Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Robin- I'm praying for you! I hope the surgery goes very well and that the neurological stuff has a solution. ****HUGS**** :flowerforyou:

    KJeffries- Wow! Nice loss of weight and inches!

    Laurie- Oh, bummer about your bike brake and not getting outside. Hope that nice weather shows up again for your spring break, especially since now you're ready to ride and get your running miles up! It will be so much easier to get up to 3 miles again if the sunshine cooperates.

    Tom- Feel Better Soon!

    I have no idea if my husband has a big plan for what we'll be doing this weekend....he has taken care of booking us a hotel room for Saturday night. We're just staying somewhere near our home. There is a celebration going on at the hospital that cosponsored the weight loss challenge group that we were part of for the last three months, so we may stop by there. They have a trainer that is going to lead a few fifteen minute work-outs...and tonight my husband asked if I wanted to go to the gym with him on Saturday morning before we go to the hotel. Yay for spouses getting healthy together! We haven't worked out together in a long time (he works out with his buddy from work, I work out with my friend from college), so it may even be kind of its own strange way. Last February, we won a silent auction basket for a school fundraiser with several gift certificates to local restaurants and we haven't used any of them yet, so I know we'll be choosing one of them for dinner out on Saturday night.

    Now here's a funny from this evening:
    I was going to go to the gym, but my friend canceled. So, I went home because the weather was gorgeous and I decided I would go for a run outside instead. I got home and was instantly attacked by my family. The kids were both clamoring to tell me about their day. In fact, I couldn't even get into the livingroom. They had me trapped in the entry way! :laugh: After I got through talking to them (and made my way into the actual house), my husband began a long rant about some negative things that are happening on a church committee that he is serving on. I patiently listened, and then he asked me to proof-read this email message that he was planning on sending to our pastor regarding all the problems. So, I sat down and started doing that...and thought, 'When am I going to get my run in already? I should've just went solo to the gym after work!' :grumble:
    Finally, I told my very appreciative husband that I was going for a jog while he finished dinner. Changed clothes, threw on my running shoes, turned on my tunes, and I was off. At last!
    Well, the jog was not going the greatest. I kept plugging along, but wasn't feeling it. I decided to turn around early, and started heading back to my house. As I was getting closer to my neighborhood, I thought, 'Don't quit! Turn here and add some length to this sad jog, anyway.' So, I turned right, and added a loop around the block just before my neighborhood. I almost never go this way. So, there I am. Red-faced. Panting. Frustrated. Tired. Hungry. Plodding along in my slow shuffle jog. (For an idea of my pace, just listen to most any Michael Buble song.)
    Up ahead, I spy an older woman with white hair getting out of her car. She is standing by the curb and she's watching me. As I get closer, she starts clapping!! With a huge smile on her face, she yells, "Good for you! That is GREAT! You're doing wonderful!"

    My. Own. Personal. Cheerleader?? A complete stranger. An angel? :huh:

    Let me tell you, there was a renewed spring in my step! I pushed a little harder. (Moving from Buble pace to Billy Joel, New York State of Mind pace...:laugh: ...I'm still slow, remember?) The run ended 100 times better than it would have had she not happened to be getting out of her car at that moment, and if I hadn't decided at the last minute to change my route! :happy:

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 6/30
    2. Wall sit: 6/30, 50 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 6/30, 30 sec.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hansea - great story about your personal cheerleader - I'm going to believe it was an angel too - !

    Thanks everyone for all the good wishes, prayers, hugs and virtual offers of help regarding my surgery. My surgery date is going to be April 28, a Monday. I have talked to 3 friends so far and they have all agreed to help me out those following days when I need home care.

    I have only been doing my pool physical therapy on an average of every three days. This is so frustrating to me. I have so many Drs. appts. which take up my whole day and exhaust me. My mornings are out due to my Polymyalgia Rheumatica - I can't get my arms moving properly until around noon. So I'm not even dressed til 1 pm.

    Today I skipped because it was so beautiful out I had to take advantage of the weather and run errands. I had 4 items to return - each to a different store. THen I also had to get gas, go to the bank, and also go return a library book that was a month overdue! :grumble: I felt like a criminal when I turned that book in! After all that activity - which for me was a lot, I was quite stiff and sore across my lower back tonight. Took some advil and that should do the trick.
    It hit 82 here today. The long hot summer warning days are arriving.

