Those Annoying Little Comments



  • nolabone
    nolabone Posts: 117 Member
    I get upset when people think that diet/sugar free foods are the answer to everything calorie related. I can't have any artificial sweeteners because they trigger my migraines. I can't have Stevia (or RebA) because it cramps my muscles up. Cramping is a known side effect of Stevia. They don't understand why a person might need to eat actual sugar. I work in a Grocery store and stock the nutrition bars/supplements. The rude comments people make about fat people just needing to switch to diet food really irk me. Of course, I can never say that to a customer, so I just fume.

    This is what my boyfriend does. Frustrating. We have different opinions of what "healthy" is though.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    The ones most recently heard include:

    "You know, you NOT 30 anymore, so why are you trying to look it?"
    Um... I know how flippin old I am, Im 57, since when is there an expiration date of trying to be healthy?

    Your going through menopause, all women gain weight during menopause. (This from a doctor!)
    Uh...actually Doc, I went through surgically induced menopause 19 years ago, so I doubt that's the reason.
    Needless to say I never went back to him.

    "You dont need to loose weight for me" (from the gentleman Ive been seeing recently)
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I not doing it for YOU.... Im doing to for me!

    did the hormonal replacement therapy you were probably taking since your ovaries were removed have big negatives?
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I hate it when I hear "You look fine at your size"
    or "then get off your *kitten* and do something"
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    "God, eat a cheeseburger or something." "Are you sure you need to workout? It's not like you have to do it everyday." "... You've hit your weight, why are you still worrying about calories? It's just a [insert whatever food here]!"

    So many of them so little time.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    This is a takeoff on a thread from a different board I frequent. It’s really interesting to see what people have to say. Whether you are male, female, skinny, athletic, overweight, vegan, vegetarian, on the paleo diet, no diet, whatever we all have those frustrating comments we hear over and over again while we are on our path to a healthier life.... So I ask you… what annoying comments do you always seem to hear?

    Note: This thread is NOT meant to be an attack thread. PURELY a venting/relating thread, since we’ve all been there. We can’t change the world, we can only change ourselves ;)

    Here are a couple of mine:

    -“You’re skinny enough already!” Uhm, thanks… I wasn’t trying to get skinny. I was trying to get fit.

    -“I didn’t invite you out to ____ restaurant because I know you’ve been trying to eat better.” Gee, thanks for excluding me. I am totally able to control myself when at a restaurant.

    Whenever I read a thread like yours I wonder where on this planet people live. I have lived in 16 different countries over the last 39 years and no one has ever made a rude, unkind , insulting, uneducated or plain stupid comment in regard to my weight ( anywhere from 105 t0 188 pounds...and 105 is my normal weight at 4' 11.5" ), my health ( unless it was empathy ) or fitness. I really don't understand that there are so many posts about the subject, because the people I know ( and I know quite a few ) would never make any kind of comment.....
  • cupcakesANDiron
    I love my MIL dearly but she often says things (deliberately or not IDK) to bring me down.

    She has said to me before "You know even if you lose more weight your stomach will never be normal," (I have had 3 kids of course it will never be back to it's original elasticity) or "You're working out too much, it's not good for you," (I work out 4-5 days a week for an hour or so) I have mentioned buying a hiking carrier so I could take my 3 year old on hikes with me she says "That'll just be a waste of money because you won't be able to do it."

    I am sure she means well but sometimes I just want to tell her to STFU :huh: :grumble:
  • RachaelLoses
    Everyone and their brother knows I've gone mostly plant-based and that I've had VSG. I'm 8 weeks post-op and I'm doing really well. I pretty much eat all the healthy stuff I was eating before surgery, just a lot less of it.

    Even before surgery I would get the old, "What can you eat?" or "Should I cook something special for you?" or my favorite one "You're so picky!" and of course "Why do you eat vegetarian? Is it an ethical thing?"

    While I appreciate that people ask me what I can eat (and I'm happy to tell people) it gets old.

    I appreciate that people try to include my dietary needs when inviting us to their home for dinner or out to dinner. However, I know what I can and cannot, will or will not eat. Make whatever your making and I'll eat what I can. If there's an issue I always have a protein bar in my purse. I'm fine! Don't freak out!

    I am NOT picky! I didn't get fat by being picky. I am, however, careful about what I eat and that's for a variety of reasons. I'm not going to push my reasons for not eating X, Y or Z on anyone. In all honesty, if I don't eat something because of ethical reasons you probably REALLY don't want to know. And if I just say, yes it's for ethical reasons you're going to feel obligated to ask what they are. And if I don't tell you more you're going to feel insulted. And if do tell you you're going to think I'm a fanatic. Most of the time there is a more important health reason I don't (or can't) eat X, Y or Z rather than an ethical reason.

    If someone is truly interested I am happy to have a conversation with them. But I don't want people to feel obligated in anyway to cook anything special or be subjected to why I don't (or can't) eat certain things.

