
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to all you lovely people,

    I feel really good this morning. I recently tore my meniscus and have not really exercised because of this, it is finally starting to feel better and the range of motion is getting better as well. I did 10 minutes on the elliptical and 10 on the bike last night, the bike hurt a bit but it sure felt good to move. I iced it down when I got home.
    Today is the day we find out if my daughter is having a boy or girl, I'll let you know.

    Joyce IN, I know what you mean about wanting to help others, I’ve gone from 310 to 245 and still have a way to go, but when I see others I want to help them, inspire them, tell them to believe in themselves.

    Michele NC, You are the exercise queen girl, you reminded me that I have some DVR’s at home I need to pull out and start using.

    Grandmallie, I feel your pain with the shoveling. As I live alone there is no one else to do it and I’ve sure done a lot this season.

    Well, I am overdue for a cup of coffee so everyone have a healthy and happy day.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • Marilyn773
    Marilyn773 Posts: 10 Member

    I'm new on MFP and not very practiced at message boards. How do I join this group please?

    I'm 68, looking to lose 60 pounds and regain as much energy and health as I can. :blushing:

    I'm loving the idea that I can join with lots of like-minded people from around the world, so here I am :smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Hello lovely ladies,
    Amanda - just heard the tube strike is off. Good news for you! :flowerforyou:

    I am waiting to hear news about my ex and family. They say the floods where he lives are as bad or worse than 2003. Then he evacuated my eldest and the water came to within an inch of inside the house. His house is on stilts. They need chest high waders to get on and off the island. I care a lot as we parted on good terms and his two young children are my childrens' s brother and sister.

    Sorry to hear off the snowstorms approaching many of you. I hope your electric stays on.
    We have more gales and heavy rain tomorrow. At the moment two men are outside with heavy machinery putting our fence back up and sinking concrete posts to hold it up. Expensive business. :grumble: My lovely DH forgot to notify the insurance when it blew over so we have had two hefty bills and probably won't get any compensation. It's his own fault for not telling them earlier.
    I complained too my agent about the double deduction they made for compensating my tenant, so will get that back. Still haven't got a dste for replacing the window and haven't.emailed the freeholders yet. :embarassed: Cooking goulash this pm so won't get it done. My excuse.:embarassed:
    DH off to football this pm and he won't be back until nearly midnight. I have films to watch so I hope I won't resort to eating! I only did 90 mins of yoga today so can't eat as much anyway.:tongue: I have lost my lb from the weekend! Yeah!:drinker: I can hardly believe I haven't put anything on with all this entertaining!
    Stepdaughter tomorrow. She hasn't seen me since I lost weight, but as she is slim she might not notice!:laugh: I find naturally slim people tend not to be so hung up on these things. I notice every half stone people gain or lose!:blushing: :laugh:

    Stay safe everyone. Look after yourselves as well as looking after your loved ones! I have been very jealous reading all your stories of accompanying people into hospital. I have had many hospital stays and apart from short visits, no one stayed with me or accompanied me in there. I even had to get a student to take me home after my gallbladder removal. I did feel lonely then.:brokenheart: Mostly though I preferred it that way. :tongue: If someone is with me I feel I have to take care of them as well as myself. It's easier on my own.:bigsmile:

    Love to all. Heather in damp Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: It is easy to join this group. If you’ve posted, you’ve joined. You can find us again by going to Community and My Topics. We’ll be on the list. We’d like to know where you’re from. We have people here from around the world and it is fun to know about one another.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: Can you postpone your son’s appointment? If not, he’ll have to put up with daddy. Sending prayers for a successful surgery for DD.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Trying new medication while DH is in the hospital is an excellent strategy. I know you both want him to be back at home and hopefully he’ll be able to be there soon. It sounds as though you had a good phone call from DH.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on your medical news! You can do the things you love once again. Yay!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Drattedfatbod: Women’s bodies are like the ocean, and the tide comes in on a monthly basis. That said, I suggest you look at sodium as a culprit, especially around TOM. Drinking water will help wash extra sodium out of your body and is likely to help reduce your water retention and discomfort. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m happy to hear that Jake has good news from his doctor. :flowerforyou: I had enough icy falls to last the rest of my life during 2013, and I’m very conservative about going out when it is slippery these days. The dog has been stuck inside most of the time and gets his exercise running back and forth down the hall between us. I call him, then DH, and so on. He’ll be glad when the mess outside is gone and he gets to go waking with me again. Our dog is not as big as your poodles.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: DH feels the same way about doctor’s office magazines as you. I’d rather read books on my phone. Unfortunately, most doctor offices have a sign asking people to turn phones off. I have few medical appointments but he has many, so we spend too much time in waiting rooms. Luckily his appointments are with diabetic and MS doctors who are seeing patients for the purpose of monitoring long term care, NOT treating communicable diseases. :smile: Urgent Care and emergency rooms are scary places.:tongue:

