
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: almost full moon, clear sky, :flowerforyou: temperature over 40 degrees......that's how I started my day taking each dog for a short walk before breakfast.....now breakfast is finished and I'll take each dog for a longer walk.

    : :brokenheart: line dance teacher called last night to say that her husband is not doing well and family members are suggesting that he go to assisted living or move closer to them so they can help with his care and she asked me to teach the whole class for at least the next month....this is sad news for her:brokenheart: :brokenheart: but exciting for me because I love teaching the class.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning! Super cold day here in southern VA... I think we only had a couple of below freezing days last winter. This winter is kicking us in the derriere! I've certainly learned when it's cold outside, the fastest way to feel warm inside, is to take a dog for her walk! All bundled up, of course! Barbie, I just realized that you take your dogs walking at 3:30 in the morning? Goodness! You go girl!

    Sorry to hear of so many struggles and pray for each and every one of you and for your loved ones. The stress is so hard on our bodies...

    Well, I'm off to walk the dog and head to the gym before the crummy weather hits.

    I love hitting 10,000 steps on my fitbit (but I really think it overestimates!!)

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I'm on the lookout for a ground cover that can be put on the slope by our driveway and under the power lines that looks nice but doesn't require much maintenance at all. I remember seeing some sort of flower along the highway. I'm sure the states don't spend much (if any) money maintaining them, and it looked nice. If I see it, I'm going to take a picture of it and then ask at a nursery what it is. Anybody have any ideas? Remember, we have red clay, not normal everyday soil

    Did "Gin Millers Classic Step" DVD today. Her cues are good, it's really a lot of repetition but that's good since it gets your heartrate up and you don't really have to concentrate a whole lot. I'm planning that tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's "Killer Buns and Thighs" DVD.

    They're calling for snow,. Here in the South, to me, it's really funny. The headline is "Governor calls for State of Emergency" It hasn't even started snowing!!!! The other one is "snow hammers Catawba Valley". It hasn't started snowing yet!!!!

    I made some chocolate chip cookies to put in the freezer to take with us to FL and today I'm planning to make these cream cheese sugar cookies to take with us. I just won't tell Vince that there's cream cheese in them otherwise he won't eat them. He's so pickey. Sadly, I think he gets it from his mother. I remember when we were looking at assisted living places. She wanted to stay in FL. So we went to the one that is in the same town. They were very nice and gave us a complimentary lunch. She had the chili. She asked me if I knew what that orange stuff was on top of the chili. I told her I had no idea. Really, it was shredded cheddar cheese, but if I told her it was cheese, she wouldn't have eaten it. She kept telling me how good it was. I make a chocolate zucchini bread. One time I left the zucchini in the food processor too long and it got REALLY small. So I still used it, I just asked Vince to try the chocolate bread (he's a real chocoholic). He ate the whole thing! Now if I'd told him there was zucchini in it, he wouldn't have eaten it.

    barbie - that's wonderful that you're taking care of yourself and not pushing it. Congrats on getting to teach the class, just wish it was under different circumstances

    katie - glad they cut your spint down.

    Mary - welcome! You CAN do this. You've lost so much before. Yes, logging is very important. Come here often for lots of support.

    kathy - welcome also. Can't wait to get to know you better

    Viv - sure hope you find out real soon what's up with hubby. Be sure to let us know

    Heather or anyone who might know - I made these chicken legs for Rummikub which got cancelled. Well, I put the chicken legs in the freezer since I'm not even sure that I'll be able to go to the next Rummikub. Now I did take the skin off the legs. My question is this -- when I go to reheat them, is there a way I can reheat them and not have them dry out?

