I miss food



  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    You appear to be taking over OP's thread now, but I see you said what I was looking for with my question:

    What do you mean by "filling," then? Do you mean emotional? Or mental, in the sense that one can't think of anything but food until it's been consumed, etc.?

    Because those are not issues with foods; those are behavioral issues, or disordered eating habits (binging, over-restricting, etc.).

    It is certanly not my purpose to take anyone's thread away, but since everyone kept saying "I eat ice cream/pizza/treats everyday and still lose weight", I actually wanted to share my experience, since I feel close to what the OP is trying to say. This never worked for me and I know how hard it is. Haven't got much else to say, I'm happy to hear that there are other people who can feel satisfied by eating their portions of treats everyday while fitting into their daily goals etc., I'm just sad that me and the OP and lots of other people like us might not be as successful in doing the same thing (or just not yet, hopefully).
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    exactly...and how much did that cost and does the nutritionist work for the same gym?

    It cost about $300 and the nutritionist is one who works for the hospital and comes and lectures on healthy eating at the gym for the community. She works for Texas Health Resources which is a hospital chain

    did your test do this?

    "During the Resting Metabolic Rate test you will be asked to relax in a chair while your oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, and electrocardiogram (EKG) are measured for 16 to 20 minutes. To measure the amount of oxygen your body is using and carbon dioxide it is producing, you will be asked to wear a face mask that covers your mouth and nose (similar to an airplane pilot’s mask). The face mask will not provide you with extra air, you will only be breathing from the air in the environment. Ten EKG stickers and leads will be attached to your chest to monitor your heart rate and rhythm. It is very important that you remain as relaxed as possible to get the most accurate results. "

    If not get your money back

    As for the nutrionalist they aren't the same as a registered dietician and I am always skeptical of them as there is little they have to do to becomeone unlike a RD who has to go to University and get a degree and specialize and stay current.
  • morethanthis0
    morethanthis0 Posts: 260 Member
    yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.
    This makes me sad! Food is fuel, yes, but it is also meant to be enjoyed.
    Yup yup fuel and enjoyment!

    Makes me sad too. I eat all those things. When you learn to monitor your portions and servings it can work, you won't crave them as much and you'll eat less of it when you do eat it because your body gets used to the moderation instead of the indulgence. I eat chocolate and ice cream like every day. Learning to have a healthy relationship with food and balance is important.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I meant to quote that. And I went and got the blood work and resting metabolic rate test done at a gym, and my metabolism is very low. According to most charts i should have rmr of about 1394, but mine is 1167. So to actually loose without spending two hours in the gym every day, I was told to eat a thousand calories a day by a nutritionist. That makes a lot of salads with minimal dressings, vegetable soups, and yogurts. So, I basically eat salads, soups, steamed veggies and yogurt. Sometimes a veggie sausage patty, usually a string cheese. Lots of fruit.

    And my mom is physically active, sleeps enough, and never ever ever gets sick. I also don't think shes ate anything processed, or non free range/organic/locally farmed in years.
    You do realize that is your resting metabolic rate and related to your basal metabolic rate (I don't remember the exact equation). You do burn more calories than this by doing things like getting up to go to the bathroom, showering, doing dishes, etc. Not to mention you go to the gym. You do not need to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I miss...chips and salsa. Chips and Guac. F lamming Cheetos. More than one dinky ounce of cheese. Potatoes with cheese and salsa and onions and peppers..a whole baked one. Ice cream. Cashews. Damn I really miss cashews. Nuts. Peanut butter. One spoon is pathetic. Hummus. Chick Peas out of the can. Cheese enchilada. Eggplant Parm. Garlic bread with cheese. Eggs with cheese, peppers, onions, diced potatoes and salsa scrambled. Hash browns.
    I've eaten almost every single one of those things in the last week.

