Walking With Pedometers



  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I'm in!! I love walking with LESLIE!!! Have lost 13 lbs in the last month, just walking and using MFP!! I have a cheap Wal-Mart brand, but looking to buy a better one. (Christgmas list:) I know when I'm wearing my pedometer I'll park farther away from the door. make more trips up the stairs, take the long way around the store, and walk in place just to get my 10,000 steps in. Looking forward to a healthier life with walking.

    Thanks for this post - very inspiring! Continued success to you and my hope is you return to this often.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Emmie and everyone else the gold standard for accuracy among pedometers is the Omron HJ-112. It was consumer report's best pick and it is easily the best reviewed pedometer out there. Its accuracy is unmatched from what I've read and it's relatively cheap too. $30 for me in BC. $19.78 on Amazon.

    You're so right, Omron is considered the most accurate on the market according to many studies. I personally own the HJ-112, the HJ-720ITC (computer compatible) and the HJ-303. I have a preference for the latter and have found it to be the most accurate because it records from any angle and has an additional axis which improves accuracy. Perhaps most importantly, while the other two models clip easily onto clothes or a belt, when I would bend down to tie a shoe, they would frequently pop off, which was a real pain. The 303 model has a more secure, less obtrusive clip which stays put no matter what. If you're in the mood to experiment, I would recommend this model above the others, but make no mistake, Omron makes great pedometers, regardless of model!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Count me in. I bought a fitbit ( a pedometer/sleep monitor) a couple of weeks ago. I've been averaging 10k a day this week. I have 4883 so far today.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Count me in. I bought a fitbit ( a pedometer/sleep monitor) a couple of weeks ago. I've been averaging 10k a day this week. I have 4883 so far today.

    Glad you can join us!

    Tonight's count is 12,606 steps and my pedometer is informing me that I walked 5.5 miles tonight. Actually I am quite sedentary most of the day and try to compensate at night using Leslie Sansone walking tapes. What's going on with you guys in cyberland?]
  • twanie
    Yes i would love to join. I will pick up me pedomemeter in the morning. What else do i need to do.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Yes i would love to join. I will pick up me pedomemeter in the morning. What else do i need to do.

    The best way we can support each other is to post on this thread every day.....tell us how many steps you walked...what went well, what didn't and whatever is on your mind about your weight loss journey and your life in general.

    Today I reached 10,000 steps at about 6:30 PM thanks to some vigorous dancing in the house after dark, a line dance class in the morning, and a 30 minute walk at the dog park this afternoon with my dogs.

    :drinker: tomorrow I am teaching a new dance at my line dance class and I am excited and nervous....i keep getting out of my chair and practicing the dance :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • elvie64
    elvie64 Posts: 32 Member
    Just hit 20734 steps. I was languishing at 19750 and gave a little push doing laundry and putting dog food in the downstairs freezer in separate trips to get over 20000. That's a good day for me, I generally get 11-13000.
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Right now my pedometer is at 11,818 steps, 5.58 miles. I didn't get a chance to exercise today and I'm calling it a day early, so that's all I got for today.
  • BoresEasily
    Emmie and everyone else the gold standard for accuracy among pedometers is the Omron HJ-112. It was consumer report's best pick and it is easily the best reviewed pedometer out there. Its accuracy is unmatched from what I've read and it's relatively cheap too. $30 for me in BC. $19.78 on Amazon.

    You're so right, Omron is considered the most accurate on the market according to many studies. I personally own the HJ-112, the HJ-720ITC (computer compatible) and the HJ-303. I have a preference for the latter and have found it to be the most accurate because it records from any angle and has an additional axis which improves accuracy. Perhaps most importantly, while the other two models clip easily onto clothes or a belt, when I would bend down to tie a shoe, they would frequently pop off, which was a real pain. The 303 model has a more secure, less obtrusive clip which stays put no matter what. If you're in the mood to experiment, I would recommend this model above the others, but make no mistake, Omron makes great pedometers, regardless of model!

    DAMN YOU! and DAMN ME! Damn you for letting me know and damn me for not reading before I went out and bought the 112! I did make 2-3 trips long ways around the mall though after I bought it. Managed 2K steps before I got in the car. It really does make you look for longer routes! I would like walk to one end of the mall(where I didn't need to be for any reason) just to log a few extra steps. And then I walked a quarter of the way home in the pissing rain just to log a few more. Then I walked in place to log even more. If I sit and play with this all day I'm never going to be able to do anything else. I'll never get any other workouts done and things. But it's fun as hell I have to say. I really wish I would have read your post before leaving the house, yeah I heard all the issues with the clip and the leash as well, I'm leaving it clipped to the inside of my pocket, can't go anywhere there.
  • BoresEasily
    I figure I will subtract, 500 steps or so a day to get a more accurate representation. Unless you go on long walks and things getting to 10K steps is a chore. I'm at 5400 or so at the moment I might have to go for a quick stroll in the rain or do some walking in place while watching a show or something. I meant to try jogging/sprinting/running in place to see if that would work.
  • BoresEasily
    Alright final count 11544 - 500 or so for possible missteps. 7714 aerobic steps over 66min. 388kcal burned. 3.82miles.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    12/8 10486 steps. This is mostly from work. I have a fairly active job.
  • BoresEasily
    Nice. What do you do? To get my numbers up I had to walk/jog in place while watching TV.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Nice. What do you do? To get my numbers up I had to walk/jog in place while watching TV.

    I work at a auction that sells rvs,boats, motorcycles and trucks. My job is to put their info in a handheld computer then track them till they sell. I use a golfcart some but I walk alot. I love it in the spring and fall. Winter is ok because I'm in north Texas and our winters a fairly mild. But summer really suck. That is when I use the golf cart as much as possible. Can't take the heat.
  • BoresEasily
    That's understandable.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I walk up and down the hall or walk, jog, and dance while watching TV to get the numbers up on my pedometer at the end of the day....

    As long as I use the same pedometer in the same pocket every day, I consider the readings to be accurate for my purposes.....I am looking for comparisons with myself not with anyone else or any other pedometer. If I log more steps today than yesterday then it is a triumph.

    :drinker: In August I worked a booth for my business at the County Fair and even though I walked back and forth in the booth during the slow times, the pedometer didn't log a lot of the steps because the pace was too slow.....that really bugged me :laugh:

    :bigsmile: It's important for me to look at all my exercise, not just steps taken.......yoga, pilates, and riding the exercise bike are all good workouts but they don't show at all on the pedometer so at the end of the day I look at the balance between steps and other calorie burning activities.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I was very tired tonight so I walked only 11,416 steps. I have mixed feelings about tonight . . . On one hand I was glad I pushed myself to walk despite feeling this way, but I'd be lying if I also didn't admit to feeling slightly disappointed I didn't do more. Oh well, I guess that's just how things roll sometimes. How was your day today?
  • elvie64
    elvie64 Posts: 32 Member
    12/9 - 13735 steps. There wouldn't have been so many if I hadn't had to clean up after BAD DOGS when I got home. A little vacuuming, a little carpet cleaning, a little more frog marching bad dogs on a walk - it all adds steps. What sort of dog spreads Wasabi powder on the carpet and proceeds to lick it up!!??
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    12/09 17,451 steps plus what ever I do before I go to bed tonight, happy with today's:)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    12/9 Wow those are some very impressive numbers:flowerforyou:

    I only ended up with 9910.
    I have been fighting a head cold of days and when I got home from work. I just hit the couch. Slept there till a little after 8 then off to bed. I never gave getting those extra steps a second thought. But I do feel better this morning.

    Everyone have a great day..

    keep on stepping.