It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    I try to take an after meal walk instead of hitting the couch. Working out in advance; willpower will be gone. I still think using a small plate and tasting little bits of things helps me the most on special occasions. I try to visit with folks more and not visiting in the kitchen.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Keltinator
    chip- good thinking with the healthy snacks.hope you enjoy thanksgiving.

    thalia- hmmm. i agree with chip, try to take a walk after to get your body going instead of slowing down. also, i think that it's best to just go into things with a positive attitude. either eat more of the healthy stuff so you don't get hungry, or eat smaller portions of the bad stuff. and just try your best :) as long as you stay on track, one day will certainly not kill you. just don't let that one day turn into a weekend... and then a week... and you catch my drift! :)

    as for me, i'm having a good day :) just worked out really hard.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Family get together was full of visiting and playing games. Ate salads at dinner both days. (just letuce and tomatoes with itailian dressing) Not many snacks and very good meat and salads. Think I did very well. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Wow ladys sounds like everyone had a great turkey day. Turkey was at my house for 16 people. My plan was to not have snacks for any of us but that didnt work out but all I had was 2 develd eggs, 3 celery sticks with cream cheese and olives, half a piece of pumpkin bread with cream cheese icing and then dinner and dinner was one spoonful of everything I wanted not everything ont he counter. I was proud of myself! But i couldnt get up and walk I had to get in the car and drive for 3 1/2 hours and spend the weekend at cousins house in charleston. But none the less it was great.

    Ladies I have to say I am proud of all of us we went in with a plan of attack and it sounds like we did pretty damn good! CONGRATS!!

    Now to bring things around...... we have 1 month till it has been a year since we started this journey together. What a year it has been ladies. We have all had those sad and happy tears, smiles, laughter, heart aches, heart smiles, sore bodies, and some times just plain tired....but we made it through. I think I can safley say we have all made atleast one life style change for the better. Ladies we have to be proud of that and of our selves becase if not for this we would be worse then where we were 11 months ago. More tired, more over weight and more depressed. BUT WE ARE NOT!!!!!! We are beating this... so I tip my hat and bow my head and say THANK YOU! Here is to another year full of a new begining and a better me...... here is to a better us! xoxoxoxoxoo
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Jayme come out come out where ever u areee!!!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth you encouraged me, I started tracking my food today to see how much I overeat. Will watch sugar and charbs for overeating.

    I am ready for an end of the year challange.:drinker:

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    yyeeaahhhh chip! My goal is to NOT gain any weight between now and christmas! Still trynig to lose but mainly DO NOT want to gain.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi ladies! Glad everyone had a greath Thanksgiving. I had the stomach flu wed night into thanksgiving i stayed in bed after taking most day off and didnt even get to see my family :( However didnt have to worry about eating cause I was throwing up lol.
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    Hi everyone! My gender seems severely under-represented on this this a gals-only group? If so, you need to invite my wonderful wife there a way to invite someone to your topic? She's been the driving force behind my starting to really pay attention to my lifestyle (that and the fact that I hit 40 and gained 30 pounds :angry:
    Anyway, I'm a relative newbie to mfp, but have already been SO inspired by the collective strength of so many people making healthy choices and working to support each other in improving their lives and general outlook! Thanks to all of you for your examples to me- it isn't just women that get body and food issues, that's for sure! My oreos-and-milk-at-2:00 am days are over for good, I think, but it is worth it to feel so much better!
    Keep up the good work all!:happy:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Newbeginng.... so sorry youwere sick chica! But yes good side is dont have to worry about all the yumy food! lol But Hey I actually lost a pound this week! I was so excited!!!!! ok off to get my butt movin with boyscouts!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    D.... new guy! Welcome I do not htink we are only for women i believe have we have had men in the past but this group is not so active so much. If you look at our post we might post once a week. But I do agree with mfp site it has totally helped us al and inspired us to be a btter and healthy us! I wish you luck on this long hard but fun and worth it journey.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Drjei you are welcome to join! Tell your wife to join too :flowerforyou: Maybe we will pick up again.