    Alison: Think of shoveling snow as weight lifting. You’ve had a workout, and it is even in the MFP database. Count it! I did the other day. I suspect the gym is more fun, but you can only do so much.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I hope you find ways to stay warmer at work. I used to have a space heater under my desk during the summer because of the frigid air conditioning in the building where I worked. Ironically, I didn’t need a heater in winter. I hope you get a visit or two with your son while he’s there.:flowerforyou:

    NC Ladies: We’re at the tail end of our snowstorm and it is messy around here. Slush piles are dirty and ugly. Bleah. I enjoyed the first few days. I hope you'll have some beauty to enjoy and stay safe.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope your ex and his family are safe. I can’t imagine that your stepdaughter will not notice the change in you, but I can imagine her not mentioning that she’s noticed. A woman at work lost quite a bit of weight by going to weight watchers and I stayed quiet for the longest time because I simply didn’t know what to say. One day it came to me. I told her she looked wonderful, and I think it made her day. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga was cancelled this morning because of a late start school day, so I’ll have to figure out another way to exercise. I’m getting grumpy from lack of movement. :grumble: I’ll probably ride my bike in the garage. The trainer DH bought me for Christmas a year ago has been a real blessing. The bike sits on top of it and I can ride all I want without leaving the “comfort” of the garage, so weather doesn’t prevent me from getting a good cardio workout.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Hello to all: It is getting warmer here and supposed to make it to the 30s by the weekend. I can hardly believe that.:happy: I really feel for those of you facing big storms again. My children went to an alternative school here for elementary and parents were required to be involved. Very small school and we got to know each other well. This morning we are having a get together for some of the parents who are still in the area. Should be fun finding out what everyone is up to!:smile:

    Heather - Hope things work out safely for your ex.

    Grandmallie - Shoveling snow is hard work and not just a little exercise. Count it!!

    Sylvia - Congratulations on graduating from cardiac rehab. Such a nice feeling to be able to get on with your life.

    Sandy - How are you doing? Hope you are still on track for under 300. Sounds like it with putting that extra little workout in. You are so dedicated.:drinker:

    Well must get on with the day. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunny Tuesday,

    Well I will start with page 18 and see how far I get....

    yanniejannie - congrats on that loss:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Susan- isn't it amazing how quickly our body turns on us even when there is not a lot of gaining in the pounds the muscle just goes to fat with no exercise...I know it's been that way for me and it only took 6 mo for it to happen:grumble:

    Kay- hoping your wrist heals quickly...good for you "SUCKING IT UP":flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla- square knitting needles:huh: glad that they are making the knitting easier.

    Joyce- hospital oatmeal...I'm sure it's not supposed to taste good....they just don't know how to do that. Hoping that the Wizard of Oz gives you good words of encouragement:flowerforyou: So sorry that what you heard from the Dr wasn't what your hubby wanted to hear. Hoping he is able to tolerate the medicine so he can come home on Thursday Hang in there bad one day isn't going to hurt you .... just don't make it a habit and put that day behind you and move forward:drinker: YOU CAN DO IT.

