can you date your brothers ex wife



  • chrisrivers3517
    Yes its been 20 years since their divorce, and also 20 years since i have seen her.
    Like I said. I lost her when he did. Not this time..
    Npe, I'm not gonna sneak around. He will either get over it, or die with it.
    We dont think its him thats gonna have the issue. Its gonna be his wife now.

    GREAT you came back! Let's open up this can of worms, shall we...

    So you think your brother's wife will have problems with you dating his former wife. Interesting. Tell us why.

    (I'd pay cashy money to stop all the replies from people reading the first post and responding with no clue what's really going on here)

    And your first post..some of it didn't make sense. What's been 20 years? Since they broke up? And you haven't seen her in all that time? Also, boobs?
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    my cousin married her son's father's brother... uncle daddy! keep it classy.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Year and a half old thread....pretty sure he's no in need of advice here anymore.....:ohwell:
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member

    Family member ex-anyone are off-limits; it’s an unwritten rule. But I know some people feel they are destined to be together, fate or whatever. I say no!
  • OliveRiver
    OliveRiver Posts: 81 Member
    Besides, do you really want his sloppy (and probably psycho) seconds??

  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    That's a line you don't cross, IMO. Doesn't matter how long a time period goes by.
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    Year and a half old thread....pretty sure he's no in need of advice here anymore.....:ohwell:

    Never know; maybe someone needs this with more advice
  • M22KY
    M22KY Posts: 61 Member
    LOL! This brings to mind them damn Jacksons. Dated/married the same woman and she had kids by both of them. So the kids are brothers and sisters AND cousins!! :grumble:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Why is this zombie still eating brains....
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    My mother-in-law is married to her ex's brother. He's a great guy compared to the ex.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Is it flat out wrong? No. They are ex's. Is there an underlying bit of "ick factor" to it? Maybe. Think Uncle-Step Daddy. Do what feels right for you though. It's a free country (mostly).
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    Wow, that's just wrong on so many levels. YUK
  • bsprual
    yeaaaah.. i dunno about that. You dont by any chance live in Kentucky do you? :laugh:
  • Pinkee33
    Pinkee33 Posts: 769 Member
    Of course you can.... you aren't blood related! I, personally, don't see what the big deal is over this.... :huh:
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member

    Dude.... Your brother put his junk in that. No. Just no

    THIS is what first went through my head. No way dude.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    No....It will just be messy all the way around. There is someone less controversial out there for you. Good luck finding her.

    That being said you should feel free to have a relationship with your nephew and perhaps be friends with your brother’s ex if you can “behave”. My nephews mean the world to me and I would never give them up if a divorce happened to my sister.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I know a lady who married her husband's brother 5 weeks after her husband died of cancer. She got about $100k in life insurance, bought a brand new house and Harley for her new husband and bought cars for all of her kids. She blew the entire $100k in 3 months.

    They lost the house she bought and now are living in a **** hole. Karma I say.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    ok, I heard the story... my answer - no
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    "This is my uncle... Wait, no, my step-dad... wait, no, my uncle..."
    Oooh, and if they have a kid.............................this is my wait my half sibling......wait my full sibling because we share mom's genes and some of dad's genes too?

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