I miss food



  • Ooh! That's what I had for breakfast today! An omelette with cheese and avocado, two slices of (whipped) buttered toast, and a glass of soy milk. The whole thing was still only 475 calories, so its definitely possible to enjoy these items!
  • And how do you raise your metobloism. I lift weights. What else.
    Look up reverse dieting.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hugs, honey. Praying for you.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Rebel against mom in this regard. Eat like you want in moderation. Just not all at once. You have some great healthy cravings. I'd save the flaming Cheetos for once a month but everything else daily. Just not on the same day. I feel bad for you. Feel free to friend me. I eat all of these things and lose weight. You can get your metabolism working if you make it work.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It's nearly impossible to gain "several kgs" of fat in 3 weeks.

    I ate a lot and gained weight. Unfortunately that's all I know.
    Anyway... it's the OP's thread, I don't feel like messing around. I just commented because I've had a different experience from most of the other users and I thought it could have been useful to express it.

    We've all had that experience. It's water weight and it will come off if you just hang tight.

    Now, there are people with metabolic problems or who take drugs that mess up their normal hunger cues.

    There are other people who never learned what "satisfied" feels like (it doesn't feel "full").

    But most people should be able to lose weight without feeling hungry all the time or with a long list of foods that they never allow themselves to eat.
  • wendypoloway
    wendypoloway Posts: 11 Member
    I understand this - I have to exclude my trigger foods as well or I just won't stop eating them until they are gone. A handful of chips won't do if there is a whole bag waiting in the cupboard for me to devour. So, I don't eat them. I try to find a substitute that is a better choice, for me, that is flavoured rice crisps. Maybe you just need to find a substitution for the foods that you don't trust yourself to eat. Dust isn't an option, either.:smile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And when I say filling, I mean that you have ate enough so that people don't comment on your stomach growling all day.

    Heh. A couple nights ago, my four year old asked me for more ice cream. I started, "You had a serving. Ice cream is a snack..."

    And she finished, "It's not a meal. If you are still hungry, eat more chicken. Or a banana."
  • wendypoloway
    wendypoloway Posts: 11 Member
    Have them then. There's no reason you can't eat these things in moderation

    The key word here being "moderation". It's like telling someone with a gambling problem it's OK to just play one game.

    For some of us, once we give in to eat the tempting foods we can't eat them in moderation.

    I can relate to this ..... that's how I am with certain foods.
  • I Love food but while on a detox I have to limit my choices. However any other week is fine to have what you want in moderation. Live Life!
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Have them then. There's no reason you can't eat these things in moderation

    The key word here being "moderation". It's like telling someone with a gambling problem it's OK to just play one game.

    For some of us, once we give in to eat the tempting foods we can't eat them in moderation.

    I can relate to this ..... that's how I am with certain foods.

    You might want to bump up your calories by a hundred or so. Once you are eating sustainably and know that you can have more of whatever is tempting you whenever you can fit it in your macros, things lose their hold over you.

    If you avoid things, you kind of spend energy scanning your environment for the things you're avoiding, so you spend more time thinking about them than when you make an active choice to fit them in when you can .

    For instance, if there are donuts in the break room, I'll look at them, assess how hungry I am. Assess what I've eaten that day and then decide whether or not to eat one. Case closed.

    If I'm avoiding donuts, I'll avoid the box and then spend the next four hours trying not to think about the fact that there are donuts in the break room. If I eat a donut, the problem just doubles, because now I'm actively feeling bad about what I just ate, which reminds me that there are MORE donuts that I'm not supposed to be thinking about in the break room.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Have them then. There's no reason you can't eat these things in moderation

    The key word here being "moderation". It's like telling someone with a gambling problem it's OK to just play one game.

    For some of us, once we give in to eat the tempting foods we can't eat them in moderation.

    I can relate to this ..... that's how I am with certain foods.

