Like Minded Lushes - December



  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    In other news: I ordered an Electronic Cigarette (vapor) and am going to get off the "real" ones tonight. I had quit for 10 years then 3 summers ago, well let's just say a weekend thing turned into a daily habit again. I have ordered 0mg and 6mg nicotine (vanilla flavored) and will mix up the cartridges so I don't know which is which and see how I do. I mainly smoke cuz I am bored, and I quit drinking so smoking was what I did in place (I drank out of boredom too).

    good luck. as you know I just celebrated my one year no smoke anniversary. DH has a vapor cigarette, its weird to see him smoke it indoors since we never ever smoke (or smoked) indoors. He keeps playing with the idea of quitting but he hasn't yet. (yep I quit even though I live with a smoker and we used to always smoke together. that was a challenge. I just keep hoping that my smoke freeness will motivate him.

    Yeah, I think it will help and I never smoke inside so this may be a new thing for me with the vape. As I said I plan on mixing the cartridges and so I will never know if I have nicotine or not :) I hope to one day just have the 0mg nicotine and then I won't be hooked, I can just look "cool" ahahahahahaha

    joking ... smoking is NOT cool and I am so disgusted with myself for having started again. If I can lose this much weight in 3 months I can quit again!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    joking ... smoking is NOT cool and I am so disgusted with myself for having started again. If I can lose this much weight in 3 months I can quit again!

    Agreed...good luck, Karen
  • laurenbausch
    I used the electronic cigs, and they worked well for me! Good luck! I slip up every now and then, but for the most part I'm over smoking. Stay active! I gained a LOT of weight!!!
  • lefrance12
    I am going to try an not have any drinks for the rest of the week. I might have to turn off my phone at night so I cant hear from my friends might be the only way. I will keep you posted!! Good Luck with your goals also my fellow lushes!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy December, All!

    One day at a time...that's the theme for this month! I can't make any great promises for a whole month, but I am focusing on making the very best choices that I can each and alcohol and exercise-wise...

    Read a good quote yesterday: "The only people who change their lives are the people who really want to"

    Congrats to those of you who have quit smoking and best of luck to those who are trying to quit. :smokin:

    Take care, everyone! Kackie:drinker:
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Hello friends. Expect to see me next week.

    Hi Dave! We've been holding down the fort. Actually, it's been taken over :-)

    So not a good week for me. I still haven't hit the vodka per my pledge to wait until New Year's. However, my no drinking on school nights pledge is out. My husband and I finally gave up the fight and agreed to separate. We both finally said it at our marriage counseling session, believe it or not. So I'm indulging in some Barefoot Shiraz, which isn't my favorite but it's mellowing me out. It's a weird combination of finally accepting that our 18-year marriage is over, the sadness of that and that feeling of defeat because we really did fight the good fight to try to save it. And relief that the battle is finally over. And excitement at the next chapter of my life. Of course, I can't afford to move out until at least January, sonwe get to work on that "being grown-ups" thing for a while. Ah well. Life. What can you do?
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    My ex-H and I did the same thing (not after an 18 year marriage, however...) and it was such a relief! We lived together for about 2 months until he moved out and while it was strange, the tenseness was gone. Good luck to you!

    0 drinks Tuesday
    0 drinks last night
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hello friends. Expect to see me next week.

    Hi Dave! We've been holding down the fort. Actually, it's been taken over :-)

    So not a good week for me. I still haven't hit the vodka per my pledge to wait until New Year's. However, my no drinking on school nights pledge is out. My husband and I finally gave up the fight and agreed to separate. We both finally said it at our marriage counseling session, believe it or not. So I'm indulging in some Barefoot Shiraz, which isn't my favorite but it's mellowing me out. It's a weird combination of finally accepting that our 18-year marriage is over, the sadness of that and that feeling of defeat because we really did fight the good fight to try to save it. And relief that the battle is finally over. And excitement at the next chapter of my life. Of course, I can't afford to move out until at least January, sonwe get to work on that "being grown-ups" thing for a while. Ah well. Life. What can you do?

    Awww *hugs* to you...making the decision is the hardest part and sounds like you have a perspective on the whole situation...the wine is well deserved in this wishes
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hello friends. Expect to see me next week.

    The sky has opened and the Earth moved....
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello friends. Expect to see me next week.