    Ladies my bff has joined as well and is male I told him to come fin us. Hope thats ok with everyone. thanks Myth its going around :sick: But Im feeling better now and day two of sticking with calories! :love: Trying to fit into these new jeans i bought by christmas....You may ask why buy when they dont fit but they were on sale 6 bucks from 80 how could i not! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well. I want to lose 18 pounds by xmas....I know thats more then recommended but what do you guys think? doable?
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    Its rainin men halleluya! Rofl! Bring them on get some new blood like you said and we might get going again! I bet if you stuck to calories and exercised 3 days a week it might be doable! GOODLUCK mama!
    I cant wait till monday praying my cold will be gone and I will so be back at the gym!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks Myth. My cat bit me while I was asleep. Dug his teeth into my arm so deep it wouldnt stop bleeding. I know have an infection a broken heart meds and 2 shots...i dont know what to do with my cat but im afraid of him :sad:
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    New, so sorry to hear about the mean kitty...not to sidetrack the group, but I'm a veterinarian, and I'd sure be looking hard to assess what went on there. Attacking when irritated, upset, territorial, etc. is one thing, but the attack-while-sleeping mode is pretty worrisome. Any idea why? :frown:
    On a brighter note- the new jeans are a goal, right? My wife keeps her size 12s on the dresser to try on once weekly. Every week shows some progress, so she's getting close. Once 12s arrive for sure, I'm takin' her on a big shopping spree! :flowerforyou:
    Yeah, maybe what this group needs is a little more of the Y chromosome, huh? Actually, now that I think about it, that Y is mostly trouble...the problem-free males in my line of work are neutered! LOL:devil:
    Keep up the good work ladies- it's fun seeing others succeeding!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    New , I am not one to ask about cats I am a doggy person! I am so sorrythat happened though! Maybe give her to a friend ? Broken heart meds??? You are strong mama you will be ok!

    As far as jeans go, I had some and forgot I had them. Then one day looking in my closet I was like hmm and tried them on and was omg!!! DANCING! LOL Ou can do it ladies!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    HI Myth and all my other lady friends! hi Drjei.

    Drjei since u are a vet, would you mind reading this post i made on a cat forum. It will describe what iv been through with my cat and his actions and then maybe you could offer your advise. Needless to say i went to doctor which i couldnt afford and had to get shots and arm hurts so bad. Both from shots and bite.who new the outcome of shots would be so painful :ohwell:

    On a brighter note. I was doing great yesterday until i decided to eat so much of my whip cream from the can lol. Although its only 15 calories a serving it adds up! so i was over like 400 calories (not just from whip lol) but thats not the brighter note....the brighter note is I started trying to lose weight by counting calories again and using mfp like i once did on the 17th of november and although i only worked out three times and walked a mile, i have lost 6 pounds as of today. 16 more pounds until i hit my goal for christmas :bigsmile: but id be happy if i did it by the 31st too. I want to ring in the new year out of the 200s!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • Keltinator
    WOW so many posts i had to catch up on... it makes me happy:)

    Hi drjei :):) i think another guy posted once , but then he disappeared... lol.

    thalia- sorry to hear about the thing with your cat, and the shots. in my school people have to get shots every year, and we're all verrryy sore the next day :'(

    as for me, GUESS WHAT?!!?? SIZE 8 JEANS.

    WHOOOOOOOOHOOOO!!!!. yes, i was mentally screaming with joy when i put them on in the fitting room today and they FIT! that was one of my goals i made for myself a long time ago. I started this year wearing size 12 pants. i'm so proud of myself. i'm so glad i made the commitment this year to get my act together and start improving, even though i haven't met all my goals (yet). even my mom, the other day, finally said to me, "are you losing weight? you look good in your jeans." :bigsmile:

    so, i'm incredibly happy right now. and, from the sounds of it, everybody else is doing well, too.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    EEK congrats! I dont ever remember being an 8! A 10 yes an 8 no lol. I did however go from a 24 to a 14 so im pretty proud...