Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    Well, this morning, I will be weighing myself. Scared to see the results since I didn't exercise much this week. I did get a good workout in yesterday cleaning my home. My back is killing me this morning. Not much else going on this weekend. I'm going to start anew this week. I must get myself back on track. Have a great rest of the week folks.

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    This morning when I obsessively step on the scale I saw 219.2. I was completely surprised and so excited. I ran to get my phone to take a picture and send to my bestie. When I stepped back on I discovered that number was nothing more than a false read. :noway: Oh well what can you do?

    I didn't get out for a run yesterday. I started off my morning doing laundry and making two types of stuffed cabbage; a vegetarian one (for me) and a meat one (for Brian). I love the taste of stuffed cabbage but hate how long it takes to make. After I finished I ended up cleaning the kitchen then headed outside to clean out the interior of my car. Boy that was a complete mess and disgusting. I honestly don't remember when the last time I cleaned the inside of my car was. :blushing: When I was finished I ended up sitting in the garage and sorting/ organizing through all my work stuff that I keep in my car. I keep a lot of supplies in my trunk for when I visit my students in their homes this way I can just grab my materials and go. By the time I finished it was already 6:20. I cannot believe how fast the day went. I don't know if it was being on the go all day yesterday, the beautiful weather or the combination of the two but I had a lot of energy when I came in. As I was heating up the stuffed cabbage for dinner and setting the table I found myself dancing around the kitchen. I had my Fitbit on and it tracked me as burning over 500 calories. I knew I was busy but didn't think I was that busy yesterday!

    I am not sure if I will go out today for a run. It's in the 30's today and I don't like the cold. I may wait until later on in the week when it warms up again to get out there. Instead I may just have one of my love affairs with Gilad.

    Skinny - I have not put much more thought into the Tunnels to Towers 5K. I am so nervous that I won't be ready in time seeing how I cannot run for the full 60 seconds right now. I know this will change when I keep working hard at it. But I am still nervous. In all honestly, when I think about it logically I have 6 months to prepare for it. That is a long time and most likely I WILL be ready for it. Which really just make my concerns irrational. I will most likely do the race. When do you have to register by? Is there a cut off date?

    In regards to airports, either airport is fine. I have flown out of both Kennedy and LaGuardia before. We typically fly out of JFK though rather than LGA. LGA is closer to Manhattan however JFK has easier access to mass transit IMO. Definitely go with one of those airports rather than MacArthur. MacArthur is small and is out further east on Long Island. (Closer to me!) It will give you close to an hour commute into Manhattan. MacArthur is better if you are coming to visit eastern LI or going spend time in the Hamptons. Another option for you is to fly into Newark. (NJ) I have no experience with that airport so I can't give you any help there.

    Pashunrose - Good for your brother for wanting to join MFP to get healthier. Maybe if he does he will have a greater understanding at how hard you are working to reach your goals. Oh my goodness, I just want to squeeze those cheek that Jacob has. He is so cute! He looks like he is a lot of fun and keeps you laughing.

    Susan (SMA) - Welcome. Congrats on resisting the urge to eat the ravioli when you weren't really hungry.

    Lives - Congrats on feeling rich and thin. We are putting off filing as long as we can right now. My husband did most of the paperwork and we owe slightly more than we are getting back. :ohwell:

    Tanya - Congrats on the compliment from your daughter!!! That is great that your parents moved closer to you. Mine live about 10 minutes away from me. It is really convenient for me to stop by for a visit.
    We are around the same weight. Pretty soon you will be in the teens too. Isn't that an exciting feeling?

    Tracy - We are having similar weather here. Yesterday it was in the 50's, today 30's and tomorrow we are expecting snow with light accumulation. Tuesday back into the 40's and by the end of the week we are into the 50's again. It's crazy how the weather changes so quickly from one day to another. Last weekend I bought new solar garden lights to place along the path to my front door. I tried putting them in and I couldn't because the ground was still frozen. I am anxiously waiting for the warmer temps to stick.
    Congrats on your first session with your trainer. Are you excited? I hope it goes well!

    Karen - Why are you sad about going clothes shopping?

    Jeannie - Thanks for sharing the recipe. I am always looking for new recipes to make for my husband. We love cilantro. I am going to have to make this for him.

    MyMOwMOw - Sounds like you had a fun week! I am excited for tonight's episode of TWD! I hate having to wait all week long for another episode.

    Susan - I am glad you had a nice week with your parents. I am jealous of the trip Cyrus is on, that trip sounds right up my alley. I love kayaking and all the other activities.
    I never did run into pink shirt girl again. I always look for her when I go to the park. I really like going to there. Everyone is at different fitness levels so I never feel self conscious or bad about myself. I always feel really safe running there too. Though last time I went an elderly man on his bicycle almost ran me over. I really don't know how he managed that one. I passed him going one way and said hello. A few seconds later I hear "Watch your back.". I turned around and his front tire was almost touching my leg. He must have turned around at some point and headed back the way I was going. The trails are pretty wide so I just don't understand why he was so close to me. I am glad he didn't run me down though. :laugh:

    Laurie - LOL thanks now I will be singing that song for the rest of the day! That is a great confidence booster that you were noticed by so many people at the wedding. I am happy for you.
    As I mentioned to Tracy, we are expecting the storm to hit us. But they are playing it down. It doesn't sound like we will have very much snow at all. What are they predicting by you?
    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend's mom. That's sad. But like you said at least she passed peacefully.

    Robin - I agree with what you said to Queen about letting certain people go being good for your self respect. That is exactly how I felt when I finally let that one friend go. It got to the point that I was just tired of reaching out to her, trying to be a good friend and not getting anything in return. The only time I seemed to hear from her is if she needed someone to watch her animals for her when she went on vacation. The way she treated me was very hurtful and I tried my best to make it work. I was so much happier when I made the decision to cut all ties and move on with my life. Friends, I use that term loosely here, like that are just not worth keeping in your life.
    Is there anything they can do for your bulging disks? I am sorry to hear this news. But like you said, at least you don't have numbness in your toes.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Thursday truth: I wish more people would comment on my weight loss... friends, family, work... I'm not being self-centered or shallow, but I find it a real motivator to continue (and confidence booster) when someone tells me I've lost weight. After losing 27 lbs since last June, I figured by now that it would show.

    On a happy note, I had a FANTASTIC workout today at physio. My trainer knows I am usually dragged down and need to be kicked in the butt on Thursdays, but today although tired, I had a ton of stamina. I usually do 20 min on the stationary bike, then back exercises, then my trainer picks a body part and I do sets or circuits. Today the music was trance-y, and is my favourite music to bike to, so I stayed on for 30 min at a fat burning pace as opposed to my usual quicker cardio pace. Then after my back work, I did this amazing full body exercise for almost 20 min. I was drenched in sweat by the end and I didn't feel a sore muscle in my body. I don't know what they are called, basically a weighted stand-sit up-to stand up using the pulley weights. Awesome exercise, I will make sure I get to do those more often.

    Work was pretty brutal again today, as I had to climb about 30 snowbanks with mail in my arms to reach the mail boxes at each stop. The snow removal contractors are lazy *kitten*, all the sites should have been shoveled out by the time we went out to deliver today. Between that, an extra hour drive home yesterday, and an extra hour drive in this morning, I decided to take a personal day tomorrow to relax. An extra long weekend for me! And as a treat, I'm going to find myself a heart rate monitor. I'd like to more accurately measure my exercise.

    You have the job I always wanted. I figured if I delivered mail, I'd be in great shape. Anyway, sorry people don't remove the snow where you are. They do remove it here, or you don't get delivery.
    Also, I live in the first city in Ontario to get rid of home mail delivery. Lucky me...Of course, I'm being sarcastic. Our poor mail lady wants us to protest and I saw on the news people protesting in the city, but I don't want to as I know we can't stop the end of mail delivery. Canada is the first industrialized country in the world to do this. Wouldn't you know it! By the fall, there won't be any more door-to door mail delivery.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    New (for the second time) to MFP and needing some serious motivation to keep logging from some new friends! This looked like a perfect place to get that :smile:

    30, 5'7, 300lbs and see the nickname for details, lol!

    Thank you for such a group, just what I needed :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Susan: Ohhhhh, 98 days of continuous snow and counting! Yes, I believe I am stir-crazy. It's sooo cold out, that I don't even want to walk to the car! I can't imagine laying outside by a pool, reading magazines. Lucky you!! I day dream of feeling a warm breeze blowing on my face. I dream of not wearing winter boots, etc. I'd like to feel the air blowing on my bare's just a dream..
    I'm babysitting my grandbabies tomorrow and as much as I love them, it's hard...I haven't been able to take them outside since beginning of December. The weather never cooperates when I'm with them. They're too young to take the bitter, freezing temperatures.

    Skinnyjeans, I don't blame that family for leaving and going to live in Florida. Honestly, if I didn't have family here, I'd leave too!
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    Jacob has said his first word. His first word, not surprising to me, is cat. Pronounced ca-Tuh. lol He chases the cats around and tries to sit on them.
    I'm a PROUD grandma!!!

  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member

    @hazel--Welcome back!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Are you still doing curling

    I'm assuming i'm Hazel, Lol
    Thank you for the welcome backs!
    I am in fact still curling, twice a week. Sunday morning and evenings. I was in an all women's tournament in January,we came in 6th. Next year I will be playing in a tournament called the "Elizabeth Childs' challenge". It's a tournament for women with 5 years and less experience. It takes place in Utica NY and it's probably the biggest tournament in my bracket.

    I'm working on an exchange with Saskatchewan (specifically Regina) as well for college so I don't know how it's going to work out. Nursing school is hard, but staying on my academics, curling competitively, and travelling is just as hard.

    In my absence I was put on Lexapro and Abilify to help with my depression and anxiety issues. Downside is that it makes me sleepy. I just recently quit my job as well. My dad decided to retire so I'm looking for some scholarships for my field. I'm lucky enough to be a semester and a half ahead and can possibly finish my degree in 3 years rather than 4.

    I'm trying to work in a work-out routine for when I'm on campus. However it's tight with my schedule and I don't want to be there late.

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Tracy and I'll be 41 in a few weeks. I live and work out of my home in Bismarck, ND. Married to my husband for 18 1/2 years with two kids -- Jacob - 12 and Emma - 7. Michael works nights and weekends (nights will continue, but he's going to start having weekends off soon) so many days I'm a single mom just trying to fit it all in. I've been heavy pretty much since 1993 and have tried many yo-yo diets. I started MFP (for real) January 7, 2013 and am 30 pounds lighter than I was on that day. I have lost and relost the last 10 pounds a few times. I start with a trainer tomorrow and hope that it will get me motivated to work to get some more weight off.

    @MyMowMow -- Yes, going out each night to eat is tough, but how exciting to enjoy great company. How far away does he live?

    @Susan -- Glad you had a wonderful time with your parents. Cyrus will be exhausted when he gets bad...glad you have all your chores done so you will be able to just sit down and visit with him about his exciting field trip.

    @Laurie -- what a great reaction from everyone to recognize your hard work. Was the photographer cute? :tongue:

    @Robin -- I sure wish things would get better for you.

    @Kaye -- it's always one thing or another isn't it? How did your talk go at church?

    @JNettie -- you might be getting a little obsessed with that scale! :laugh: Don't worry too much about it...maybe the 219.2 was right and the other one was wrong. It's coming, it's're doing so great!

    @Mel -- the end of home delivery??!!! Is your postal service private or government run?

    AFM -- Had a hard time sleeping last night but got up for church this morning. Glad I did...we (the choir) sang a very uplifting anthem today "People Need the Lord" and it was a good reminder for me. Had lunch with my Mom (because I have been sick, I wasn't able to be around her since our vacation) so that was a nice time. Emma has her ice skating rehearsal (the show is next weekend, so we are on the way to being done with lessons!!) tonight from 5:30 - 6:30. We will just wrap up her basketball and ice skating in time for Jacob to start track -- always something!! Tonight we're going to run to my mom's to see if we can find out what is going on with her kindle/uploading process.

