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barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

:bigsmile: Welcome to the community of supportive and encouraging friends you’ve been looking for.

:flowerforyou: The title says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

:flowerforyou: This is the place to check in regularly, share what’s going on, ask questions, and offer support to others.

:glasses: How did you do with your March goals and resolutions?

:glasses: What goals and resolutions have you set for April?

:bigsmile: I look forward to another month of great adventures with all of you who’ve been here before and with the new friends I haven’t met yet.

:flowerforyou: If you sign your name (or an alias) and your location it makes it easier to get to know each other.

:heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

March Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*do weight training and yoga on alternate days (missed a few days)
*add triceps pushups to weight training (yes)
*act the way I want to feel (yes)
*finish updating my will (finished, signed, and placed in the safe deposit box)
My word for 2014 is “mindful”

April Resolutions
*add leg lifts with ankle weights to weight training
*do weight training and yoga on alternate days
*don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good
*work in the yard 30 minutes four days a week


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    gail - I divided up the brownies onto two plates, one I'll take to the place where I take the extremepump class and the other I'll take to the Y. The other batch I made for myself I'll just keep. Personally, I don't mind them not being real sweet.

    Sandy - hope you're better soon

    jb - I wish I had even 1/10th your talent

    margaret - good for you cleaning out. Doesn't it feel good to be donating things?

    barbie - I used to have to take my bedspread to the laundromat to dry it. Now in this house I spread it out on the railing on the deck or on the porch. We just didn't have either one of those in the old house, I didn't have any place where I could put it out to dry (except maybe for on top of bushes)

    Carol in NC - Vince said today that when we go bowling Wed. he'll probably be bowling in shorts. I just said to him "there's no way I'll let anyone see my white legs so I'll be in slacks". but I'll probably have on a very short sleeved shirt.

    Cherylbeverly - welcome.

    Kim - that's interesting that you stitched thru two layers of fabric. I know I got some stockings for Jessica and it never dawned on me that there'd be any problem getting them embroidered, but most places were having a problem with that. Someone I know said she took them apart, embroidered the name on it, then stitched them back together. I didn't think you could embroider thru two layers of fabric! Jessica has a friend who is having a baby and she asked Jessica to be a godmother. To me, this family is a little "off". There are going to be two godmothers, the mom picked one (Jessica) and the hubby picked the other (his ex-wife). Yet, her sister gave her a shower. Originally, she was going to have her shower the day after Jessica's, but then the mother changed the date because of the weather. They made food for something like 30 people but Jess said only about 10 came. I have no idea why, but the mother's mother brought left over cake from the other shower. I don't even try to figure out this family. When this girl got married, she had something like 7 bridesmades.

    Brenda - you betcha choosing the smaller size at the movies is an NSV. See how you're changing

    patty - great that you are down. I usually find that not eating in the evening produces a loss for me. If I eat anything -- anything at all - I can be guaranteed of a gain the next day.

    Cindy in OK - so glad you're feeling better.

    Kathy - congrats on making the Dean's List! So glad you're back!

    Gloria - as long as you're feeling tighter, that's the most important measurement of all.

    Lucy - I've found that when I have protein, I'm much less hungry. I try to have some protein in the mornings and some with my other meals

    Sylvia - how can you eliminate the dust in your studio?

    barbie - what a cute graphic!!!

    Michele in NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: happy spring everyone
    Goals for april are same as march which need some improvements,
    Best wishes to all
    Juanita in sudbury
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    April....where life meets spring
  • Deb23455
    Deb23455 Posts: 17 Member
    My name is Deb and I live in Virginia Beach. I've been reading the March posts and this seems like a great and lively group. I joined MFP almost 2 years ago and have been in off and on but never a joiner. But I think I need some company while I go through this again!
    A few years ago I lost about 50 pounds and have regained them all after getting remarried. I am almost 58 and it just gets harder to lose the weight.
    Long story short--I want to get to a healthy weight and I am on my way-- I have lost about 17 pounds since late January. I am setting goals at 7% at a time based on my health insurance plan virtual plan, so I have 14 pounds to go on my second cycle.
    Goals for April:
    Lose 5 pounds
    Start weight training 3 times per at the gym I just joined while maintaining at least 40 minutes of cardio 5 times per week.
    Oh yes--I am moving from one house to another.
    Live through the month!

