Why are you fat?



  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I was never a really thin person. But about 7 years ago I moved to New Mexico. I sat on my butt most of the days and ate fried foods like it was going out of style. I went from being a pretty active person to hardly being active at all and boredom eating. In the first 3 years I was here I put on 60 lbs! I finally realized how much weight I had gained and started on track to losing it. I was half way to my goal and theeennnnnnn I got pregnant. I kept telling myself I would continue working out and eating right. Well that didn't last long. I put on 35 pounds with my pregnancy. After having my daughter I continued to eat horrible and being lazy. I ended up gaining another 20 pounds. So by the end of July 2013 I decided things need to change! No more boredom and sitting around all day! Time to take back MY body!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I've never been the skinniest, but I have Hashimoto's that went undiagnosed for a long time as I just packed on weight because of it. Also, I have to "blame" a small amount on my 3 kids :P

    but mainly it"s the hashi"s fault! Thanks to the hashi it really doesn"t matter how much or little i eat, until my thyroid hormones are optimal, i won't lose, or will lose VERY little.
  • jeanniesue98
    jeanniesue98 Posts: 3 Member
    I eat to big of portions to often and I don't exercise and need to find the drive and ambition to make myself healthy for the next part of my life!
  • brandoncomer
    I blame Obama
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    My spousal equivalent is a bad influence. Brings food into the house that is not healthy even when I ask him not to. He is thin and just very inconsiderate! I am also fat because I can not turn down bad food.
  • pinksmama
    I live to eat! Hah..

    I use to be well within my healthy BMI but even then I was married to someone who constantly put me down so I didn't even recognize that I looked perfectly fine, I thought I was fat then! When that relationship ended and I got into a relationship with someone who made me feel like a human and didn't monitor my eating habits, I went wild.. went from no soda or fast food in years to eating everything in sight. I clearly should have made better, rational choices in both situations. (perhaps marrying an idiot was my first bad choice? Hmm.)

    Then I had a baby and although I only gained 20 lbs with that, I went into pregnancy probably 40 lbs too heavy and I did end up with a decent amount of flab left over. I had gestational diabetes so I was on a restricted diet the later half of my pregnancy.. once I was cleared to be free of it, again, wild eating.. see a pattern here? Ugh.
  • Adomke89
    Adomke89 Posts: 35 Member
    I have an insatiable sweet tooth and am extreme boredom eater. If my mind isn't being stimulated in some way I grab something to munch on.

    Also, I think I have a sensory thing where I need sensory stimulation and eating crunchy foods helps with that.
  • springbreakmission
    I thought you could measure how healthy a food was by how good it tasted......I was wrong
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Ohh I dont know. maybe because I ate too much...

  • pinksmama
    :ohwell: Accidental post.