Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I just posted my 5 month progress pictures on my blog. I need to get my tush in gear and get outside so I won't be posting them in here. If you are interested please check them out on my blog. Here is my link.

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for all the welcomes. :)

    @Robin Thanks for the advice for overcoming my carb cravings. I decided to make some of these: They are loaded with protein and really hit the spot! I think I'm going to make the mushroom bites today.

    Exercise this week: 5/5 yay!
    Calorie goal this week: 5/7 not bad :)

    Sunday: 30 min walk, 1316 calories
    Monday: break, 1445 calories
    Tuesday: 30 min walk, 1550 calories
    Wednesday: break, 1483 calories
    Thursday: 30 min walk, 1666 calories
    Friday: 30 min walk, 1478 calories
    Saturday: 30 min walk, 1494 calories
  • Riiseli
    Riiseli Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new, but hopefully permanent here. Since it's Sunday this fits....

    I could lose 100 lbs, but my current aim is to get my BMI to under 25, which would mean losing 85 lbs. I can't quite recall when was the last time I was that low, but I've been fairly close to that in 2002 after I lost about 20 lbs during a summer spent working at a farm. After that I gained nearly 50 lbs in a year as I was p depressed about my studies. Since then I thankfully only added 25 lbs in ten years and plateaued there for a while.

    I actually started tracking everything on MFP a year ago, but unfortunately lost my rented home and had to move twice. This including living on cheap and unhealthy microwavable food for three months. Luckily I didn't gain extra during the year despite this and was finally able to pick up again just over a month ago. I will graduate as a library assistant this spring and am in my final practical phase until my graduation in late May. I quite miss our healthy and FREE school meals (two main course options, plus a vegetarian option and soup to choose from every day). Luckily I have managed to either pack a good lunch or eat reasonably during work and proper lunch/dinner after that. I've not been very worried about my macros for now as I'm more concerned with finding a way to eat at a deficit (I'm going for about 1550 kcal plus exercise) and be content with my choices. Plus I end up quick adding calories often as I eat out (usually healthily) quite often, so tracking macros is slightly difficult anyways. Since I got back on MFP I've lost some 11 lbs. And have been p happy lately.

    My biggest complaint for now would be my plantar fasciitis, which annoys me to no end. I can't walk with the dogs as much as I'd like to as my work puts quite a bit of stress on my foot, but it has been getting better so I'm hoping soon. If I could afford new shoes, that might help. Whatever happens I'll get back to biking soon, which will hopefully be easier on my foot. It'll be about a week until I'm done with my library dog project with the school next door. And after that I'm hoping to unwind a bit and up my exercise minutes as much as my foot allows. I'm also hoping to get to the gym, but this will have to wait until June.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Nettie - Your pix are more than I expected. You show great progress! Be PROUD of yourself, my friend :heart: ! Also in your other post, you made me laugh about your dream about food and wondering if you possibly had an issue with food. Well, from the comments you made throughout the rest of your post, which are mainly about food, cooking, shopping and watching a TV show about cooking, I'd say your pretty well wrapped up in the subject. Lets just say its a pretty big hobby of yours.:laugh:
    About buying the discounted tomatoes I would do the same thing and buy them too. Now, I am dirt poor, but I like to eat nicer things too, like deli prepared chicken salad which is expensive,(I can't cook) so buying something cheap to offset that is my way of making costs work out. Don't let a snob make you feel bad about your excellent budgetary habits.

    AFM - No Fish Lips this morning. Darn I really liked them. :laugh: BF got my taxes done yesterday and E-Filed them. I have $2500 coming back to me due to taxes withheld and over 9K in medical expenses. Lucky, lucky me. Boy, I sure can use that. Last year I had planned to be working by now, but boy my plans sure got sidelined with my illness.

    This AM I woke with a migraine instead :mad: I was scared I might end up in the ER with high BP because it was caused by the severe pain I was in this AM. So I hit the meds pretty hard, bundled up, put a heating pad on my head, and curled back up again in the recliner. Wished I'd had a cat for company :sad: !!!!! But, 2 hours later, it was ALL GONE and I felt wonderful.

    Today I have a long, long list of small chores to do. I haven't been driving for several days because a new drug I'm on is making me periodically dizzy and spacey. I want to adapt to the medication because its the only one that helps create saliva and I need it badly. It shouldn't take longer than a week to get adapted to it. I have to drive Tuesday to my CAT scan appt. or else ask someone to drive me if I'm still dizzy.

    wash white sweater and fold clothes before they wrinkle
    get shower done
    do Pool P.T.
    call and reschedule Hair Cut
    write check for High School Reunion
    Print Tax Forms out
    type up list of drugs I'm taking
    fill drug pill containers for the week
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @RobinsEgg- Woo hoo to the tax return! Too bad about your sexy fish lips not coming back. :laugh: Hope your day is productive now that you've kicked that migraine to the curb!

    @Riiseli- Welcome! :flowerforyou: I hope you find a way some day to afford some new shoes. The right shoe can make all the difference with foot pain. At least you have biking to fall back on!

    @Nettie- I looked at your blog. AWESOME! You should be proud of your progress, for sure.
    What a disappointment to have to wait for your flooring. At least it will be worth it to have it done right the first time. I guess the theme for your vacations this year is "men at work". :wink:
    I totally would buy the tomatoes off the clearance rack. I love tomatoes. As long as it was something that we would eat up right away, or I was able to freeze, I would go for it. Our store has a clearance rack and a clearance refrigerator case. The rack is always day old bakery...which I don't need. I do look in the refrigerator case sometimes, though. It's usually dairy items that are expiring that week. If it's something that I need or will use, I will get it. I think it's cool that your store marks down the less fresh produce like that. Our store keeps it all out there with the fresh stuff. I usually dig in the back or bottom of bins to get the newer stuff since they're going to charge me so much. :grumble:
    Anyway, I coupon and shop sales always. You can save so much money that way. Then you can use the money for stuff that's more fun than full price tomatoes. :happy:

    @Rain- You've been bit by the race bug! :happy: I'm impressed with your Warrior Dash. I've only done regular 5K's...the obstacle thing intimidates me. And what a nice NSV that you had realizing that the burger and fries made you kind of sick and that your body wants healthy food! Even if you ignore the scale for a while, I'm sure the focus on decent food choices and exercise to relieve stress will move you in the right direction.

    @Tracy- Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a good night out! :drinker:

    @Laurie- I think spring fever has hit. I'm sure we're all going to be soaking up the sunshine now that it's finally coming around! Think I may get out on my bike this afternoon, too.

    @Susan- One more week to can do it! Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    @Littleshadow- Great training walk! Sorry your ankle is giving you trouble. Mmmm....mahi mahi. I've only ever been kissed by people and pets. :laugh:

    @Kaye- Chocolate dessert waffles sound delicious! I think when you stick to calorie counting and walking, it works. The key is to commit to it. People want a quick or easy fix, but there isn't one really. Sounds like you're turning heads with your simplicity! :smile:

    AFM- Sunday Share: My name is Amanda. I've been yo-yoing around with my weight since high school/college. Then I got married and had two babies, 16 months apart, both via C-section. I gained 80 lbs with my first pregnancy, lost about 50 lbs, and then gained 40 lbs with my second, lost about 20 lbs during the younger one's first year, but let the weight creep back on and then some. My baby turned 4 years old, and I weighed 295 lbs! I did NOT want to see 300 on that scale, so I decided I needed to do something. I had used WW years ago to lose 20 lbs, but the points system wasn't something I was able to maintain and I'm pretty cheap, so I didn't want to start paying for that again. :laugh: So, I happened upon myfitnesspal and got excited about a place where I could track myself, and not pay anything. I started logging in December 2012. I asked a friend to be my workout buddy. I lost 42 lbs by July 2012. Then, I took on a new role at work with more responsibility, went on vacation in the woods with no MFP access, gained 5 lbs and threw in the towel. :embarassed: I wouldn't get back on track until December 2013 when I realized that my baby is now 5 years old, and I had gained back all but 16 lbs of the weight I had worked so hard to lose in the beginning of the year. I wasn't reaching my goals by NOT tracking, so I got back on board, found this thread and now I'm down 38 lbs (22 lbs since the first of the year).

