Ladies, how do you feel about being a stay at home mom/wife?



  • WhisperAnne
    I'm sure everyone is meaning well, but it's important to try to NOT insult other people's life choices when defending your own.

    OF course staying home with your children is contributing to society.

    AND yes, working parents do "raise" their children and even often raise "respectful" children.

    Well said
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    You could be a single mother and raise them yourself. Be the protector, provider, nurturer, and homemaker all in one. That seems to be the norm these days.
  • wendywalrus
    I am a stay at home wife and mum of three. I wanted to be there to raise my children not somebody else. I have enjoyed being there for them 100 percent and the two eldest friends wish their mums were their for them too, also ive seen numerous blogs online stating this they hate going home to empty homes sometimes for long periods of time, having to make food which is usually the wrong kind. A nice warm hearty dinner I think is a nicer option. I get the pleasure of seeing my babies grow in every way, school concerts and always great to see them after school when they greet you with their days news. What other job could have such great rewards and love. I know a few people that prefer to work and think the option is easier and less stressful and would say its a lot harder to stay at home and say they cannot manage without the money. Children are far more important than money to me and that I would sacrafice a million times ova. Some would argue they need money but lifestyle is a choice and materalistic things well come nowhere near the joy children will give you. I had my children not for someone else to bring them up. I also know a few people that have regreted not being there for their children choosing money first cos you can never get the yrs back and they go by so quick. It is very rewarding and I think the best job in the world.
  • wanna_b_there
    wanna_b_there Posts: 295 Member
    I did it. Best years of my adult life, and I'm a career women. It was extra nice to have those years at home. The business world was still there when I was ready to go back.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    My contribution to society!:happy:
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    I love it, I work from home and also get to be home with my son when he isn't in school. I am old fashioned that way. :)
  • jullang
    I have been a SAHM for 16 years and you defiantly have the good with the bad. We have 7 children the oldest being 16 and the youngest is 2 (and oh is he 2!) Anyway, I do have a floral business on the side where I do flowers for weddings and other events. Even though I only have 2-6 events a year but it is a great way to have that sense of professionalism here and there. I also do volunteer with my kids organizations they are involved in. Financially it is really tough. I have learned to scale back on things especially Christmas and birthdays. I do have to say that it is nice to have a husband who works from home twice a week and 2 teenage daughters that are pretty helpful when they need to be. I consider my situation ideal for our family. Like anything, what is best for your family can be totally different than everybody else’s.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm a SAHM and will be for a few more years until my youngest enters school. My husband and I decided before we got married that one of us would stay home, and due to our choice of careers it ended up being me.

    Caring for my children and home does make me a productive member of society, much like the people who run daycares and clean buildings as their employment are productive members of society. The value of the job is not diminished simply because I don't collect a salary for doing it.

    My husband and I do not have his money and my money, it's our money. It was our money when I worked, it's our money when I stay at home, and it's our money if our situation changes and I'm in the workforce while he stays at home. We have an equal partnership and I don't have to ask him for money.

    OP - Make the decision that works well for you and your family, and don't let anyone else make you feel inferior for that choice, no matter what you choose.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've been a stay-at-home mom for 5.5 years (I have a 5.5 year old and 3 year old). I was an elementary school teacher before I had kids...also, worked in daycare for years.

    For me, I WANTED to be a sahm before I had kids. It is a finite time in your life and your kids' lives. I wanted to spend this window of time with my kids. I felt like I was the best "first teacher" for my kids.

    It can be very difficult. Exhausting, emotionally can also be very isolating, b/c you aren't likely to know people who have kids the same age as yours when you first stop working. It is also very rewarding. I have been told by woman (with teenage kids) who were sahms, then returned to work, that being a sahm was the best time of their lives (now that they look back at it).

    If you can afford to do so, you should try it and see if it is for you. It isn't for everyone. Just like working and trying to balance work and kids isn't for everyone either.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I am a SAHM of 2--have been for almost 9 years. My hubby hasn't had a problem with my choice to be.
    BUT... I am wanting to start my own business so I can help supplement our income.
  • smaug5ever
    I'm not a mother, but I'd like to be a stay at home wife one day if it's financially able with my husband. And if I ever have children I would want to be there to raise them. What do you think?

    Exactly my thoughts.
  • chispaza
    chispaza Posts: 153 Member
    I have been a stay at home mom for over 5 years now and I love it. It's hard and you have to be disciplined to get stuff done during the day. I homeschool my kids so that's half of our day.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Personally I'd rather not. I also can't imagine being a mom right now either. My mom was a stay at home mom for most of the time I was a kid, and it was great having her around. When I'm a mom, I'd like to do that for them...but I really don't think that will be enough for me. I want a career too and make my own money and not rely on my husband, if I ever have one.
  • Kriistabell
    Kriistabell Posts: 181 Member
    This is also just my opinion, but if nobody HAD to work, how many people really would? I would rather spend my time having fun and getting into my hobbies. I would also spend time learning and reading because once you finish grad school and start your career, then on top of that start a family - it is almost impossible to find time for those things. I know a lot of people want to work so they aren't bored, but I'd rather do work at my own time and pace with my own set of boundaries (hobbies) and make it fit into my life's schedule instead of fitting my life's schedule around my work schedule that I have no choice in making. I'm a teacher and I love it, but if I didn't have to worry about money and could work with kids with special needs out of the pure kindness of my heart instead of a horrible paycheck because money didn't matter to me - I believe I would be much happier.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    If you can afford it and want to do it, do it! sahm's are productive members of society. its a very hard job, but so worth it! being able to volunteer at my kids school, be home when they were sick, home after school and summers and holidays, so worth any financial sacrifices we may have made while they were growing up. my kids still talk about the things we did and made and I think I am very close to my boys because of it. my kids are not embarassed at all and still love it when their dad and i have lunch with them, youngest is in 8th grade.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Stay at home mom, i get...

    Stay at home WIFE? That conjures up images of the dutiful spouse cooking and cleaning all day and then greeting DH at the door with a dry martini...

    I flip the gender and again, i get the stay at home dad, but stay at home husband? Once more; does not compute...

    Surely, I'm missing something? Sincere question: what's the appeal to being a stay at home spouse?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I am a SAHM... I wouldn't make enough money to cover daycare expenses for two, now they're in school but between all the sick days, breaks, snow days, random school closed days... it's still not worth it! Even though I spend a lot of days not doing anything... But to be fair I had no luck getting a good job before I got the kids either.

    I enjoy it way more now that they are in school, lol! But it's very lonely and boring. I had no luck meeting other moms, but I guess I'm not the very sociable type anyway. But it's hard not to feel pretty useless at times... it can be pretty depressing (plus I'm not really the perfect SAHM and I really lack patience sometimes). I make a bit of money on the side with websites that reward you for surveys, searches etc.

    I really dread what I will do with my life later though... I can't find a job easily now, I can't imagine what it will be like in 12 years. I'm not dumb, it's actually pretty frustrating that it's impossible to find a job I could do at home on my own time :(
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am and always have been a working mom.

    Only recently married tho so I had to work.

    Knowing that i suspect you can guess my answer....

    I wish I could have been a stay at home mom, joined PTA, volunteered etc but couldn't...

    Would I be a stay at home wife...heck ya...if my husband made enough I would love to stay at home and take care of it, my gardens, maybe volunteer at the library or WI home...

    Would I greet him at the door...Yup...would I cook and clean friggen right...

    Now he's grown...and I am gonna work for a couple more years and retire by the time I am 45 and volunteer for my grandkids.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I never had the desire to stay home before we had children, but I think the appeal is in the wife being able to do household chores and whatever else they may do while the husband is working. Then when the husband is home, they have all the time in the world to just be together. I don't know. Now that I typed that out, it does sound slightly appealing to me.

    This was in response to the question posed a couple of posts up. ;)
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    This is a hard one for me. I'm currently in grad school working to get a degree & a career, so I feel like I won't even have the opportunity to be a SAHM, & I'm afraid if I were one it would feel like I wasted precious years [probably 5-7] working on my PhD. BUT, if I had a financial cushion available to do it, I probably would, at least for a little while. I would love to have the time at home with my child, as well as time for me to work on my own hobbies & interests outside of my career.

    I do think that being a SAHM for more than a few years is dangerous though. My mom hasn't worked my entire life, aside from brief stints that never worked out. We tried to fill out a job application for her last Summer & were trying to figure out how to make 23 years not in the workforce look less outrageous. There's just no way though, & when she went to turn in the application & explain it to the guy, he looked at her like she was crazy. Needless to say, she didn't get the job, or even an interview, & this was for a minimum wage, part-time retail job. Obviously she's an extreme case & of course 23 years out of a job would be really hard to overcome, but still something to think about.