    My Wing of the condo building has 8 other people on it. We are very friendly and on the high holidays put little tokens in front of each others doors. I wanted to do something for Easter, but not baskets and candy as that would end up being too too expensive for me. Target has this $1.00-3.00 area in the front of its store and I found cute little boxes that contained a pot, soil, and tomato seeds inside it for a dollar. I also found a pack of 20 felt flowers with stick-um on their backs for a $1.00. These will be my token Easter gifts. I have tons of yardage of pink tulle. So I'll wrap each tomato package in tulle and then each will get a flower stuck on top with a brief note from me . I hope they enjoy it.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi guys,
    Sorry I've been MIA, college is kicking my but these days. I've been keeping up with exercise and staying in my calorie limit, but I haven't lost for 3 weeks. I'm wondering if there's something wrong, but I'm going to keep trucking and hope I start losing soon.

    I got given two job offers and have a third waiting on Friday. However, my former first choice (which insinuated that they would pay me back for rent on an apartment during my internship) now says I'll have to do a homestay. I am so reluctant to put myself in a situation where I can't cook my own food, decide my own schedule or get enough sleep, that I might not take it. I'm not sure if that's a terrible move. I'lll email them tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is well. Not caught up, but I will this weekend!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I had lunch with a group of friends on Monday (we meet every month) and then went to book club Monday night (again a monthly thing) and people were shocked at how "thin" I was. Great ego boost, but it confused me since I hadn't lost much in the last month. When I mentioned this to DH, he reminded me that I'd missed the last 2 months and had last seen most of these folks the first week of January. I went back and looked at my Jan. 1 weight and was floored to see I've lost 23 lbs. so far this year. And in addition, I can tell that Pilates is making a huge difference in the tone of my body which may be making me look smaller as well. Not to mention the new clothes in the correct size that are more fitted.

    So, here's my Thursday Truth: I can't see the forest for the trees. I concentrate so hard on the scale moving from day to day, that I fail to look at the bigger picture. I know the daily number on the scale will always be a focus for me, but I need to remember to look at a longer period of time when I get frustrated and think I'm not making progress.

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 7/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day NOT DONE (yard work)
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (Rest day)
    Tuesday - Pilates DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I'm approaching a point of being exhausted and frustrated and my family is suffering for it. I laid in bed for a long time last night thinking about it and figuring out how to get it all in. I know from past experience that early morning workouts don't work for me, so in order for this to be a lifestyle change, I have to work around that. I feel like I never see my kids as I'm headed to the gym or an activity almost every night. I've decided that I'm going to ask my boss for a change in schedule. I absolutely need to have 40 hours a week (those bills don't care if I need more time with my kids) so I'm going to see if I have some flexibility with my work hours. Not sure what that will all be, but we'll see.

    @Kelley...My perfect temps are mid 70's, which we had yesterday. We get some scorchers in the summer, but not as consistantly as you. I wouldn't do well in the south. :bigsmile: are just rockin' it!!!

    @Tom...been there, done that. Sorry that you are sick, hope the shot and pills work fast for you.

    @KJeffries...whoo-hoo on the inches! That is a great loss!

    @Laurie...Sorry about the bike, but like you said, lesson learned.

    @Hansea...LOVE IT!!! There are definitely moments that we all need someone cheering for us (this thread is great for that!).

    @Robin...I think those tomato pots sound cute, creative and I'm sure all your neighbors will love it (and hopefully tomatoes later).

    @L2T...A. the loss of 23 since they saw you was pretty big. B. Toning is such a major thing and makes our outward body look so much better. Congrats! And amen to looking at the big picture.

    AFM...made it to water aerobics last night and can tell that the trainer workout hit a new group of muscles. :love: The great thing about being in the water is it makes it a bit better while doing it. Although this morning, you'd have thought I was 40 years older and suffering from osteoporisis. :laugh: By the time I went to the bathroom and got settled at my desk, I was back to "normal." Although normal today is having some severe butt pain as the many lunges we did on Tuesday are coming back to haunt me. I'm looking forward to today. I have volunteered to cook and serve at The Banquet tonight (serves food to the under privelaged). My company has been a backer of this for as long as I have been employed, but I was never able to serve previously as it was during hours that I had to be in charge of my kids. That's one advantage of them getting older, they can take care of themselves while I serve.

