

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues and Happy birthday Barbie.:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Woke up to a dusting of snow,so much for spring.:sad:
    Congrat`s Sylvia.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Welcome new ladies,keep coming back.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Hi there everyone!

    DH out all day. He left at 9.15 to drive to North London to park near the football, then he is to get on a trsin and tube to central London to have lunch with his younger daughter and then back out again to meet his sister in the pub before the football they are both going to. He will be back around midnight.:noway: Of course he woke in the night with a panic attack and succeeded in waking me up with his tossing and turning and I didn't get back to sleep. :sad:
    I managed to catch 20 mins snooze this pm so don't feel too bad, but I'm having trouble not turning to food. Ate too many mints this pm, but I made a HUGE spinach and tomato curry for dinner that only cost me 150 cals, so I think I will sneak in under the bar.:bigsmile: I always have trouble staying out of the fridge when DH is away. I do really enjoy having time to myself, but a part of me feels empty and needs filling. I feel an attack of the shiritaki noodles coming on! Doesn't help that today was a yoga day so haven't burnt up so many calories.

    Still, all is good and I will get through OK.

    Determined to get to that X- ray tomorrow.:ohwell:

    Love Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jennifer, no format. just jump in and chat with us. Bring your cup of coffee, tea or wine, whatever you fancy and have calories for!:laugh: Some of the ladies here have been here a couple of years and really know each other pretty well. I think I have been here about a year. Tell us a little about yourself.

    Happy birthday Barbie and many thanks for your job here

    Feel like we are rich!!!!! HA HA. When my dear intelligent husband dropped our life insurance many years ago they converted our policy to stocks. So we get about an $11 dividend twice a year. I'm not even sure what a person can buy with $11 anymore.

    Snowed early this morning, huge flakes but by noon it had all melted off.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Cold! Snow! This is supposed to be Connecticut! not Alaska!!! :sad: Reminds me of the winter I had before I moved to Tennessee. :angry: What a welcome back! I am so tired of being cold!! BRRRRRRRR. :noway:

    Things are slowing down, stress level is dropping, need to get back to watching what I eat! Got my steps up (at least until is snows again and I don't have sidewalks!) and the gym days, now just need to work on cutting back on the *F* word! :blushing:

    Hugs and prayers!

    Rita from CT?
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jill - I just finished my lunch and wanted to share the recipe with you, in case you didn't see it earlier. It is called burrito filling, but I use it for tacos with soft corn tortillas, which have 5 mg is sodium per tortilla instead of 360 in one flour tortilla. You get about 2 pounds of London Broil steak ( our grocery store trims off ALL the fat!) and one package of Mrs Dash Taco Seasoning mix (sold in the section where the gravy mixes are) one chopped onion, and one can of green chilies ( mine came from Walmart and had less sodium than Rotel, but I don't remember how much.) You put it all in the crock pot and let it cook, then shred it with forks like pulled pork. It makes a big bowl of shredded beef for tacos with very little sodium, and very little effort. We had two dinners out of it, plus today's lunch and more is left for another lunch. Hubby was going to add his own salt, but it tasted so good he forgot.

    I used Katla's recipe for taco seasoning instead of Mrs Dash this time and I think I like it even better (thanks again Katla!).

    1 Tbsp chili powder
    2 tsp onion powder
    1 tsp Cumin
    1 tsp Garlic Powder
    1 tsp Paprika
    1 tsp ground Oregano

    I only used about half the batch of seasoning in the beef recipe. I've used the same Mrs Dash Taco seasoning to make chicken enchiladas. So next time I will use Katla's on that too. Bonus -I think hers is cheaper.

    It's really hard to get started with a low sodium diet, but once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad. There are lots of good recipes out there. I got the American Heart Association Cook Book, which is great but almost all the recipes are on their web site too. I especially like their sweet and sour chicken recipe but I add unsalted cashews.

