Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • amandafauxpas
    Just ducking in on a spare moment at work. I weighed in again this morning, and found that the scale had not lied yesterday, so I'm mindfully celebrating 18# down.

    Normally when I start losing a fair amount, I slide back down the slippery slope, but I am trying to be really careful this time. Last night, I was offered a contract for a role I never though I'd get to play, which is super exciting! But it is very active and the costumes are very specific/historically accurate to the time period, so I really need to focus on keeping my eating in line and getting active. I have about a year before the show, so I really want to work hard. I think it will help to have a tangible goal.

    I will try to get back to do some personal comments later, but in the meantime, I hope everyone has a Happy Friday!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Fri Fitness: sorry, nothing to report today, except chasing and carrying babies all morning...I hope that counts for something. I was babysitting at my daughter's house and she has a really steep, long staircase to the bedrooms upstairs. In the past, it's been hard for me carrying a baby in one arm, holding on to the railing with the other and trying to hold a 2 year old at the same time. I've always been scared of her staircase with young children around. Anyway, today when I carried the baby upstairs, it seemed easier...thank goodness, It's one big reason I'm doing this eating plan...I'm older and I don't find it easy to carry these babies all the time. One of them weight about 27 lbs. He's only 14 months old, but a big boy, not fat, just big and tall.

    My plan...well, I'd like to go to the gym tomorrow, but we're supposed to get some kind of ice/snow storm tonight and tomorrow. Skinnyjeans, I wonder if it's the same're in Chicago and we're not far, outside of Toronto, on Lake Ontario.

    Laurie: Thanks for the heads up about Susan's link...her friends were amazing!
    Alupinsk: I've been weighing myself every day too and have the same kind of results you have. It seems like you have the right attitude about it. It can be psychologically tough at times to see such variances.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Hayley, your story about your dog, "Brandy' really touched my heart. I know you won't ever think of 'that' as a way out again and I'm glad. . I was in the same place when I was very young (17 years old), and I still get scared thinking about it...imagine what wonder's life has in store for us that we don't know about ..we don't want to miss a minute of it. Also, I truly think it's a very, selfish act. I'm not criticizing, but from personal experience that's how I feel. Thank you to your dog...sometimes all we need is a little show of caring or kindness from someone to break us out of that kind of thinking.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: I’m pleased overall with my exercise this week. Trainer on Monday. Gym on Wednesday, Thursday and going tonight after work. I plan to walk outside tomorrow plus I may try to hit the pool at the gym. Sunday I’m walking with m MFP friend, Glenda, which will be nice. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing.

    @ p1xyn1xy – Boy, I had some days like that last week. It was NOT pretty. I hate how TOM can take control. The older I get the worse it seems to be getting. I’m hoping that means the “change” is not creeping towards me. God forbid!!!

    @ RobinB – To be honest, this is the only thread I follow. I try to get on once a day at least. Some days I can jump on more because I feel I need the support, but normally just once a day. When I first joined, I jumped around to different boards. I didn’t like some of the negative talk or direction some of them take. This was the only one I found that stayed true and positive. Yes, they give some constructive feedback, but always in a good way. We had a few lurkers/stalkers and they don’t stay long.

    @ Mel – Congrats on the inches. I know it’s so tough when the scale doesn’t move, but I try to focus on my overall health. Clothes are getting loser. I’m not dying climbing the stairs. I can actually do 30+ minutes on the elliptical without coughing up a lung. LOL!! You’re doing GREAT! Regarding Atlanta, I lived there for 18 years before moving to Las Vegas 2 years ago. They have no snow equipment so any inkling of bad weather the place shuts down. This last storm came a little sooner than everyone planned. By the time people left work early, it was too late. Total shut down. Interstate 285 is a nightmare in good weather, but people literally had to spend the night in their cars because no one could move. Kids spent the night at their schools because buses couldn’t get out due to traffic. It was a total disaster.

    @ Laurie – I’ve always been in awe of sign language, which is truly beautiful. I use to go to this large church in Atlanta and they always had an interpreter. I’m glad you enjoyed your massage too and had a chance to relax even for an hour.

    @ Hayley – Congrats with the trainer!! You’re going to be amazed at how far you’re going to come. When I started, I could barely do 5 minutes without dying. Now I’m doing intervals and getting over 200 for 30 second sprints. The treadmill was 3.5 at 10% incline. You’re going to get so much stronger. I was a competitive cheerleader YEARS ago so I total understand. I’m a bit too old for all of that now, but my inner gymnast would love to tumble again.