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 8/30 (40 seconds)
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 6/30
    Calorie intake – 7/30 (missed yesterday by 112)

    This week’s activity goals:
    Monday – Cake Decorating class DONE
    Tuesday – Gym with Trainer DONE
    Wednesday – Water Aerobics DONE
    Thursday – Cooking and Serving at The Banquet (I’ll be on my feet from 1-7:30 --- I think that’ll be enough)
    Friday – Gym with sister
    Saturday – Cantata practice, Jacob is at a music festival and then I’m helping with an Easter event at church…no time for a formal workout
    Sunday – gym with sister

    Well, I didn't get my vacuuming done (again) yesterday, but was able to accomplish everything else (apparently, I REALLY hate to vacuum :devil: Actually probably had something to do with leaving at 5:30 and not getting home until 10:30).

    Goals for today:
    **stay under calorie goal
    **drink my water
    **go to bed by 10:00
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Hansea~Wow, what a night – I think she was an angel for sure! Great job with your run, sometimes they just suck – I'm proud of you for sticking with it and making an effort. :flowerforyou:

    @Laurie~I’m so sorry the brake broke on your bike and you weren’t able to ride yesterday, but you’re all ready for spring break so I hope the weather cooperates.

    @Katrena~Woo Hoo, excellent news at the doctor. You’re doing great!

    @Tom~I’m sorry you’re sick, take those meds and feel better pronto!

    @L2T~We consistently need to remind ourselves of the little victories to keep up the momentum, so good for taking a step back to recognize the progress you’ve made.

    @Tracy~Since you work from home are you able to break up your work hours a little, so you can get your workout in during the day? One of my neighbors that works from home does that – she starts her day really early then breaks to take her daughter to school, hits the gym and then finishes her day when she gets back. I wish my gym was close to my office so I could go workout at lunch.

    AFM~Interesting session with trainer last night is all I can say – whole session was done outside while wearing a 20# weighted vest, oy! :huh: My back really feels the effects of that today – which makes me wonder, how on earth did I walk around carrying another 4+ of those?! I think its situations like that, that help us to realize where we came from and the progress we’ve made. I’ve had a few NSV this week with compliments from co-workers – they’ve told me I look amazing. That my hair is all cute, that I’m glowing and I look tan and relaxed – guess my vacation had some lasting effects. :bigsmile: I’ll take compliments any way they come. Trainer told me yesterday I need to hit the leg press hard tonight, so will incorporate it along with my cardio at the gym – guess even though it’s going to be gorgeous and 85 this afternoon I will have to go to the gym instead of walking. :frown:

    My Thursday Truth is that I made a raspberry almond coffee cake for a co-workers birthday, I put it through the recipe builder for the exact NI – now I can indulge this afternoon without having to guess!

    April Renaissance:

    1. Planks 9/30 days (30s)
    2. Under Calories 8/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/agility drills outside DONE!
    Tuesday~ Cardio (hopefully) NOT DONE! I did take a short walk, but it didn’t amount to much.
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~ Cardio
    Friday~Rest Day
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Greetings my dears.

    This week is going much better than it was. I overate yesterday and the day before. I'm not even really sure why...I felt hungry, and I wasn't able to quench that hunger. I'm sure it was partial boredom, and partial me not eating the right things to fix that. Unfortunately, my two days of bad eating apparently pissed my body off because as of this morning I was up 4 I can understand maybe a pound or even two...but 4? Right when I wake up? Serious irritation.

    Today, however, I had a berry protein shake this morning.
    Some subway for lunch post workout.
    And I think I'll have some soup for dinner.

    I went to the gym this morning and burned about 1000 cals. Mega-workout. Did the bike, strength training, the arc trainer, and then walked. And I STILL could've kept going, but I had to get to work. boohiss. I'm really hoping that the workout kicks my body's *kitten* and I get back to the 209 I was at on Monday.

    I still won this round of the dietbet I'm part another $30, so I'm up to about $60. I paid about $90 to be part of the game, so I have 3 more rounds. If I get another $30 for each round, I'll have won $30 total, which is still a plus. :)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thur. Truth: I do not miss going to a pig out place and stuffing myself and then later filling so full.