    You might want to bump up your calories by a hundred or so. Once you are eating sustainably and know that you can have more of whatever is tempting you whenever you can fit it in your macros, things lose their hold over you.

    If you avoid things, you kind of spend energy scanning your environment for the things you're avoiding, so you spend more time thinking about them than when you make an active choice to fit them in when you can .

    For instance, if there are donuts in the break room, I'll look at them, assess how hungry I am. Assess what I've eaten that day and then decide whether or not to eat one. Case closed.

    If I'm avoiding donuts, I'll avoid the box and then spend the next four hours trying not to think about the fact that there are donuts in the break room. If I eat a donut, the problem just doubles, because now I'm actively feeling bad about what I just ate, which reminds me that there are MORE donuts that I'm not supposed to be thinking about in the break room.

    ^This. Sometimes it is worth it to endulge yourself and remember that it is extremely difficult to undue all of your hard work with one or two days of treating yourself to what you love to eat.

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    And how do you raise your metobloism. I lift weights. What else.
    Good info here: http://eatmore2weighless.com/faqs/#whatisreset

    Q: What is a “metabolism reset” and what does it consist of?

    A: In it’s simplest form, a reset is simply eating at maintenance. This is usually for a minimum of 12 weeks, or until your metabolism “resets” (stabilizes) –meaning you are back to what you should be eating for maintenance and actually maintaining. Then drop back into deficit. The longer one has eaten in a severe deficit, the more metabolic damage that has been done, thus the longer the reset typically needs to be (meaning, a reset can require 6+ months for a “professional dieter”).

  • chriamaria
    chriamaria Posts: 76 Member
    I had read all of the feedback to your post and then went on my merry way to make dinner. Now, I am not the epitome of weight loss success. In fact, I just started this journey here on MFP although I have "dieted" before in the past, and I was not about to comment as so many seasoned, successful dieters had already done so. Yet, something kept nagging at the back of my brain. You commented on the fact that you've been lifting weights. How heavy? I am a bit worried that you are not eating enough to even build muscle. Why not eat at maintance level at least...or a bit more and focus on strength. Build the muscle which from what I've heard would boost your metabolism and then in turn burn more calories. Then you wouldn't have to eat so little.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    And how do you raise your metobloism. I lift weights. What else.
    Look up reverse dieting.

    I doubt very much your metabolism is what the test said...even if your RMR is as low as that test at a gym said that is your RMR..not your BMR nor your TDEE...

    That RMR is the calories needed just to live ...like if you are in a coma etc...for organs to function etc.

    TDEE-20% which would be about 1500 I bet and you will lose 1lb a week.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    There's a lot of food I miss, but I don't miss the damage it did to me.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The only way to make this a "lifestyle plan" as opposed to a "diet" is to create a nutrition plan that is both physically and emotionally satisfying. I have only a few rules: Love everything I eat. Never make a plan that I would not be willing to do every day of my life. I look forward to all my food. Mainly I eat my smaller portions of all the things I love and fill in with fruit and veggie. This week, I've had hummus, sweet potato fries, dark chocolate, wine, Nutella, and a hamburger. Oh, and I was having a craving for tuna noodle casserole just like my mom used to make, so I made that too.

    It's all good. And I've maintained for over a year. Life is too short to make yourself miserable.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yesterday you were telling us how you could/should eat 800 calories. And we were telling you why it wasn't a good idea.

    See how this works?

    I beg you to please consider taking the advice you have gotten so many times from so many people: eat at a deficit but enough to FUEL YOUR BODY, move more. Nothing fancy.

    And I'll post this one more time:

  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    I don't miss feeling bad. No food tastes as good as feeling bad does bad.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Not going to bother reading all 7 pages, but, OP, I have a secret to tell you......

    *You're doing it wrong*.

    A lot of that stuff you mentioned in your first post? I eat regularly And I'm losing weight. Slowly. But losing. Moderation and portion control, sweetcakes. That's it.