    Heather- good for you on the preplanning of the meals. I too find it's easier to make extra and freeze it for later makes other meals so much quicker. Sorry to hear about the flooding over there, water can destroy things so quickly hoping your ex's place is okay:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pat- Black Bean Brownies? Well are they good? Are they healthy? Let us know:huh: :huh:

    Carol- sorry you are being pulled east & west. Hoping your daughters surgery goes well:flowerforyou:

    JaneH- Fight the dark side I know you can WIN:flowerforyou:

    Margaret-glad to hear your daughter is home now:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy- good for you and using the gum to keep your night snacking away:drinker:

    drlewando- glad you were able to get some good inspiration from the book:drinker:

    Sylvia- YEAH for your Dr report and getting to return to the Y for your exercise:drinker: :drinker:

    mandy- glad to see you are on the right track:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- you continue to amaze me in how many steps you get in every day:noway:

    Michele- mixing up your weights and all those exercises are sure to give you great results....I could use that inspiration as I get stuck in exercise ruts pretty easily:ohwell: :ohwell:

    grandmallie- good for you shoveling all that snow:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Amanda- sorry you are so cold but I do understand (as I sit here at my office with my heater on behind me) I have an electric blanket for sleeping at night and I'm sure I'd never get warm with out it. So glad you were able to have some facetime with your daughter:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- hoping that the weather doesn't get in the way of your plans...how nice that you have planned some pampering for yourself for Valentines Day:flowerforyou:

    Patty- so? Boy or Girl?:huh:

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Well last night I had my dinner all planned and hubby came home wanting to go out so we went down the street to a little family resturant that we like. I tried to make good choices and only ate half of my dinner so will probalby have the rest in another day or so. I'm finally getting back to the habit of logging and prelogging my food. When I packed my lunch last night I went ahead and logged it so it's there and all I have to do is add how much water I plan on drinking.

    Some mornings it's a struggle to get out of bed at 5 am to exercise but I'm always glad when I'm done and today is no exception.

    I best get moving have a lot of papers to shuffle before my Chiro appt. They are filiming a commercial and have asked me to give a testamonial for it...ought to be interesting.

    Have a good day all...keep moving, keep logging and don't forget to drink plenty of water:drinker: :drinker:

    Laura in Colorado:smile::smile:

    Crazy little faces keeps posting them twice:grumble: :grumble:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!from frigid,Il.whopping 0 right now.
    Hubby`s van didn`t start,son is going over to try to help.
    Braving up to go take Violet to school.
    HUgs to all.:heart::heart:
    Welcome newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning, Joyce here typing in my new office. Rom 317 at The heart Hospital! They do provide this nice rolling desk thingy. I have taken it over. He is attempting his first spit bath at the sink. He really needed it. Magnesium was still a little low this morning so he had another infusion. I remember when I was working sometimes we would allow a patient to take his monitor off long enough for a shower. But they won't let him. I missed his main doctor this morning so I couldn't ask him if we could get this neuro consult done in the hospital. So she said she would call him.

    Marilyn you joined just by posting!!!! Welcome to the chattiest, friendliest group ever.

    Sun is really shining this morning, really good to see it. From what I hear of the Olympics, the sun has been a problem there. What a problem.

    Forgot my water bottle while packing my bag this morning. So I am just refilling a hospital styrafoam cup all day.

    Water, walk, relax, that's my plan!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Hello!! My name is Mary (duh) LOL, and I am a 48 yr old woman...wanted to join this group because I am post menopausal and in desperate need of moral support from women my own age!
    I am a working mother/wife....have always struggled with my weight...mostly losing...have realized meno is kicking my butt and need to make some changes!
    I intend to read thru the thread to try and get to know you all, but looks like it may take a while! :smile: :smile: :heart:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Carol in NC – I know what it feels like to be try and split yourself in two. I once had my DD in isolation in the hospital (I think she was about 8) and then got a call saying my DS was being rushed to another hospital about an hour away with appendicitis. No family & no Dad, I had to get a friend to come and sit with DD while I made a mad dash to the other hosp. Good luck today, I pray it all turns out well.

    Sylvia – Congratulations on the good report from the cardio dr. :flowerforyou:

    Mandy – thanks, I still can’t believe what a difference it makes getting up and just doing a little bit of a workout…get the blood flowing. Glad to hear you are on the right track! YAY

    Drattedfatbod – welcome, take it one day at a time, baby steps. You are on the right track and the weight will come off. It’s just slower for us as we age. Keep coming back and posting. We want to get to know you.

    Joyce – hopefully your DH will do the sleep study. I did it and absolutely hated it, of course I don’t sleep well at the best of times and even worse when I’m in a strange environment. They said that I should come back because I didn’t sleep well…hmmm yea that’s why I went in the first place. I asked if I had sleep apnea and they said no so I said good enough then. Hopefully you get evicted from your "new office" soon :laugh: It’s tiring sitting but it sounds like you have a great plan.

    Barbie – congrats to Jake on the good news from the dermatologist!

    Yanniejannie – congrats on your award!

    dvorah and eatingtolive - welcome! Come back and post often

    Grandmallie – shoveling is great exercise! Don’t beat yourself up not going to the gym. You aren’t sitting around doing nothing. Be kind to yourself

    Amanda – it’s so nice that you can facetime with DD, at least you can see for yourself that she’s doing ok. Praying for a safe & easy delivery for your DD

    Patty – so glad to hear you are on the mend. Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet? I have no grandkids yet. I'm not sure DS will have any and DD suffers from such social anxiety, I wonder if she will meet anyone.

    Marilyn773 – welcome, it’s a great bunch of ladies and tons of support. Come back often!!

    Heather – yay for losing that lb from the weekend. I don’t know how you do it with all the cooking & entertaining. I hope you have a good time with stepdaughter

    Katla – what a great invention for the bike. I’m glad you have options when the weather is bad.

    Sue in SD – I’m hoping I’m on track. I only weigh in on Saturday mornings. DD & I have a contest going on so that’s the day we chose to weigh in.

    Laura – I prelog all my food, I do it either in the morning or the night before. That way I can see if I need to make some adjustments. I am trying to keep my sodium down but that’s the one that I struggle the most with.

    It's so cold here, I know it's Canada what do I expect but I'm really tired of being cold all the time. My office is chilly, we have the main heat and 3 space heaters going and I'm still wearing my winter boots & a sweater. Sometimes I just have to turn off one of the heaters because it's so noisy. Not sure which is worse, the noise or the cold. My poor car doesn't get a chance to thaw out at all, I work 5 min from home, the gym is about 5 min from work and then another 5 min home. Spring! that's what I'm waiting for :happy:

    Tonight is strength training at the gym and then home to finish off with my SMAK exercises :happy:

    Have a great day everyone, stay warm, stay dry and most of all stay safe.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • Nanalleen
    Nanalleen Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. although I have "belonged" to MFP for awhle, I fell off. It seems like every time I get motivated somethng happens to set me bacl Last summer I was trying the C25K and fell. thought it was a bad sprain so I quit running, but after 2 mos of still having discomfort, got an x-ray and found to have a fracture. Big set backk. Just sat back and did nothing. Now pain free! Joined a gym and have dragged my butt out of bed at 4:50 in the morning 2 days in a row to go before work. I know if I wait until after work, I will never go.
    I am Nana to 5 grandchildren ages 6 mos t0 10 years. @ live out of town, 3 about an hour away. My goal is to get healthy to be able to run and play with them and runout of energy!
    I scanned thru the 19 pages and this group seems to be very supportive. It's nice to have cyberfriends looking out for you. Hope to be an active part of group!:love:
  • Linda_Lou_62
    Linda_Lou_62 Posts: 22 Member
    What does anyone think of Garcina Cambogia? I have heard so much in the news about it. I dont believe anything but hard work makes weight loss however I am open to anything that may help if its natural or organic.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Just heard from my son that my ex's house is ok. The water is high, but hasn't come in yet. They have had 6 weeks of being surrounded by water, so for half term they are escaping to Scotland.
    Glad to know they are safe.:smile: So many people flooded out and rail links down.:cry:
    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Good afternoon,


    Welcome newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather so sorry about the flooding.

    Linda Lou one of my MFP friends was going to try Garcinia Cambogia. She has since left MFP so I do not know how it worked for her. She said she saw it on Dr. OZ. I watched the segment. To be honest it made me nervous. Supposedly it makes the liver take what it would normally turn to fat to keep it as energy for the body. It did warn of low insulin levels from taking it. That makes sense since you have more energy in your system that is going to require insulin. If you have any propensity towards diabetes I would only use this under a doctor’s care. I am also leery of anything that professes quick result. Watching your diet, drinking enough water, exercise, and sleeping well are the way to go in my opinion. Just because it is on Dr. Oz does not mean it is safe.

    Sylvia glad you got good news!

    Sandy I am sitting with a space heater at my feet. We had a subzero night last night and hopefully it is our last for this year. I know how you feel.

    Joyce it doesn’t surprise me about the magnesium. It is good for his heart.