    Sounds like the list I made in my head when I asked myself "how can I eat healthy?"
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I meant to quote that. And I went and got the blood work and resting metabolic rate test done at a gym, and my metabolism is very low. According to most charts i should have rmr of about 1394, but mine is 1167. So to actually loose without spending two hours in the gym every day, I was told to eat a thousand calories a day by a nutritionist. That makes a lot of salads with minimal dressings, vegetable soups, and yogurts. So, I basically eat salads, soups, steamed veggies and yogurt. Sometimes a veggie sausage patty, usually a string cheese. Lots of fruit.

    And my mom is physically active, sleeps enough, and never ever ever gets sick. I also don't think shes ate anything processed, or non free range/organic/locally farmed in years.

    not sure I would trust the test done at a gym...nor would I trust a "nutritionalist" period...registered dietician maybe...as long as they were current on their studies.

    What kind of gym has the type of setup and staff required to perform an actual metabolic rate test?

    RMR is very similar to BMR. Thus you would lose weight if you ate at a calorie goal of your RMR. 1000 calories is an excessively low calorie amount, and it is setting you up for failure. This is not to mention that I doubt the number from the gym's test as testing BMR or RMR is far more complex than could be done in the average gym.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You do not have to make yourself unhappy to lose weight, you really don't. This strange obsession people seem to have with food based punishment (denying themselves things to th point of unhappiness) really really blows my mind. Why do you feel you have to suffer?

    I would suggest a therapist. (For both the OP and that chick who apparently can't eat to satisfaction without gaining weight.)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.

    Sounds miserable
  • yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.

    So what Momma says goes???? My vote is Throw Momma from the train! Seriously....when I read your original,post and it started with you missing chips, I could relate because Im just starting out and I know for a fact that if I were to have chips right now it would throw me off. But as the list went on I cant see any reason why you cant have eggs with peppers, or baked potato....just allot for them, its a matter of balance is what I am experiencing, I wont waste my calories on nuts because I dont like them that much, but if I wanted to I could. The other day I wanted oatmeal for breakfast, but I love my oatmeal with brown sugar, butter, and some dried cherries....I counted it all and at the end of the day it worked out to around the same calories as 2 poached eggs, turkey bacon and toast. Well.....I wont be having oatmeal again anytime soon lol. Lesson learned! Balance...its all about balance, good portion control and better habits. Good luck! Personally Id love to see you prove your Momma wrong!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    You have a very distorted idea of weight loss and maintenance, and you're setting yourself up to fail.

    Also I don't get this. What's weightloss and maintenance then?

  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I eat salads, with a very very small amount of dressing, vegetable based soups, fruit, yogurt, vegetables steamed, low calorie vegetable dishes such as amy's light and lean vegan meals. On weekends I will add in some veggie sausage patties, brown rice, etc because I have more calorie burn on those days

    You don't have to match things up on a per day basis. If you burn 1000 more over the weekend, don't wait to eat 1000 extra on the weekend, eat 200 more m-f .. might help.
  • fatbitt
    I hope the OP's dad makes the eating kale and dust joke at the drive-thru when he's staying sane with a little indulgence. :tongue:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I meant to quote that. And I went and got the blood work and resting metabolic rate test done at a gym, and my metabolism is very low. According to most charts i should have rmr of about 1394, but mine is 1167. So to actually loose without spending two hours in the gym every day, I was told to eat a thousand calories a day by a nutritionist. That makes a lot of salads with minimal dressings, vegetable soups, and yogurts. So, I basically eat salads, soups, steamed veggies and yogurt. Sometimes a veggie sausage patty, usually a string cheese. Lots of fruit.

    And my mom is physically active, sleeps enough, and never ever ever gets sick. I also don't think shes ate anything processed, or non free range/organic/locally farmed in years.

    not sure I would trust the test done at a gym...nor would I trust a "nutritionalist" period...registered dietician maybe...as long as they were current on their studies.

    What kind of gym has the type of setup and staff required to perform an actual metabolic rate test?

    RMR is very similar to BMR. Thus you would lose weight if you ate at a calorie goal of your RMR. 1000 calories is an excessively low calorie amount, and it is setting you up for failure. This is not to mention that I doubt the number from the gym's test as testing BMR or RMR is far more complex than could be done in the average gym.

    Are we overlooking the fact that RMR or BMR DO NOT equal TDEE?????

    Eat all the foodz at TDEE to maintain weight. Eat all the foodz at TDEE less moderate deficit to lose weight.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I meant to quote that. And I went and got the blood work and resting metabolic rate test done at a gym, and my metabolism is very low. According to most charts i should have rmr of about 1394, but mine is 1167. So to actually loose without spending two hours in the gym every day, I was told to eat a thousand calories a day by a nutritionist. That makes a lot of salads with minimal dressings, vegetable soups, and yogurts. So, I basically eat salads, soups, steamed veggies and yogurt. Sometimes a veggie sausage patty, usually a string cheese. Lots of fruit.

    And my mom is physically active, sleeps enough, and never ever ever gets sick. I also don't think shes ate anything processed, or non free range/organic/locally farmed in years.

    That is probably how much you burn doing nothing, since you probably are more active than bring in a coma you can eat more. You can't survive on 1000 long term, recipe for disaster!
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.

    What a miserable way to live. I'll do it my way, which includes eating all the different foods I like, and still be thin, healthy and happy :smile:

    Agreed. The way the OP is approaching weight loss is a road map to an eating disorder.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    You do not have to make yourself unhappy to lose weight, you really don't. This strange obsession people seem to have with food based punishment (denying themselves things to th point of unhappiness) really really blows my mind. Why do you feel you have to suffer?

    I would suggest a therapist. (For both the OP and that chick who apparently can't eat to satisfaction without gaining weight.)

    Thank you. I would like to know why would I need a therapist (if I'm still hungry I might need a dietician/nutritionist/doctor whatever, don't you think?)
  • Weezabella
    Weezabella Posts: 11 Member
    I eat salads, with a very very small amount of dressing, vegetable based soups, fruit, yogurt, vegetables steamed, low calorie vegetable dishes such as amy's light and lean vegan meals. On weekends I will add in some veggie sausage patties, brown rice, etc because I have more calorie burn on those days

    That's all great, healthy food, but it's not enough to sustain you! Where's the protein? Surely you could sneak an egg in there every now and again, even on 1,000 calories (which by the way seems excessively low).
  • ariba27
    ariba27 Posts: 5 Member
    I struggled so much my first few days but I have become inspired reading this girls blog posts. She just started so I am trying to have my journey with her. http://secretlifeofadieter.weebly.com/food.html
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    According to most charts i should have rmr of about 1394, but mine is 1167. So to actually loose without spending two hours in the gym every day, I was told to eat a thousand calories a day by a nutritionist.
    So rather than working to get your numbers up to where they should be, the nutritionist recommends eating lower cals (which I'm guessing it may be why your metabolism may be off in the first place?) and continuing the same downward spiral? :huh:

    If I were you, I'd be doing everything I could to get my RMR/BMR whatever it is higher than 1167. Keep eating low cals like this, and your body will adjust accordingly, slowing your metabolism to match the low intake, and requiring a lower and lower amount of food to make the scale go down.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    What do you mean by "satisfied"? Do you mean feeling full? If that's the case, obviously aim to fill the rest of your calories surrounding a treat with filling ones: protein, fat, fiber.

    "Filling" isn't the same thing for everyone. Except I actually eat something and tell you how I feel afterwards, I can't say whether a certain amount of proteins, fats and fiber will make me feel full.

    Well you certainly don't sound satisfied now.

    You can bet on it, but I'm surely more satisfied now than when I was eating whatever I wanted and felt bad about it.

    a serving of ice cream tho...or a serving of nuts...

    REally...it's not going to make you fat..

    I eat lots of treats and still lose weight...you don't have to deprive yourself...

    What is going to happen when you just can't deprive yourself any longer and you binge.....what will you do then? totally give up?

    Might be just me, but that wouldn't make me feel full. I know it because I've tried eating until I was full during the last 3 weeks of Dec. and gained several kgs.

    I think the thing is you shouldn't be trying to get "full" from ice cream.. I'd have to eat a ton of it too. If you have dinner and a bit of ice cream afterwards you get to enjoy it without needing to fill all the way up on it.