    Have a great end to your weekend!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @stacy--I think the "hazel" came from someone way back when you were a "regular" on the thread. It was easier to remember than your username. I know robin renamed thrjhr (tina) "tearjar" so maybe it was her.:laugh: Sounds like you've been really busy. Congrats on the 6th place in your curling tournament. :drinker:

    @rose--that's so cute that jacob's 1st word was cat. My 2 yo niece talks up a storm, and I honestly don't know what her 1st word was, but right now she's really into Hello Kitty--except she calls it "Hello Cat." :laugh:

    @mel--I found out the family actually moved to Florida for other reasons (something to do with baseball which both sons play competitively), but it's still funny to imagine they just got fed up with this weather. :laugh:

    @emotional--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--thanks for the airport feedback. I flew into Newark once before, but our destination was somewhere in NJ, not Manhattan. Good to know either JFK or LGA will work, I saw some really good fares into LGA. The T2T allows registration up to race day, I believe. However, I have no idea if they have a participant limit. I'm sure you can wait a while to make the decision, but I hope you decide to join us! :flowerforyou: Don't think of the 219 as a "false read"--instead, think of it as a glimpse into the future. :wink:

    @robin--sorry to hear about your back problems. :cry: Did the 2nd trip to the dentist take care of the tooth rubbing your tongue?

    @laurie--what a great NSV!! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--glad the visit with your parents went well! Let me know when you are coming in May and what free time you will have from the conference. I don't have a lot scheduled yet, so I'm pretty flexible. I may even be able to take a personal day if a weekday would work better for you. Just let me know ASAP so I can plan for it.

    @kris--sounds like a great visit with your friend--is there romance in the air or is it purely platonic? :love:

    @tanya--I've used the scooby calculators in the past. That's great that you can use your fitbit numbers to help with accuracy.

    @jeannie--thanks for the recipe!

    @karenleona--Clothes shopping can be so frustrating, but don't cry! :flowerforyou: I realized today that I really need some new workout gear. I guess it's a good sign that my current stuff is wearing out, but I'd really hoped to be able to just move to some smaller pieces sitting in my drawer. Alas, they are still a bit too small, :grumble: so I will have to go spend money on a few pair of running or yoga pants until summer. Too bad spring didn't come sooner or I could have moved right to my capris and shorts. :ohwell:

    Sunday Share:
    I was a lazy bum this morning. Didn't sleep super late, but lounged around all morning. I did a couple of loads of laundry and some tidying up around the house, but I have a lot to get done today and it's already after 2pm. I was planning to hit the gym, but I think I will run outside to save time. It's a bit colder than I would like, but not terrible. Then I must go to the grocery store and get some grading done.

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 12/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 15/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 AP analysis activities
    2. x/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk at school (late meeting) walked gunner instead DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio) DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Morning, Sunshines!

    The weather has been so amazing I'm thinking about spring and I can't WAIT until the incredible bounty of vegetables /fruits that the Willamette Valley provide to start to appear at the farmer's market!

    Since we're sharing recipes this month I thought I'd share one of my favorites EVER! It's not that low in fat (that's one of the FEW macros I don't have to obsess about) but it's delicious and I love it!

    Tok Fozelek (Squash with Dill and Sour Cream)
    2 1/2 Lbs zuchini squash (one of those fresh garden jumbo jobbies is perfect)
    1 Heaping Tsp Salt (I leave this out since I"m low sodium)
    1/2 C White Vinegar
    Fresh Dill Sprig
    1 Onion (about 2" diameter)
    3 Tbsp Paprika
    1/2 C Sour Cream
    Wash and peel zucchini, cut off ends and shred on a grater and place in a bowl with the salt, vinegar and the dill. Refrigerate overnight.

    Drain squash and put into a cooking pot. Add enough water to just cover the squash (don't drown it). Slice the onion and add to the zucchini in pot. Add water if needed, don't let it dry out but don't add TOO much water.

    When zucchini is creamy and changes to a creamy color pour off the brine (save, it may be needed later). Press against the zucchini with a spoon to squeeze out more of the brine and pour off. Pick out the Dill Sprig.

    In a small bowl mix 1/2 C Sour Cream with 3 tbsp Paprika until it is smooth with no lumps. Add sour cream mixture to the zucchini and mix slowly into the zucchini mix stirring constantly. It should be creamy and a little runny but not soupy. This is where you can use that brine if you need it a little more wet.

    It's a wonderful side dish with meats.

    To make it a main dish top a bowl of this with 1/4 C of good marinara sauce (warm) and a poached egg. It's my absolute favorite summer time meal!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    hmm.. double post
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Susan... I'm glad you had a good time with your parents.

    @Laurie... it's great that so many people didn't recognize you, and that the photog was very attentive to you!

    @Robin... you have a wonderful attitude despite your health issues. I hope you find some answer/relief from them soon.