    Laurie CO I admire you for your early morning start. On the days I work 6 is my wake up time and that is not easy for me.

    Mandy way to get back on track.

    Alison I count snow shoveling in my exercise for the day. You burn many calories when you do it. Just be careful of your back and take breaks. We have lots of practice here in MN.

    When to retina specialist today. My torn retina eye is completely healed. Just need to know it could happen to the other eye and if it does get in ASAP. It takes about five hours for the dilation to wear off, so just staying in and resting today.
    600/250 meals snacks the evenings are the hardest
    20 min. or longer meals
    Mindful breathing and posture
    Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint.
    Yearly word: contentment
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Well, actually afternoon I guess. Where did the morning go? I'm still in my jammies and just finished my Swiss cheese omelet for lunch. I was sitting here, preoccupied, and heard Bruno make a sudden dash for the doggie door. I looked out the window and there he sat, in the snow, with a big stuffed animal. I'll have to go out later for the daily stuffed animal roundup. At least this one is still in one piece. This morning I threw away a big stuffed dog whose head somehow became disconnected from his body and all his guts fell out all over the carpet.

    I spent part of the morning on the phone with one of my clay friends, trying to set up group show for next year. We have a group of local potters and are just in the planning stages for this show, which is a big pain. Coordinating with 28 potters to set up a show is like herding cats. We do two or three local shows every year, but this one is out of town, so we are still hunting for a venue. I missed all the shows last year, but this year I'm determined to make up for it.

    The dog show is on tv tonight, and hubby will be at the hospital for his sleep apnea test, so I get to watch it this year. Molly likes to watch the dog shows too. I don't know if Bruno does or not.

    I wanted to remind you ladies that shoveling snow is super hard on your hearts, so be really careful!

    Have a great evening!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hi Marilyn
    I too am new to the site. Joined in a few days ago. Haven't connected with anyone yet. The post & reading them helps to keep me somewhat motivated. I need to lose 100 pounds.:embarassed: Once I start lose some maybe I will feel the motivation a bit more, :laugh: . My worst thing to do is exercise. I don't know why I fight that so much but I do.:explode:
    Welcome to the site hope this will help you.:flowerforyou:
    Have a great day.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    "Pat Ohio do beans work well as a substitute for flour. I have heard of this but never tried it. It intrigues me. Is it a 1-1 correspondence? "

    Margaret & Laura,maybe it's according to how hungry you are for a treat? The brownies tasted best when luke warm,tho recipe says to cut them when cold.:laugh:
    You use a 15oz can of black beans,well rinsed & drained.
    I changed a few things in the recipe,mostly to hold calories down.
    You can find the recipe at Skinnytaste.
    I used 3 egg whites.Added a Tsp of vanilla ,Tsp of instant coffee powder. Used a scant 1/2C of cocoa & same of sugar. Didn't add chocolate chips to batter,but sprinkled 1/2C of Giralldi chips(sp) over the batter before baking. Prepare the pan as directed.Be careful not to overbake. Mine took 28 mins.When cold ,cut into 12 pieces,put on a plate & cover. I put the recipe thru MFP & came out at 106 calories each.

    DH had 3 for his lunch,so no complaints :love: but when you are 6'3"............what's to complain about? :noway: Pat in Ohio
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    Joyce: With sleep apnea the sleeper does not realize how many times a night they are waking up. Often times they snore so loudly they disturb others. You will also hear the person snore with a loud snort that may or may not wake them up. What often happens is they fall asleep during the day, and they feel tired. It makes it much more difficult to lose weight. If DH needs another reason to be convinced to get it treated, without treatment he increases his odds of heart attack, stroke, and accidents. . His current medical crisis might be the wake up call he needs to seek this life saving treatment. Being overweight especially around the neck increases your chances of having sleep apnea. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I cannot agree more. My younger brother is only 44 years old, obese, was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and now has to wear a CPAP mask. When he did the sleep study, they told him that he actually stopped breathing a couple of times, but when this happened at home, he usually woke himself up. He never realized that he actually stopped breathing. Sleep apnea is nothing to take lightly and thank God he is doing much better and taking better care of himself.

    I wish you and yours all the best.
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    So, I'm back.
    I made it to 3lbs from goal...... and gained about 10lbs back.
    I love me some carbs, so back on the wagon. Must be bikini ready for HI 2015 :)