    Bread is horrible on salt. I normally make my own. This is my favorite bread recipe, which is great as grilled Swiss cheese sandwiches, but I leave out the salt:


    I have a whole collection of Mrs Dash seasonings but my favorite is the garlic and herb. It's especially good on chicken breast and sweet potatoes, sautéed in a little olive oil. Yummy!

    Be careful of hidden salt, too. Packaged raw meats often have lots of sodium added in a "solution". They claim it's for moistness and flavor, but I think they are just pumping up the weight to get you to pay more for water. But I'm such a cynic. One grocery store in Joplin sells meat with no solution added which is the difference between 45 mg per breast portion and 150 or more for the ones with solution added. It's crazy.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, that's so funny about your dividend check. A few years ago my hubby and his sisters decided to cash in their "tobacco allotment" to the government (they own a tobacco farm but weren't planning to grow tobacco). The subsidy is $400 per year. But it makes the taxes so hard to calculate that we have had to spend twice that every year for an accountant to submit the right forms. That was a good move, huh?

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Hi all, been gone for a while, just depressed. Not eating right and feeling blue. I gained back lots of pounds and was even more depressed. Last week had some kind out stomach flu and lost a few so when I felt better I was so happy that I stopped the anti depressant my doc put me on and startied eating right again. I've missed the tread, but was afraid to come back. We'll I jumped back in and hope you don't shred me. Laura from GA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Laura, we don't shred anybody! Ever! I hope you feel better. Welcome back!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia.....................SUPER MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :) !!!!!! What an accomplishment!

    Kim.........Wrote down the brownie recipe; will be trying it.

    Thought I'd post the chili recipe as there seemed some interest in it.

    Basic recipe:
    1lb. ground turkey
    1 large green pepper, chopped
    1 " purple onion, chopped
    1 can low sod. black beans, drained
    1T. chili powder
    1jar Newman's pineapple salsa............(they also have a mango salsa which I think would work in this too)
    1 small can tomato sauce

    Cook turkey in chili pot, add the rest of ingred. and simmer about 45 min.

    OK----my changes----I had slightly more turkey; I think the pkg. was 20oz...........used 2 green peppers.........2cans black beans......ran out of chili powder---had maybe 1/2 t., made up the rest of the "heat" with cayenne powder (go easy, you can add but not remove!!!!)............large can tomato sauce (instead of small)..............and added also a can of fire roasted tomatoes. Even better the next day---per DH.

    Good by itself but also over brown rice.

    I think I got the original rec. from MFP but, as you can see, I am one of those who can't leave well enough alone.

    Rainy, cold, drizzle supposed to turn to (oh, NO) sleet and snow but not stick later. Saw the Muppet movie........it was the usual, not really my thing.........funny in places..........went with friend and her dd.

    Stay warm, stay dry everyone!!! Welcome newbies!!!

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was only able to skim through the posts as there are so many of them! I guess this group just keeps growing, which is a good thing.:wink:

    I was thinking this past weekend as I bathed my 100 lb. dog in the shower that it must burn some calories, but I’m not sure how to log, so didn’t bother. He’s pretty good about staying in the shower, but keeping him still to dry him off is another issue! :laugh:

    Last night, out of nowhere, I got this weird pain where my leg meets my torso. I can’t even describe it, but I felt like I had to keep moving my leg. It made for a very restless night. Anyway, it felt better this morning, but while I was doing my circuit exercises, it came back. I got through my 30 minutes, but the pain has been coming and going all day. Pretty weird, huh? I’m going to give it a week because I’ve had weird pains before and they eventually went away.

    I’m still struggling with will power, but taking it one day at a time.

    :heart: Katla – Happy belated anniversary! I was also married in 1970….stayed married for 31 very unhappy years before getting divorced. Now I am very happily married for 5 years. Second time was a charm for me!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie – Happy birthday! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

    :devil: Gloria – I would never entirely want to give up sugar, & yet I know how addictive it can be. Learning to balance my sweets is a challenge every day.

    :happy: Jane – I like the idea of intervals on the TM. I find that I can go a little longer if I don’t run the entire time, but I never thought about changing the incline. I’m going to give that a try. Thanks for the tip.