    @JNettie... how wonderful you saw the teens today! I am not too far behind. It's funny that we started at the same high weight, are the same age and are now almost the same weight. I am very excited to see the teens soon, my last lowest weight was 205 and I was a very tight size 14. I changed my ticker to show the countdown, I think it will motivate me even more seeing the numbers going down, just like the scale. I am obsessed with the scale too...I step on every single day.

    @Mel... You must live in Oakville right? I work in Mississauga, and my sister is a letter carrier in Oakville. I already deliver to the community boxes, all the new developments across the country since the late 80's went to community box delivery. I don't walk my route, but I do a lot of standing, lifting, walking, jumping in and out of the car. I easily get my 10,000 steps in on work days. Don't be too envious though, a lot of letter carriers have knee/back/foot/shoulder/wrist problems ( I have back/wrist related work injuries) Its not an easy job for sure, especially during long, cold, snowy winters like this one.

    AFM... I saw another 1.2 lb drop today on the scale. I am ecstatic! It shows me that my eating and exercise is working the way I want it to. Today was a rest day, but I was supposed to go hiking with my BF. He got a leg cramp during the night and was limping around today so we went to shop for a new iphone case for me (they don't seem to carry it for 4s anymore so I didn't get one) and had dinner at Five Guys. We had both never been there before, and when BF asked for large fries he was told it was enough for 3-4 people! We ended up getting one large, I took a quarter of them and called it a small serving. Other than that it was a pretty lazy day on the couch, but that 's what rest days are for, right?

    I've decided to list my weekly fitness activities here so I can plan at the beginning of the week and just check here to see what I'm doing on each day. It will keep me accountable too, if I haven't checked it off, get on me about it OK? :happy:

    I have also figured out a way to get more personals in (hard to remember who is who and is doing what) I have this thread open on my ipad to read along, then post here on my laptop. It's what works :laugh:

    Sunday: REST
    Monday: 30 Day Shred level 1(day 3)
    Tuesday: Physio- bike and (full or lower body)
    Wednesday: HIIT (abs), Power Yoga level 1(day 2)
    Thursday: 30 Day Shred level 1(day 4)
    Friday: Physio-bike and (full or upper body)
    Saturday: rest or (hiking?)
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    I haven't had time to read everyone's post yet. I've been very busy today. YUK! Tomorrow is going to be hard. My dad died 2 years ago. It still just bothers me horribly. I was suppose to go see him that morning, he was 2 hours away. Before I got out of the house they called and said he died..... I'm still having a hard time dealing with the fact that I wasn't there. I know it wasn't something I could control. But I wish I could see him just once more!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Stacy- I am sorry, I thought your name was Hazel but at least I remembered correctly that you do curling. Like Karen said, I may have mixed you up with another person who was on this thread named Hazel. That is very cool about coming in 6th during the tournament. Good luck with school this year.

    Nettie- the 219 is a preview of what is shortly around the corner. You will be there soon. Snow update- we are expecting between 5-8 inches tonight. It started snowing earlier than expected today but at least it is not sticking to the roads yet. It appears this storm is staying in the south with the line drawn through MD and my county is in the heavy zone for a change. Usually, we are on the lighter side of the storm. I hope you will be able to join us in NYC. I believe you will be ready in 6 months.

    Tanya-5 Guys is killer on the fries, if I go with friends we usually get a small and split it multiple ways. I have also learned to get their small burgers as well.

    tlh- The photographer was cute.:smokin:

    Today was a good day, I did get a walk in at the gym with my friend. I am expecting to have a delayed opening at the very least tomorrow but then again based on the predicted amounts it could be a day off. I just hope the waiver will cover all the extra days this years.

