school guidance counselor and English teacher and his husband is a Dr., still working. They live in Philly and go up to NYC frequently for visits, shows, medical conferences, etc. Thinking of you, I asked for some hotels for you to consider. He says to look at The St. James, or, a bit more upscale, The Roosevelt. In May they are booked into one new to them........Yotel, but since he hasn't ever stayed there, could not give an opinion. Best of luck, I hope this helps you.

    Joyce.............Wa have a Jason's Deli in town..........never been there, but have heard good reports.

    Waiting for snow and trying not to stress-eat,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Tried to call FitBit yesyerday, never got anyone to talk to me, just on hold all day long. Finally got some one today within just a few minutes. I guess the problem was that FitBit had had an update and I didn't have it. She guided me through it and I'm all up and running now. I thought about asking for them to send me a replacement clip and wristband but I didn't have the nerve to.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I just changed my time on my tablet to local, now that I am in Holland. Now I am in line with th U.K. ladies when posting:bigsmile: . Long sleepless trip. So went to bed at 6 p.m. and now awake before midnight. :yawn: :yawn: I brought sleep meds with me, though. Hope to catch some more winks.

    Mom had a good day yesterday. She is even tinier than the previous time I saw her.

    Weather is chilly here, but bright.
