Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    Twin me. Love MFP friends with same goals.

    53 yr Female
    5' 8.5"

    HW 240
    CW 167
    GW 147

    Looking for positive open diary MFP friends who log daily and eat above 1400. This is my third year on this journey. Thyroid issues. It takes 6 years for the body to adjust to a new lifestyle. In it for the longhaul.
  • MFP Twin

    I am 45 yrs old and 5'2"
    My SW was 215
    My CW is 205
    My GW is 135.
  • ojillian
    ojillian Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am Jill! I am 28 years old. 5'6 and 190lbs.My starting weight was 196 and my goal weight is 145. I do crossfit and need to do it more then i do. I pay for 12 times a month but only end up going 6-7 times. I am also into hockey and play 3 to 4 times a week. I LOVE IT.
  • Smarionbox
    Smarionbox Posts: 1 Member
    Youthful and wild 42
    SW: 209
    CW: 189
    GW: 148
    I am a mother of two boys and I teach. I like exercise and was a cross country runner all my life. I had kids and became a full time at home mom 11 years ago and that's when I was overweight for the first time in my life. I am very active and love life and God. I play the bass for my church and use that as my escape. I just want to connect with real, honest, life loving women who can push me on my journey as I push them as well. First and foremost we are women, then wives, then mothers, and then employees. I'm trying to love on me now and remember that balance. So add me even if you're not a twin.
  • fordmusic
    fordmusic Posts: 20 Member
    Im 27
    I am currently 188lbs my goal weight is135.

    I do a lot of the classes at my gym, weight lift, with a little cardio mixed in. I just started back up and would love to have people to help motivate me and to help others be motivated!!

    Add me if you would like :)
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Twin me!

    Starting weight: 177
    Current weight: 171
    Goal weight: 135
  • MANDEEx88
    MANDEEx88 Posts: 32 Member
    I am a 25 year old woman.
    I am 5'3 and 156.2 pounds.
    My goal is 110 pounds. I'd be happy with 120 pounds however.
    My starting weight was 181 pounds.

    I have not been overweight all my life. I just started gaining weight within the last two years. My norm used to be 115 and up until two years ago I had never hit above 125. As this is new to me, I am having a hard time coping with the extra weight as well as loosing it. It is hard!
  • I am a 36 year old woman.
    I am 5'7" and probably weight about 180-85 right now. I get on the scale tomorrow.
    My goal is 155-160.

    I lost 25 pounds over the last year using MFP, and exercising and eating right. I fell off the wagon in September and have basically gained most of it back. I saw a picture of me taken a few weeks ago and realized how much weight I had gained back. I apparently ignored how tight my clothes had gotten (it's not me, it's the pants! uh huh). I logged my calories for the first in a long time today and was horrified. Time to get back o that wagon!

    I like to box, do 5Ks, and other outside activities. I live in Kentucky.

    Friend me if you are my twin!
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    New and looking for friends with similar goals as well! I log in several times daily and am definitely the supportive type.

    I'm in my mid-twenties, 5'6" and 139 lbs (started at 140 lbs last week) with a goal weight of 120 lbs.

    I'm a self-proclaimed beach bum, so my weight loss goal is less about the numbers on the scale and more about feeling great in a bikini again. I'm a bit of a foodie with a healthy appetite, which never affected my petite frame in the past, but is now creeping up on my figure with recent weight gain over the past couple of years from switching to an office job and approaching my mid-twenties. I'm starting to workout to regain the activity level I had when working on my feet all day, and am dedicating myself to eating whole foods and living an overall healthier lifestyle.
  • I'm 21 years old, college student

    height: 5'
    current weight: 96

    looking to maintain weight and for motivation to go to the gym to tone up!
  • lirirod
    lirirod Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 21.
    Height 5'4
    Hw: 157lbs
    Goal: 110-115lbs

    Looking to get toned and less flabby
  • toad_allyinlove
    toad_allyinlove Posts: 39 Member
    ★★★ My name is venessa i'm 33, starting weight this time around 270 down 30.5 looking to lose 100 pounds. Goal weight 170 Twin me please★★★
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    I've never found a twin but would really love too!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    I'm 29, 5'4 1/2, sw: 365(not reflected on MFP) , cw: 312, 1st gw: 298, 2nd gw: 270, 3rd gw:250
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Starting weight: 155
    Current weight: 142
    Goal weight: 120

    Add me! <3
  • 40 years old
    CW 123
    GW 115-117
    Lost 5 lbs so far
  • IamLioness1
    IamLioness1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, wow...well I've always had weight issues...all of my life. I won't get into why...let's just say that my life has been extremely difficult and as a result I allowed myself to get fatter and fatter. In November of 2013 I felt instantly sick as I stepped on the scale at work and weighed in at 396 lbs. I went home and cried for a really long time. I couldn't believe I let this happen. So in December before Christmas I took charge. I've always disliked meat but loved fish and seafood so I gave up meat. Started seeing a church counsellor and started getting my life together, the main reason for my weight loss is my 10 year old daughter. I don't ever want her to go through this so it has to start with me...I need to be a better example...starting over at age 40 is not easy but I AM doing date I've lost a total of 35 lbs since December and I continue to lose weight successfully. My current weight is 361 and counting :heart: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • carolsteele45
    carolsteele45 Posts: 43 Member
    Well I'm one of the goldie oldies on here - 68 years young. I dieted down from 265lbs down to 128lbs around 4 years ago, then this year due to a number of things started putting it back on - then last November I stopped smoking, weight piled on, especially over Xmas and New Year. Now that I seem to be over the worst from the quitting smoking, I started my diet on 1st Feb (01/02/14) and three weeks in I have lost 9.6lbs.
    I'm 5'6" tall and my aim is to get back down to around 130/134lbs and back into my size 8/10 clothes (UK sizing)
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member


    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS QUOTE!!! I may have to steal it!!!

    ROFL I would change it up to "I AM GOING TO WORKOUT TILL THE RIGHT PARTS JIGGLE!!" hahahaha
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I'm 18 years old and 5'3. I started at about 203 pounds and my goal is to get to 140 and maybe go further if I'm not satisfied yet. Currently I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and am enjoying it so far. I've thought about doing Couch to 5k and have started it before but never finished. I'm always looking for new ideas for food and exercise. My current weight is 187. Add me if you want so we can motivate each other! :)
  • Age 39
    So far i have lost 15lbs
    Cw 125
    Gw 115