    Sunday-Walk DONE
    Monday-Trainer workout (I hope-weather dependent)
    Tuesday-Rock climbing
    Wednesday- Gym maybe trainer
    Friday-Rock climbing
    Saturday- Rest day (?) water aerobics possible.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was a good day. The talk in church went well. I'm glad I don't have to do that very often. I walked to and from church and home from DD's house after dinner. Tomorrow it is supposed to get cold again so I'm glad I got to enjoy the nice weather today.
    This afternoon DD called and said some more members of the family would be joining us for dinner. I was afraid there wouldn't be enough of the soda bread so hurried and stirred up some biscuits. I'm pleased to report that the oven worked just fine.
    Welcome to all of the new people. This is a great place for support. Come and share often. I've been here since September 2012. I'm the self-appointed grandmother of the group since I'm quite a bit older. I like to think that I'm proof you can lose weight at any age. I have a large family which keeps me pretty busy.
    See you tomorrow. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • aoertner
    aoertner Posts: 2
    Hello everyone. Im new to this site, and freaking out on if I can lose this weight to fit into my wedding dress in june!!!!! Anyone have any tips ln how to stay motivated! That is my biggest problam, also the willpower to not eat when im hungry!:frown:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Tracy, I live in an older part of a city where we have door-to-door delivery. The newer areas of the city has the houses crammed in close together, so people walk to 'super boxes' to pick up their mail. These boxes are located within walking distance of the house. Due to the use of modern technologies like email and texting, etc. our provincially run post office has decided that they can't afford to deliver what little mail they do get...we'll still receive our mail, just not to our own front doors. The problem is that the weather can be bad here and older folks will have a problem getting their mail. (hubby snowblows several driveways in the immediate neighbourhood) as they are older. I'm just griping about something that has gone the way of 'disco', We know our mail lady and will miss her. She always has a smile and says 'hello'.

    Tanya, I agree, it can be a brutal job, especially this past winter. It's pretty dangerous walking with all the ice out there. Yes, I do live in Oakville. Not sure why they picked it to be the first city to cancel all home mail delivery, but they did. I guess the government thought we wouldn't complain. They were right. My daughters live here in the newer part of the city and they walk to their boxes. I guess it will burn calories! I should be glad.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mel--I'm sure the trend to end home mail delivery will spread. Sorry that you guys are the "guinea pigs." :ohwell:

    @aoertner--welcome! :flowerforyou: There are a lot of things you can do to stay motivated. Visiting this thread helps me b/c I feel accountable to my friends here. Challenges also can help. If you don't want to join our monthly challenge, you can search the threads to find one that you like--there are always tons of them. As far as being hungry, my advice is to eat if you're hungry, but make sure you truly ARE hungry vs. bored, emotional, etc. If you are constantly hungry, you need to ask yourself some questions: Are your calories set at a reasonable amount? Are you eating back exercise calories? Are you underestimating your calorie burns? Are you overestimating your calorie intake? Do your macros need adjustment? I am a firm believer that you can/should lose weight without being hungry. :smile:

    @kaye--nice that you got some nice outdoorsy time, and glad you oven is cooperating.

    @laurie--be safe in the snow. Are you going to pursue the cute photographer? Perhaps it would be worth checking out/"Liking" the photographer's facebook page. :wink:

    @dawn--so sorry to hear about you missing seeing your dad one last time before he passed. The same thing happened to my mother when her dad passed. My grandparents lived in Detroit area (we are Chicago) and my parents were driving up to see him when they got the call that he had passed. In fact, I was the one who got the call from my aunt and had to call my mom and tell her. You're right, even when you know that it wasn't your fault, it's still sad. :cry:

    @tanya--I see you are doing 30DS; how are you liking it? I did levels 1 and 2 last summer, and it was tough! I would have dome level 3, but I was pirating it from youtube and that level wasn't available. Oh, and I LOVE Five Guys! I'm not a fast food type, but that place is awesome! Occasionally, my colleagues and I will go to the one near work on an institute day, but I've not been there in over a year. I'm not a big fan of french fries, but I LOVE their burgers!

    @kris--thanks for the recipe share! It sounds delicious!

    AFM--I ran outside with gunner instead of the gym. It was a good run since most of the snow and ice has melted from the sidewalks--there were only a few spots where we had to go slow due to slipperiness. I also got a little bit of grading done along with the grocery shopping.

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 13/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 16/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 5/16 AP analysis activities
    2. x/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk at school (late meeting) walked gunner instead DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio) DONE
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner DONE
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I almost forgot to do a recipe this week. I didn't make anything new this week, but I did make the roasted asparagus that I took to Christmas dinner in Dec. I made it again tonight which is why I thought to share it.

    1 bunch of asparagus
    1 tbs of extra virgin olive oil
    2 tbs minced garlic
    1 medium yellow onion (sliced into wedges)
    salt/pepper to taste

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Toss all ingredients (except salt/pepper) together in a bowl. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt/pepper. Bake for approx. 15 minutes. Eat.

