

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi ladies!

    My great news/accomplishment for the day was doing my T25 at 5:30 this morning since I had a full day and knew it would be hard to impossible to do this evening.

    The not so great news is that I just ate some Snickers ice cream, that someone ELSE brought in to the house, while skimming the posts.:smokin: Pretty sure, even counting it, I'll still stay within my calorie limits for today...with some to spare for my nighttime Skinny Pop attack. Still, not good in the April effort to rid my body of added sugars, never mind all the other "non food" crap they put in ice cream.

    Glad to see lots of new gals. Some interesting reading for the past couple of days.

    Have some busy days coming up. Aaron's got 1/2 days tomorrow and Friday and then Spring Break next week. Not going on any trips quite yet...as much as we both need to run away but I do plan to surprise him with his XBOX on Friday when he gets home. Going to buy it tomorrow and have Grandpa install it while he's at school Friday morning.

    Hoping for some good weather next week so we can get out on our bikes, roller blades, etc. If not there's always mall walking and roller skating:laugh:

    Sparkle on,

    Gloria from Metro Detroit
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 351 Member
    Have a wonderful evening everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    well 17,000 steps thats a good, thing..
    running around like a chicken with my head cut off another..then went to work...
    to bed, and up to do it all over again
  • kitcat1163
    It is so nice to just take care of myself....It has been a long time since I had any hope of changing. I'm making slow baby steps and that's okay.. I have always been an all or nothing kind of person and it feels good to know that small steps are just as important as the big ones. Just feels great to realize that!

    Laura in NY
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    I like that kitcat. I seem to take care of everyone but myself and its time for me to do this for myself. I have to say, keeping the food diary on here is awesome. It tends to keep me on track for sure. I find some inspiration in your entry. Thank you ...its been a long day and I needed to read something nice.
  • georgecarl7
    georgecarl7 Posts: 42 Member
    My goal for April is to lose 10 pounds and burn at least 10,000 calories.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Why is it that if I can't finish my dinner I feel guilty and keep eating. I have fish and salad leftover, I am full, so why do I feel guilty? I've had to stop myself from stuffing it down. I guess it's the I don't want to waste it syndrome.
    Tigress in GA
  • kitcat1163
    I'm so glad it helped! Be kind to yourself.
  • kitcat1163
    I like that kitcat. I seem to take care of everyone but myself and its time for me to do this for myself. I have to say, keeping the food diary on here is awesome. It tends to keep me on track for sure. I find some inspiration in your entry. Thank you ...its been a long day and I needed to read something nice.

    I'm so glad it helped! Be kind to yourself.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am riding my exercise bike a lot now and starting to work in the yard and that’s taking away from the time I used to spend on the computer. I just read all the posts but didn’t try to reply to anyone individually.

    :flowerforyou: One of the most important principles I live by, especially in times of stress, is to stay in the moment. My life can overwhelm me if I try to deal with more than what is right in front of me.

    :heart: :bigsmile: Hugs and welcome to all the new posters on this thread……I hope you will keep coming back and not worry about whether you remember everyone or whether you can reply. Just show up and do what you can.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    25,000 steps today ---strength training----exercise bike—line dance class---garden puttering

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
    April Resolutions
    *add leg lifts with ankle weights to weight training
    *do weight training and yoga on alternate days
    *don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good
    *work in the yard 30 minutes four days a week
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Just wanted to post - only read to page 4 - will finish later tonight!!! man are we a chatty bunch

    Deb23455 – we post whatever suits us; diet, family, friends, recipes, stresses, successes…..
    Yanniejannie – You know we all have ups and downs, this too shall pass, and you’ll be back on track!
    Deb A – you must be a very proud mom; PHD at Duke is a lot of commitment and work. Congrats
    Michele – my guess is the folks you talked to have home machines – I run 2 large scale commercial machines… I did ask the gal if the tree was sick, and she said she was tired of leaves falling ….
    Kay – I have a dear friend in Edgar, WI are you anywhere near there?
    Ell – sounds like a great way to log it… when I question something like that I either ½ the time or don’t eat back the calories…
    Alison – OMG I could not believe what I was reading; you have had enough stress for the next 25 years!!! And I agree with everyone else buy something that you will wear again; and now it doesn’t have to be black; although I tend to stay with muted colors. Thinking of you and sending thoughts of peace and caring.
    Heather so sad about the Jag; but enjoy the more relaxed time away…
    Carol – have fun visiting W. Carolina U.
    JB – congrats on the pound!
    Sylvia – I always have a big garden, both corn and watermelon take a LOT of water - and corn needs to have many rows planted so they can pollinate each other – beans are good if you like them and they grow up.
    Kay – best wishes to you and your son…. Those sound like really hard goals… don’t set your self up for disappointment.

    more later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kim in N. Cal
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I would be very surprised if you are late planting a garden. We have a long growing season here, and I just planted snow peas. I bought a tiny tomato plant and two parsley plants and they’re the first I’ve seen in the stores. The parsley should be fine, but the tomato will need to be protected from cold for several more weeks. Look at Burpee online for ideas and information, and check with your county extension office. :flowerforyou:

    Debbie: Welcome to a wonderful group.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy in ON: Hugs. Sunshine, Vitamin D3 (I take D3 with calcium citrite) and exercise should all help fight the blues. If you can’t find real sunshine, use solar temperature lights. Exercise helps, too. I speak from a lifetime of experience.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Jane: It sounds like you’re getting the run around. I hope you get past it soon.:flowerforyou:

    Kay from NW WA: Good luck with your goals. I hope you’re able to get healthier for yourself, and that you or another good match can help your son. The OSO tragedy is heartbreaking. I hope you didn’t lose friends or relatives. Your diet goals look excellent. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: Congratulations! You’re making progress! I hope your mood improves as the days lengthen and the weather is more tolerable.:flowerforyou:

    Laura in NY: It is wonderful that you are able to appreciate the value of taking care of yourself. I think that is a victory all on its own.:flowerforyou:

    Georgecarl 17: A twenty-pound weight loss in one month is quite an extreme goal. It often seems to work best to take weight off a bit more slowly. It is easier on your body and has a higher chance of success.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: “Just show up and do what you can” is wise advice.:flowerforyou:

    I’ve had a sick day today. Stress, & the blues have hit me for the first time in almost a year. I am feeling better now that I’ve had a bit of rest.

    Katla in overcast NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks Barbie for the lovely Spring graphic. I'm just marking my spot tonight and will bet my act together tomorrow.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of yoga this morning and then an hour of deep water. Stopped to get Vince bread and then did some food shoppping (just for the items on sale that I had coupons for). Came home and for the first time in a loooonnngggg time I put my wet towel, bathing suit, water shoes, and water gloves out on the deck to dry.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a DVD by Jari Love, then I have to voluteer in the box office at the Green Room. In the evening I'm supposed to usher at the Green Room

    Just finished senior bowling. Tonight is Newcomer bowling. Well, only one more session of Newcomer bowling.

    Eli from Tuscon - you're making me hungry!!!! Sounds like your day was splendous

    Alison - how horrible for your brother!!! I just can't imagine. A meat and cheese platter with rolls sounds great. You know what someone did for my cousin when her sister passed away? they sent her one of those hogie rounds. She thought it was very handy. So I'm sure the meat and cheese platter will be greatly appreciated. Yes, get something you love and will wear again.

    Heather - oh no. I am so so sorry. I know the disappointment. I remember when Vince and I got married, I'd ordered a Rolls Royce. A day or two before the wedding it was in an accident. they did substitute another car, but I thought a Rolls would have been something else. But what could I do? Luckily, you were able to cancel

    Tigress - that's EXACTLY why I bring veggies or something. As a matter of fact, when we're supposed to bring something to Mexican Train, I have made a cake in the month of December since that's Vince's birthday month. But I also usually bring something that I'll eat. Otherwise, I don't bring a dessert.

    Carol in NC - try as much as possible to enjoy your trip. Hope you're feeling better

    Barb in VA - all the best for good results of the MRI

    Nancy, Debbie (sounds like you are really working hard at this), - welcome!

    Tina - how right you are when you said that the only failure is to give up.

    Sylvia - that was a great idea of posting to your online pottery group. Glad you got some positive responses

    Sue in SD - I love water exercise, little to no impact on the joints. The worst part (aside from having to walk past a mirror in a bathing suit) is that you really don't feel it that day. But the next day...watch out!

    jane - vent any time at all that you need to. We're here. So sorry you're going thru this

    Kay -we're glad to have ya. I can't think of any greater motivation to lose the weight than yours. When I first eliminated "whites", I tell ya it was about the hardest thing. But as time went on, I no longer craved them. Now I would honestly rather have a whole wheat roll than a white flour roll. Welcome

    Gloria - I'm very impressed that you got your workout in early in the day. Shows real dedication. What a wonderful surprise for Aaron. I'm sure he'll be over the top. You have to let us know his reaction

    Tigress - it most likely is that "waste not want not" mentality, that's why you feel you have to finish. I know I have that problem. Some of it is the way we were brought up (at least with me I'm sure it is)

    Welcome to anyone new that I may have missed

    Kim - the lady I talked to about the machines works at the Y, she was telling me that this was the reason that manufacturers are going to just leg ellipticals. There are people who got hurt by leaning over (I know, that's poor form), some got hurt by the arms moving toward them when they stepped on the elliptical. She seemed to be coming from a perspective of an industrial purchaser. All's I can say is -- people aren't taking personal responsibility. She was telling me how one man sued a gym because (get this) he got hurt while running on the treadmill. dhhhh...don't run on it then.

    Michele in NC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Allison-I am so sorry for your family's loss. I will be praying for you and your family.

    I wish I could respond to everyone and be more supportive, by the time I finish reading
    everyone's posts they all get scrambled together in my head. I guess I'm going to have
    to take notes. I'll work on that.

    Now that the YMCA' s ' choose2lose program' is over I'm having a hard time starting a new
    routine. I did work out for an hour at the YMCA ,M-T-W so far. The new classes start on
    the 12th. So in the mean time I'll do my cardio circuit. I do much better in a group setting.
    Now that spring is finally here I will start walking outside too.

    Brenda from Md
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome:) I already feel at home here!
    Kay from NW Wa
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia I don't know anything about pottery but could you make whatever you are making and then have some one else do all the finish work for you. At least them the creation would be by you.

    Starting to rumble outside:frown: Supposed to have bad weather tomorrow. My daughter seems to have the same weather pattern as we do so we might not be able to miss this just by going to her house. I will make sure I have our neighbors phone number and call her tomorrow evening and see if everything is OK. We have a huge tree in our back yard. So far we have been lucky that lightening has not struck it and it falls into our house. That is the number one priority this year to have removed. I think we will have sticker shock as to the price of removal.

    DSIL put up a picture on face book of my oldest DGD. She had braces put on this morning. It's been a long time since our girls had braces but she has them on the bottom and then her two top middle teeth. I'm not sure of the plan but I hope it includes the rest of the teeth. Her other Grandma is paying for all of it! I am so happy for them.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    So proud of me today!:smile: I logged in my food - each and every bite - and my exercise. I made myself walk the Doberman at 6 AM even though I did not want to get out of bed. Had an extra long day at work. Speed walked through grocery shopping :tongue: Managed keep a half gallon of chocolate ice cream out of my shopping cart! :laugh: That was really hard. Decided to die my hair cherry cola red! What used to be white is now Christmas Tinsel! I told my SO my new name is Cherry Tere! :laugh:

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Gloria – some times ice cream just has to be eaten. And if you are within your calorie count – it’s all good!
    Laura – excellent !!!
    tere - Love the hair color - and good for you for dodging the ice cream that wanted in your cart.

    So I went to a friend's for dinner tonight - she is a size 2 and has worn the same size since she was 14 (now 52); she eats healthy, large portions - but she is an exercise fiend! So she knows I am watching what I eat, and I told her that I would be doing 4-5 hours of gardening today so not to worry about having me to dinner as I would have plenty of calories! and I had burned over 1,000 calories --- She worked so hard to be healthy - 2 ounces of roasted turkey; plain - 1 cup green salad, lettuce cucumber and 2 cherry tomatoes with a vinaigrette; 3/4 cup lentil soup. I left STARVING! I could have eaten 3 times that - I had to stop at the market on my way home, anyway so bought and ate a triple chocolate mini bundt cake; and and still under calories!!! What a yummy treat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over on the sugars of course :laugh:

    Kim in N. CAL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    The day started out frustratingly slow. I was all ready to go to my ladies group exercise when DH asked me to wait so I could collect and mail some things he was working on. Then when I got to the gate the guy told me my back tire drivers side was very low; I am thankful that he noticed. That meant a detour to the garage and a walk to the gym, good for me, but put me really off schedule. I picked up the car after I was finished at gym, then did a few errands, ate lunch and met a friend to see "The Grand Budapest Hotel" a rather strange movie with several unexpected cameos. Can't say I actually liked it; but interesting. Tomorrow I pick up Gwen at 7am for blood work, then we are having breakfast, then going to see Gin, the woman with lung cancer---I did hook her up with someone I used to work with to help out around the house,etc.

    Deb A..........Major, major congrats to your daughter on her PhD; what is it in? Hope you have a lovely trip; I imagine it's going to be quite a bit warmer than you are used to..........lol.

    Michele and Cindy...........I've used pearl barley but not hulled; will have to try that kind.

    Heather..........So sorry the jag didn't work out but if it was causing you to stress out maybe it is for the best...........I know I'd be a nervous wreck in such an expensive vehicle!! Hope you are having loads of fun.

    Liz.............YOU are NOT a failure; you are a work in progress............love the butterfly graphic!

    Dee Dee.............Oh, poor cherry tree! Nasty freezing weather.

    jb.............YES!! I sure do remember pogo sticks and stilts........DD had a pogo and I found I can still do it, well I could, as of 10 years ago; probably not now. My dad made me stilts when I was about 12 and it got to the point where I could almost run with them---they were the hit of the neighborhood one summer and one of my best memories.

    Bonnie...........Have a fun bike trip...........I have friends heading to Charleston for a ride this weekend or next.

    Katla........Glad you are feeling better; I had the blues last week..............today, I heard an old Bee Gees on the radio on the way to the movies and burst into tears; short lived, but caught me by surprise...........but those old songs do it to me often.

    I have one more note but can't figure out what I wrote so it will be a mystery.

    G'nite...........wait, I guess I should say good morning........where did the time go?????