I miss food



  • bradXdale
    yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.

    This is where I would call your parents out on their claims. I gave up soda in 2011 and about once every 3 to 6 months I give in and have a soda. It almost makes me not want to have soda more after splurging & having one. Just because it's bad for you and theirs studies & claims that say the ingredients are harmful (which I do agree with) 12oz. of sweet brown Coca Cola every 90 to 180 days is not going to kill me or offset my diet / training routine.

    Same goes for junk food. 6 to 8oz of Cheetos will not kill you. It will not make your fat loss goals stop at all.

    IIFYM style dieting, look into it.
  • denisegunnels
    denisegunnels Posts: 43 Member
    Have it just count it. I have candy and a glass of champagne almost every night.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.

    Ah yes. The Puritanical Diet.

  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I eat all of that stuff...well minus eggplant parm...yuck lol :) Imake veggie withe zucchini instead.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Too high in calories. I want to eat more than one time a day, and my exercise burns are too low on weekdays. Eating those knocks me over my calorie limit .

    How do you plan on learning moderation?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    What do you mean by "satisfied"? Do you mean feeling full? If that's the case, obviously aim to fill the rest of your calories surrounding a treat with filling ones: protein, fat, fiber.

    "Filling" isn't the same thing for everyone. Except I actually eat something and tell you how I feel afterwards, I can't say whether a certain amount of proteins, fats and fiber will make me feel full.

    Well you certainly don't sound satisfied now.

    You can bet on it, but I'm surely more satisfied now than when I was eating whatever I wanted and felt bad about it.

    a serving of ice cream tho...or a serving of nuts...

    REally...it's not going to make you fat..

    I eat lots of treats and still lose weight...you don't have to deprive yourself...

    What is going to happen when you just can't deprive yourself any longer and you binge.....what will you do then? totally give up?

    Might be just me, but that wouldn't make me feel full. I know it because I've tried eating until I was full during the last 3 weeks of Dec. and gained several kgs.

    I think the thing is you shouldn't be trying to get "full" from ice cream.. I'd have to eat a ton of it too. If you have dinner and a bit of ice cream afterwards you get to enjoy it without needing to fill all the way up on it.

    It's nearly impossible to gain "several kgs" of fat in 3 weeks.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You do not have to make yourself unhappy to lose weight, you really don't. This strange obsession people seem to have with food based punishment (denying themselves things to th point of unhappiness) really really blows my mind. Why do you feel you have to suffer?

    I would suggest a therapist. (For both the OP and that chick who apparently can't eat to satisfaction without gaining weight.)

    Thank you. I would like to know why would I need a therapist (if I'm still hungry I might need a dietician/nutritionist/doctor whatever, don't you think?)

    To discuss why you are not statisfied by the proper portions of food (you said eating to satisfaction made you gain weight) and what exactly your expectetions are of certain foods (ie: Why you feel ice cream should fill you up). It seems to me there are some clear issues with food there.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Too high in calories. I want to eat more than one time a day, and my exercise burns are too low on weekdays. Eating those knocks me over my calorie limit .

    How do you plan on learning moderation?

    Don't believe she plans to. Restriction. Forever. Like her parents.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    According to most charts i should have rmr of about 1394, but mine is 1167. So to actually loose without spending two hours in the gym every day, I was told to eat a thousand calories a day by a nutritionist.
    So rather than working to get your numbers up to where they should be, the nutritionist recommends eating lower cals (which I'm guessing it may be why your metabolism may be off in the first place?) and continuing the same downward spiral? :huh:

    If I were you, I'd be doing everything I could to get my RMR/BMR whatever it is higher than 1167. Keep eating low cals like this, and your body will adjust accordingly, slowing your metabolism to match the low intake, and requiring a lower and lower amount of food to make the scale go down.

    Oh, you are SUCH a party pooper. Why would anyone ever want to actually be able to EAT MORE??????

  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    It's nearly impossible to gain "several kgs" of fat in 3 weeks.

    I ate a lot and gained weight. Unfortunately that's all I know.
    Anyway... it's the OP's thread, I don't feel like messing around. I just commented because I've had a different experience from most of the other users and I thought it could have been useful to express it.
  • Dugleik
    Dugleik Posts: 125
    I will never understand why people think they can't eat what they want. Within moderation is all you have to do! I also just have cheat days and eat whatever I want, and I am certainly still successful!

    I eat more ice-cream now then I did before I started to track what I eat. That said I eat a fraction of the cheese I used to, and I am fine with it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    exactly...and how much did that cost and does the nutritionist work for the same gym?

    It cost about $300 and the nutritionist is one who works for the hospital and comes and lectures on healthy eating at the gym for the community. She works for Texas Health Resources which is a hospital chain

    Have you done a lot of yo-yo dieting over the years? Or previously lost a lot of weight? Both of those things can cause your metabolism to drop. You might want to look into reverse dieting.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    So, in summary, you miss food but you have no intention of eating it?

    Just because a test is expensive doesn't mean it's accurate. And it may have been accurate, but you may have misinterpreted the instructions/results incorrectly. Or this was not the advice of a professional at all in the first place.

    Either way, you can eat the foods you've mentioned in moderation & this diet of yours is not sustainable long-term (regardless of what your parents do/say), as others have said ad nauseam.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member

    I've gone for years without things I love and I still crave them, and still love them when I manage to have them again.

    Jos Louis.
    Butter Tarts.
    Meringues with real cream.
    Nanaimo Bars
    Date Squares
    and so on.

    So, six to nine months is pure nonsense, at least for people like me.

    And I'm pretty certain the deprivation mindset is part of what got me to the size I am because it is simply not sustainable for most people.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I miss...chips and salsa. Chips and Guac. F lamming Cheetos. More than one dinky ounce of cheese. Potatoes with cheese and salsa and onions and peppers..a whole baked one. Ice cream. Cashews. Damn I really miss cashews. Nuts. Peanut butter. One spoon is pathetic. Hummus. Chick Peas out of the can. Cheese enchilada. Eggplant Parm. Garlic bread with cheese. Eggs with cheese, peppers, onions, diced potatoes and salsa scrambled. Hash browns.

    IIFYM! I don't miss anything because all foods contain nutrients. I eat for nutrients.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    yep. That's how my mom does it. If you like eating it. DO NOT EAT IT. My parents simply never buy chips, sweets, cheese, nuts, etc. My dad jokes that they live on baked fish, kale and dust. My mom says you loose the cravings completely after 6-9 months if you never give in.
    Ugh, what a way to live.

    Sad! Don't live to eat, but eat to LIVE and that includes indulging once in a while! I'm sorry but sounds like your mom might have an eating disorder! Balance and moderation in everything. Best of luck!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Have it just count it. I have candy and a glass of champagne almost every night.

    Decadent. I like it.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    It's nearly impossible to gain "several kgs" of fat in 3 weeks.

    I ate a lot and gained weight. Unfortunately that's all I know.
    Anyway... it's the OP's thread, I don't feel like messing around. I just commented because I've had a different experience from most of the other users and I thought it could have been useful to express it.

    I shared your experience in december. I touch on it in my profile.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I will never understand why people think they can't eat what they want. Within moderation is all you have to do! I also just have cheat days and eat whatever I want, and I am certainly still successful!

    I eat more ice-cream now then I did before I started to track what I eat. That said I eat a fraction of the cheese I used to, and I am fine with it.

    I'm this way with peanut butter. And I think I eat less cheese now too! :laugh:
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Too high in calories. I want to eat more than one time a day, and my exercise burns are too low on weekdays. Eating those knocks me over my calorie limit .

    How do you plan on learning moderation?

    Don't believe she plans to. Restriction. Forever. Like her parents.

    This thread is so sad.

    That is such a sad life.

    This thread makes me want comfort food.