    Had burrito bowl last night did not take the tortilla and it was really good. At the end of the day I while entering my dinner I kept asking my wife what else did I eat. We did not have a bunch of fating sides so it was a great day. I did not seem to be consciously eating slow or worried if I was going to get or feel full. In the pass I would choose a restaurant by how big their severing was. I hope to keep on this path this time and get results I have longed for.

    Shold make my goals for today too! So awesome for me.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: 123 = 6
    Tue: 123 = 6
    Wed: 123 = 6

    Weak total: 18
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I think it’s been a week since I’ve checked in and boy have I missed this thread! It’s taken me two days to squeeze in the time to catch up on the comings and goings and such of everyone.
    I have been dealing with shin splints since last Wednesday/Thursday. I rested through the weekend and hit the gym on Monday, which is weight training and about 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill. I forced through about 15 minutes on the treadmill before I decided I didn’t want to get stuck at the gym not being able to walk home. (We live in a rental community that contains 5 different complexes. The gym is in the complex on the opposite side of the community from mine so walking back and forth makes for a nice warm up and cool down.)

    So, since Tuesday is treadmill only (60 minutes) I decided to rest the shin splint again and just do some leisure walking around the apartment. The Color Run is just 4 weeks away and I want to be healthy enough to finish it, even if it means I have to scrap my goal of finishing under an hour. Anyway, Tuesday night my daughter and I are watching the nightly news before turning in and we see not just our community on the news, but the clubhouse building where our gym is located! Reporters were standing directly in front of the gym talking about a tragedy that took place earlier that evening (the same time I WOULD have been at the gym). Apparently, 2 ½ year old twin baby girls drown in the pool adjacent to the clubhouse/gym. So very, very sad! Their apartment was poolside and while the parents were sleeping, they left the apartment, walked down the stairs and went to the pool. The latch locks on the pool gate were broken (hope my rent doesn’t go up because of THAT pending lawsuit!) Two visitors from out of town saw them upon entering the pool area and immediately attempted to resuscitate to no avail. Both those precious babies died. I am so very glad I was not at the gym Tuesday evening!! I would not have wanted to witness that tragedy AT ALL!

    Last night there were reporters there again. I did my weight training and walked my 30 minutes (pretty much pain free - YAY!) on the treadmill and boogied out of there.

    @Robin – I am sorry to hear about your pending surgery, but I hope it is the beginning of the end for your health woes!

    @Nettie – your progress pics, AWESOME!! Keep it up! I am about 3 pounds away from my first set of progress pictures.

    @Susan – I know you are excited about your cruise! Wave “hi” to me as you move in and out of Port Everglades in Ft Lauderdale!

    @Tom – feel better soon!

    @ushkii – you and your wife are doing awesome, keep it up!

    @Aimee – I can so relate to the gain after a few bad days. I actually had two bad meals and gained the 2.2 I had lost last week. So this week it looks like I will have lost those same 2.2 pounds again.

    I wish I had more time for more personals but my work day is almost over and I need to tie up my loose ends so I can leave on time tonight.

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • katieporter96
    Found this thread, can't wait to participate :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! I don't have a lot of time for personals, but just wanted to check in from downtown Chicago.

    I am having fun at IEA RA. We had a really great speaker this morning--graffiti artist, Erik Wahl. He painted a picture of Michael Jordan on the back of a cardboard bow and then geo-cached it in Grant Park across from our hotel. I was out there walking around when he posted his first clue on FB, but my stupid phone doesn't have web capability. If I had seen the picture, I could have gotten to the painting first. :ohwell: At least the man who found it is married to one of the teachers attending our conference. :smile:

    Food yesterday wasn't terrible--I cam in about 100 calories over. Today, my colleague and I went for a walk before lunch. After eating and logging Jimmy John's (yes, I ate an entire triple chocolate ***** cookie :blushing: ), I decided to go for another walk after lunch, so all in all about an hour's worth of walking.

    Tonight we are going to Weber Grill. They have a few tasty looking fish choices, so I may go in that direction. I have about 900 calories left for tonight, so I will do my best to make good choices. Regardless of how the night stacks up, I will earn back every calorie through exercise over the next few days. :wink:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 7/50 satirical cartoon analyses
    2. 50/50 Declaration of Independence rhetorical analyses DONE
    3. 8/70 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--not sure NONE
    Thurs--not sure WALKED IN GRANT PARK
    Fri--not sure
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Wall sit = 50 sec
    Forearm plank = 55 sec
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    No time for personals this evening. Will try to catch up in the morning. Thursday truth. I am the only one who can say No and make the right choices. "Hubby decided to "treat" me to a meal to celebrate my weight loss. I could have chosen Outback (pricey) or Mexican or he said anywhere I pleased. Chose Mexican and while I only went over 258 calories for the day, I feel stuffed, couldn't complete my entire walk and wish I had made a better choice.

