
  • ackman2002
    ackman2002 Posts: 69 Member
    Biggest tip? Organ Donation. Got an extra lung and kidney, give'm away. Spleen, Gall Bladder, pancreas - not needed....Donate 60% of your liver while you're at.
  • Kaosgeneral
    Kaosgeneral Posts: 7 Member
    Stop fixating about the number on your scales, in fact only weigh yourself every week. Too many people get discouraged and quit because they weigh themselves every day
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Find the balance that you can live with for the rest of your life.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    my biggest tip: take it one day at a time.. and make that day count.:drinker:
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    My biggest tip is right on my profile page..............

    "You want more then you have now?............PROVE IT!!!"
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    I have a few.
    Learn to read food labels. Count calories. Track EVERYTHING you eat, no just some of it.
    Eat lots of fresh vegetables and some fruits.
    Work out. But also make sure to take a rest day.
    Treat yourself to a cheat meal once in a while so you dont binge.
    When you feel like giving up, think about yourself a couple weeks, OR months from now and imagine if you stuck to your plan, how much closer you could be to your goal.
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    Get a toddler.

    Keep it with you at all times.

    When you want to eat, you will obviously have to share it with the toddler (unless you want it to explode with rage, or you want to lock yourself in the bathroom to eat a snack, and that would be a bit sad, wouldn't it?)

    So, choose your snack. If you feel uncomfortable giving half of it to the toddler - because it's high in salt, sugar, because it's really crappy food - make another choice, something you'd be happy to share. Now you've eaten something good.

    If you're happy to give some to the toddler, give it half. Now you've eaten less.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    on top of everything else thats been said, you could try this:


    i drink it daily, it makes me feel good. :) cant say if it actually helps with weight loss, but it makes sense, so why not!

    also found this additional info on it:

    The only true cinnamon is Ceylon cinnamon from Ceylon.

    Cassia cinnamon comes from a different plant, the Cassia tree, that grows in parts of China and Asia. The plants are related, however, they offer vastly different health benefits.

    Both plants offer heart health, and blood regulating health benefits but where they differ is in their level of coumarins. Cassia cinnamon contains high amounts of coumarins. Coumarins help blood to coagulate.

    Ingesting too many coumarins, which are found in Cassia cinnamon, can pose health risks for some people.

    Many people don’t know this and they mistakenly ingest large quantities of Cassia cinnamon which contains high amounts of coumarin.

    If you use cinnamon often make sure it is from Ceylon.
  • missbirrell
    missbirrell Posts: 133
    Weigh/measure everything.
    Have patience, weight loss takes time.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Morning sickness did wonders for me - lost 17 lbs in 7 weeks with this one, 29lbs in 12 weeks with my first. Only thing that worked better than that was giving birth - lost 30+ lbs in 6 weeks.

    Aside from that, weight loss comes down to 4 words - "eat less, move more."
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Get a toddler.

    Keep it with you at all times.

    When you want to eat, you will obviously have to share it with the toddler (unless you want it to explode with rage, or you want to lock yourself in the bathroom to eat a snack, and that would be a bit sad, wouldn't it?)

    So, choose your snack. If you feel uncomfortable giving half of it to the toddler - because it's high in salt, sugar, because it's really crappy food - make another choice, something you'd be happy to share. Now you've eaten something good.

    If you're happy to give some to the toddler, give it half. Now you've eaten less.

    Or give the toddler that high sugar item anyways and burn 500-1000 calories chasing them all over until they crash.
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Make sure the changes you are making are changes that are sustainable forever and don't demonize food.
  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    Patience. You might not see the results right away, but others will at first. Just believe in what your doing and stick to it .
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    count calories (accurately).
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
  • highsix6
    highsix6 Posts: 1
    No white flour, white sugar or High fructose corn syrup. Lay off processed foods and exercise 30 min to an hour a day.
    Don't worry about your weight as much as your waist size.
  • Shell_1384
    Shell_1384 Posts: 80 Member
    Consistent, honest, and dedicated logging in MFP. Keeps me accountable for my actions (and meals).
  • Shell_1384
    Shell_1384 Posts: 80 Member

    HAHA! This is great :)
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    Stop fixating about the number on your scales, in fact only weigh yourself every week. Too many people get discouraged and quit because they weigh themselves every day

    This. Also be sure to take photos and measurements. That's where you will truly be able to see progress and keep motivated.