NSV today! Share yours?



  • dreesska
    dreesska Posts: 2 Member
    My NSV was when I was taking laundry downstairs and the basket kept slipping down as I was carrying it - I realized that my tummy isn't there as much to use it as a ledge to hold the basket on!
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    Congrats to all of you!!!

    I am proud to say.. for the first time ever I bought a pair of size 16 pants at Target in Mossimo brand.. 2-3 years ago I couldnt even fit into the XXL there nevermind the XL pants and L shirts...Its been great being able to shop in the Large sizes in regular stores instead of plus size shops or very tight regular XL...WOOT!
    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    Went to the shops with the children... and the naughtiest things we bought were chocolate and yoghurt covered rice cakes and dried mango! Normally I get tempted in to buying delicious cakes in boxes of four... then after they've had their two, eating the other two and not telling the hubby there were any cakes! The girls were really excited about the rice cakes, and the 8 year old told me she thought I'd done really well at not eating junk food recently :D
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I bought two belts that were smaller then the one I was using. Now my pants can't slide down past my hips anymore. I'm also finding out that running is turning into an addiction. I want to run now, but I can't.
  • sslopez24
    sslopez24 Posts: 110 Member
    I started a get fit challenge at work last week and yesterdays challenge was to do 100 push ups for that day. I did 2 sets of 25 before lunch and 2 sets of 25 after lunch. COMLPETED!!! I think I will implement that into my day from now on.... first set of 25 done for today! YAY!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    Congrats to all of you, love this thread, keeps me moving. My NSV is when my husband and I were sitting across from each other at the table he said "I can see your cheek bones now." And this past Friday night to be wild and crazy I went through my pajamas and pulled out half of them to donate because they are way too baggy. Last year some of them were too tight to wear! I love finally having clothes be too big when I put them on instead of too tight. This is the first time in my life that has happened. Yea!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    1st less boobs plus more booty equals the shape I always wanted.
    Putting things back bc I dont like them and not bc they don't fit
    Having ppl tell me I inspire them
    Me and my mom being closer than ever bc of zumba
  • 424a57
    424a57 Posts: 140 Member
    I have a "pack-rat" gene I inherited from my parents. I had been procrastinating, but while she was home today, my wife cleared all the "L" and "XL" shirts out of my closet. Nothing but "M".


    Oh yeah, and I ran today -- for 6 minutes.
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Walked around the hospital today in my scrubs (the same ones that had the elastic stretched to the max in December), and noticed that i am walking on the bottoms. Wondered if perhaps I had gotten shorter.

    Realized that I may need to buy a new size, the elastic waist keeps falling to the edge of my hips.

    Small victory, but one that my bf had been pointing out, and now I believe him. :)
  • gwenlindsay
    gwenlindsay Posts: 76 Member
    My pantyhose are so comfortable now since I’ve removed 18 pounds. Most of the time, I don’t realized that I’m wearing them.

    My jeans doesn’t hurt anymore

    I now read the nutrition facts on everything that I eat

    I look forward to getting on the scale

    Many times, I remove my slacks without using the zipper because my slacks are so comfortable I think they have elastic waist when they don’t.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Bumped weekly average cycling from 80-85 mi week to 116 miles.:glasses:
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Walked around the hospital today in my scrubs (the same ones that had the elastic stretched to the max in December), and noticed that i am walking on the bottoms. Wondered if perhaps I had gotten shorter.

    Realized that I may need to buy a new size, the elastic waist keeps falling to the edge of my hips.

    Small victory, but one that my bf had been pointing out, and now I believe him. :)

    I love this one! Scrubs can be so forgiving, but when you need a new size, you NEED a new size. I just went from 2XL's to Larges. I have one set of mediums that "fit" but are not yet suitable for public viewing. Great job.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This was actually yesterday, but my NSV is that I FINALLY did a full set of 20 pushups again. I worked really hard last year to do 20 pushups with good form. I could barely do 3 when I started. And I did it (yay me!).

    Then I started a weight lifting program so I stopped the pushups because I didn't want to overtrain my arms. Next time I tried I could barely do 10. I was so crushed.

    So, I started working back up to 20 and yesterday I did it!! :drinker:

    Next goal - single set of 25. :bigsmile:
  • JulieE1002
    JulieE1002 Posts: 162 Member
    (1) While out shopping at the mall I walked passed the floor to ceiling mirrors and glanced over - I thought to myself - wow, she's really tall. It was me - didn't recognize myself.

    (2) Last night my husband hugged me, then pulled away and smiling he said - "you're boney." That's a word that's NEVER been used to describe me.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 389 Member
    Jut hit Onederland last week for the first time in 20 years. Filled up a big bag to donate with my old favorite scrubs-too big now! Also went through my closet to find some dressy clothes for a public presentation and all my clothes just hang on me!. Thought they would look better but they actually now look worse! Gonna do the Macklemore/Lewis song thing and go to the Thrift Shop! ha ha.
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Walked around the hospital today in my scrubs (the same ones that had the elastic stretched to the max in December), and noticed that i am walking on the bottoms. Wondered if perhaps I had gotten shorter.

    Realized that I may need to buy a new size, the elastic waist keeps falling to the edge of my hips.

    Small victory, but one that my bf had been pointing out, and now I believe him. :)

    I love this one! Scrubs can be so forgiving, but when you need a new size, you NEED a new size. I just went from 2XL's to Larges. I have one set of mediums that "fit" but are not yet suitable for public viewing. Great job.

    I love what you said about them being forgiving... I knew I had a problem when my elastic waist ones (which i prefer so that the crotch isn't down by my thighs!) were stretched to the limit to the point they left DENTS in my tummy.

    THAT was my truest wake-up call to get this ball rolling!

    You have a high-five coming from me when you get those mediums out to play!!! :)
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Congratulations everyone!

    I did a little spring shopping for clothes yesterday and even though I'm a year in maintaining, it still feels great to be able to walk into stores and not worry if they have my size or if things will fit or not.

    I bought some really cute blazers and long summer dresses they looked really great with my curves. It inspired me to go a little faster and longer with my power walk last night and to go a little heavier with my weights this morning! :)
  • kreegs
    kreegs Posts: 19 Member
    I have a good/bad NSV.
    About 9 months ago I bought a new suit to attend a wedding; old suit would not fit. I came to terms that I needed the new suit because I just could not lose the weight. This new suit was tight on me because I was determined that I could fit in it.

    The Good
    I fit in my OLD suit now. The new one I just purchased is huge on me.

    The Bad
    I wasted a lot of money on that new suit.

  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    Declined the traditional "payday pizza" in work after looking up the calories in a small Dominos on MFP. Had a toasted pitta with cottage cheese and ham instead.

    It didn't feel like a NSV at the time but it does now :d
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    Love NSVs! I confirmed yesterday that I am now a size 10! I say confirmed because I actually fit into a new pair of size 10s I bought a week ago but I didn't believe (thought they ran big) until I tried on a pair of bermuda 10's yesterday. I started out a size 24 so this is HUGE for me (pun intended, lol).
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