It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    eek, an Thalia,

    I LOVE YOU GUYS SO PROUD of you BOTH! WTG LAdies! Guess what I got back to the gym today and i loved it! My infction is still not gone but I got antibiotics and an going at it! O check in with you all soon!
  • thalia--24 to 14, is pretty freaking amazing, i'd say!!

    myth--glad to know you're feeling better. :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Drjei, welcome aboard. Always glad to have new faces.

    Proud of EEk I wore size 8 jeans in High School (35 years ago). I will just be glad to get into 18 and shop at regular size shops, instead of Fuller figure places.

    New sorry you were sick. I have streep throat and can not talk much. I am starting to feel better after a shot in the rear.

    Myth Glad to hear your back at the gym. You will be back in 10s soon.

  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    New, sorry for the delay in getting back to you about the kitty- I HAVE now replied (sorry it was so long) to your post on the cat site. Hopefully it helps.
    On a more pertinent note ladies, this guy's not goin' away anytime soon. Having grown up with 5 sisters, I try to tell myself I understand the female psyche enough to have a good conversation with those of the XX chromosome. My wife, however, would tell you that I'm a typical, clueless male with just enough femine side to get away with it :-)
    Anyway, going to go to bed and rub said sweetheart's back (as requested just now) to aid in sleep and relaxation.
    New- size 24 to 14! WOW! Can't imagine! I'm trying my best to get back into size 32 waist jeans! (Currently 34)
    good luck to you all!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    well with the work on my teeth and my cat issue I think i gained everything i lost and maybe some :sad: However its no lost cause even 5 lbs by xmas will make me happy and i started counting again and will try to go to gym tonight. Thanks drjei and if u want to read the posts on the website since and offer more insight whether it be on there or on here (i know on there they are very opinionated-and if its not the way they think watch out lol) but i am going to take him next monday. I have to be there by 7 am :sick: ....i usually go ro bed at 4 so i must love him! hopefully ill have 12 days of gym and healthy eating so i can look semi good for xmas pics :noway: :laugh: Drjei im glad your sticking around! :flowerforyou:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Well folks last wednesday was not good. :( But it just made me mad enough to kick myself in the butt. Now D close your eyes and dont read this lol That time of the month is comming I know cause the girls have swelled so I dont think Ill know what I will weigh till after mother nature comes which sucks cause I plan on doing 1 hr classes then 30 min at the gym every day this week! and i am tracking my food on ww! So we shall see.

    Now on a Happy note.... who is ready for xmass?????? NOT ME screamed the mom with 11 people in her house already and possibly 2 more the day before xmass! But it is nice to have family! :)
  • Myth--11 people already! wow... i've got to admit i'm kind of jealous! my family is so spread out, not just across canada, but on other continents so... we rarely see each other :frown: but on a happy note YES i'm ready for christmas (more like the break that comes with it lol) but i still have some shopping to do... next week. I'm such a procrastinator :)

    Thalia--hope things go well on monday... and just hang in there and get back on track, we're all here for you !

    Drjei--wow 5 sisters. that's intense lol. glad you're sticking around :):)

    I've been doing pretty well lately, and my life seems to be relatively calm right now. I'm enjoying it a lot. I've started taking a couple minutes a day in the morning to just sit and think about anything I think i need to think about (if that made any sense). I find i'm more focused all day if i just get my priorities straight. I'm off to study. Sigh.:grumble:
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    Alright ladies...I'm still here:tongue: ! So yeah...I left out the other half of my family, which is 6 brothers. Yeah, that's right, there are 12 of us. (1 mom and dad). I'm the baby boy, with a sister 2 years younger than me. My mom is 86 this year, and still sane in spite of all of that! The big family thing is pretty cool...we all get along, although as you get older you realize the siblings you REALLY can hang with, and those you love in spite of themselves:ohwell:
    So, since it is the "time of the month" topic...I'll just mention that when the water weight goes away the week after, you look even thinner, right?! That's what I tell my hon when she gets on the scale around that time. Anyway, the potential 13 people in the house for dinner would be the biggest stressor IMO! Best of luck w/ that! We have 2 kiddos, 10 and 6, and 4 of us in the house most of the time is enough. If we want more, we go to Grandma's house :laugh:
    Thalia, hang in there lady! You're doin' the right thing w/ the kitty, and it oughta work out OK. Consider it giving him an extra 2-4 years of life, which is the difference between neutered and non-neutered cat life spans. I know this is easy for me to say, but don't get into the "sympathy eating" thing for him...he'll do enough of that on his own! LOL No, actually, most males don't seem to miss them much..,.might work with agressive males of the human species too! :devil:
    Nice to "get to know" all of ya!
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    OK- question for all of you...I figure you guys are the experts on this weight loss thing! I've been working out religiously for the past 6 weeks, and have only lost 5ish pounds, but my pants are loose...muscle weight gain maybe? I know I've got the whole Y chromosome thing going, so maybe that is how my body works...any thoughts? I REALLY want to lose a good 20 pounds, and my ultimate target weight would be 35 pounds lost... is there a better way to lose? I'm watching my "allowed" calories, and am usually below them, and I'm currently alternating cardio days (recumbent bike) with strength training days (bowflex, crunches, pushups, pullups, etc.)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    My body did the same thing when I did more weight classes then cardio. Now you said your alternating but it could be the same thing. Have you done measerments? I was surprised when I did mine. My weight stayed same but measerments were different. People say muscle weighs more then fat but a lot of trainers cringe when they here that crap as they put it lol. I say keep at it maybe ad a little more cardio. I stopped all weight training and did more cardio and the weight started comming again. But I noticed my skin didnt look as even as it had...... JUST DONT STOP!

    my weight was down this week at WW! YYEEAAHHH!!!!! And I have altered one of our family recipes tonight with applesauce instead of butter and cant wait to see what it taste like! The batter was good lol. Ill let you all know. :)
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey huys....D id say do your measurments!!! There was times when i didnt lose weight but lost inches so Myth is right
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    :wink: Thank for the input guys (gals:wink: ) I'll have to think about how I feel taking my measurements LOL.
    Really though, how interesting- diet and exercise really do work. I do know that the money I spent on larger pants last month may have been wasted (YAY!) because they're definitely gettin' loose! Have a good one y'all!
  • Belated Season's Greetings to everybody! I know I definitely indulged in a bit more than I should have... but overall, I did well, food-wise the past couple of days. Today I'm fully back on board!

    Hope everyone's having a good time! :flowerforyou:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    It has been an interesting year for this group. I have enjoyed every minute of time I can spend with fellow weight controllers. I weighed Jan 1 2010 at 345lbs and Jan 1 2011 at 314lbs. That is about 2 pounds a month is what my Dr wants me to lose. It will take forever to get below 200, but I will keep posting and with any control I should be there by 5 years. Hope you guys don't mind hanging around that long. :bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful 2011.

  • Congrats chip gal! This is my new names my fellow groupies. Same as last but 2011 at the end. Had problems with my old account. Hope everyone had a great new year. Iv logged for three days straight. Have been mostly on target for my first goal is just to make sure i record everyday so I am more aware!

    I was going to start a new post for the new year how does everyone feel about that? Miss talking to everyone. Here is to us:drinker:
  • oh make sure to send me friend requests!!!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    COngrats on the weight loss. I was gonna ask how everyone did from last year till now. SO WTG! Slow and stead wins the race!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    New begining, what ever you want to do grop wise is good for me just yell at us when ever you do it.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    OK folks, come on give us your updates, chip gave us hers and has lost 21 pounds last year and I have lost 20! Yeah us chip!!!!! come on folks talk to us! It has been one heck of a year!
  • I dunno how much weight I've lost since I don't have a scale, but when I started I was just over 150 pounds, and in December I was just over 140, so around I've lost around 10. Body fat % went from 33% to 28%, so still some work to do there :tongue: and I went from a size 10/12 to 8. Woohoo :smile:
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