50 pounds by June 1st challenge part 2



  • I WEIGHED IN TODAY!!! I AM 270!!!
  • I weighed in today, not good put on 2lbs!! BOO!! :grumble: - Had a bad week so not surprising really. I will have to just try harder this week:ohwell:
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Weigh in this morning and lost 1.5 lbs! Yay! :happy:

    Was = 164.5
    Now = 163.0
  • Morning everyone, like many people I didn't have the greatest week (again). But I've been working out my issues and am feeling much better. I was only down 0.6lbs but I'll take it.

    Good luck to everyone this week.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Happy enough with my loss - 186 to 183.5 (down 2.5lbs)

    I had a pretty decent workout week - jog/walked a mile relay with my mom's group for the salvation army (we raised over 1600 for the group - my mom's group donated 208 of that). I also got the chance to swim/play 2 days with my kids, and then managed a wii workout or two. I need to get my house clean this week, and get more wii workouts in to battle the turkey later on. Hope everyone who's celebrating will have a good turkey day. This is the first hard holiday I'll have since I started my weight loss challenge. No pies for me!
  • I had a really good week food & exercise-wise but am still pretty much stuck on my plateau. Its so frustrating. I've been getting in such great burns, so I think i may be consuming too few calories for my activity level and my body is holding onto everything? Not quite sure, but i know something needs to change, so going to take advantage of the "mixing it up" to reduce my Thanksgiving overeating fear. I've lost 40 pounds, so i know that i can do this... Need to keep my focus and my primary goal is running my *kitten* off in my Dec 4th 5k --- which just happens to be my older brother's birthday. He died 3 years ago, at age 41, so it would feel really nice to get a good run in in his memory that day. We are making his favorite birthday meal for afterwards: lasagna. My mom is even coming to spend the day with me... so keeping my eyes on THAT prize and off the #s on the scale i think will be my healthiest route :)

    Anyhoo, on to a new week! Even if its a tough one, the days will pass regardless. We may as well be doing something healthy with our time :)

    adkwatergal -0.5 lbs --- new weight: 188.0
  • **** REMINDER ****

    send your name, current weight, and loss/gain info to Billybed http://www.myfitnesspal.com/billybed so he can enter it in our spreadsheet! Thanks again Billybed for doing this!
  • PM sent.

    Down 1.4lbs this week (would have been 2.6lbs if weigh ins had been yesterday lol). But anyways, 3 weeks until baby day and I'll be able to post a REAL loss. :smile:
  • 3 weeks until baby day and I'll be able to post a REAL loss. :smile:

    and a priceless gain!!! :heart:
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Down 2 pounds this week!!!! Current weight 192!!!
  • I dont weight myself weekly or anything so I started this challenge weighing 278. First time since I weighted myself since the challenge and I down to 261.5. Feels good. I never thought I would count or watch what I ate but I can say this site has helped me get to the next level. My total weight lost is 57 pounds. :)
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Weigh In Day: (not as fantastic as last week:ohwell: ) 176.0 -- down 0.4lbs. But hey it's a loss! and I lost 2" on my hips and 1" on my waist! That's what I'm proud of! :happy:
  • marianpp
    marianpp Posts: 35 Member
    Weigh In Day: (not as fantastic as last week:ohwell: ) 176.0 -- down 0.4lbs. But hey it's a loss! and I lost 2" on my hips and 1" on my waist! That's what I'm proud of! :happy:

    Yeahhhh! a lost is a lost. you are doing great!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I didn't set my alarm so I got up late and in a whirlwind to get to work on time. I forgot to weigh. I will update my weight tomorrow.
    But like I have read from others. I had a bad week too much food and not enough activity.:frown:
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    no loss (BOO) but no gain (YEAH) so considering the week I will take it and run...
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    well I am down 1 lb from last week which is better than I thought it would be. This weekend wasn't the best, well Saturday was good but Sunday I didn't workout because for some reason my neck and shoulders were sore from Saturday so I took it easy and didn't really make the best food choices. Oh well I just have to stay diligent this week so that Thursday doesn't get me down.

    I cant wait for Wednesday because then I get to order Turbo Fire. I have been waiting for a month to be able to order this. HEHEHEHE I feel like a kid on Christmas morning just thinking about it.
  • I started two weeks ago:
    11/8/10 = 185 (starting weight)
    11/15/10 = 183.3
    11/22/10 = 179.9

    So this week I have lost 3.4 lbs, and I have lost 5.1 lbs total. Gotta love the first few weeks of weight loss... Now is when it's going to get harder. Wish me luck.
  • Im up .9 this week. So weight this week is 194.9. But I knew it would happen after this weekend of drinking and eating. Oh well new week and my hrm will be here tomorrow so back into insanity i go. Im so looking forward to it.
    Great job to everyone that lost this week and keep at for the ones that stayed the same or gained. It will get better.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    11/19/2010 - Accepted Challenge
    Starting weight 185

    11/22/2010 - 184 - down one pound
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    my weigh in for today is 257.5.
    how is everybody doing?
    im feeling alot better. i went for a long super fast walk. i looked ridiculous, im sure. lmao.
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