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 3/30
    2. Wall sit: 4/30, 49 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 4/30, 28 sec.
  • Following <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @amanda--the weight moving up and down can be so discouraging--I'm so proud of you for getting back to it and NOT giving up on yourself! :drinker:

    @robin--yay for the migraine going away quickly! :flowerforyou: I'm also excited for your tax refund--that's great! You inspired me to start my return yesterday, and I finished it this morning. Sadly, I get no big refund, but between what I owe the feds and what I get back from state I'm only down $150--so not bad. :ohwell:

    @riiselli--plantars fascitis in nothing to play around with. I've had it myself and it will only get worse if not treated. By treated, I mean get to a doctor and get some custom orthotics if you have any type of health insurance that makes that financially feasible. If the doc isn't an option, the next best solution is to get some good shoes and OTC orthotics. I know they can be an expense, but your feet are so important! I hope your finances allow you to take care of this sooner rather than later. :flowerforyou:

    @christy--great job with the exercise and calorie goals this week, and thanks for sharing the recipe link. :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--your progress pics are so great--they really show how far you've come! I especially love the profile pose b/c it shows your tummy shrinking. In the 1st pick it sticks out further than your chest, but now it's clearly the opposite. If brian ever complains about "the girls" getting smaller, you can use the defense that they are now "relatively" bigger. :laugh:

    @rain--so glad you had fun at your obstacle 5k--they are truly addicting! I've never done the Warrior, but did a similar race called the Rugged Maniac last summer. It was brutal, but so fun!! I came out of it with soreness in every muscle in my body and a pretty nasty quad pull, but I would still do it again. This year I may do the Warrior Dash instead b/c the Rugged Maniac falls the same week as onther 5k I always do--last year I made the stupid decision to do both. :blushing: Congrats on such a great accomplishment!! :drinker:

    @tracy--thanks, if we decide to plan the trip, I may take you up on the offer to recommend some trails. :happy:

    AFM--I finished the AP essays, so my grades for the quarter are done other than entering a final participation grade for my juniors. As I mentioned above to robin, I also finished my taxes. :noway: Now I am off to the grocery store. It's a beautiful day, so definitely taking gunner out when I get home. Not sure if i'm in the mood for a run, but if not, we will enjoy a nice long walk.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 70/70 AP essays DONE!!! :bigsmile:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (graded instead)
    Wed--rest day DONE <phew!>
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner

    Wall sit = 35 sec
    Forearm plank = 40 sec
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Sore from gardening yesterday and did 20 minutes of yoga and balance exercises on the Wii Fit. Plus 45 minutes of walking. It rained today and my grandson couldn't come over to help plant the rest of my flowers so I will have this to do next week. Went to look for valance for sunroom but DH got sick in the store (think it was a panic attack, because he got ok once we left the store). He loves to shop. Just isn't feeling well.

    Skinny - Thanks for info on April goals.
    RobinsEgg- Sorry about your health. My friend had collagen put in her lips and they were nice and plump but the collagen kept moving and she would have a large lump somewhere on her lip. She would have to massage it and try to get it to move back into place. Very painful. Finally had to have it removed.
    LittleShadow - Nice to meet you. Thanks for kind words. 4 ft of snow. I'm in Georgia and we are having Spring flowers. Glad you got to go to the Bahamas
    Susan 2396 - Enjoy your vacation. You are right about having the attitude of never giving up. My husband said he quit smoking over a hundred times and finally it worked.
    Jnettie - Of course I would shop the clearance rack for food, just as my nicest outfits might come from Goodwill, which I call the GW Boutique. While I do sometimes splurge on clothing or food, or anything else, why should you spend more than you have to. Kid had a nasty attitude. We tend to think everything is renewable. BTW your weight loss is amazing. so proud of you.

