Those Annoying Little Comments



  • lilystan
    lilystan Posts: 24 Member
    When I go to a bbq I eat the bun, lettuce, mustard, cheese, pickles and onions. Makes a great way to join in without the meat lol. I can always eat whatever there is as long as they leave the meat out. No one comments (at least not so far).
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    I just hate the eye rolls I get from my bf for my healthy lifestyle choices.

    Him: "What do you want for dinner?" Me: "Something healthy, I found this recipe for...." Him: -eye roll-
    Me: "Hey its beautiful out, wanna come for a jog with me and the dog?" Him: -eye roll-
    Me: -reading all the labels on food- Him: "What are you doing?" Me: "Trying make sure I reach my calorie goal" Him: -eye roll-

    You get he point

    sorry, that your bf is so unsupportive of this, that sucks. :(
  • M0t1v4t10n4l
    M0t1v4t10n4l Posts: 7 Member
    My housemates keep making subtle digs "oh you still on the healthy eating bandwagon?" "why are you being healthy again?" (what kind of question is that?!?!?!) "ooh salad - very healthy" - no...a vegetable does not automatically equal healthy now carry on munching your deep fried chips and stop watching me eat.
    my mum when i said i was trying to build muscle "Wouldn't you rather be soft and womanly?" no. that means fat...and no.

    Anyone else "why are you watching your weight? you're not fat" - I know I'm not fat,... I'm not fat because I watch my weight

    I find it absolutely infuriating that anyone should have to justify being healthy! Overweight or lazy people will criticise healthy people to no end and no on bats an eye but if a healthy person turned and said "maybe you should get off your fat *kitten* and start looking after yourself" everyone would go crazy.

    The only people who have been supportive are my siblings who are also working out and my boyfriend who has gone through his own weight loss journey.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    99% of the time I bring my lunch to work and eat in the kitchen. People ALWAYS comment on what I'm eating. Whether it's "Oh my what is that?" or "Wow, look at your healthy lunch, you're so much better than me". SO ANNOYING!!!! I hate when people ask me what I'm eating or tell me how healthy they think it is. Sometimes it's not healthy it's just a small portion of something that fits in my daily calories. Leave me alone- I don't comment on your food and really don't want you commenting on mine! :explode:

    ETA: fixed typo
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I know others have mentioned it but I HATE hearing "Stop losing weight, you're too skinny already." Really? At 5'7", 160 lbs, body fat % of 25%, and a 37 inch waist? That's not exactly "too skinny". :angry: If I was a foot taller at that weight, maybe. And, oh, BTW, losing (or wanting to lose) weight does not automatically make you anorexic. Just saying.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    "You're cold all the time because you're skinny," is the one I hear constantly from my boyfriend, roommates, coworkers...dude. I was cold all the time when I was 25 lbs heavier. I'm just cold. Sorry seeing me all bundled up makes you feel like you need to comment constantly.

    It's such a stupid thing but it's like every day from someone. I'm just a cold person! I have bad circulation!

    Me too! Hubby tells me I "need a bit meat on my bones". I've always been cold......
  • reneeb816
    reneeb816 Posts: 60 Member
    I hate the skinny minnie thing too. Or when someone sees you for the first time since you've lost and they are super loud and exagerrated. "OHHHH MYYY GOSSHHH LOOOK AT YOUUU! YOU ARE SOOO SKINNY NOW!" :embarassed:

    And don't get me wrong, it's feels great knowing that I look good etc. but when people acknowledge it that just reminds me that they knew I was fat before.

    The other thing that irritates me (and it's kind of a different subject) is when people moan and groan about not having the time to work out. I don't have time either. I had to MAKE it. Yes I miss that last two hours of sleep when I get up at 4:30 in the morning but that's the only way I can get it done.:grumble:
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I hate it when someone says " oh come on you can eat this... its just a little bit it wont hurt you" over say a doughnut, cookie, or any other junk food unhealthy treat they're having because they either feel guilty eating it in front of me or maybe secretly want to keep me fat out of fear of my being successful and wanting to be around other people who are into eating healthy and not hanging around them any more. I don't know why but its really freaking annoying.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Jeez. Sounds like most people need to lighten up. Most of the things people say are just veiled compliments with a hint of self deprecation or maybe even just simple small talk about a subject that frankly makes most people uncomfortable. Also, if you don't get invited to restaurants or bars like you used to maybe it's because you complain about the food, etc. Sometimes the people changing their lifestyle can be just as annoying. Like the girl who needs to tell EVERYONE she's a vegan this week (even though she's really just lacto ovo) or the guy that talks about whatever gimmick 5k he ran this weekend. Really bro, they throw paint on you during the race? That's so nuts!
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    "You're cold all the time because you're skinny," is the one I hear constantly from my boyfriend, roommates, coworkers...dude. I was cold all the time when I was 25 lbs heavier. I'm just cold. Sorry seeing me all bundled up makes you feel like you need to comment constantly.

    It's such a stupid thing but it's like every day from someone. I'm just a cold person! I have bad circulation!

    Me too! Hubby tells me I "need a bit meat on my bones". I've always been cold......

    Tell your husban that all women are cold. That's so we can suck the heat out of our guys.
  • LuvonLuv
    LuvonLuv Posts: 68
    " Oh, well I weigh 125 and I'm the same height, so let's see, you still need to lose what...100 pounds?"

    That's so mean and discouraging...those ppl are unbelieveable.

    Anyway mine is "You can eat that?" Yeah I get that everyday someone sees me eat bread, or ice cream, etc. I have to be constantly explaining that I did my diet in 2012 people and now I eat almost anything I want but just in reasonable portions. Like come....since 2012...and almost everyday! Geesh!

    But I think mine is "mild" considering the kind of discouraging comments that some of you have had. When you're on a path to healthy eating, you want to hear encouraging words. I mostly ignore negative remarks but if it's persisitent...I'm only human...I can feel discouraged.

    Oh...another one would be "You putting on weight?" Please!!!! My clothes still fit loosely so a 3-5lbs fluntuation in weight couldn't be that bad for you to have to comment on it. Urgh!!!
  • sandy2622
    sandy2622 Posts: 4 Member
    Good for you! I wish that I had the discipline to get addicted to exercise!!
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    You guys are posting some fantastic points. I think it really helps to know others have been there to. Always remember that the only way to beat negativity is to ignore it. Don’t let it creep into your mind. Most of the crummy bad comments we get are just from folks who don’t understand. YOU ALL CAN DO THIS! You all know your motivation. You all know your goals. Surround yourself with the positive and keep at it. You guys rock.
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    It's really discouraging to me when someone looks at me incredulously and says something along the lines of "you're losing weight"

    Yeahhhhh.....I know I have a lot to lose and you might not notice it, but you know what?? I am not trying, I am succeeding!!! Lay off.

    Been there. I'm down thirty pounds from my very heaviest and I don't think anyone has made a comment yet. But that is okay, because I have a lot more to go and it is about me, not them. But it is still irritating that even my family hasn't said anything.
  • crazymama2both
    crazymama2both Posts: 195 Member
    HER: I went back on my diet last week and lost 7 lbs. I'm freakin' starving.
    ME: I went back to counting calories two weeks ago and lost 2.5 lbs. I'll take it.
    HER: how did you lose THAT when you went to Five Guys Burgers??!!
    ME: I'm not denying myself anything. I do it all in moderation. I'm okay with the 2.5 loss.
    HER: Well maybe you shouldnt do Five Guys and you would have lost more.
    ME: Maybe, maybe not, but I'm happy with my splurge. Besides, it was just one splurge in two weeks.

    UMM *kitten* OFF?! AND i hate that i felt the need to justify myself!!
  • Wanting3
    Wanting3 Posts: 48
    Mine would have to be my mother in law saying, "Good luck with that" in a very sarcastic tone. She says it all the time! Anytime I talk about some area in my life I want to improve (weight loss included) that is the reply I get from her. My husband doesn't see how rude it is, but I think it's very irritating!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    HER: I went back on my diet last week and lost 7 lbs. I'm freakin' starving.
    ME: I went back to counting calories two weeks ago and lost 2.5 lbs. I'll take it.
    HER: how did you lose THAT when you went to Five Guys Burgers??!!
    ME: I'm not denying myself anything. I do it all in moderation. I'm okay with the 2.5 loss.
    HER: Well maybe you shouldnt do Five Guys and you would have lost more.
    ME: Maybe, maybe not, but I'm happy with my splurge. Besides, it was just one splurge in two weeks.

    UMM *kitten* OFF?! AND i hate that i felt the need to justify myself!!

    My son has a cheesecake in the fridge and it is 310 calories a slice. If I know I am going to want a piece later I make dang sure I leave myself enough calories lol. I am still eating what I like, mixing in a healthy alternative when I find one I like, and staying UNDER my caloric goal for the day. I already lost .8 pounds this week just from doing that. I find that the ones that complain about what they are eating to lose weight are the ones that are going to gain it all back.
  • QueenOSpades
    QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
    I have family members and friends who are quick to point out "OH, winter hasn't been kind to you", "You are getting a bit round there" or even "Stopped going to the gym, eh?".

    But when I do shed those pounds over months a a time, by working hard and eating right, they are quick to assume that I might have an eating dissorder. Which, I have NEVER had. *sigh*

    Not a rant about me, but I hear alot of people being prejudice to people with hyper metabolims. Saying they should eat more and they are nothign but skin ad bones. People, saying that over and over, is just as bad as saying to someone, "my you're fat! stop eating!".
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108

    I find it absolutely infuriating that anyone should have to justify being healthy! Overweight or lazy people will criticise healthy people to no end and no on bats an eye but if a healthy person turned and said "maybe you should get off your fat *kitten* and start looking after yourself" everyone would go crazy.

    I keep hearing this on this website and I have no idea where the people that say it live, but where I live, there are no fat "arses" shaming people about being healthy. Regardless, the world would be a better place if everyone STFU.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    6. You are so pale, you are pasty, you are the colour of a milk bottle. Why don't you tan? You should use some bronzer. I'm pale- I love it. I don't tan- never have and I look younger for my age than my freinds who do tan. Don't comment on my skin colour or I'll start calling you racist.

    I get this. "You're so pale! Are you eating?" YES, I'M JUST GINGER YOU IDIOT

    LMAO! "i'M JUST GINGER, YOU IDIOT!" made my whole day :)