Men, how do you feel about SAHM?



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    i just can't stomach a child saying "I want to be a stay at home parent when I grow up". If it happens for the right reasons of nurturing and behavioural development concerns, then awesome. But having it as a goal. Can't stop facepalming.

    I agree with this, IF that is the full extent of someone's self-betterment goals. Everyone should earn a college degree, but I don't plan to use mine (at least not full time) until all my children are 6+ y/o and in school. I'm all for everyone getting an education and having a career, but to me, raising tiny humans and being their primary caregiver in the first half dozen years of their lives is what's most important. So yes, I do and did want to "be a SAHM when I grow up", but I have other aspirations after/during that, if that makes sense.
  • Fit2Strip
    Fit2Strip Posts: 280 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?
    I just hate lazy people. Rich or poor don't matter to me.

    I also hate Butterfingers. They are to sticky in my teeth. Each bite ensures a new cavity.

    So how is it like being a pregnant man who cheated on his hubby with a black man? Is it all sunshine and butterflies?

    I never said black. You just assumed that.
    I sense you are racist...
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Eh, I am sure it is rough in the beginning, but once the children are of school age, then I can't see how it is hard. You have 8-9 hours to do whatever you please

    When your raising an autistic child, it can get rough all the time, especially when they are non-verbal. I don't know how many times I attempted to stick my head in the toilet. Throw in a non-verbal child who is 6 years old and still in diapers and you have a shift that never ends...
  • Fit2Strip
    Fit2Strip Posts: 280 Member
    Eh, I am sure it is rough in the beginning, but once the children are of school age, then I can't see how it is hard. You have 8-9 hours to do whatever you please

    When your raising an autistic child, it can get rough all the time, especially when they are non-verbal. I don't know how many times I attempted to stick my head in the toilet. Throw in a non-verbal child who is 6 years old and still in diapers and you have a shift that never ends...

    Special needs children is definitely a unique case of its own. In that case, there are far different and greater burdens than the average SAHM endures.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?
    I just hate lazy people. Rich or poor don't matter to me.

    I also hate Butterfingers. They are to sticky in my teeth. Each bite ensures a new cavity.

    So how is it like being a pregnant man who cheated on his hubby with a black man? Is it all sunshine and butterflies?

    I never said black. You just assumed that.
    I sense you are racist...

    Riiight. Also, how is it like being a pregnant man whose fetus was featured on an Ontario Sonographer classified site, and is also a reoccurring meme?
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?

    Criticizing a small section of the poor does not equal hating on all poor people. Nice spin though.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?

    Criticizing a small section of the poor does not equal hating on all poor people. Nice spin though.

    And does b*tching about this supposed small percentage help? I would prefer my taxes help those who are less fortunate, even if that might mean one or two cheaters of the system benefit as well.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?

    Criticizing a small section of the poor does not equal hating on all poor people. Nice spin though.

    Transfer payments involve quite a few more groups than poor SAHMs.

    I'd love to watch if someone would like to argue for taxpayer standing though. I'm sure that will go over well in court . . .

    Of course, most of the SAHMs I know are very well off. Anyone care to hate on the ladies who lunch?
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?

    Criticizing a small section of the poor does not equal hating on all poor people. Nice spin though.

    And does b*tching about this supposed small percentage help? I would prefer my taxes help those who are less fortunate, even if that might mean one or two cheaters of the system benefit as well.

    I'd prefer for it to be more difficult to cheat the system.
  • Fit2Strip
    Fit2Strip Posts: 280 Member
    I was waiting for this to escalate into political mud-slinging......Some people really hate the poor these days, eh?
    I just hate lazy people. Rich or poor don't matter to me.

    I also hate Butterfingers. They are to sticky in my teeth. Each bite ensures a new cavity.

    So how is it like being a pregnant man who cheated on his hubby with a black man? Is it all sunshine and butterflies?

    I never said black. You just assumed that.
    I sense you are racist...

    Riiight. Also, how is it like being a pregnant man whose fetus was featured on an Ontario Sonographer classified site, and is also a reoccurring meme?

    I am trying to participate in an important discussion, but you keep trying to sideline the topic because you are hell bent on assaulting my character. You, my dear, are trying to switch the topic of this thread, harass members and make everything about you. It is you who is the troll here.

    oh and for the record, I never said my profile pic was my ultrasound. I am too early for the fetus to even show that big. You just make wild assumptions to support your violent behavior.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    Eh, I am sure it is rough in the beginning, but once the children are of school age, then I can't see how it is hard. You have 8-9 hours to do whatever you please

    When your raising an autistic child, it can get rough all the time, especially when they are non-verbal. I don't know how many times I attempted to stick my head in the toilet. Throw in a non-verbal child who is 6 years old and still in diapers and you have a shift that never ends...

    this is different, no two situations are alike. But for the most part of the general populous kids age 4+ go to school.

    I lol'd my way through the new posts that called it a career choice.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i just can't stomach a child saying "I want to be a stay at home parent when I grow up". If it happens for the right reasons of nurturing and behavioural development concerns, then awesome. But having it as a goal. Can't stop facepalming.
    You're so right. With all the problems in the world this is the one that gets me worked up. Can I facepalm you?

    right after you remember this the next time you complain about anything in your first world life without making mention of Sudan
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have been a SAHM for 12 years now.. but Have always worked from home doing various business ventures. I will add I have five kids and having a job outside the house would be impossible with childcare costs etc. I CHOOSE to have five kids.. and i believe in making that choice it would have not made sense for me to CHOOSE to have a job outside the home. If i wanted to have a job outside the home i would have CHOSEN to have less children.

    I don't think people can compare each others situation and determine which is harder. Everybodys situations are different and by that I mean, relationship status, Children (characteristics) , family situations (grandparents etc around to help), finances etc.

    I find these arguments and question so stupid. its like the moms who compare there kids etc.. who bloody well cares when your child was reading, or how many sports, or when they lost there teeth.. point is, we are all different, we all strive to do whats best for us and our families and everyones BEST is different. Thats what makes the world an exciting place. I think the real issue in parenting and motherhood etc is the relationships we have with our family as a whole.

    Am i saying I love being a stay at home mom.. no, not always, sometimes yes. I feel lost in it, i feel lost in my kids, I feel that sometimes my value is determined by my children and thats a WHOLE other issue. Threads like this are really stupid.. and they are started by people who don't have a clue and perhaps think that we all function the same way. WE DON'T!!! ;)

    Well said! Sorry I am so terrible at uploading anything. Hope you get your cat gif!
    I don't think OP started the thread because she cares about the topic. It's seems an outlet for overflowing hate. Kinda scary.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Eh, I am sure it is rough in the beginning, but once the children are of school age, then I can't see how it is hard. You have 8-9 hours to do whatever you please

    When your raising an autistic child, it can get rough all the time, especially when they are non-verbal. I don't know how many times I attempted to stick my head in the toilet. Throw in a non-verbal child who is 6 years old and still in diapers and you have a shift that never ends...

    this is different, no two situations are alike. But for the most part of the general populous kids age 4+ go to school.

    I lol'd my way through the new posts that called it a career choice.

    Actually, it varies state to state. The last state I lived in only offered public Pre-K (children age 4) to children who needed extra help to meet the standards for kindergarten. Anyone else wanting a pre-K program had to pay for it, unless you financially met the standards for the More at Four program. People are also enrolling their children at a later age and starting Kindergarten closer to age 6 because the curricula have changed so much over the years that many Kindergarten programs are no longer play-based programs and the children have simply not matured to the point where they can focus at the level needed to absorb the material.

    But let's not let pesky things like facts and details get in the way of making sweeping generalizations.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Did someone ask for a cat gif??
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    look at this stay at home cat, hard at work!

  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a toddler with special needs. It's unimaginably hard. And besides, my husband is an engineer, so I feel blessed that I do not need to work. My husband prefers a clean house & dinner on the table vs the chump change that I'd bring in. :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Eh, I am sure it is rough in the beginning, but once the children are of school age, then I can't see how it is hard. You have 8-9 hours to do whatever you please

    When your raising an autistic child, it can get rough all the time, especially when they are non-verbal. I don't know how many times I attempted to stick my head in the toilet. Throw in a non-verbal child who is 6 years old and still in diapers and you have a shift that never ends...

    ^^this. My daughter would require a special needs individual. She couldn't even get into a special needs daycare 30 miles away because she's not up to date on her vaccinations. I just cannot pay a nanny $25/hr. Special needs children is definitely a different circumstance.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    and this is my last reply to this stupid thread: everyone 'defending' SAHM while saying bs that puts down the idea of preschools, nannys, babysitters, strangers watching babies, and moms that work that *kitten* off 8 hours a day after getting the kids ready, driving them to their daycare, and then picking them up on the way home, making dinner, doing laundry, bathing, cleaning, helping with learning and developmental issues, taking them to activities, etc....all the while having to spend a huge proportion of your salary on childcare. Well, I would say that that is judgmental because those moms work their *kitten* off. Those moms have been my family members that want the best for their kids, coworkers that have to leave early to pick their children up because their is a sick kid at the daycare. If you want to defend your lifestyle do it without bringing other people down because working moms work their *kitten* off. SAHMs aren't the end all be all of hard work. What a joke. Prehistory women were having and rearing children, they didn't throw a ****ing awards ceremony for it.

    And again, though some of you have either a learning disability, can't read, or have a visual impairment, kudos to you for making it work and achieving a ton of other goals if you are a SAHM.

    What about children with special needs? To say a stay at home mom of a child with autism or cerebral palsy is easy is an insult.