    Riiseli - Welcome to the group. Sounds like you have a plan. Congrats on upcoming completion of school. I had plantar fascitis and took physical therapy but it only went away when I got a spinal injection for my back. My husband responded to different shoes (New Balance) and I am currently wearing $49 Dr scholl inserts which help a lot
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @riiselli: look up It was the only thing that worked for me. Heel seats made specifically for plantar fasciitis. They are only about $25 a pair.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Still working on my chores today:

    wash white sweater and fold clothes before they wrinkle - DONE
    get shower d- DONE x 2
    call and reschedule Hair Cut
    write check for High School Reunion
    Print Tax Forms out
    type up list of drugs I'm taking
    fill drug pill containers for the week - MUST GET DONE TONIGHT!!!!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member


  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Short note to update.
    Thank everyone for the encouragement and congratulation. It was an awesome week. Today I should be under which will make me under all week! That is crazy for me, it has never happened.
    During the week when I have a regular schedule I do much better.

    A under cal 4/7 days
    B Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    C Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: ABC
    Tue: ABC
    Wed: ABC
    Thur: ABC
    Fri: AB
    Sat: A
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Rain- Congrats on your first 5K and a Warrior Dash as well.

    Robin- Yeah for a tax refund. I also started my taxes today and federal looks promising just need to do the state.

    Today, was a relatively laid back day. Did a little rock climbing today but not worth recording, I mostly belayed for the group I went with today. Our weather is changing again and rain is expected for tomorrow. So I guess the weather will be playing with my head again.

    Sunday- Belaying workout (good for arms)
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday-Gym strength/core
    Wednesday-Rest or bike at a park
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- water aerobics
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Still working on my chores today:

    wash white sweater and fold clothes before they wrinkle - DONE
    get shower done DONE
    Do Pool Physical Therapy - DONE x 2
    call and reschedule Hair Cut - oops NO ANSWER - SUNDAY
    write check for High School Reunion - DONE
    Print Tax Forms out - haven't figured out yet new computer and old printer yet.
    type up list of drugs I'm taking -DONE
    fill drug pill containers for the week - TOOK FOREVER - BUT DONE!

    I feel good getting my goals (most of them - the important ones) done. YEP, this is very helpful -posting a list in front of you guys. I'm going to do this more often. It gave me a better sense of responsibility knowing all of you on-line knew what I had to get done! Thanks for the push!
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for the congratulations on the race! I slept about 10 hours last night and woke up REALLY sore, so I think it was tougher on me than I thought and I was just running on adrenaline. I also did something really dumb, and thought "winding down" with 45 minutes on the elliptical last evening would be a good idea (and would also make me feel good about that burger I ate) ... that was obviously not true. But I woke up so happy. Coincidentally, my friend who drove me to the race met up with a former roommate of hers who is trying to get a team together for Tough Mudder in late August (11ish miles with a ton of really tough obstacles) which is about 6 months away. Maybe it's the post race euphoria talking... but I just might sign up with two other friends of mine (who are both fit, beautiful, adventurous AND supportive). It sounds really dumb to do something like that, but most 5k to half marathon training programs I found take 3 months. I started this journey to become more like the person I want to be in my head. And that person would do Tough Mudder. I think it would also be good to have that as a 6 month goal to keep me on track, and provide me something to work towards in both my cardiovascular fitness, and upper body strength since I have ZERO at the moment and can never motivate myself to do anything but cardio.

    The race is 29 weeks away, which means I could be 60 pounds lighter by the time I do it, and basically 100 pounds down. Right now I'm weighing if that's too extreme of a goal, but a part of me thinks I should just sign up while I have the motivation to, and then accept that I must train or suffer in 6 months.

    @Skinnyjeanz: Thanks for all of your encouragement and advice leading up to the race! I definitely found that Warrior Dash was well organized if you're considering it.

    @Nettie: I've been hovering around 220 for a few weeks too, and I feel your frustration. Hopefully your new downward trend will continue!

    Sunday Share for newbies (silly of me to say newbies when I am one myself):
    I'm Laura, 20 year old college student in the process of losing 122 pounds. I've moved a lot over the last three years, and struggle with balancing my weight loss and health against a mountain of work for my double majors. I enjoy traveling, practicing my spanish, exploring the LA area where I now live and spending time doing anything on the coast or in the water. I
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Nettie-Love the pictures. I think it's great that you are taking pictures.
    Robin-Glad you have felt well enough to get some chores done.
    Ushkii-Congratulations on staying under all week.
    Welcome to the new people. Congratulations on making the commitment to better health.
    I'm Kaye, the grandmother of the group. I've spent most of my life fighting my weight. I wish I weighed what I did when I thought I was fat the first time. I started MFP in September of 2012 with a very simple 'calories in/calories out' plan, walking being my exercise of choice. I log everything and rarely go over. This group is very inspiring and keeps me on track. Although yesterday was a bad one. I'm really involved with my large family. They keep me busy, and are very supportive of my efforts.
    The weather was beautiful again to day, but after 2 days in a row of 4+ miles, I stopped with 3 today.
    Here's to a good week for all of us. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ushkii--that's awesome that you had such a great week! Do you think the fact that your wife has jumped on board the fitness wagon is part of what's helping you? I bet I would do much better if my DH were more conscientious of what he eats. He's very supportive of my efforts, but that hasn't yet translated into him worrying about what he eats. He's a healthy weight, though I'm sure he could be healthier overall. I'm sure most of your success is your new commitment to just doing it--keep going!!! :drinker:

    @robin--when and where is your HS reunion? That's an exciting event to look forward to!

    @katrena--hope your husband is feeling better.

    AFM--all in all I had a productive weekend. Finished my grading goals, got the taxes done, and FINALLY cleared off my contribution to the clutter on the dining room table. I also caught up on laundry, did some grocery shopping, and prepared my lunch for the next few days. I only need to worry about Mon-Wed b/c then I will be at a union rally in downtown Chicago Wed night through Sat. I'm a bit worried about food b/c I will be at the mercy of whatever they provide for us. I know one of the lunches they order in pizza. My guess is they will also order some salads to go with, so I will fill up on that. In addition, I know we have a dinner out at Weber Grill on Thursday night. Otherwise, everything will be a surprise.

    On the bright side, there is a fitness center, though I'm not sure how much free time we will have and I can't find any specifics on the hotel website about whether it is open 24 hours. Regardless, I will bring my workout clothes so I'm prepared. We will also be right across the street from Grant Park, so if the weather cooperates, I can always just go for a walk. One of the other teachers who is also going wants to try to fit in some exercise as well, so I'll have someone to walk with at least.

    This past week, I managed to come out about 200 calories under for the week. I'm glad I have a bit of a cushion just in case some of my estimates from dinner Wed night were off.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--not sure
    Thurs--not sure
    Fri--not sure
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Wall sit = 40 sec
    Forearm plank = 45 sec
  • Riiseli
    Riiseli Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for your kind words and tips regarding the plantar fasciitis. I'm happy to report that I've had a pain free morning for the first time in two weeks. (Will not go back to the shoes that caused the heel to regress back then...) Therefore I'm willing to give it a week or so before looking into more expensive options than rest.

    Under other check in items I can mention that I lost 0.7 lbs from Saturday to Monday morning (my two not quite regular weigh in mornings) and am now only a kilo away from metric double digits. I had a hard time eating (ie. wasn't really hungry) enough as the weekend was really sedentary and I wound up under my goals, which probably contributed to the loss.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Busy, busy weekend. We spent it cleaning, weeding, fertilizing and planting in the yard and on the patio. We moved to a townhouse 5 years ago to escape all the work of a big house and yard. The HOA takes care of the front and we do the back. It's not a huge yard, but big enough to have a large patio, some grass for the dog and plenty of bushes and trees. We have at most 1 more weekend to be done for the spring/summer and then it's all about lounging on the patio and enjoying it.

    It was not a great weekend food wise. I think I let myself get too hungry on Saturday and ended up over my calorie goal both days. Oh well, it happens. I can't beat myself up so I'm just going to chalk it up to another lesson learned and move on.

    Will try and get back later for personals, but until then have a good Monday!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 4/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day NOT DONE yard work
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (Rest day)
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Sorry I didn’t make it by this weekend, Saturday I was just running all over the place and yesterday ended up being more of the same somehow.

    @Amanda~Sorry to hear that you’ll have to fill-in and work extra hours for a while, I hope they find someone to fill that position soon. I know what you mean, being spoiled with some outside workouts sure makes it hard to go to the gym. :wink:

    @Laurie~Wow, what an exercise day you had on Saturday! I got the vacuuming bug on Saturday, vacuuming all vents and fans in the house along with baseboards – need to get rooms ready for painting (if I ever made a decision on colors)!

    @Susan~It amazes me how much time I have to put in at work before going on vacation, just think this Saturday you’ll be able to “escape completely.” :wink:

    @Tracy~Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a great celebration with your hubs and friends.

    @rainandwood~Great job with your obstacle run!

    @Robin~Glad you and your ex are able to kind of pick up things where you left off after his break-up, it’s nice to have those kind of friendships.

    @Nettie~Great progress pics!!! I am equally frustrated with the scale. On Friday I thought for sure my vacation weight was going to be gone by Sunday, it wasn’t! :frown: I don’t understand why that scale cannot be more consistent. :angry: :grumble: What great produce finds, produce can be so expensive – I wish my grocery store had “clearance” sales like that, I often spend $1.89 for just one red bell pepper! You would think people would be more interested in saving money where they could use it the most. I take advantage of sales and digital coupons to stock up on stuff and use the ads to my advantage – I want to save money where I can. Case in point is that one grocery store I go to had pork and beef tenderloins on sale BOGO free – I always have a mental picture of how much I’m spending and couldn’t understand why my bill was so high. When I got to the car I looked at my receipt and the computer didn’t deduct for the 2nd one – back in the store I went for my $12! Most teenagers don’t have any regard to value and how far a dollar actually goes.

    @Riiseli~I think you received some great advice regarding your plantar fasciitis – it plagued me for a long time many years ago. What helped me are taking a frozen water bottle and tennis ball and rolling it under my foot – the ice helped to alleviate inflammation and the tennis ball helped to really stretch those tendons. Good, supportive sneakers will definitely help as will some heel inserts as someone suggested (Dr. Scholl’s makes some that are inexpensive) – the greatest thing you can do for yourself is lose weight, so continue on your journey. I promise one day you’ll wake up and it will be gone! :smile:

    @Katrena~Welcome back, it’s great to “see” you!

    @L2T~I have a townhouse also, it’s nice that I don’t have to take care of a yard – but find myself constantly wanting to update the inside!:laugh: I have been a cleaning maniac lately because I want to paint every room (have to hire someone for living area though thanks to 30 foot ceilings). I am waiting until the unpredictable Texas spring weather is over before I begin planning my flower beds and getting things planted.

    AFM~I had a productive weekend, lots of running around and lots of work around the house. I didn’t go to the gym or get a walk in on Saturday, but ended up having a very active day with cleaning around the house – realized how much stronger I am when I was able to move my elliptical unassisted to clean underneath, also re-positioned it. I also worked a lot on my pics from vacation – I’m about half-way through. Yesterday we had rain and storms all day but had a good session with my trainer in the afternoon, he had me do a different kind of plank using the Bosu ball upside down – instead of resting on my forearms I rested on my hands with arms straight, I think my arms started shaking about 20 seconds in but I was able to hold it for 40 before they gave out. Did those twice.

    April Renaissance:

    1. Planks 6/30 days (30s)
    2. Under Calories 5/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/agility drills outside
    Tuesday~ Cardio
    Thursday~ Training
    Friday~Rest Day