    On the positive side, I have DONE Wii each day and increased the exercises today. Am also keeping up with Lumosity training. Just so stressed out from all I need to do. Did get PT & Dental appmts made today, booked hotel for Seattle and just need to hear from the Travel Agent to decide whether to stay over in Victoria BC fro a few days.

    Lots of problems with neck. Finished The Rosie Project. It was so funny, cant wait for movie to come out.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Thursday Truth... Worst eating day since starting MFP in February. Didn't bring enough food with me to work, so stopped off for a bagel with cream cheese and small chocolate milk. Not bad, and it satisfied me for hours. I was only 13 calories over after finishing dinner, then ate one of the protein bars I made since I hadn't met my protein yet. So 200 calories over, no biggie... Deep breath... Then while proceeding to put the ingredients away I spied the milk chocolate chips in the drawer. One handful... And the rest of the jar later... And here I am. :sick: Probably about a cup that I ate. The good thing about this... There are none left to binge on again another day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today, was a busy day but a good day. My class was cut short tonight in honor of spring break so that meant I was able to go socialize with the meet up group. It was a very nice social outing again and I did enjoy the opportunity to get out with other people.

    Hansea- Yeah for the 'angle" cheering you on for the run. It is great when people do that and it is so inspiring.

    Truth-Nothing major to report. I am looking forward to the weekend and spring break so I can be outside soaking up the vitamin D.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Laurie- Go get that D!:drinker: I went outside quite a bit today and it was glorious. Windy...but glorious! How wonderful that you got to get out and socialize tonight. I WAS inspired by my angel, and it's another measure of how far I've come I think. Two or three years ago, when I first tried running, some girl yelled out of her car at me...something about moving my fat ***....kind of UN-inspiring. I was so embarrassed. I quit for several months. Now, I don't really care what people think or say or if they're looking at me. And I'm rewarded with a cheerleader, I guess.

    Tanya- Chocolate Chips. Been there. Done that.:blushing: Recently. Tomorrow is another day!

    KJeffries- Great job exercising with your Wii! Keep that up, and the bad day today won't matter as much. :smile:

    Skinnyjeanz- So close and yet so far on the painting! Sounds like you're having fun and still fitting in some fitness. Good work!

    KatiePorter- Welcome! Jump right in! :flowerforyou:

    RobinB- That is horrifying news! Those poor parents. I'm sure there'll be changes in your rental least the locks on the pool gate will be changed/fixed for sure. :frown:

    Ushkii- Glad you don't miss overeating and choosing restaurants based on serving size. What a great truth for you!

    Aimee- Your body should definitely be confused this week, that's for sure! What a workout! Glad your week is getting better.

    Kah- Going to the gym in the spring, especially after this winter, is getting really hard, isn't it? At least your trainer had you outside yesterday! Great NSV with the vest! I didn't go to the gym- AGAIN- tonight. It's too nice out! I went for a 30 minute bike ride by myself and earlier in the day I worked on helping my daughter learn to ride her bike for about 20 minutes. As she's getting better on her bike, I'm burning fewer calories trying to hold her up, though!

    Tlh- The cheering squad on this thread has been wonderful! Now YOU get to be an angel to someone at The Banquet tonight! Good luck with your boss and asking for a change in hours!:drinker:

    L2T- How great of your book club group to remind you of the big picture. You are doing awesome and you're an inspiration to many!

    Rain- Keep trucking! The semester should end soon right? :wink:

    Robin- Glad you have not just one, but THREE friends who are able to help you out after your surgery. That's wonderful!
    There's nothing worse than the walk of shame to the library with something overdue or damaged. I've felt like a criminal myself a couple times. Once, my kids broke a dvd that they had borrowed. I did a great job of Mom-guilting them all the way up to the library's main desk. I was ready to find out how much we owed (and I was going to make the kids use their bday money to help pay for it...I'm THAT mean!)...and the librarian looked up the dvd in their records, determined that it was nearly due to be removed from circulation anyway because of its age and said, 'Don't worry about it.' :noway: What?!? Sigh. Mom-guilt erased. :laugh:
    Cute idea about the plants for your neighbors. Very spring! And healthier than Easter candy, too.

    AFM- Lots of fresh air today! My daughter didn't have any homework tonight, so I took the kids on a 'quick' bike ride around the block. They ride, I walk....and help balance my daughter who is very recently off her training wheels. It's getting easier for her, and I'm sure very soon I'll be consistently jogging along behind her and then eventually riding alongside her on my own bike once she gets her speed up.
    I got to get out for half an hour on my own bike ride before dinner, too. I used some of the awesome trail that is pretty near my house. Part of it was built on top of an old railroad trestle that crosses a lake. The trestle is about a mile long, and the boardwalk and stops along the way that they built on it are fantastic. Have to sit here and map my ride to figure out just how far I went. I know it was more than 3 miles at least. Can't wait to start using the trail to bike to work on the weekends again!

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 7/30
    2. Wall sit: 6/30, 50 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 6/30, 30 sec.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I spent a lot of time today cleaning. DH cleans up after meals, but what he really does is load and unload the dishwasher. That means that the stove and counters don't get cleaned as often they should. Anyway I got the kitchen cleaned and the floor mopped. Then I cleaned up a bunch of flat surfaces. I have an area by my recliner that is affectionately known as my nest. I cleaned up the remainders of several projects and threw away a bunch of catalogues. I love throwing away the Woman Within & Roman's catalogues because I can't wear their clothes. I couldn't vacuum because Keith fell asleep while watching TV. He never naps and I didn't want wake him up. All in all, a satisfying day. I have the taxes ready to mail, too.
    I had to walk alone tonight. Everyone else was busy. I walked 3.6 miles.
    Ushkii-I am enjoying following your progress as you and you wife get this healthier lifestyle figured out. You are doing great.
    Laurie-Enjoy your spring break.
    RobinB-Good to hear from you. So sad about the babies! Glad your shin splints are better.
    Hansea-Enjoy your weekend.
    Have a productive Friday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thursday Truth - I am so stressed out about this upcoming surgery, plus I am on so many meds - seriously 15 - not counting OTC's, that I spent the day cycling from 5 -10 minutes of heavy crying to 40 minutes of cleaning kitchen cabinets back to crying for 10 minutes back to cleaning again. I had to leave for a Drs. appt. and get a hair cut and came home and the cycle resumed agaian until I remembered I had a 16th drug prescribed just for these kinds of "special stress emergencies" - About an hour after I took the Valium, I had calmed down and also ate a big bowl of ice cream. (Painful mouth "medication")
    I apologize for how narcissistic I have been with paying so much attention to myself and little attention to everyone elses needs. I can't say I'll change until after the surgery.
    I do appreciate all of you so much !
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Ok folks, here I am .........really fell off the wagon , but here I am , back again. Tryyyyyyying to climb back on.
    It only takes one little bitty teeny tiny change in my life to throw me off kilter.
    I can't really pinpoint anything but just slid away. I am proud I had lost even a few pounds and reeeeeally want to
    add to the loss. even with being away from MFP I have only gained a couple pounds, which is great !
    I am aware of what I am eating and even comment on how many calories something has, then I poke it right on
    in my mouth! So beginning this day, I will be back logging every bite even if i go over calories by a zillion.

    I have missed all of you. It was hard to keep up with everything on here and now I am seriously out of touch!

    Robin.... I hope your medical issues improve soon. I know how not feeling well can affect all parts of life. I must catch up with you so
    I know what is happening recently!

    Kaye......... I hope to someday see 95 pounds lost by my name! That seems like such a dream! Keep up the good life!

    I'll try to catch up with more tomorrow!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Friday!

    It's been a good week and I dropped 1.8 lbs. Unlike earlier, I stay at the same weight for days and then suddenly drop a few pounds. I'm now used to this pattern and don't panic during the days of same weight every morning like I used to. I hope this pattern last until I get really close to my goal.

    Headed out for a weekend with my girls. We always have so much fun, but it also feels too brief. Hope you all have a good one!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 8/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day NOT DONE (yard work)
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (Rest day)
    Tuesday - Pilates DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch