Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Drives me nuts when people post pictures of what they are eating too... I don't really care about what anyone eats but me.... haha I just hide what they are saying unless they post something "important"

    ^ THIS!!

    Oh, and the constant drama queens. "Why does no one love me?" "Why do I even exist?" BLAH BLAH BLAH
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    ignore it
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride

    Plenty of people injure themselves on bikes, which is preventable in most cases. Shall we stop that too?

    I know a guy I'm going to start riding with in the spring, last summer shattered his pelvis in a fall on his bike.

    Not just broken, shattered. It's now pinned together.

    Lots of deaths caused by cycling on London's roads... Clearly a dangerous behaviour that should be judgementally policed and criticised on our friends' FB pages. And *newsflash* there are many, many people in the world who have no desire to ride a bike, or run a marathon. Not because they can't, but because they quite simply don't want to *gasp!*. That doesn't mean they don't feel good in their own ways.

    Hey, I feel good every time I whack it.

    How many deaths were caused by inattentive or unsafe drivers, and not the actual roads? It's good to be exact.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    I don't really care. I actually get amusement out of it. But then again, I make cakes as a side job/hobby, so I regularly post those on facebook as well. And believe me, that's not low cal either. I actually like looking at those concoctions on facebook and have actually taken the effort a few times to look for ways to make them a little healthier and post as a new option. My opinion is post on. At the end of the day, I'm responsible for my body and they are responsible for theirs. If they don't want to change, they won't. If I get all preachy with them, I'll just push them away. I'd rather be there for them with friendly suggestions if they ever decide to change their ways and want to eat healthier.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    People have a right to eat whatever they want. Let's face it......If we ate fruits and veggies our whole lives and only what was "healthy" for us, we wouldn't be here. You had your fun, now let someone else.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    I'm one of those people that posts "unhealthy" recipes/pictures of "unhealthy" foods I've made on facebook. I'm not overweight at all and just because you seem to have issues with certain foods you don't deem to be up to your standards, that doesn't mean I have to be afraid of enjoying and sharing them with others. Were you to post something like that on my FB, I'd very politely tell you to blow it out your *kitten* and post another couple recipes in your honor :laugh:

    BTW, see that lovely blueberry banana bread I have as my avatar? want the recipe?

    I want the recipe... share, please!!! :)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I feel bad for some people, being fatter than hell, then posting "We ate at McDonalds and ate Pizza Hut!" when in just the prior week they posted that they bought "fat burning pills" because they really want to lose weight then announce they have to eat junk food and diet pills because they can't afford healthy food. *head spins*

    Some of my friends always update their status at restaurants and I'm thinking "You've made it very public that you are struggling with weight loss and such, why are you posting that you're eating at a burger joint?"

    Unfortunately, some people really just don't get it (especially my first example). People have different IQ's, life experiences etc...

    I don't say anything, but my head spins! I try to ignore it, but my BF and I are fitness fanatics and I vent to him.

    Honestly for me this inconsistent or ignorant behavior being displayed publically would be embarassing! Have a pulled into a Mickey D's in a pinch? Yes. Am I so proud I am going to check-in my status update on FB? Hell no. I never let on about that on FB.

    I do share some yummy looking healthy creations of mine.

    I'm also a cronic poster of my dinner.

  • wilde1105
    The first thing you want to do is delete all of the people who are posting pictures of food. Next, delete anyone who has a different political view as yours. Anyone who has different religious beliefs from you is gone next. Now those annoying folks who send you invitations for games. Baby pictures, see ya! The guys who like every page for sexy women and get viruses on thier FB, buh bye. Now you should be left with just your family. At that point deactivate your page and have a conversation with them.

    FB is a dying technology.
  • mscrystallee
    mscrystallee Posts: 62 Member
    I am an offender, 9 times out of 10 it is healthy based recipes and nothing made with processed ingredients. But a decadent cake or other amazingness I am all for, and I don't feel the need to eat the whole thing. Actually I bake every weekend, I have a piece of brownie or a couple cookies and the rest find new homes.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Not to mention the human cost of those preventable conditions- not being able to enjoy a good bike ride

    Plenty of people injure themselves on bikes, which is preventable in most cases. Shall we stop that too?

    I know a guy I'm going to start riding with in the spring, last summer shattered his pelvis in a fall on his bike.

    Not just broken, shattered. It's now pinned together.

    Lots of deaths caused by cycling on London's roads... Clearly a dangerous behaviour that should be judgementally policed and criticised on our friends' FB pages. And *newsflash* there are many, many people in the world who have no desire to ride a bike, or run a marathon. Not because they can't, but because they quite simply don't want to *gasp!*. That doesn't mean they don't feel good in their own ways.

    Hey, I feel good every time I whack it.

    How many deaths were caused by inattentive or unsafe drivers, and not the actual roads? It's good to be exact.

    Unfortunately there aren't any exact figures - it's a subject of much debate here, and hopefully some of the attempts to sort it out will have a positive result. Blame seems to be fairly equally shared, according to most of the less-biased sources, between drivers, road design not intended to accommodate large goods vehicles and buses, and some cyclists ignoring/ignorant of the rules of the road.

    ETA. I cycle home from work a few times a week, but only in the summer, when it's still light in the evenings, and I take back roads or cycle through parks as much as possible. London traffic is scary, and I've seen too many cyclists come very, very close to disaster on main roads in particular, sometimes through their own fault, and other times courtesy of bad drivers/bad road design. You couldn't pay me enough to get me on a bicycle when it's dark by 4.30pm and the roads are slick with rain.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member


    Talenti black raspberry chocolate chip gelato. ...

    cause you know, I'm clearly overweights.

    I'm still gonna post my food.

    YOU ARE WRONG. You cannot post that. Because the Talenti Sea Salt Caramel is the way to go.


    I've never had the sea salt


    could you... Post a picture?

    I cannot because of... um.... reasons...

    *hides empty container*


  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    in for blueberry banana bread
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member

    I cannot because of... um.... reasons...

    *hides empty container*



    This is acceptable. I take your pastry and raise you my breakfast...


    Cookies and cream protein pancakes with Hershey's dark chocolate chips.
  • cumulonimbo
    I completely agree with you on that, unfollowing is the best thing you can do.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    3 ingredient chocolate soufflé cheesecake 207 calories a slice


    Also excellent with white chocolate, I just happened to have dark on hand =)

    *edit* @post can I trade some for your pastry? Please =). I don't have ice cream or pancakes atm =\ lol.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    People have a right to eat whatever they want. Let's face it......If we ate fruits and veggies our whole lives and only what was "healthy" for us, we wouldn't be here. You had your fun, now let someone else.

    If, by "you've had your fun", you mean that I went through a stage of living on the couch eating pork rinds and Millionaire Spaghetti Pie with Banana Nut Brownies for dessert, well. not really. I'm 5'7". I weighed 130 when I got out of HS, I'm 129 now and was 147 at my peak (not counting pregnancy). I've been working out almost daily my entire adult life to keep my body healthy and my BMI within normal limits.

    And I DO indulge in food that's not good for me on occasion- but not so often that it results in weight gain.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Something I have learned is that nobody gives a flying flip about my exercise and calorie counting but me and my MFP friends. So I pick my spots when rambling on about my opinions on this stuff.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I think the takeaway here is:

    If I have to ask if I'm being mean, it's because I am.
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    Really? Maybe they ran a marathon that day and had 2 of the brownies. Maybe they make changes to make the recipe healthier (neufchathel cheese instead of cream cheese etc). point is if you don't want to make it don't. If you don't want to see their posts, hide them from your wall. I don't see the need to try to shame them for the recipes that they have selected......And frankly I think you need a Snickers because you aren't yourself when you're hungry.....