Any geeks?



  • SantaCruizer
    SantaCruizer Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a computer engineer and fitness freak. I QUALIFY! (Hi All! Okay, today is the day! I've got two weeks off work from tomorrow. I'm getting my Olympic weights set and power rack with Lat/Low Pulley to add to all the equipment already in my home gym. Training isn't my problem. Nutrition is. That's where I need encouragement and suport. My goal is to be 200Lbs at 9% body fat. Yes, I'm a control freak! :-) Target date is 13th Nov. this year, my 49th birthday. The plan is to reduce my body fat first, get it down to 9% then build muscle to bring my weight back up. I've go 7 months. I'm going for 100% but if I achieve anything over 80%, which I'm very confident of, I'll be happy! I'll have learned a lot and it'll be a good platform for making my long-range goal (for my 50th) a reality. Wish me luck!!!)
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    Me! I'm using Zombies, Run! 5K for my cardio :-)

    I also LOVE all things Potter and am a card carrying Whovian.

    I don't think this makes me nerdy, per say, but I'm also an avid knitter, and have made many a Gryffindor and TARDIS themed item :-)
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    OMG the number of Geek/Nerds in this post is amazing, I love it.

    Your Jayne hat kinda tips it off (and adds like 1500 awesome points) ^_^
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Scientist here!! Biomedical research... feel free to add me, anyone :-) I love gadgets, apocalypse anything, medical & science anything, and of course, MFP... losing weight and getting/staying in shape is apparently my hobby, along with online dating (ugh), and writing resumes for friends?! Need more friends, LOL :laugh: :drinker:
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I also think we need our own group... or is there one? Too lazy to look. Just ran a 5K race!
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    I used to be absolutely addicted to World of Warcraft for 5 years . How I got through university, had a full time job and a part time job at the same time I have no idea. I was like a zombie! Used to be a GM- ran own website, wrote out a strategy guide for all players for raids and also did a crap load of PvP. Holy paladin was definately my thing. I was a big online gamer - into Starcraft 2, Dawn of War games and also FPS like CSS.

    I also used to play Dungeons and Dragons at club called Dragonslayers. I used to be the Events Manager for this club which was thoroughly enjoyable as it helped get everyone out and about to socialise. For some who are quite geeky, they find solace in solitude or simply their own company. So it nice to get these guys out and about.

    I now have an XBox 360 and currently playing Lara Croft, Dynasty Warriors and Bioshock.

    I'm currently reading the Walking Dead comics along with the Bioshock book.

    I love science and would love nothing more than to work in Forensics. I did my degree in Archaeology and Palaeoecology.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend please feel free :) I'm on MFP daily.
  • I'm an IT Administrator, avid gamer and love Doctor Who, can't get much more geeky than that right? Feel free to add me, I am always looking for new friends!
  • Rachifloon
    Rachifloon Posts: 129 Member
    Unfortunately I don't have a cool, "nerdy/geeky" job, just a lowly cleaner... Dunno if these instead count but just to give a bit more insight, here's some (I can't list them all) of my favourite things:

    TV shows: FIREFLY, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Archer, The Tenth Kingdom.
    Films: Gattaca, The Fifth Element, Artificial Intelligence, LOTR/The Hobbit, various "bad yet good" films.
    Games: *sigh* Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Devil May Cry, Mass Effect, Halo, Borderlands, Minecraft, BioShock, Haunting Ground, Shadows of the Damned, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Shadow Hearts and gosh I need to stop, there's too many...
    Books: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Harley Quinn The New 52 (I know it's a comic but shhh, I'll list it here.)
    Music: Puscifer, Poets of the Fall, Kamelot, Evans Blue, ugh, too many, just anything in the rock/metal/alternative genre and I'll be good.
    Hobbies: Making plushies, knitting, and seeming to collect t-shirts from various 24 hours sites. It's becoming hurtful to my bank account. :<

    Bringing it back to weight loss, I stepped on the scales this morning and have lost 50lbs since May last year!

    If ya feel like we'll get along then feel free to throw an add my way~ c:
  • Fisheries biologist turned system admin (manage UNIX servers). I love tech, gadgets, electronics, etc. I have spent too much time on my Xbox 360 in the past playing Call of Duty. The only thing I like more than tech stuff is riding my mountain bike. I stay in pretty good shape most of the year, then it gets cool in winter and I play Xbox and drink beer! Spring has me fired up now to really get moving again. Please add me to your friends list...I would love to add y'all as friends!
  • Big ol' Doctor Who fan and most of my workouts are video game based... does that count?
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    i'm more of the mechanically inclined (fix everything)/rpg gamer/tv/graphic design "nerd". been called a geek around the office several times.
    any of ya feel free to add me.
  • YukiValentine
    YukiValentine Posts: 45 Member
    Doctor Who, Sherlock, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Regular Show

    Fairy Tail (is my newest obsession) and a whole bunch more to name.

    Sly Cooper, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and many others!

    so yes.. I think I am a geek.
  • scispence
    scispence Posts: 117 Member
    Science geek (Chemistry teacher). I'm not big in to comic books or gaming, but I loved Firefly and Red Dwarf. I own Florence Flask earrings and am married to an engineer gamer. What's Batman times 10 to the negative 72? Nano nano nano nano nano nano nano nano - BATMAN!! Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Love games-mostly Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect, Bravely Default, sci-fi novels & movies (currently reading Hyperion), the occasional convention, fanart and Copic markers, tea...etc.

    Trying to lose 20-30lbs fellow geeks :(
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    I always thought I was a bit of a geek and then I read these threads and have no idea what half the stuff is. Maybe I am more of a dork?

    ditto! Dorks unite!
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    I haven't had a desktop that I didn't build myself since I was 14. I think that qualifies me.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I have played D&D since the age of 10, MTG starting at the age of 10 (not as much now though, everyonep has babies), Warhammer, Hero Quest, and various other RPG's.

    Videogames, I love them, I have pwned many at them, and continue to do so even in my "old" age ^_^.

    Comic books, graphic novels, and Manga are often on my reading list. Though I do not shy from JR Tolkein, Anne McCarthy, or R. A. Salvatore (Let's also note Lisanne Norman, she does more of a Sci Fi theme book, but it still has an excellent level of Fantasy.) Naturelly I read other books as well, but these are the most notable authors to me.

    Artistry, a large fan of comic book art (Boris Vallejo, and Julie Bell do very nice work for Marvel), anime (also watching Animes), and drawing anime and other forms of fantasy art myself of course. Though to be fair drawing is a luxury with children and I have lost sight of my talent for a few years. I fully intend to write and illustrate a graphic novel before 35.

    The list can go on, especially given the movies and TV shows I watch, however I think I've made my point.
  • courtney3988
    courtney3988 Posts: 999 Member
    HI I like the Marvel series and Batman. I love to read like the Harry Potter series. Play Vanguard and want to eventually learn how to play Magic. I play Skyrim. I like Horror Movies.
  • sgw97
    sgw97 Posts: 8 Member
    i feel like i qualify for this? add me if you like!
  • VicVipor
    VicVipor Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    Computer drone from N.Ireland who's trying to get himself in to shape, when not in work I spend my time gaming it up and whatever will run a game these days from iPad to x360 (GT:Agamembar) to 3DS(FC:4785-5396-0583) and when not doing that I have my nose stuck in my Kindle reading something Cyberpunky or a video game adaptation.

    the last yearor so I've been getting into steapunk and Cosplay and I'm currently mid build of a set of Armor from the game Mass Effect, still haven't worked out if I can give craftng a calorie count to add to the diary, so losing some weight will help that look better.

    Well I could go one but I think I can qualify, if you want add me, I'd like to have a few more in the feed to remind me to keep motivated and I'll cheer you on too.