The Big Three: What Are Your Maxes?

For those that don't know, The Big Three are the deadlift, squat, and bench press.

What are your maxes for the Big Three? And what are your strength goals for 2014?

I'll start:

Age: 21
Gender: M

Current Maxes:
Bench Press: 225 for 8 (Been neglecting chest for a while. Barely did 225 for 4 reps today)
Squat: 315 for 1, 245 for 1 for the front squat
Deadlift: 425 for 1 (only chalk was used)

Bench Press: 335 for 1
Squat: 405 for 1
Deadlift: 495 for 1


  • Lehzer
    Lehzer Posts: 6 Member
    Male / 22

    Jan 2013 I was 120lbs
    Jan 2014 I was 160lbs

    Lifted weights for a couple years in high school without any real gains b/c I didn't know what I was doing.
    Gave up for a year and decided to get back into it late 2012.
    Bulked for a year starting at 3000 calories and was at 4500 by the end of it.
    Currently have 2 weeks left in my cut and I'm at 147lbs.
    I'll go down to 140ish lbs then bulk again.

    Obviously my lifting stats aren't great but here they are.

    Bench: 185 for 5 reps
    Deadlift: 245 for 5 reps
    Squat: 200 for 5 reps
  • robrusleg
    robrusleg Posts: 7 Member
    That's pretty good! What's your height? I forgot to add in that I'm 5'9".

    I was cutting, but since I hates the strength and size loss and I wasn't prepping for any shows, I decided to continue on a very slow and controlled bulk. My plan is to gain 1 pound a month for at least 10 months
  • Lehzer
    Lehzer Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'10

    Yea I plan to bulk slower next time around.
    From April 2014 - April 2015 I want to go from 140 to 165 lbs
  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    M, 24

    Start Weight: 208 lbs
    Current Weight: 199lbs

    Started training real hard after an extended hiatus due to knee injury (couldn't run or lift for 6 months) in late November. It's been frustrating having to basically start over, but I'm getting results pretty fast.

    Bench: 185lbs @ 8x3
    Deadlift: 270lbs @ 8x3
    Squat: 225lbs @ 5x3 my squat sucks, mostly feel like I am babying the knee still, afraid to wreck it again :(

    I would like to be at:

    Bench: 225lbs
    Deadlift: 315lbs
    Squat: 270lbs

    by the end of summer. Based on current progress I have been having, feeling like that is pretty obtainable.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    F, 29, 5'3

    BP = 115lbs 3 reps
    DL = 205lbs 1 rep
    Back Squat = 165lb 3 reps

    I've only been strength training for 8months, but I've been going to the gym for 10 years off and on not knowing jack, and was focused on cardio and machines, which I would lose interest in after a month or so, but only with discovering weight lifting, did I discover my love for the gym and iron. :love:
  • mongolianfire
    BP 250x2
    squat 250x2
    Deadlift 250x2

    Goal is to reach 300 on each. My legs should be stronger. I have no excuses there.
  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    M, 57, 5'9"

    BP = 155lbs 4 reps
    DL = 315lbs 5 reps
    Squat = 275lbs 5 reps

    Those are all at least two months or longer ago. I went through two weeks of detraining in early March and have reset my working sets to 80% of where I was before the detraining. May take some time to get back to those numbers. Currently trying to maintain weight and do body recomp.
  • JMoore221979
    35, 6 feet, 250ish
    Bench - don't know as I use dumbbells, use 150lb dbs for bench x 6, last time I actually benched was 320 x 10 but I don't have a spotter.
    Deads - 580 - should do 6 pretty soon here.
    Squats - 520 to just below parallel.

    Good luck all!
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    35, 6 feet, 250ish
    Bench - don't know as I use dumbbells, use 150lb dbs for bench x 6, last time I actually benched was 320 x 10 but I don't have a spotter.
    Deads - 580 - should do 6 pretty soon here.
    Squats - 520 to just below parallel.

    Good luck all!

    Now that is beast mode!

    Bench - 265 for 1
    Squat - 300 for 1
    Dead - 425 for 1

    216 pounds
    33 years old
    6'2" tall
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    38yo male 5'6, 215

    Squat 305x3

    Deads 200x6

    Bench 155x6

    Have a goal to bench BW by end of 2014
  • JMoore221979
    Ever do rack pulls??? That will help your grip and deadlift out a ton.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Male, 40 y/o

    Squat = 450x1
    Bench w/ Pause = 320x1
    Deadlift = 415x1

    Plan on entering my first powerlifting comp next year.
    Goals by then:

    Squat = 500
    Bench w/ Pause = 375-400
    Deadlift = 475-500
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread, better than the "is a calorie REALLY a calorie?" or the "Can I beat the F*** out of this dead horse anymore?" threads!
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Male, 40 y/o

    Squat = 450x1
    Bench w/ Pause = 320x1
    Deadlift = 415x1

    Plan on entering my first powerlifting comp next year.
    Goals by then:

    Squat = 500
    Bench w/ Pause = 375-400
    Deadlift = 475-500

    Knew you would jump in sooner or later, I am sure you can brag about that additional FS PR you just busted out
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Male, 40 y/o

    Squat = 450x1
    Bench w/ Pause = 320x1
    Deadlift = 415x1

    Plan on entering my first powerlifting comp next year.
    Goals by then:

    Squat = 500
    Bench w/ Pause = 375-400
    Deadlift = 475-500

    Knew you would jump in sooner or later, I am sure you can brag about that additional FS PR you just busted out

    HA HA!!
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Male 44 y/o

    Squat = 305 x 2
    Bench (touch n go) = 255 x 3
    Deadlift = 395

    2014 Goals set at first of the year:

    Squat = 315 by May 1
    DeadLift = 405 by June 1
    Bench = 300 by end of year
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,721 Member
    51Y F
    99 lb
    5' 9"

    I can't do squats of deadlfts since becoming disabled in 2011 as a result of illness.

    BP: 134.5
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    32 Yrs old, Male, 205Lb's

    Gym Lifts -

    Bench - 150KG\330Lb's
    Squat - 210KG\462Lb's
    Deadlift - 255KG\562Lb's

    Best PL Comp Lifts -

    Bench - 145KG\319Lb's
    Squat - 190KG\418Lb's
    Deadlift - 250KG\551Lb's
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,721 Member
    Whoops mine was x8 x3. But yeah, disabled.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    5'11", 26 yrs old.
    174 - 175 lbs

    Bench : ??? Haven't tested anytime soon... but I'm hoping somewhere around 225+... It is my weakest lift by far. I was running Smolov so went all of last month with no benching and haven't tested in the months. Planning on testing Saturday, and if it is below 225, I'll probably just let the barbell drop and decapitate myself due to sadness ;(
    Squat: 325
    Dead: 405

    Planning on retesting the big 3 this Saturday so I can recalculate post deload.