    I'm sure you could add other vegetables like peppers or squash--whatever you have handy. It's delicious!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Humbleheart - go easy on your hip but keep walking - just maybe not an hour straight - add a rest in there every 20 minutes if possible and the walk will go much better. With my bad leg I had to vacuum that way in little strips of time of work and rest.
    I think your doing great work and your putting your heart into it!

    pashunrose - I hope your back gets better soon and you have a good weigh in.

    Jnettie - as long as the bulging discs aren't the cause of my problem (a lower disc is) there is nothing to do. If they flare up I will have different symptoms and then I'll do something about them. Right now I am looking for ward to starting physical therapy next week for several weeks for the leg symptoms I do have. THanks for asking!

    Emotional - welcome - this is a wonderful place to make good and supportive friends.

    Mel - sounds like tough duty but you're so lucky to have grand babies at all so hug 'em for me will ya?

    Hyzaarc - NO NO NOPE I'm NOT gonna take the fall for nicknaming you Hazel - Although I wish I HAD thought of it :wink: Addressing your depression and anxiety stuff I'm glad you are on meds for it now. If they don't do the trick and make you feel "normal" be sure to report to your doc so they can try different drugs. When I went through that I tried a total of 4 drugs before I was feeling "normal" and not having a mixed-up brain. so good luck to you for taking THAT journey. It will serve you well!
    CONGRATS on the schooling and the exercise schedule with your curling. You've got quite a life. Going into nursing is a great choice and 3 years would be fantastic. Your looking thinner in your picture - Good luck, Stacy.

    Skinny - no the dentist couldn't shave the tooth down any further, but he suggested a dental appliance they sell at walgreens you use the microwave to heat it and shape it - I'v already ruined one because they don't reshape, you have one chance at it. But its only $35 compared to $650 for a dentist constructed one and he still couldn't guarantee it would give me any relief. So far I have been putting a small deflated rubber ball in between my front teeth when I sleep so I don't bite my tongue - my tongue is still swollen and doesn't fit in its allotted space in my mouth. its still such a constant , constant problem!

    Mow - you have moved me to drool over squash - unbelieveable!

    Serenity - very good staying within your goals! And also very clever using your iPad and laptop to do your personals - are you a genius???

    apeydawan - 2 years is not much time elapsed from losing your dad - you have warm hugs from me and much sympathies. It just plain hurts, my friend, especially if you had a close connection.

    I lost my father so long ago, I was only 35 when he died. It has definitely gotten better over the years, but I have encouraged myself to nuture my memories of him, I actually 'pray" or talk directly to him, ask him questions to guide me in difficult decisions - I have a real dialogue when I need one. Of course I may be further off the branch than many of you so these are just my thoughts.

    Laurie - snow days have become the norm for you haven't they :laugh: I do hope the waiver counts and you don't have to work extra days this summer.

    Kaye - glad your talk at church went well. do you get a little nervous before speaking in public? it sounds like you don't do it very often but when you do - you manage quite well!
    Did your soda bread come out well? I've NEVER had any - and I'm determined to buy some authentic church soda bread this year during the Lenten season.

    aoertner - welcome, friend! You'll make many friends here , just stop in as often as you can and share your story.

    Mel - I hate the thought of home mail delivery stopping. I understand the realities about it, but I wish it wouldn't happen. I guess due to my age and getting used to habits I look forward to the mail every day. I even still write hand written notes and own an assortment of "proper" notecards. I am the only one I know that writes like this. I also am one of those old ladies who send gifts to the nieces and nephews and then *****es when they never hear a "Thank You" either note, verbally, phone, or email. (Or even something from the parents)
    To me, it is the death knell of a great deal of courtesy that is leaving our society.

    AFM - Not gonna weigh myself for a while. A Massive addiction to ice cream overcame me for the last week and a half. Its all gone now and never gonna buy any more. It started small with pints, but quickly moved to half gallons. I thought I could manage portion control - no I could not!

    I read a great article about when to weigh your self and the scientific evidence all pointed to FRIDAY as the BEST DAY of the week to WEIGH YOURSELF. So I thought I would suggest this to everyone who is unsure of what day of the week to weigh themselves. I am going to start weighing myself on Fridays. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: