The meanest thing just happened :-(



  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I would have said "Thank you! And you too are going to look great once you get in shape."

    Or "I can lose weight. However, you will always be a dumb as$."

    I can always lose weight, but no matter how many weights you lift if won't make up for your small penis.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Aw sweetie, I know how you feel. I would have probably done the exact same as you. I would LOVE to have the confidence that many of the posters have expressed in telling him off, and I know I wouldn't have it. I would also love to be at your weight :flowerforyou:

    You are gorgeous. He is a butt wipe. You are a fabulous person who has already had huge success in her weight loss journey. He doesn't even have the right to talk to you.

    That said, I agree with some others about your goal weight. Being at "insert weight here" isn't nearly as important as body comp. Why do you want to be at 125? What are your other measurements? Do you lift? Lifting can bring definition and tighten everything up if you are unhappy with your overall look. But I still say you look fab :drinker:
  • urban_ninja
    urban_ninja Posts: 175 Member
    Ignore that dumb@ss. He's butt-juice! You're gorgeous. You should just get Samuel Jackson on his @ss and say, "I didn't ask you a Godd@mn thing!"
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Guys who are really, really insecure sometimes use a strategy of putting a girl down so that they can feel power over her and feel better about themselves. I once dated a guy who all of my friends thought was well below my league. He used to say crap like that to me all the time when I was skinny and smokin' hot. Turns out he didn't think he wasn't good enough for me (which he wasn't) and he dealt with it by putting me down. I dumped his *kitten*.

    I think what happened at the gym has nothing to do with you or your body or your looks (which are all gorgeous). It has everything to do with the little weenie who said those things to you. He saw a gorgeous girl he could never have (you) and put you down to make himself feel better.

    Next time you see him, just smile and laugh.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Currently, i weigh 136 at 5'6. Which is 8-11 pounds lighter than my outdated pics on here (most of them I was around 144, one I was at 147) so I know im not big and blah but I'm so desperate to get to 125. I was just at the gym when this guy who is usually there when I am comes up to me for the first time and says *it's so nice to see you here so often! Once you lose 20 pounds, Youre going to look amazing.* I just said *um. I don't intend on losing 20 pounds* and he goes *well, that's my recommendation. I think you should rethink your goals.* I literally went into the lockerroom and cried :-(. Just wanted to share it. Too embarrassed to rant to anyone I know so thanks for reading.

    BuMp....just 'cause...
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    sounds like a grade A douche ….

    When you let things bother you like that you let the Ahole win it is best to just ignore them and just brush off…

    or you could of always say, and when you put about 15 pounds of muscle on you will look a lot better too …

    unless of course he was already shredded…

    I think your pic looks hot…:) So screw the F'r...

    A quick and useful comeback I keep in my pocket for moments when people are suggesting I change so that I can please them with the way I look, "I didn't ask for your opinion and I'm not here to look the way you want me to."
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Oh should mention if he tries to talk to you again and you tell him to leave you alone and he doesn't, report his sorry a** to the front desk. Get him suspended!:devil:
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Go buy a skeleton put a bikini on it and tell him you bought him a sex toy, since apparantley THAT'S his style of woman:tongue:
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    What a douchecanoe.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Man, fascinating insight from the women posting in this thread! I think you're all exactly right. He's an *kitten* hole, but in a weird way, he was trying to compliment you. I think they may be right. It was just a really, really bad pick up line. lol Another reminder of one of the things about the world that makes me scratch my head. So many losers who end up with women. But I have known guys who were just fantastic human beings who end up being alone, mostly because they don't say anything at all to women. It's just sad. That dude will find some woman who feels bad enough about herself to end up with his lousy *kitten* while some great guy who doesn't say anything will stay lonely.
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    Currently, i weigh 136 at 5'6. Which is 8-11 pounds lighter than my outdated pics on here (most of them I was around 144, one I was at 147) so I know im not big and blah but I'm so desperate to get to 125. I was just at the gym when this guy who is usually there when I am comes up to me for the first time and says *it's so nice to see you here so often! Once you lose 20 pounds, Youre going to look amazing.* I just said *um. I don't intend on losing 20 pounds* and he goes *well, that's my recommendation. I think you should rethink your goals.* I literally went into the lockerroom and cried :-(. Just wanted to share it. Too embarrassed to rant to anyone I know so thanks for reading.

    I bet he was "negging" you, which is a pick up artist trick to lower women's self esteem. Sounds too calculated. Seriously, what an *kitten*.
    God, you're at like, my super daydream goal weight, and I'm 2" shorter than you. You are definitely fine where you are, and you'll look fine at 125 too.
  • AreUjoking2
    You should've told the jerk that "sometimes a snickers bar is more satisfying than a loud mouth with a centimeter peter".
  • danigirl1988
    danigirl1988 Posts: 15 Member
    "What a prick! I pity him. It must be a miserable existance to be so mean. You are gorgeous (and your current weight is perfectly healthy)!"

    This ^

    Just remember that people throw rocks at things that shine :)
  • expoduck
    Btw, one day he is going to ask you out on a date. Then you say "you should rethink your goals."


    This is the best comeback ever.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Wow...can't imagine what that guy would think about me being at the gym :frown: He'd probably tell me I'm a lost cause and to go home.
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    It's a ploy......He says something mean, you'll think about, then ask him for his recommendations, he gets to know you better and then he'll ask you out.

    You look great! So that was the only way he could think of to approach you. "Break you down, make you vunerable and then pounce".

    Stir clear.... act like he doesn't exist and the conversation never happen. I'll bet you he'll approach you in the "I'm sorry if I offended you.......

    This is a thing? I had no idea. Thanks for spelling it out Javonjay and others.

    Btw, one day he is going to ask you out on a date. Then you say "you should rethink your goals."

    ^^ and this!
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    This is one of those moments where it's okay to kick the guy in the balls as hard as you possibly can (the goal is to make sure he can't procreate).
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Next time you see him, spit in his face, kick him in the nads and then do this:

  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    The guy's a tool. Don't let him get you down. Just keep working to your goal and not worrying about people like that. I think you look pretty good in the pics that are outdated and heavier. Put a new one on here so we can tell you how good you look!
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I once dated a guy who liked the skeletal look. I was under-weight when we started dating, then gained 10lbs to a healthier weight and he immediately starting calling me fat and telling me I needed to go on a diet. You look amazing in all of your pics, don't let some skeleton lover get you down.