Guys like heavier girls?



  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I think that a flat stomach is soo hot. So when I get that flat tummy it doesn't matter what the average man thinks. Its what I think. But I know a man like curves, but I would think they like a flat stomach with no fat. lol because thats what I like on my self and the guys.
  • I think it's a matter of how a women holds her weight. Many skinny girls have no figure, but too much weight can also hide a girl's figure.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I work with a guy that says the same thing. I was looking through a runners magazine and said "damn i wish i could look like her" (im a size 12 she was probably like a 6 or 4 or....yeah) and you know what he said?....EW. Ew? What do you mean ew? I asked. He said she was NOT attractive...there wasnt anything too her! Now being healthy..yes a turn on...but being able to be blown away by the wind? No thanks!

    I was amazed...there he was this attractive military/cop/jersey guy...and ew. HE SAID EW....YAAAAAY!
    I've got a thing for guys in uniform, so this is good news for me. I've been stuck in a size 12 for a long time now. :P
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    ok Postng pics...
    ...just to compare :)

    In retrospect, I have to say I totally agree with an earlier post that said us guys tend to say what we think you want to hear. I almost didn't comment, b/c I was worried you'd take this the wrong way. But, I think you look absolutely smokin' hot in the first pic, myself.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I know my husband thinks I am hottest when I am in my soccer gear with my hair in a pony-tail, so he is all about the athletic, healthy look. He likes curves and butts, but will always go for the healthy looking althletic girl. He is totally behind me losing weight to get back to what I was when we started dating as long as I am muscular (not body builder muscular but lets go for a hike muscular). For him it is all about being able to get out and do things, which super skinny people are stereotypically unable to do. FTR I know he is honest about this one because of who is on his "allowed to cheat on me with" list.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Same could be said about men, do we like them short and skinny? I for one only dated men that were freakishly tall and "husky"...i don't want a twig. The man I'm about to marry is 6'4 and almost 300lbs with a 56 inch shoulder span...could be that I need taking care of (i'm totally independent and strong woman lol) or it could be that I don't want to dominate anymore. I need my man to bring home the bacon while I take care of the nest...yes ladies, i take care of the nest and the child, because lets face it, i sit on my *kitten* at work all day for 7.5 hours, it's the least i could do. He works hard in the oil patch, for 12 hours a day...he is the provider for this family, i merely keep myself busy and make some spending money. If he were to "lose weight" i'd hope that he comes out with a six back and huge calve musles, i don't want him to look transparent. Not only is his frame not built to be skinny minnie, i don't want to look like a tub of lard standing next to him. Right now I look almost petite when i'm standing next to him...helps that i'm armpit level. so what do you think ladies? skinny men vs "thick" men...i know for myself i prefer thick but not lazy

    We are what we are! :wink: I'm pretty democratic myself. I like men short, tall and medium. I like'm with almost no bodyfat. I like'm kinda beefy. I like'm all kinds of in between. But a hard face, mean eyes or a bad haircut--can't deal with those. Lifestyle's so important.

    I'm so ready for the thread with the pictures of different sized men for us ladies to rate. :tongue:
  • I work with a guy that says the same thing. I was looking through a runners magazine and said "damn i wish i could look like her" (im a size 12 she was probably like a 6 or 4 or....yeah) and you know what he said?....EW. Ew? What do you mean ew? I asked. He said she was NOT attractive...there wasnt anything too her! Now being healthy..yes a turn on...but being able to be blown away by the wind? No thanks!

    I was amazed...there he was this attractive military/cop/jersey guy...and ew. HE SAID EW....YAAAAAY!
    I've got a thing for guys in uniform, so this is good news for me. I've been stuck in a size 12 for a long time now. :P

    I like men in utility belts, tool belts and not much of anything else ...;)
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    Of all the guys I've talked to they like a little meat. Soft curves...normally size 10-14.

    My boyfriend says I'm 'thick skinny'. Clever little guy... :laugh:

    oh my gosh my hubby calles me the same thing. ha ha ha...
  • peachyolives
    peachyolives Posts: 46 Member
    I also think it has less to do with size and more to do with proportion. Most boys I know like skinny girls but they also like girls with butts and boobs and not a girl that is flat as a board all the way around. So I think it depends on what kind of girls your comparing to what kind of answers your going to get. Personally I know that I have a friend who wears a 0, yes a 0 its rediculous, and has a bubble butt and now has newly obtained 32D's and she most definatly gets more attention from guys than I've ever seen even before she got the boobs she got way more attention than any of my other freinds. So I pretty much go off that and say guys like the tiny girls.

    Also in class I've learned that white guys tend to like tiny girls while Hespanic and Black men tend to like their women a little bigger. It's a culture thing I think.

    I agree with this. One of my best friends is a size 3 and gets more attention than any of the rest of my friends and I (ranging from size 7-13 (even with B-cup breasts!). She doesn't have much of a butt either...I think a lot more guys than admit it to their SO like thinner girls.

    I whole heartedly agree with the last statement as well - there is a big difference between the cultures. I am a size 13 and curvy with really large breasts. I get a lot more attention from black guys than white guys. My sister is similarly proportioned and has always experienced the same thing.

    I have to say, though, most of us must actually think guys do prefer somewhat lighter girls....if we really believed they all liked their women heavy, we wouldn't want to lose weight!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Of all the guys I've talked to they like a little meat. Soft curves...normally size 10-14.

    My boyfriend says I'm 'thick skinny'. Clever little guy... :laugh:

    oh my gosh my hubby calles me the same thing. ha ha ha...

    Mine says I'm in the middle of thick & skinny too, haha.

    All the "thick-skinnys" represent :drinker:
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    Also in class I've learned that white guys tend to like tiny girls while Hespanic and Black men tend to like their women a little bigger. It's a culture thing I think.

    I agree with this. One of my best friends is a size 3 and gets more attention than any of the rest of my friends and I (ranging from size 7-13 (even with B-cup breasts!). She doesn't have much of a butt either...I think a lot more guys than admit it to their SO like thinner girls.

    I whole heartedly agree with the last statement as well - there is a big difference between the cultures. I am a size 13 and curvy with really large breasts. I get a lot more attention from black guys than white guys. My sister is similarly proportioned and has always experienced the same thing.

    I have to say, though, most of us must actually think guys do prefer somewhat lighter girls....if we really believed they all liked their women heavy, we wouldn't want to lose weight!


    I touched on the culture aspect on the 4th pg. of this thread. It definitely plays a role, I know from lots of experience, going from one extreme to the other and watching the reaction. PRICELESS :laugh:
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    This is simply hilarious. Who cares what size a girl is. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Some are big and beautiful and some are skinny and beautiful.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yup, I like women. I don't care how small or big. Just who YOU are.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    In my opinion, men like curvy girls. They don't want stick figures. I blame Beyonce lol. Na i love her
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yup, I like women. I don't care how small or big. Just who YOU are.

    Oh and I mean that, really I do.
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    I think that it's all a matter of preference. Some guys may like short thin girls or tall thin girls. While others prefer short thick girls. I don't know. Think about it, what do you prefer in men? I happen to like tall men. I'm 5'4, but like men who are 6 ft. I love broad shoulders on men. I don't care if they have a little belly, but they have to have the broad shoulders and big arms. I think because I like to feel protected. I don't know. The beauty of it all is that there's someone for everyone. I think we as women tend to look at magazines and compare ourselves to the models. No matter how small I get, I will never look like a model. I wouldn't want to. Most of them are straight with no curves. I love my breast and hips and thicker calves. I love the changes happening in my body. I think the point I'm trying to make is that we should love ourselves in our own skin. I do know that now that I'm a size 12, I am getting lots more attention from men then when I was an 18. But I also have more confidence and I think that's what men also find attractive. So I'm not going to worry about what men in general want. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to the opposite sex. Aside from the physical, I also like a confident man who isn't arrogant and full of himself. I think a lot of the men on this site are really sweet and that's another trait I find sexy in a man. Thanks for posting this, it's always nice to know that men are also human and do like real women with curves.
  • Don't be mislead buy those words like curves, heavy and thin. Most guys are attracted to T & A and so-called heavier girls are generally not lacking in both. Take a look at what the standard of beauty was in the 50s and you don':happy: t see skinny women. But society seems to have gone haywire in the 60s with thin modles but men still prefer T & A for sure.
  • I have always said to any friends that ask, size is never the issue, it is PROPORTIONS. How well does that woman present as a complete package. Does everything look right/natural/appealing together?

    Here this might explain it better than I can:

    I haven't read the entire thread yet, so maybe this has already been discussed, but from talking about it with my husband and close guy friends, "proportions", mixed with a girl being comfortable in her own skin, is dead on. I was 140 six years ago because I got sick, and I looked it. Then I ballooned to 198lbs, hated my body -- and dressed like I hated it.

    Since then I've gone down to about 170lbs, and I feel much more comfortable with myself, confident, etc. I get "checked out" a lot more often in this weight range, and in my opinion, it's because of the way I carry myself. I'm not thin on any account, but I really like myself when I look in the mirror.

    Best yet, my husband is all over me when I'm confident. ALL over me. It's great, ;) .
  • I am very curious about this also,I have always figured Playboy and like magazines would not be such huge sellers IF men did not find them attractive. I also think while everyone has their own preferences men sometimes just tell us what we want to hear so as not to be insensitive and that yes to them there is a difference between the woman who is nice and will stick around and the knock-out in the magazine for some people. I think IF he truly loves YOU,THEN HE LOVES YOUR CURVES !!! ; )
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I'm not a guy, but I think it's totally personal preference. My oldest son (25) loves short, thin girls. My youngest son (21) loves them a bit meaty and big boobs.

    So maybe the boobs are the deciding factor. If a guy likes big boobs, standardly he's gonna have to find a meatier girl to get them (unless the girl is "enhanced").

    Just a thought!
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