    WOW! That felt GOOD!!!!
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Hmm... I honestly never get any. :P

    Or maybe I don't notice them. Hmm.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    1. The Staff Sergeant at my station who whines about my BMI measurements and tells me to do really stupid things to drop weight even though I'm doing just fine. He can't do the BMI taping right, constantly adding more inches on, despite everyone else in the station measuring me 3-4 inches below his measurements- including the company's First Sergeant. Mind you, he's about as round as a pole and has never required a BMI taping himself; I'm sure he's measuring me that way to be a **** head.

    2. My annoying mother-in-law saying I'm too skinny and I now look sick. I'm pretty sure the only reason she says that is because she's jealous of who I've become; one less thing about me for her to ***** about.
  • judgestacy
    My biggest pet peeve is when people exclaim, in utter horror..."You aren't fat! don't say that about yourself!" Um.
    1. I AM fat (and sassy and strong and powerful and voluptous). Merely a descriptor of my body type.
    2. why does "fat" have to be an insult?'s just the opposite of "skinny." I don't tell you "You aren't skinny! Don't say that about yourself!" The fact that YOU don't want me to call myself that, means YOU think it is an insult. I don't.
    3. That said, I don't want you to call me "fat" and I am not going to call you "skinny"'s your body, not mine and I am going to try to refrain from describing it to you, as I hope you would do for me.
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    Im so sick of it also, gawd shut up already, the comments are BS and meant to annoy us, bringing our energy field down makes them feel empowered.

    I laugh now and irritates the crap out of them.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Hmm... I honestly never get any. :P

    Or maybe I don't notice them. Hmm.

    Yeah, same here. Well sometimes I get " you gonna eat that whole cheeseburger"?
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,455 Member
    My mom is always the one who gets me...

    "I'm so glad you're losing that weight. Your arms were getting so big. Like my sister Carol. Bless her heart."

    "You had gotten so big. Even ****ie at church was saying how big you'd gotten."

    "Is that a Large? Hm. Those must run small."

    "You're bigger than her." (pointing to random lady in TJMaxx)

    This sounds like my mom. Then she continues to offer me food all the time. And gets mad at me when I finally blow up!
  • trinity5703
    "did the hormonal replacement therapy you were probably taking since your ovaries were removed have big negatives?"

    I never took them. Sure, I had some hot flashes and night sweats, but nothing I couldnt handle.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I don't get many comments for a few reasons:
    1. I live 3,000 miles away from any family members
    2. I don't have facebook
    3. I no longer have a job.

    When I was working, I had a very skinny coworker tell me that if I started eating 0% fat Fage greek yogurt instead of the 2% fat I ate daily, that I'd drop weight IMMEDIATELY.


    The only person in my life that knows about my calorie counting and MFP is my boyfriend, and he is 100% supportive in every way. I'd be biting people's heads off left and right if I had comments from close friends and family on a consistent basis. I'm a nice person, but my eyes turn to daggers in a fraction of a second when provoked.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    "Oh, you're one of THOSE." - never could understand that one since I keep my food habits/lifestyle to myself.

    I also recently quit drinking, and the backlash and abuse from friends over that has been incredibly hurtful. Time for new friends.

    Is that really the only way? All my friends are alcoholics and since getting fit I have no tolerance for it, or the desire to exercise on a hangover the next day! Also, am in the UK so finding non heavy drinkers may prove impossible.
    I stopped drinking almost 5 years ago. Got drunk for the first time 2 weekends ago and hated it. My friends didn't understand why I stopped drinking either. My bf drinks whenever he has the chance.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I don't get negative comments but from the neighbors I get almost every single day.. wow how much you lost now? or man you look good or high fiving me as I walk by them... don't get me wrong, its nice that people notice but like I said its on a daily basis. Sort of gets annoying but I dotn let that show. my neighbors have been my biggest cheerleaders since day one and I started walking and swimming in the pool at 234lbs. it is what it is, I guese
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I get: are you really going to eat that? (yes I am)

    I get this from my husband a lot lately.. he is like "I bet that wont go in the food diary, you little cheater" umm yes it will and that is why I was eying the back of the label before I ate it. lol
  • snapehbp
    snapehbp Posts: 64
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."


    "Calories in Vs Calories out"


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm gonna go ahead and take advantage of venting here. I have a friend I dearly love, she's been a great pal for over twenty years and she is a great person. HOWEVER, when it comes to eating habits I just want to scream because she is a big believer in many restrictions and specific things that I don't put a whole lot of stock in. And while we manage to skirt the topic most times, EVERY time I see her she will get all weird for a couple minutes talking about how x and y food are giving everyone all of these diseases and they are why there is so much cancer, autoimmune disease, etc. She gets the creepiest look in her eyes when she talks about this stuff and it freaks me out. She only actually eats the way she "preaches" about 1/2 of the time anyway and she is always sick and has health issues galore...she still continues to share these "secrets" with me, never mind the fact that I have lost 118 lb in the last 5 years and have no health issues and (just for example) haven't taken any Rx meds other than birth control (in the past, not currently) and have not even needed any antibiotics in 25 years. But since I eat x and y foods and don't brush my teeth with a paste made from coconut oil, I am probably going to die quite soon.

    argh that felt good. I really do love my friend, I just think she's extreme and naive.