    @ Karen – Had to chuckle at your lie about grading. You crack me up! Sorry to hear about the migraine. Hope it was short lived.

    @ Alupinsk – Thanks girl!!

    @ L2T – Nice goal setting and very attainable. People often set too lofty goals and when they don’t come close they derail. You want to push yourself, but they need to be realistic too.

    @ Helena – Will do!! I’m always looking for help with different meal ideas.

    @ Nettie – Hysterical!! You made me think about your last bra fiasco. Awesome NSV!!!

    @ Mandamoni – I think that’s a great goal and a wonderful incentive. You can do it!!
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Okay, so I know I've already posted on here today, but I have great news!

    I'm down 2.2 pounds this week!!!! Yay! Cel-e-brate good times, come on!!!!:happy:
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @Hayley- Congrats on your loss of 2.2 lbs. I also want to thank you for your story about you and Brandy. It really helped me.

    AFM- I started to have a better day then the rest of the week until I got the message that I can go pick up my little guy's ashes from the clinic. As well as a sorry for your loss from the clinic in the mail. I started bawling my eyes out. My little boy was a dog he was a guinea pig who had a dog personality and thought he was bigger than what he was. The vet even told us to cherish him because he was very unique and one of a kind personality. Unfortunately we didn't get that much time with him. He was/is and always will be my little baby boy. He helped me through so many emotional roller coaster rides. Now I have to get through losing and maybe in a few months decide to get another furbaby but this time I think we will get a puppy or dog from the shelter. I don't think I could get another guinea pig because I strongly believe I will try to compare the new to my baby that just passed. It's hard to believe that he's been gone almost a week it still feels like he just passed yesterday.:sad:

    This weekend I'm going to try and keep myself busy considering we're expecting up to 10" of snow. So not looking forward to it and then some more snow on Tuesday with the bitter cold again. Spring please come quickly is all I can keep thinking.
  • mechelemc
    mechelemc Posts: 59 Member
    I'm looking for all the support I can get. I've got 100 lbs to lose and need some cheerleaders with the same goals. I'll be starting 30 day shred tomorrow. Pls add me :) I am a great motivator
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @mechelemc- you have come to the right group. This is a wonderful group that you will definitely get your cheerleaders and motivators here. Good luck with your journey to a new you!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hayley-Congrats on your lost and the great workout with your trainer. When working with the steps, I also have an issue with one leg vs. the other, when it comes to stepping up and down with the same leg. It does get better as you get stronger.

    Just dropping in tonight. It has been a busy day at least I managed to get some much needed work done at school.

    I just love parent's, who don't bother to check their kids grade until the marking period ends. Then they want to know what they can do to make it up with the excuse that the kid was absent that day. That's possible except when the project went on for several days after the initial planning day. I will see if anything gets turned in late. I don't mind grading late assignments if there is a good reason but really there is a time to draw a line. Honestly, I think her daughter will forget to turn in the assignments first thing in the morning on Monday. Grades are due Monday afternoon so it has to be turned in by that time.

    I am looking forward to warmer temperatures this weekend- high near 50. Then Sunday night, the next winter blast is schedule to make an appearance. I hope everyone who is experiencing warm weather this weekend gets to enjoy it for a little while at least.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Hayley - Woo Hoo!!!! I'm so proud of you.

    @ Laurie - I know at Cyrus' school there should be no excuse from students OR parents. Whether you have a phone, computer, e-mail, etc. . . teachers are available. I look at Cyrus' grades almost every day. I can't tell you how many e-mails I've sent to his teachers. No excuses. I do feel sorry for the kids though who have sorry parents. Some kids don't have that support, which is very sad too.

    @ Madeline - Hang in there. Cry as much as you want. You've lost a special family member and will always have some wonderful memories.

    @ Mechelemc - Welcome!! Congrats on the 52 lbs lost - that's awesome!!! You have found a hidden gem. The thread moves pretty quickly during the week, but slower on the weekends. Folks are out and about more. Everyone is so supportive with no negativity. We've got folks who have lost 100 lbs, 5 lbs, maintained all year, and everything in between. It's really an amazing group of people. They support is there if you stick with it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump! :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I've just read the last 2 pages of posts and My, how you folks have done a wonderful job of caring for each other! If I was new to the thread I would want to join just for the warmth and kindness shown ! :heart: :love:

    I'm not going to do personals tonite as I have just woken from a donut stupor after sleeping all day and evening! No I have not exactly back-slid, I think you'll all understand and forgive my moment of celebration!

    I finally got the answers from the specialists today - I do NOT have a BRAIN TUMOR like I feared - Yippee!:smooched: :drinker: I was scared to pieces because the first MRI showed my Pituitary Gland to have a tumor, the most recent study showed it to be normal as can be - with no tumor whatsoever!!!
    My problems continue, I do have a disorder called Cushings Syndrome caused by too much of the drug Prednisone, which I take for another disease I have _ and it will be a moot point, as I can't treat it, since I can't reduce the prednisone I'm on, so I'll have to live with the symptoms for the duration of the time I'm on the drug.
    My tongue pain and speech disorder (lisp) continue as well. They are caused to nerve pressure un-related to the Pituitary Gland and the doctor recommended doubling the drug I'm taking for it - he thinks that will speed up the recovery of my tongue pain.

    All in all, I am very thankful that now I can relax, I have most of my medical answers now. They big fears are gone. I was most afraid of having to have surgery on my head - that thought was quite off-putting let me tell you! and I had many a tearful morning just getting going each day, waiting to have this final appointment.

    Last weekend with my friends it was so embarrassing when we went to the restaurant, my friend wouldn't let me ask for the table, she did all the talking, and even said about me " She's not drunk, she just speaks this way" to the wait staff". I didn't realize my new lisp sounded that way to other people.

    So, I have to get used to interacting with the public now with my new "drunken" voice. I best be careful! :cry: I didn't realize it came off that way.!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    SkinnyJeans - YES! LETS DO A FEBRUARY CHALLENGE!!!!!!!

    I like your idea of doing one like last year where it was inspired by the movie Groundhogs Day, where we chose one activity or one idea and repeated it every day of the month. Well, you explained it better. Could you elaborate again for the group? Thanks.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Robin!!! You must be so relieved! I'm so happy for you. There's no way to reduce the prednisone? Too bad but better than the options you were considering. I would've been mad at my friend, it doesn't sound very supportive. Maybe I'm hearing it wrong. :(

    Missmanada! Congrats on the role.. you must be very excited!
    Susan, I kind of wish mine was the beginning of the change but it's still too early for me to be that lucky! All the guys at work are a little scared of me right now. Kinda of funny... won't last long. I'm a soft touch... most of the time. :laugh:
    My little one is still sick... but she's getting some of her energy back. Hopefully she'll be over this by Sunday, so she can go swimming with Daddy. I've been so tired lately... just wiped. I didn't realize how much I was dragging till I was feel a bit better today!
    Ended January with a 7 lb loss! Yay!
    There was more people I was going to respond too but I've forgotten and I need to go to sleep!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Sorry I didn't make it by yesterday, super busy day at work dealing with taxes - I had lots of running around. Oh the life of an accountant. :tongue:

    @Madeline~It took me months to pick up the ashes from both of the kitties I lost in 2012, I started grieving all over again when I did. But I found once I did and they were back home where they belong, it gave me closure and brought me great relief. I never thought I'd be able to have another cat either, but Zoe is so different - she's so silly and has a really different personality. I mean I woke up this morning with her sleeping underneath my t-shirt! :laugh: I felt so guilty at first, but I fell in love with her in a different way - she brings me such joy and makes me laugh every day. Allow yourself the time to grieve, you'll know when you're ready to open up your heart and your home to a new furbaby.

    @mechelmc~Welcome, you found the best hidden secret on MFP! :wink: Awesome loss so far, keep it up!

    @Haley~Hooray for your loss this week!

    @Karen~I think I forgot to respond, but I think a Groundhog Day challenge like we did last year is a great idea.

    @Robin~I'm glad you finally received a diagnosis, wish you didn't need to take so much Prednisone - that stuff just wreaks havoc on your body. Hooray that you can start to recover and don't need surgery. I can't believe your "friend" said that to the wait staff - how is that being a supportive friend?! :explode:

    Busy day here today - Zoe has annual check-up with the vet in an hour (won't he be surprised at the lioness she has turned into). :noway: Then gym and some shopping - Charming Charlies, Bassett Furniture (yep, again), vitamin store, and Academy for workout clothes. I hope I can get to grocery store today too.

    It was gorgeous here yesterday, 75 and sunny, its in the 40s this morning and they say 30s tomorrow with "wintry" stuff. Yuck! :sad:

    Have a super day!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    It's the first of the month so it is measurements and progress pictures for me.

    I just took my measurements and at first I was a bit disappointed with the individual results as they were not as significant as the previous months. However then I decided to calculate the total amount of inches loss and it changed my view - 4 inches lost for January. :happy:

    Here are my measurements:

    Starting: Last Month: Current:
    Neck: 16.3 15.5 15.5
    Left arm: 17 16 15.5
    Right arm: 16.5 16 15.5
    Bust: 51 49.5 48
    Waist: 50 47.5 47
    Hips: 54.5 51.5 50
    Right thigh: 32 31 31
    Left thigh: 31 30 30
    BMI ** 46.4 (starting) 43.4

    ** I recently discovered Fitbit calculates my BMI. I looked through and found my starting BMI and compared to my current. I am still in the obese category but it has dropped a tad!

    I'll be back later for personals. :flowerforyou:
  • telegirl52
    Hi! Great idea for a thread.

    Saturday success: I joined myfitnesspal. I work with three people who've lost a combined 260lbs using this app. Very inspirational!

    Hope your weekend is stupendous!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    hayley - I am notorious for getting stuck in my sports bras. Recently I bought one with a back closure from Kohl's online to help with my issues. I followed the fitting guide and ordered in the size it suggested for my measurements. The bra came and i cannot close it. :grumble: I went back and checked my measurements with the guide to make sure I did them correctly. I did. Needless to say I ended up having to return it. Congrats on the loss. That is exciting. Keep up the great work.

    MissManda - Congrats on the loss and the role. Both equally fantastic!

    Mel - I bet you burned a lot of calories chasing the babies around!

    Susan - Sounds like you had a great exercise week.

    Madeline - I can imagine how difficult that must have been to pick up his ashes from the vet. My bestie recently experienced a loss with her cat. She texted me from the vet's office after she picked up the ashes and was hysterical. I wish there was something I could say or do to help you through this difficult time. I know when I lost my dogs there was nothing anyone can do. I just had to take things day by day and let time go by. You truly never forget them but it does get a bit easier with time. My suggestion is try focusing on all the good times you had. :flowerforyou:

    mechelemc and telegirl- Welcome. Jump right in and join us! Be sure to check in often.

    Laurie - I can relate. I get equally as irritated when I send completed work home in my student's backpacks and find it in there
    1-2 weeks later. :grumble:

    Robin - Congrats on the news. I can imagine how relieved you must be!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Robin, I'm sick today (rotten cold is back), but I just wanted to say...."YAY"!!!! You have the best news in the world. NOw you can feel relieved and get on with the rest of your life. I'm very happy for you! (going back to bed)(:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I made it!!! I'm out of my funk/pity party/whoa is me attitude - thank goodness!!! I was under calories all week (except one where I had an unexpected dinner with a vendor, but it was so yummy at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill in Caesar's Palace). I've exercised 5 out of 7 days. I drank (most days) over and above my water. Plus, I stayed off the scale, which is HUGE for me. I cannot let that control my emotions. I think I'm going to take my measurements since I haven't done them in a long time. This will be a good starting point going forward. Plus, I have all of you to thank for helping to push me through this phase in life. Thanks guys!!!

    Today we're just working around the house. Cyrus has a scratchy throat and he just got over being sick so I'm hoping it doesn't stay. Laundry is going. Bathrooms cleaned. Getting ready to dust and then vacuum. I'm going to hit the gym soon. Later I need to write my menu for the week, grocery list, hit Sam's Club and probably Trader Joe's then finish with church tonight. It should be a productive day.

    @ Robin - What a huge burden is lifted. Thank goodness!!! While I know you're still not 100%, but just the not knowing and the potential of what it could have been is just a huge relief. Great news!!

    @ Nettie - Every inch or pound counts - nice job!! Keep doing what you're doing. I really need to delve into Fit Bit more. I wear mine religiously, but not really checking out the reports. I really should take full advantage of it.

    @ Kelly - We have such similar weather. We had the 70's too and I actually ate lunch outside a few days, but then we completely dropped too. I'm still not complaining though especially with our friends here who have had brutal winters. We've had it pretty good. Enjoy your day. Lots of running around, but it feels good to get things accomplished.

    @ p1xyn1xy - Woo Hoo!! Congrats on your 7 lbs, which is AWESOME!!! Hope the little one feels better. I know how tough it is watching our kiddos being sick.

    @ Telegirl - Welcome and congrats joining MFP!!! I found sticking to one thread and building these friendships has helped me so much through this journey. I looked around and there was too much negativity, weird topics, etc. . . and this was the only group or at least the one I found with positive encouragement, folks who have lost 5 to 100+ lbs, and were just plain nice. The thread moves pretty quick during the week, but the weekend is pretty slow. Check in daily if you can for the support. Make sure to log every single BLT (bite/lick/taste).