    :glasses: Kim – Can’t wait for better weather to get outside and do some gardening myself!

    :heart: Eileen – Your grandbaby is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on your growing family.

    :ohwell: Yanniejannie – I’m hoping that the warmer weather (if it ever gets here) will improve my will power. It helps to know I’m not alone in my struggle. We can do this!!!

    :laugh: Silvia – LOVE the jokes! Keep ‘em coming. Congrats on reaching Onederland.

    :flowerforyou: Carol - What an amazing accomplishment! Wear those jeans with pride.

    :flowerforyou: Gail – Thanks for the daffodil pics to remind us that spring is indeed coming soon!

    :smile: Tina – Thanks for the poem. It says it all.

    :laugh: Joyce – I love to DVR my shows so I can fast-forward through the commercials.

    :ohwell: Cynthia – We all have those stress-eating days. Give yourself a break. Tomorrow is a new day.

    :smile: Laura – Welcome back! No shame here…..we are all in this together!

    :heart: To all those who are new – Feel free to jump right in and share. This group is very supportive.

    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (40%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET-STILL LOOKING!!!)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Not in THIS weather!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Not lately!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling.

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello to all: Went out today and bought feed for my horse. This is the first time since I started doing weights again in February. The last time I had to have one of the guys at the stable carry and dump it for me. Today I was able to lift and carry those 50 lb bags by myself and it didn't feel terribly hard. Yeah for stronger muscles!!!:love: I am still not losing weight due to the prednisone but it is nice to know I am making progress with something. I also got my stats from fitbit today and made over my goal of 7500 per day. My average was 8100.:happy:

    Sylvia - Congrats on Onederland. Good for you.:flowerforyou:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! I have not been feeling well the last couple days and went to the doctor this morning and I have some kind of infection in my mouth and have to wash it out every couple hours. Then yesterday morning I did remember and went and got my mamagram done. Today I start the prep for my colonoscopy in the morning. I just keep telling myself I will have it all done and not have to worry.
    Then I was talking to mom Sunday evening and on Saturday they took dad to the bathroom without his O2 and then did not come when he turned on his light. By the time they did come he was really upset and they thought he was having another heart attach so transfered him to the hospital. First off I do not understand taking him without his O2 and then leaving him. They should of stayed outside the door as he is a fall risk and they should of never left him long enough for him to be so upset. I called yesterday to talk to someone and they kept putting me on hold and I never did get to talk to anyone. So I called my brother that lives in Omaha and told him. He grew up out in Imperial and he knows people so he called the director and they are to call him back today after he checks it all out as he knew nothing about it. So will see. Today dad has an appointment with the lung doctor so see how that goes. Thanks for listening.
    Had a very good weekend at the Bike show. DHs trike won second place and he is pleased. Our CMA group had a booth and we talked to alot of people. It was kind of strange. This couple came up to talk to us there is about 6 of us at the table. Anyway her and her husband have been CMA members for over 30 years and I send them the newsletter every month. Anyway also she was both our boys teacher in grade school and they hosted our wedding rececption. So we have known them for years. They moved several years ago so have not seen them for atleast 2 years. I talked to her and thought she knew who I was. Then she is talking to one of the other guys and says. Steve and Vicki are members of your group and she sends me stuff all the time to keep me updated. She had no idea who I was. Then a guy I went to high school with came by and it has been acouple years since I seen him and he did not know who I was. I felt really werid about both but DH says I look so different.

    Sylvia--congrates on the canoeing. I know I find I can do things I have not done in years because of my size. Love it. Why do people think it is ok to make fun of others. Shows their parents didn't teach them that. I remember one time DH and I were traveling and stopped at an ice cream place and he went in. I dicided I wanted to go in and when I got out of the car some kids in the car next to us started laughing and saying things. I was so upset and went inside and told their parents I would be embrassed to take them out in public. They marched right out and I could hear them yelling at the kids when we left. I also remember a time we went to pizza hut. the boys were playing softball so SD dropped me and the girls off we went in to order. I have drank diet pop for years. So I ordered acouple pizzas and a pitcher of diet pop. The young girl went up front and I heard her say like that is going to help. I was so upset and when DH and boys got there and she brought over our pizza I told her to get away from our table and not come back. The manager came over and I told him what happeded and asked that they keep her away from us. Sounds like you are doing alot for DS and family. They are very lucky to have you. CONGRATES on the onederland. I am hoping to get there someday soon. I understand your fear about gaining the weight back. I also have that fear. But posts here and weighing once a week is a promise I have made to myself to keep this lifestyle change for life.

    Liz--I agree I enjoy books so much better then ebooks. I enjoyed turning the pages and knowing where I am and I can go back if needed. My DS gave me a kindle acouple years ago and I just never got used to it and now I am not sure where it is. I do spend alot of time at the library.

    Cynthia--congrates on the smaller bra. I agree the cup size seems to go down the most. I do think I need to get a new one as the girls are trying to fall out the bottom again. At this rate I will need the trainer cup size soon.

    Katla--how scary and being away from home and your doctor. Glad it was not your heart. I agree not the best way for your anniversary, but so glad you are ok.

    Sue--congrates on the lost inches.!!

    I was married the first time in 1975 and the second time in 1984. Where have all those years gone??

    Barbie--Happy Birthday!!

    Sue TX--prayers for your brother and you.

    Joyce--congrates on joining the church choir.

    Kim--I also enjoy going thru houses for sale just to see what people have done and get ideas.

    Ell & Jennifer-welcome you have come to a great place and we always have room for one more.

    Carol--WOW!! congrates.

    Patty--I bet you did great on the test. Glad you got it done.

    Gail--beautiful flowers thanks so much for sharing

    Tina--thanks and same to you!

    Laura--no one is perfect and we never give up on anyone. Welcome back!!

    Well I am all caught up and what an afternoon. After I started the prep for the colonoscopy I realized the pills they gave me were the wrong ones so called the pharamacy and they brought out the right ones in the meantime I took one so that has been fun. Then my sister called to say dad was in an ambulance and the way to Kearney and she was bringing mom. His lung was full and when they tried to drain it there was a problem. I told them I can not come tonight, but will come over when I am done tomorrow. He has dicdied to go on hospice and that is for the best. He has not been getting any stronger and he is tried.
    So going to get thru tonight and get over there soon as I can tomorrow. Have a good night all and stay warm!
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    evening ladies,
    i have gone through a 13 x 9 pan of brownies in 3 days, wont be buying brownie mix again..
    I am so emotionally and physically drained. gonna go to bed soon..
    drove down this morning to the nursing home,he wanted out.. the hospital forgot to send his leg braces and shoes,but Iris brought them and extra clothes for him..
    he polished off his breakfast ,sat with a few gentlemen in the dining room..
    everyone down there was very very nice, it will take him a bit to get used to it...
    from our house to there is 8 minutes:bigsmile: i will be going down again in the morning to check on him again, just to make him comfortable...
    and now im going to bed, these past couple of weeks have just been horrible eating wise, but I will get back on track
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I agree Vicki some people are just rude, I stopped at a steak and shake while traveling once and ordered 2 hot dogs, no fries, no onion rings just the hot dogs. The waitress came back after I ordered and asked if I was going to eat them both here or did I want one to go. I was flabbergasted, the manager was sitting next to me at the counter planning the waitress stations, I asked her if the waitress was going to ask the guy across from us if he was going to eat both those patties on that burger now or was he going to take one home, needless to say I didn't pay for my hotdogs. Tigress from GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: My life is so perfect that it’s hard to imagine a way to make my birthday any better than a regular day. Jake got up early to be able to watch me open my birthday cards. I asked him to give me no gift and he did what I asked and bought me no gift. We went out to eat on Friday so today I get to eat my regular at home food that I love best. There is no place I want to go this week, but we’ve planned a trip to go to an event that we really want to go to in July. I spent part of my morning with my great friends on MFP. Jake knows that one thing I don’t get enough of, is time alone in the house so he went out for almost two hours this morning to take care of errands so I could have the house to myself. While we ate lunch, we watched the rest of DWTS that we didn’t finish last night. I love my DVR. Possibly the best treat of all is that the dryer repairman came this afternoon to fix the dryer. While he was here I took the dogs into the bedroom so they wouldn’t bark at him. We lay down on the bed and I fell asleep and slept for almost two hours.