    I hope to get to know you!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, my goal for the month was to visit Onederland, and I did. Since then I've been bouncing back and forth so I've hit Onederland several times now.

    My goal for April is five more pounds.

  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I made my goal for March.

    My goal for April is to lose 10 pounds and burn 3500 calories a week.

    Ell in Tucson
  • christschild2
    christschild2 Posts: 97 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Good misty morning beautiful women! :flowerforyou:

    Busy day today. Up early after a sleepless night to beautify myself for yoga.:laugh: Didn't sleep because I was geeting nervous sbout the jag adventure.:tongue:
    After yoga we have an end of term coffee in the pub, then home for lunch.
    Pm DH is off to pick up our prescriptions and to do some food shopping. I will be packijg and no doubt fussing about.:tongue::laugh:
    Then an easy supper and off to the W I. Memo to self - do not eat the cakes that are in the competition!

    I hope I sleep tonight. I know the nap I had yesterday meant I was awake a lot last night, so I will have to resist dozing off.

    I was worrying about the journey tomorrow, it's a few hours to where we collect the jag, then about driving to the hotel in time to make myself beautiful and get down to the restaurant for pre-dinnner canapés! ! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh:
    When I did fall asleep I dreamt about sports cars!

    My March goals were
    Lose 1lb - yes, done.
    Knee exercises - some, but not as many as I would like
    Memoir - no.:frown:
    Meditations - some and did quite a bit of spiritual reading.

    April goals
    Lose 1lb.
    Do a bit more driving

    Right, must get off to yoga.
    Bye, Heather in Hampshire UK
  • stow62
    stow62 Posts: 11
    :flowerforyou: Morning Everyone, My name is Val and I live in London, I've just started today and being fat and 50+ need some help and support, need to loose at least 1 stone, before friends arrive from Australia in June, I know this is achievable, must cut down on :drinker: !! Plus my lovely daughter is a baking queen she has her own cup cake and birthday cake business and I'm chief taster:smile: which will have to stop till after I've lost the weight.

    Have joined our local free park exercise club so off to boxercise class tonight, never done this before so hope it's good fun, then Thu its flow yoga again never done this before, but am feeling motivated to have a go.

    April goal is to loose weight, cut back on wine and have fun at the exercise classes.
  • jannof
    jannof Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I'm Jan from NH and my April goals are: losing 5 lbs and running my first 10K :smile: " best wishes to everyone and their goals!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    What beautiful graphics Barbie!
    Heather hope you have a gala time.
    April is here hope we all reach our goals.
    New academic session began today, at school.
    My motto would be:
    Dont take things personally.
    Let not the Perfect be the enemy of the Good.
    Best wishes
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    morning ladies~ gonna go race walk, and stop being a slug.. had all the confidence to get my butt to the gym,but fell back asleep:grumble:
    have to be into work at 9;30 so off I go
    I slept almost 11 hrs :noway:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: Thank you so much for keeping the thread going:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele:smile: This is wonderful spring time weather:glasses: !!!! I don`t blame Vince for wearing shorts, but I`m like you, I have lily white legs:ohwell: , even in the summer:tongue: ! I`m looking for a self tanner than actually looks like a tan and not like I`ve rolled around in orange mud:laugh: ! I will remind you...wear sunscreen when you`re outside:glasses: !!!

    Renny:smile: I am wishing you a "boring" April:flowerforyou: . Sounds like March was a bit of a headache!

    Heather:smile: Dreaming of sports cars....ah...I think I`d like to dream of a sport car with a handsome hunk driving me around:blushing: :laugh: !

    Anamika:smile: So nice to see your post! Good luck with the new session at school:flowerforyou: !

    Juanita:smile: Are you thawing out yet? I wish I could send you and all the other ladies in Canada and the northern states some of the beautiful sunshine and warm temps we`re having right now:glasses: !

    Christchild:smile: Didn`t you have some important news to tell us:huh: ! Nice to see your post!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Hope you`ll pop in often and chat away with us!

    I haven`t made any goals lately:frown: , I`m still trying to get the scale to move in the right direction:sad: ! I keep trying different things and nothing seems to be working, I think I will try to find a place to get my resting metabolism tested...maybe that will help!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC where it is beautiful:glasses:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Welcome Deb23455 and Val

    Barbie, Love the graphics, you did a great job!

    My goals for April are to:
    Lose 10 lbs, exercise 400 minutes a week, prepare more of my own food and drink a minimum of 60 oz of water a day.

    Although I don't have the offical word a am positive I passed my Personal Trainer test and that alone is something to help motivate me. Before coming to Myfitness Pal I'd lost 90 lbs but still have a lot to go. I have to live the life and set the example if I want to help others achieve better health and well being. This winter has been harder on me than any other I can remember. The weather, snow and cold, combine with menapause and extra work hours sitting at a desk has not just stopped the weight loss but has added to the weight. But, no more! This thread has been a real inspiration as well, getting to know others in the journey, getting tips and recipes, I thank you one and all.
    Health and happiness to all today,
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump to mark the new thread -- hope everyone has a great day.

    Gail, metro ATL (where the birds are chirping away outside)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Good morning!

    March Goals:
    1. Exercise EVERY day (75%)
    2. Log EVERYTHING ever day (yes)
    3. Plan meals a week in advance (not a lot of success with this one)
    4. Stay within my calorie budget EVERY day. (sadly no)
    5. Lose 4 pounds (yes, yes, yes lost 5.5 pounds!)
    6. And because life has been difficult lately, naming at least 5 things I'm thankful for/happy about EVERY day! (most days and it helps the outlook immensely)

    April Goals:
    1. Exercise every day
    2. Log everything
    3. Stay within my calorie budget
    4. Lose 4 pounds
    5. Maintain an attitude of thankfulness

    Beth in WNY
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy April my lovelies

    Madly busy over here. Working flat out to make sure I get time to fly over to Germany regularly to see my darling new granddaughter, Elli baby. My eldest daughter and I are going over again at the end of this month and I can barely wait.

    Super stressed with my gallbladder problems. I had to delay the surgery to have it removed because there just wasn't enough time for me to have it done and work, and look after my dad, and get over to see my babies. I have put it off until after my dad his pacemaker fitted and will then try to get it done asap. In the meantime I just hope I don't have to have it done as an emergency.

    I miss spending time chatting to all my friends on MFP. Hopefully life will be back to normal one day and I'll get time to sit with a coffee and catch up. Until that day, I wish you all happy.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Hello, I am 52 and joined MFP a few days ago. I started working out again the beginning of Feb with Daily Burn beginner and I have seen a lot of improvement. after 4 weeks of that I moved on to some harder workouts and now I am on day 6 of the 30 Day shred. Glad to meet new friends for support and motivation.
  • shellyblle
    shellyblle Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, just joined MFP one week ago. I'm 69and need to lose another 20lbs. Have made my goal for March. Now hope to lose 10lbs by May 6, vacation date! Walking 40mins each day but have not added in strength training. Any tips etc gratefully accepted. Loved reading the blogs.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Beautiful, sunny day here; supposed to be near 70----I can't believe it, would do backflips if I could! Taking neighbor to lunch later for her birthday..........she gets to pick, so no idea where at this point. Her BD was Sat. but they had company so I just took her a French Coconut pie (her fav). Hope to do a little in the yard today.

    Heather..........Those affirmations are very familiar; one of my yoga instructors says them after each session---just about identical. Hope your jag experience is even better than you expect!

    Barbie............What a marvelous greeting to start the thread for the month!!! You truly outdid yourself; I love the graphic. Thank you!!!

    I have made the decision to call and give Gwen's sister a heads up on the situation. Gwen had a dr. appt. yesterday; dr. says her kidney labs are back in normal range. (!!!!) YAY!!! She's becoming her snappish, grumpy self, so I know she's feeling better---argues, fights and protests everything, then, when she's really sick, she's a lamb. Still "seeing" the bugs, though. Dr. seems happy with her physical progress; my opinion is that the mental issues are escalating.

    Belated wishes for Mother's Day to all our UK posters!

    Best to everyone,