    Patty - congrats congrats congrats on the girl

    I'm going to post this now just so that I mark my place.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies,
    I have been sleeping horrible lately. so didnt get up until 6 this morning,and again didnt go to the gym, boy am I in a slump,
    I am just dreading tomorrow, we are getting close to 12 inches of heavy wet snow and it will start after the DH goes to work, but I am going to have to be out in it most of the day just to keep up,so will make up for today tomorrow..
    I am soooo hating winter,wish we could move to Florida,but at least we both have jobs so I will shut my trap..
    went to Wally world this morning and got stuff to make a pina colada pie for the DH,and bought him so new long sleeved shirts, he said he told me 2, but I got him 5,
    came home made the pie and it is in the fridge, he has mac and cheese for tonight and lunch all made for tomorrow.
    going to get the dogs food made for tonight and then go into work at noon.
    I really feel like a slug, but will try and not beat myself up about it..:ohwell:
  • susieq508
    susieq508 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies I just started back to my fitness pal. I like this blog. I live in Ohio Pat. Tired of this snow. Wish I could get out. Side I am a couch potato. any suggestion?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I’m happy for you that you’ll be teaching the line dance class for the next while. I’m sorry that the regular line dance teacher’s life is in a transition because of her husband’s health and wish her the best. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Would Star Jasmine work as your ground cover? It has lovely scented flowers all summer long. In our area it can get to be up to a foot and a half tall but you can train it lower if you like. Jessamine is another name for it as I understand it. Vinca is also a common ground cover around here and is evergreen. Both attract bees. Bearberry/kinnikinick has lovely red berries. It blooms in spring but the flowers are not especially showy. There are lovely red berries in the fall & winter and it is evergreen. All are acid loving plants and I think that fits fine with clay soils. Since they’re flowering they attract bees. I don’t know whether that is a worry for you. My other, more sensible suggestion is to contact your local agricultural extension office for plant lists.:flowerforyou:

    SusieQ: Welcome. :flowerforyou: Tell us where you’re from. My advice is to count calories and move more. Choose things you enjoy for your movement so you'll be happy and want to continue. Plan to take it slow and continue working at it forever if you want to keep the weight off. Some of us are in the losing weight process and others have reached their goals and are working to maintain a healthy weight and improve fitness. We stick around to encourage one another and keep from regaining all the weight.:wink:

    Valentine’s Day is coming up. My plan was to have dinner at a local restaurant but DH wants to go to the RV show that day, and it is about a 200 mile round trip from here. Dinner out at the restaurant I had in mind would have to be very late & eating late doesn’t work for me. We’ll work it out so that we’re both happy and it isn’t a worry. Doing most anything together for fun makes me happy. I’m wondering if you have special traditions or plans for Valentine’s Day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: thinking of you all take care

    Juanita in sudbury where its snowing yet again
    Bring on spring
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello everybody!:flowerforyou:
    Hope all of you r safe from the weather gone crazy!
    So many losses and victories, Congrats :flowerforyou:
    Sorry for those grieving :cry:
    Dee Dee sylvia YannieJannie Barbie ... Congrats
    Heather newsreports are scary, keep safe
    Am trying to keep to my schedule, have increased my calories for a few days
    Have missed out few but hope to catch up soon
    Anamika from Mumbai:smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump Day Wednesday,

    Just popping in to mark a spot on part 2...skimmed the last of part one not time to read the beginning of part 2....maybe later.

    Joyce- You do have great patience and were very kind to get all of that for your hubby, I'm sure his being out of sorts in part is due to being in the hospital and he wants to go home. Your indulgence is past and done now on to a new day.:flowerforyou:

    Michele- if only I could get bored with my exercise....I keep doing the same old stuff because it is the same old:wink:

    Barbie- take it slow with reintroducing those weights you don't want to have a set back.:flowerforyou:

    Today was my weigh in day since I started my ticker to zero and have lost one of those pesky pounds...now on to tackle the next one of the 14 that are left....it can be done.

    Another morning of struggling to get out of bed to exercise but I told myself I knew I would like myself better if I exercised and got it out of the way and with the reward of the one pound loss it gave me the incentive I needed to keep going instead of rolling over and going back to sleep.

    Must go. Everyone have a successful day logging, drinking (water that is) and moving your body:drinker:

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
    ROBINCAN2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies.....I'm putting my toe in as I will be the big 50 this year and want to be 50 stones lighter by my birthday. I would love to join your group! Sounds like everyone is so kind and supportive!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's always so good to come here and see new members. Welcome.

    katla you always say just the right thing to cheer me up. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I had the alarm set for 9:30, my plan was to get up, take a shower, pack my lunch and head off to the hospital. But after I got up I realized that I really need to go back to bed. In order for me to be the kind of wife to help my husband, I need to be at my best health. And I am getting close to being at the worst as far as my exhaustion. The way this is going now, as soon as he comes home from the hospital, I will sleep all of Friday and be really draggy. I don't want to be that. I am his nurse then, he has no monitor to check on him, no nurse looking at his vital signs. I want to be awake and alert Thursday eve and Friday. So I am making an executive decision to go back to bed! I'll call Charlie, see how he is doing and go back to bed. I am not wonder woman.

    It amazes me when states declare emergencies when they haven't even happened. Our city is finally getting smart through this really frigid and snowy time. They are having 2 hour delays now and not jsut saying they are having snow days. My poor grand children. They have had so many snow days I don't know how long they will have to go in the summer to make up for them

    Just called hubbie, his admitting doctor said he could go home today, so I called his nurse and she tried to argue with me that the if the admtting doctor says to discharge then he is discharged. I tried to explain to her that the electrophysiologost said 5 does of the medicine before she would evaluate him for discharge and that it would be Thursday. Still had to argue with the nurse that she need to check with other doctor. Husband wants out now, doesn't want to wait until I have had my nap. He will have to wait until at least I get this straightened out.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Hi there!
    Stepdaughter's visit over and all went well. She didn't seem that enthused with the prawns and I didn't think they tasted all that good, but they looked very pretty. The goulash was amazing, which is just as well as we are having it again on Saturday with DS and family.!:laugh:

    Michele - like you, I would be afrsid they would dry out if reheated. I would remove the cooked meat from the bone snd make something with it - maybe a chicken and ham pie.

    Katla - I am entertaining - what's new! :laugh: I have Valentine themed napkins and cocktail sticks and a pinkish meal!:laugh: I have bought the two other couples a travel guide each for their next trip away and will wrap it in pink paper with heart tags that I will write on with gold and silver pens. Fun!:drinker: Champagne to drink :drinker: . For DH I have bought some gorgeous chocolates and a pop up hearts and flowers card.:bigsmile: Must remember to write in it tomorrow. We never go out for Valentines day as the restaurants put the price up and we can eat better at home. :blushing: :bigsmile: One year DH cooked me a 3 course meal. It was so great and he poured over recipe books for weeks and wouldn't tell me what he was making!

    Patty - your journaling idea sounds excellent. :flowerforyou: DH is doing something similar for his anxiety.

    Deedee - 10" . Yikes! Hope your power stays on. Ours is ok at the moment, though it has been blowing a gale out there!

    Barbie - glad you get a chance to teach. And glad you are slowly getting back to strength training. For me it has made the most difference in the way I look. And I enjoy it.

    NSV for me. DSD got out of her car, took one look at me and said "Where have you gone? Oh my, where have you GONE! You look completely different! I wouldn't have recognised you! You said you had lost weight but I didn't imagine it was that much!"

    Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh! :laugh: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    This morning my scales were showing a tiny fraction of a lb down. That makes me under 10 stone for the first time since 1989. Less than 140. BMI 23.13. I will wait a bit to put it on my ticker to be sure and I have a LOT of entertaining this weekend.

    Stay safe. Love and forgive yourselves. Look after yourselves. Treat yourselves with something non fattening. :laugh: Be your own best Valentine.:bigsmile:

    Heather in windy Hampshire UK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump, bump, bump ....

    Working from home today due to snow/ice in the Atlanta area. My dog is NOT amused!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I finally remembered what I wanted to say last night...To whomever was talking about detached retinas: I had on in December 2012. It was a horrible experience, but sort of turned out good because I got to have a lens implant in that eye that was covered by insurance. Now I wear a contact in the other eye for distance and I wear readers for anything remotely like close work. Be very careful of your vision!!! If you notice ANY change in your vision, call your eye doctor!

    If this snow is actually going to get here, I wish it would just do it already! They called off school today but could easily have gone with an early release because there has yet to be a snowflake fall from the sky. I went to my daughter's apartment this morning and fed the cats. Luckily she bought them a "self feeder" sort of thing so I could fill it with enough food for a couple of days if I can't get back before then. They have their little water fountain (freshly filled) and an extra bowl of water, too. They'll just have to cope if they eat all of their food today and fill their litter boxes as a result!

    I'm still tired from yesterday. Joyce, I sympathize with you so much. It is so incredibly wearing to sit in a medical facility all day. I went outside and walked the perimeter of the parking lot as soon as they took her back for surgery, but it was so cold and windy that my ears felt like they were freezing off and my jacket doesn't have a hood, so I didn't walk as long as I would have liked. And, inside, it was too small to walk more than about six steps without having to turn around. Oh well, I survived and the girl child will be fine so it's all good in the end.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Carol in cold, gloomy, milkless and breadless NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Marking my place and thinking of everyone dealing with problems. :flowerforyou:

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Bracing for the snow/ice that is headed our way. I am so ready for winter to be over. :explode:

    Gloria - praying for you, your mom and family. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - you're smart to realize that you need to care for yourself so you're able to care for your DH. Calling to check on him and then going back to bed is a great choice.

    Brenda - I saw that you are from Maryland too. What area? I'm just outside of D.C. for work and live about 30 miles south from D.C. I think we may be the only two from Maryland so far.

    Patty - congratulations on your soon-to-be newest granddaughter

    Katla - my church has a Marriage Ministry which my DH and I are part of. One of the regular functions we do is called "Tightening the Knot" which includes a 'date night' with childcare provided. Couples come to the church and different topics each time are discussed along with fun games, food and music. This month is happens to fall on Valentine's Day so it makes a nice night out without having to deal with the crowds at local restaurants, trying to find a babysitter and makes it affordable for everyone.

    Awhile ago I mentioned that a friend had been diagnosed with colon cancer. Found out it is stage 3 and in January she began chemo/radiation for 5 weeks prior to surgery. She is having a very hard time with the treatments and has basically asked everyone to stay away, no phone calls, etc. She is 54, separated, no children, parents, siblings but has a great cousin that is caring for her and undating information. I would like to ask of prayers for her from anyone that feels led to do that. Her name is Sheri.

    I am basically holding my own on my eating and weight. My DH had his birthday on Feb. 10 and mine is Feb. 18 so eating out with friends more than usual so that is not helping with the increase in salt.

    With this cold weather, it seems I'm always hungry and cold, except for the hot flashes! I try to dress in layers for work as I'm cold in the office but never can tell when those flashes will rear their ugly head. Sitting in a meeting (with mostly men) and feel that fire starting in the legs and working itself upwards, I start to shred my clothes. I'm sure that is a little disconcerting to some of the guys but I almost feel like ripping all of my clothes off! :noway: Can't get out of them fast enough. :blushing:

    As of my birthday, I will have 1 year left before I can officially retire! :drinker: Looking forward to that day. Sure hope I can be as active then as you ladies. You are my inspiration.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    bump for now
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi gang! I have a few minutes before I have to go pick up my grandson from preschool so thought I would mark my spot.

    Hubby went to his sleep study last night, and although it's not official till the doc says so, he is pretty sure he has apnea. He said they stopped the test and put a mask on him and after that he slept a lot better. Hmmm. Maybe he should listen to his wife sometimes? It sure felt strange to be in the house without him last night. I didn't sleep well either. Molly was just inconsolable, standing on the sofa looking out the window for him to come home. Poor dog.

    I picked up the grandson this morning and went to the library for story time. I don't know who enjoys it more, him or me. We played on the computer a while and also checked out a couple of books to take home. Then we went through the car wash and blasted the crud off my van. It looked muddy white instead of dark blue. Then went to lunch where I had a side salad with no dressing (20 calories). Now I am absolutely starving! I'm fantasizing about those Russell Stover Marshmallow Hearts. So at 3:00 I pick him up and at 3:15 pick up the girls and take them all to my house. My son is in for pulmonary tests today.

    I'm really looking forward to Friday. It's Valentines day and our tradition is for me to make heart shaped meat loaf and mashed potatoes for hubby. That's all. He doesn't do anything for me because I told him not to. I told him he does so much for me all year, he can take the day off. This year the kids are coming over so my son and his wife can go out by themselves. I offered to do that and he was really happy I did. I think he didn't want to ask. So, I'm going to do some special valentine stuff for them too on Friday. Maybe a decorated cookie or something. I don't know what I'll make for me but it will most likely involve sweet potatoes. Or chili.

    I hope the new people can find us at the new thread. I meant to explain it when it got close but missed my opportunity. It is a little confusing when it splits off.

    Have a great afternoon!

    From Kansas, where we are supposed to see 60 degrees this weekend!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.
    Fighting this cold everyone has.
    trying to rest today as I`m home.Temps still in the single digits.Sun`s out.
    Hope everyone has a great day
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Just marking my spot. This week has been very busy, but next week is vacation!!:love: Hopefully I will be able to find some time to chat then.

    Joyce- Am thinking of you and your DH. Hope all works out well. I am glad to see that You are taking care of your needs. You are so right. If you get run down, you will not be able to take care of him.

    To those of you with snow in NC- My daughter is at Duke and is unhappy with "winter". I have never been to St. Louis, but I think she will get reacquainted with snow next winter as she has taken a position at Washington University. The "bad" side of me wished the snow would have come through here so that we would get a snow day or two. The "good" side realizes that it is becoming too difficult to cover all the material we need to teach if we miss any more school! It looks as though the storm will miss us, but then I have not looked at the weather report yet tonight.I love being snowed in! I just don't go anywhere and enjoy all the time at home, even though we can get around in all but the worst of conditions. I am getting tired of the cold though!! Take care of yourselves and keep safe!

    Deb A in CNY