    :flowerforyou: No one that we know personally was involved in the mudslide that was about two hours away from us but we’ve heard of relatives of friends of friends. Robin, Bodi, and Ritter probably live closer to that area than I do.

    :flowerforyou: Jill, I gave up bread, cheese, and processed foods to keep sodium down. I avoid restaurants as much as possible. I have occasional days when I make the choice to have a higher sodium meal. One thing I’ve discovered is that spicy, tasty, salty food makes me want to eat more and plainer, bland foods leave me satisfied at the end of the meal.

    :flowerforyou: Jennifer, you have joined our friendly community just by posting. I hope you will come back regularly and join the conversation.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, thank you for the birthday wishes…..the $11.00 dividend may not buy much but the stocks have value and will be useful someday far in the future.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, thanks for posting the great scale photo.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I’m so glad you are back……just jump right back in and start logging your food and we’ll support your journey.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, thank you for the birthday wishes…..bathing a dog burns a lot of calories….I think there’s some website that would tell you the calories burned.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, congrats on carrying the 50lb bags….I feel great when I carry the 40 pound container of cat litter.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki,thank you for the birthday wishes……I like books better than reading on an electronic device…..I like searching for books on the library website, requesting that the library hold the chosen book and then stop in and pick It up when I’m in town.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, how did I miss your onederland??? Congratulations. I remember when I reached it I was sitting next to some stranger at the Y and told her. She just looked at me like I was so weird. Of course she looked pretty trim, so did her husband. Onederland was also the time when I finally told Charlie what I weighed and what I had started at. I did not have the kind of supportive husband like so many of you are so lucky to have. He thinks he is supportive but it doesn't come out that way at all. I sure hope I never go back to that terrible place again but yet I know what I did last night. Yep, I was kind of like Allison and ate a whole bag of rice cake snacks. Now it wasn't the same amount of calories but I still know that my food addiction is just like an alcoholics addiction.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Moving the appliances back into the kitchen tomorrow. Tile guy forgot to add the stain resistant stuff to the grout so he will be back Friday to do that. He can just put something over the top apparently. We looked at new refrigerators and dishwashers today. When all is done and decorated I will post pics. It will be very nice when done. I am not looking forward to the floors, but after this project the carpet has to go.

    Welcome to everyone new, this is a great group!

    Have a wonderful evening everyone, sleep well.

    Cindy in OK :yawn: :heart:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sylvia - wooohooo congrats on Onderland. I'm doing the happy dance for you :happy: :flowerforyou: I can't wait to see it myself. It will be awhile yet.

    Barbie - sounds like you had a perfect birthday. Congrats!! I absolutely love my DVR as well. I am no longer controlled by the shows I want to watch.

    Joyce & Allison - I'm with you, I know that my food addiction is just one potato chip away from getting out of control again.

    Sue in SD - congrats on lifting those bags, isn't it great how strong we are becoming?

    Michelle - I wasn't far behind you, my DS was born 30 years ago next month

    DS's 30th bday is coming up and I have absolutely no idea what to get him. I'd like to get something special for him but I don't think this milestone means that much to him. Anyone with suggestions?

    Have a great night

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hardest time of the day. All I want to do is snack. I've stayed within my calorie allowance and my worst has been Skinny Pop...oh, and some Endangered Species dark chocolate.

    grandmallie STOP the madness. You deserve better:flowerforyou:

    Sweet dreams (no sugar added) to all.

    Gloria in Metro Detroit