What are some popular healthy foods that you hate?



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Fish, except shellfish, crustaceans, or salmon, those three are wonderful. Celery, which is nothing. Rice cakes, which are not even food, they are the *kitten* child of styrofoam and plastic. But the one thing the very idea of which is vile beyond belief is protein powder. Jesus... if I want protein I'll eat a steak. With sauteed mushrooms.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Fresh tomatoes, I can eat them cooked in to a sauce but not whole slices or whatever raw or cooked. I can even taste where they have been on a sandwich even if they were picked off. Makes me laugh so much when people say, oh but they are so good for your skin... Because that would be a reason to attempt to choke one down! Horrid things.
  • mlt2908
    mlt2908 Posts: 123 Member
    Peas - just smelling them makes me gag
    Green peppers - ewww!
    Don't like most cooked veggies except carrots. Raw veggies are better (broc, cauliflower, etc) but not my favorites. I do like spinach, cucumbers, mushrooms, and tomatoes (but must be cut up small!). Thank goodness I love fruit!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm the opposite. I like fresh, homegrown, heirloom raw tomatoes but I don't like tomato sauce or cooked tomatoes, at all. That's one main reason I don't like Italian food.
  • StephanieKay90
    StephanieKay90 Posts: 14 Member
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Salmon. I will would rather fight a walrus to the death rather than eat salmon. (Or I'd just give the salmon to the walrus.)
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    Brown rice. I can eat certain types of white rice plain, but brown rice sucks all around! Also anything with flax seed/flavor/whatever. Yuck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    And all y'all hating on celery -- I have to believe that there is something off with you (dare I speculate homicidal sociopathic personality disorder?) -- the taste and the texture is awesomesauce. Add some almond butter or peanut butter to raw celery :love: Get that celery crunch and flavor in a nice stir fry :love: And celery is not all braggadocio about its vitamins or protein or other nutrients -- it just is and brings its inherent loveliness. :smile:

    I agree! I don't LOVE celery and hardly ever think to buy it unless a recipe calls for it...but I find it very tasty and not unpleasant in any way.

    This thread has really made me wonder if maybe celery could be one of those foods that some people taste very differently for some reason...I have heard that about Brussels sprouts and cilantro. Perhaps?
  • MissLCWolff
    MissLCWolff Posts: 69 Member
    Chick peas and mushrooms I just can't quite handle. Also, coconut water is absolutely disgusting (not a food though).

    I heard all this raving on coconut water, bought a container to try and it was the most disgusting thing I have ever had to drink! I think I barely got a sip out of it.
    Same thing happened to me. I'd heard such great things, bought a small box of it, took a swig, and spat it out immediately. How do people drink that crap?
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    l love most of the foods mentioned, ESPECIALLY KALE! MMM!!

    The ones I can't get with are possibly beets, and I don't think I would like quinoa but i've never tried it.

    PEAS ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. I pick them out of everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I love peas!!! I do not like or have ever tried cottage cheese.. EW
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I hate yogurt because of its tang and consistency. It feels like something I should cough up and not swallow. Sometimes pudding for the same reason.

    I used to hate oatmeal for the same reason until I purchased the stone ground 20 minute cooking kind and only put half as much water as required in it. You could cut that oatmeal with a knife. Now I make it for breakfast according to the directions and add some peanut butter. I also add cinnamon which makes it seem sweet. Yummy and good for removing fat from your digestive track.

    Frozen yogurt, ice milk, cool whip etc as dessert is a lie. The same with all manufactured diet food. Tastes like death.

    On the other hand I eat I eat a big beets, collards, kale, turnip greens, rutabega, mushrooms, onions, beans, berries and seed salad daily to help my body fight cancer. My dad and sister died of it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    And all y'all hating on celery -- I have to believe that there is something off with you (dare I speculate homicidal sociopathic personality disorder?) -- the taste and the texture is awesomesauce. Add some almond butter or peanut butter to raw celery :love: Get that celery crunch and flavor in a nice stir fry :love: And celery is not all braggadocio about its vitamins or protein or other nutrients -- it just is and brings its inherent loveliness. :smile:

    I agree! I don't LOVE celery and hardly ever think to buy it unless a recipe calls for it...but I find it very tasty and not unpleasant in any way.

    This thread has really made me wonder if maybe celery could be one of those foods that some people taste very differently for some reason...I have heard that about Brussels sprouts and cilantro. Perhaps?

    yeah- I mean certain things are bitter and it's proven that the consensus is it tastes bitter- but celery doesn't taste anything like what most people have described who hate it. I know like cucumbers sometimes a few of them can be bitter- but generally not the whole thing.

    Very interesting.
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member

    I eat Quinoa pasta, but in its whole grain form? No way.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    l love most of the foods mentioned, ESPECIALLY KALE! MMM!!

    The ones I can't get with are possibly beets, and I don't think I would like quinoa but i've never tried it.

    PEAS ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. I pick them out of everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Obviously you've never had homegrown peas... wonderful. Canned peas, or any canned vegetable, are horrible. And spiced golden beets with ginger, foil wrapped and crockpot roasted, oh my goodness... bring it on.
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    I want to like Celery. So bad. But it tastes like a rotten weed.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I agree, and I hate the crunchiness, since that's all there is...
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Shell Fish (healthy?)
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,029 Member
    I dislike all leafy greens, I don't like mushrooms, and I don't know why everyone is loving almond or coconut milk , Ive tried them, they are okay but not enough to get worked up over.
  • cherie515
    cherie515 Posts: 37 Member
    I hate any bean in any form (xcept Jelly). Black, green, kidney or whatever...freaks me out. I hate tomatotes in raw form. Basically any vegetable in a cooked form, if they are hot and soft I will gag. I like mine cold and crunchy. Beets are nastay and I really want to like an avacado but ewww!