Let Your Geek Flag Fly



  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Dr. Who, Sherlock, Anime, Manga,OST, Hiyao Miyazaki films, JPOP, JROCK, Anime conventions, Star Trek, good audio dramas, Legend of Zelda, Video games (though it's hard playing some video games one handed ^^;), Pokemon.... ect, ect
  • My neighbor played Bobby Fischer in chess and was featured in a documentary in the 80's called CHESS KIDS, and I am a tad envious
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    Where to start, where to start...most of mine aren't the stereotypical geeky or nerdy interests, but they are intense and sometimes odd.

    The poster way at the beginning of the thread that wanted to be a shieldmaiden since she can't be a valkyrie? I'm right there with you. My oldest son and I took up sabre fencing years ago and that *may* have been a motivating factor for me. Now I get to geek out over all things Viking AND fencing tournaments. Awesome. I've had a ball the last couple of years meticulously following every possible scrap of news about History's Vikings, and I've been known to rp a shieldmaiden against a friend's Floki on twitter. I'm currently reading the Poetic Edda to my 3, 7, and 8 year olds as their bedtime story...have to start them off right!

    I'm a big film/tv nerd in general, and Scandinavian film in particular...so much so that I've taught myself Swedish (well, decent Swedish - I'm still studying it as time allows), became moderator at a forum that focuses on the projects of a handful of Scandinavian actors, enrolled in a Scandinavian film and tv course on coursera, and have worked my way through almost every Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish film available via Netflix and bought several dozen others, and I've been carrying around Ingmar Bergman's autobiography for the past week, reading whenever I have a chance. As moderator at the aforementioned site, I have been given the job of translating every Swedish article that we find (and that job quickly expanded to Norwegian, Danish, and German articles, as well, once the admins found out I could do them fairly easily, too). As soon as I'm finished with one, I'm eagerly awaiting the next. Time spent translating is as near to heaven as it gets, I swear.

    I homeschool my four sons, and sometimes I wonder how much of that decision was truly because I felt it was best for them (though I'm sure it is) and how much was because it gives me a great excuse to spend lots of time poring over textbooks/curriculum. I couldn't begin to count how many hours I spent browsing books to plan my eldest's freshman year, but it was so much FUN. I currently have one learning German, one Spanish, and one who's decided he wants to try Swedish, and the language lover in my couldn't be happier to "get" to review and teach all three. Best of all, joining a couple of homeschool co-ops and groups meant finding local friends who are just as geeky about education as I am.
  • EternalDecadence
    EternalDecadence Posts: 445 Member
    I listen to Christmas music year around, and often! I am a nostalgia junkie!
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I read textbooks and other educational sources for fun because I like learning about everything. Science and linguistics books are my favorite. Also, I had the distinct honor of being the top healer in my WoW raid group for 5 years... but I don't play anymore.
  • Every shirt I own is a superhero shirt, I own about 500 comic books, and I have Superman posters everywhere in my house.:)
  • Nuccia2012
    Nuccia2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I often catch myself answering Jeopardy questions out loud, which is especially embarrassing when I'm at the gym.

    I am the only person in my family that actually understands any of the scientific/geeky/nerdy references on Big Bang Theory.

    I love statistics and algebra, and have gone out of my way to fit advanced/honors coursework into my degree plan as electives...I'm a business management major, and fulfilled my math requirement with one class way back when, as a freshman.

    I love Star Trek (grew up on TNG!), SW, LOTR, and the X-Files.

    MST3K forever.

    PS, I feel like I've found my people.:heart:
  • mwa2801
    mwa2801 Posts: 23
    Programmer (Java, C+, PHP, MYSQL, HTML,CSS) Gamer and a big fan of linux distros... including one I'm building for myself. Love open source.
  • kawaiixu09
    kawaiixu09 Posts: 28 Member
    Everything about me is geeky honestly..

    I play MMORPGS, I own a ps3 and a xbox360, Im obssessed with comic books and umm.. Im getting a sailor moon tat in the near future L)
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I often catch myself answering Jeopardy questions out loud, which is especially embarrassing when I'm at the gym.

    I am the only person in my family that actually understands any of the scientific/geeky/nerdy references on Big Bang Theory.

    I love statistics and algebra, and have gone out of my way to fit advanced/honors coursework into my degree plan as electives...I'm a business management major, and fulfilled my math requirement with one class way back when, as a freshman.

    I love Star Trek (grew up on TNG!), SW, LOTR, and the X-Files.

    MST3K forever.

    PS, I feel like I've found my people.:heart:

    I agree! Cheers! :drinker:
  • kawaiixu09
    kawaiixu09 Posts: 28 Member
    Every shirt I own is a superhero shirt, I own about 500 comic books, and I have Superman posters everywhere in my house.:)

    Superman Sucks btw!!

    Mr. Manhattan FTW :D
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Take your pick: I have Google Glass. I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes. I know Pi to 15 digits.
  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    Bringing this post back because it's AWESOME! The nerdiest thing about me is I've dyed my hair red since I was 12 years old (I'm 25 now) because I wanted to be Dana Scully from the X-Files. Which I still do actually.

    I was raised on Super Nintendo and D&D, I have an entire room in my home dedicated to books and comics and I am a huge fan of sci-fi/fantasy television. Nerds for the WIN! :D
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    eldeezo wrote: »
    I've been reading and rereading WoT since 2003. I can't bring myself to read the final 3 books. It is, hands down, my favorite series of all time. I've been trying to get myself to read the last few that the other guy wrote, but I'm scared. I don't want the story to end :frown: :cry:

    Same here. I've not been able to bring myself to read the last ones. Part of it is not wanting it to come to an end. The other part is I want to reread the series from the very beginning to catch myself up. Also, readily admit that I wish I could jump into the book, punch Faile in the face, then jump back out.
    She's not my favorite character by any means, but I don't think Perrin would be as amazing as he is without her. If you were jumping into the books to punch somebody though, I'd pay you to haul off on Berelain!

    Berelain is mildly annoying but Faile and Perrin made the series feel like a chore at times. I know they were necessary - and part of the charm of that series was that the characters had character flaws, but I didn't find the two of them particularly likeable.

    If I were at a dinner party with them - I would actively plot to sit away from them....and within earshot of wherever Mat is sitting. Because really? Mat was the funniest.
  • Karley_Chochard
    Karley_Chochard Posts: 55 Member
    my video game and doctor who obsession. i am not a nerd. i am a geek. theres a difference. :D
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    my netcat is not an animal but it's still a beast
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    I can recite the script of Wargames, like Rainman doing 'who's on first'
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I am ashamed to say that I do not feel I qualify as a geek. I did however marry one and tend to keep them around... almost exclusively. I like geeks a lot. Hubbs says I am one, but I don't know enough about any of my geeky likes to feel I can really claim that flag.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Shalaurise wrote: »
    I am ashamed to say that I do not feel I qualify as a geek. I did however marry one and tend to keep them around... almost exclusively. I like geeks a lot. Hubbs says I am one, but I don't know enough about any of my geeky likes to feel I can really claim that flag.

    I like to think that I appreciate geek and nerd culture - but not quite one myself. I speak the language, I appreciate the customs, but it's not a perfect fit.

    That being said, I gain instant cred when I say I've read all of WoT, the Watchman and Dune.
  • lichic25
    lichic25 Posts: 161 Member
    I have a pint glass in my cabinet that says "The Prancing Pony Pub"

    Love Lord of the Rings, no shame at all! :)