    Hey Dave I have been trying to hold down the fort for you. glad you will be joining us again.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi Dave! We've been holding down the fort. Actually, it's been taken over :-)

    So not a good week for me. I still haven't hit the vodka per my pledge to wait until New Year's. However, my no drinking on school nights pledge is out. My husband and I finally gave up the fight and agreed to separate. We both finally said it at our marriage counseling session, believe it or not. So I'm indulging in some Barefoot Shiraz, which isn't my favorite but it's mellowing me out. It's a weird combination of finally accepting that our 18-year marriage is over, the sadness of that and that feeling of defeat because we really did fight the good fight to try to save it. And relief that the battle is finally over. And excitement at the next chapter of my life. Of course, I can't afford to move out until at least January, sonwe get to work on that "being grown-ups" thing for a while. Ah well. Life. What can you do?
    You deserve the wine. I have been there twice. 10 years the first time and I was with my second for 11 years married 6, there is a releif but also a major mourning you will go thru. Good luck and enjoy and embrace the new adventure.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay so I splurged and made Steak au Poivre last night. I had a lovely bottle of wine to go with it.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night after mani/pedis we went next door and had happy hour, I did stick to vodka soda, but I had three! At least I didn't order the fish and chips:)
    Steak au poivre-mmm, recipe?
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    So not a good week for me. I still haven't hit the vodka per my pledge to wait until New Year's. However, my no drinking on school nights pledge is out. My husband and I finally gave up the fight and agreed to separate. We both finally said it at our marriage counseling session, believe it or not. So I'm indulging in some Barefoot Shiraz, which isn't my favorite but it's mellowing me out. It's a weird combination of finally accepting that our 18-year marriage is over, the sadness of that and that feeling of defeat because we really did fight the good fight to try to save it. And relief that the battle is finally over. And excitement at the next chapter of my life. Of course, I can't afford to move out until at least January, sonwe get to work on that "being grown-ups" thing for a while. Ah well. Life. What can you do?

    Sometimes it is for the best and you can end up being friends instead of dragging it on and hating eah other someday. Still, it is not something I would wish on anyone. I ended my marriage about 4 years ago and it was the best thing for me. Now I have found the person that truly fits me and I am meant o be with. Best of luck to you. Hang in there! PS, When I got my divorce I lost about 15 pounds and looked hotter than I ever did in my whole life! :wink: Unfortunately, I later fell in love, quit smoking and got fat. Oh well, it was worth it.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you guys for all the wonderful words! I'm sure we'll have our moments, but just knowing that the decision is made has been a huge relief. And as much as I enjoyed the "whining" last night, I know I can't make a habit of it. I've worked too hard to get out of that pattern and finally start slimming down to backslide!

    I know I'll behave tonight because I have my annual physical tomorrow. Wouldn't want to get busted for DUI on the blood tests :laugh: And Saturday I have a really early appointment, so I'll be good tomorrow night too. But all bets are off on Saturday night :drinker:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Thank you guys for all the wonderful words! I'm sure we'll have our moments, but just knowing that the decision is made has been a huge relief. And as much as I enjoyed the "whining" last night, I know I can't make a habit of it. I've worked too hard to get out of that pattern and finally start slimming down to backslide!

    I know I'll behave tonight because I have my annual physical tomorrow. Wouldn't want to get busted for DUI on the blood tests :laugh: And Saturday I have a really early appointment, so I'll be good tomorrow night too. But all bets are off on Saturday night :drinker:

    I really feel for you - been there, done that. My first lasted 10 years and then I found the love of my life and we had been married 34 years when he died. Take care and know that there is a big group of people here on this thread who will cheer you on.

  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hugs to you Iguanaliz - it takes a heap of courage.

    As far as the smoking goes, I quite for 5 yrs, then 2, then on and off for a few years but am finally quit after two years. I am however a chain-chewer of Nicorette.

    I never smoked in the house, and I have to say I miss having a reason to go sit on the front porch away from the chaos and puff away. It was my only alone time because my family HATED my smoking.

    Pam, 34 years - Wow. How sad and how wonderful.

    So yesterday was cold by LA standards so it demanded a nice warm sake!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just got back from a week in Jamaica (daughters wedding)
    and drinking was everyday if not all day. Gained only
    3 lbs. before I left and ate at the buffet ( choosing wisely)
    Got home and said, where is my mango daiquai and/or
    my mudslide. Yes I do have to stop at some time and
    only drink occasionally. :tongue:
  • lefrance12
    This thread is so cool, I wish I knew you all personally, Cheers Fellow Lushes:drinker: