What frustrates you most right now?



  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    a 1/2 case of beer with no bottle opener

    Or a bottle of wine and no cork opener. All I can think is "So this is what hell is like..."
  • Soyajam
    Soyajam Posts: 22 Member
    I spent hours last night working through TDEE, BMR and all my measurements - and now I'm totally confused about my macros.
    The protein I'm supposed to be consuming sounds completely over the top...

    More research to do, I guess. I WILL figure this out though!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    a 1/2 case of beer with no bottle opener

    Or a bottle of wine and no cork opener. All I can think is "So this is what hell is like..."

  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    And I know that you shouldn't feel deprived, blah blah blah...but there's also those days where you're eating your calorie-friendly lunch and your super-thin co-worker comes with their fried food, big *kitten* caramel covered divine looking muffin or cake and you're all like this:

  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have recently started a new exercise program and it is making me sleep to the point that I will have to start going to bed at 7 pm, cutting in to my MFP time. :brokenheart:
  • MissFuturePinup
    MissFuturePinup Posts: 3 Member
    I literally LOL'ed at my desk. :D
    people picking me, then dropping me when I pee on them.
  • What kind of a workout program do you follow?
  • Feeling so sleep deprived, writing about it in a topic called the impossible dream, and having nobody respond to it.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    I am frustrated that I can't drink more wine. Honestly. Everything else is going great; I feel good, I'm losing weight, getting stronger... But that 4 oz. serving looks ridiculous in my big wine glass.

    get a smaller glass.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    struggling with sugar cravings
  • NEW YEAR RESOLUTION PEOPLE are in the way.
  • shahoopingarner
    shahoopingarner Posts: 2 Member
    What frustrates me is last week I was losing a pound every two days. I had a cheat day (ate healthy but had desert which I normally wouldnt) on saturday and ever since then, the scale has been going up instead of down. I havent eaten enough calories to equal a pound and am not eating anything different than last week that would make me retain water. I drink water constantly or green tea. I hurt my knees from biking too hard last week so I havent been biking as hard as last week but I still do ATEAST 10 miles on it. I did 25 on sunday, 35 on Monday, and 10 yesterday. Not to mention my other strengthening workouts and chasing 3 small children around.

    Please somebody help me? I didnt even go over my calories on my cheat day. I made a homemade pie and used low calorie ingredients. Yes I ate more than I shouldve but I saved my calories of the day until my desert because I had it planned. I had salad and yogurt the rest of the day that day.

    so how do I get my body losing weight again instead of gaining?? Btw im 5'9 and *was* 136. At 138.8 now. =/
  • Pretty much the same as everyone Else's response...stuck losing and gaining the same 5 to 6 pounds over and over. Trying to eat healthy and kicking it hard at the gym and nothing happens. I work out so hard my underwear and outerwear are SOAKED, but scale is stuck or goes UP. I eat so "wel" that MFP says I'm not taking in enough calories yet scale does not go down. I think I posted all this last week. I have to look at the good things, though the scale hasn't been my friend my blood pressure is down 20 points top and bottom and my blood sugar has dropped 20-30 points and yesterday the Dr said he FULLY supports me trying to get my numbers under control naturally without a pill!
  • Constantly being stuck in the house due to the weather, maintaining is SO much easier when you and the kids can just go run around outside!
  • myrasays
    myrasays Posts: 23 Member
    Oh lots of things! Mostly, my joint pain & digestive issues. I love to move. I am addicted to physical activity - I have even discovered that I am pretty good at sports (not something I ever knew about myself lol). But I am struggling because the following day's joint pain gives me anxiety about what I'm doing to my body. Also? My lack of $$$ to go see the doctors I need to see to address both problems.
  • youcrazything
    youcrazything Posts: 32 Member
    That I can't have little extra calorie indulgences without going over my allotted calories. I've been doing great fitting a good amount of food that keeps me satisfied within my calorie goals. But I miss having that occasional glass of wine or a bit of dark chocolate. I know, I know, I can have anything if I fit it in. The problem is if I remove or cut back on something else to fit it in, I know I will end up feeling hungry and grouchy. And if I add it on and go over my set deficit, it might set me back and I've been doing so well lately. Maybe its just a mental thing, because I have gone over my calories recently just with my regular meals and it never hurt anything. Hmm, maybe its time to break out that Cabernet Sauvignon that has been sitting around since New Year's....

    Nevermind, maybe I don't have anything to complain about. Except for all the clothes in my closet that don't fit right.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    That my sprained ankle is taking so long to heal and I'm not stable enough to squat and deadlift, or run, or do the fun cardio classes at the gym. I am SO SICK of the elliptical.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    My stepdaughter is acting a lot like her mother this week. Ugh, and the inlaws are coming over tonight for my husbands belated birthday. At least I'll get in my cardio running round like a chicken with its head cut off waiting on everyone.
  • That I just can't seem to lose weight unless I have a deep routed feeling of self disgust and hatred! I want to lose weight and need to but I'm really struggling to keep myself motivated :sad:
  • Emmy360
    Emmy360 Posts: 69 Member
    Foot Pain Early in the morning>>>>AAGGHHH!!!:frown:
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    How much I hate cooking and preparing food ,and how there's no way to avoid it if I want to actually get the right nutrition. I'm about ready to give up. The idea of eating the foods I need to eat in order to meet my macros and stay within my calorie goals kind of makes me pukey.
  • VanessaRosa3
    VanessaRosa3 Posts: 3 Member
    Having only 9lbs to lose to reach my goal and it taking forever!
  • I am frustrated that I can't drink more wine. Honestly. Everything else is going great; I feel good, I'm losing weight, getting stronger... But that 4 oz. serving looks ridiculous in my big wine glass.

    This!! I feel your pain!!!
  • mellypeters09
    mellypeters09 Posts: 35 Member
    Fluctuating between a few pounds. I wish there was a way to know if I definitely lost a pound or if its just my body fluctuating or my scale being slightly off. I've literally been bouncing around a three pound difference for like 2 1/2 weeks.

    Also websites that give me "simple recipes" and they cost like $50 just to make one serving. I need to lose weight on my body, not in my wallet.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    nobody else participating in my "I had the strangest dream" post.. I thought it would be pretty fun.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    this just on my newsfeed, holy cow :explode:

    burned 63 calories doing 15 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort
  • shadow2450
    shadow2450 Posts: 19 Member
    The 30 min of pure elliptical cardio at 88 rpm non stop, for 6 times in a week. Knees are already at their limit but...JUST GOT TO TOUGH It OUT! :noway:
  • people who keep saying that sugar is evil and carbs are bad….

    I promise you can eat the foods you want and lose weight…

    the only thing bad about dieting is restricting whole food groups as "evil"

    For me they are. I cant eat soy, wheat, and white sugar without breaking out (skin redness and itchiness)/dragon lady temper/ extreme lethargy. So, carbs aren't bad, and I can have really unlimited because YAY! veggies, but... I guess that leads to my frustration. I love bread/pasta/pizza, and now I get itchy redness around my joints every.. single...time.... I hate you body!!!! <shakes fist at the sky>

    (Disclaimer: I do not actually hate my body. I love myself, which is why I am trying to change me to be healthier. It was just more dramatic to have the exclamation and fist shake a la Planet of the Apes. Yes I am strange. )
  • Tanana66
    Tanana66 Posts: 84 Member
    I have flu. :sick: 2 weeks in bed not lifting anything heavier than a spoon. Not good. :grumble:
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    That the only place I can feel that I've lost weight is my arm pits...seriously?? With all the places my body can burn fat, it decided to start in my armpits. :grumble: