Any geeks?



  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    I haven't had a desktop that I didn't build myself since I was 14. I think that qualifies me.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I have played D&D since the age of 10, MTG starting at the age of 10 (not as much now though, everyonep has babies), Warhammer, Hero Quest, and various other RPG's.

    Videogames, I love them, I have pwned many at them, and continue to do so even in my "old" age ^_^.

    Comic books, graphic novels, and Manga are often on my reading list. Though I do not shy from JR Tolkein, Anne McCarthy, or R. A. Salvatore (Let's also note Lisanne Norman, she does more of a Sci Fi theme book, but it still has an excellent level of Fantasy.) Naturelly I read other books as well, but these are the most notable authors to me.

    Artistry, a large fan of comic book art (Boris Vallejo, and Julie Bell do very nice work for Marvel), anime (also watching Animes), and drawing anime and other forms of fantasy art myself of course. Though to be fair drawing is a luxury with children and I have lost sight of my talent for a few years. I fully intend to write and illustrate a graphic novel before 35.

    The list can go on, especially given the movies and TV shows I watch, however I think I've made my point.
  • courtney3988
    courtney3988 Posts: 999 Member
    HI I like the Marvel series and Batman. I love to read like the Harry Potter series. Play Vanguard and want to eventually learn how to play Magic. I play Skyrim. I like Horror Movies.
  • sgw97
    sgw97 Posts: 8 Member
    i feel like i qualify for this? add me if you like!
  • VicVipor
    VicVipor Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    Computer drone from N.Ireland who's trying to get himself in to shape, when not in work I spend my time gaming it up and whatever will run a game these days from iPad to x360 (GT:Agamembar) to 3DS(FC:4785-5396-0583) and when not doing that I have my nose stuck in my Kindle reading something Cyberpunky or a video game adaptation.

    the last yearor so I've been getting into steapunk and Cosplay and I'm currently mid build of a set of Armor from the game Mass Effect, still haven't worked out if I can give craftng a calorie count to add to the diary, so losing some weight will help that look better.

    Well I could go one but I think I can qualify, if you want add me, I'd like to have a few more in the feed to remind me to keep motivated and I'll cheer you on too.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    I also think we need our own group... or is there one? Too lazy to look. Just ran a 5K race!

    They do exist...
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    Some of my favorite stuff comes from Japan. I love the Dragon Ball series, Trigun, Studio Ghibli, Samurai Champloo, etc. How's it going?
  • MattyFTM
    MattyFTM Posts: 68 Member
    I'd consider myself a geek. You can probably tell that from my custom ticker with pikachu in it.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me....

    Love Xbox, MMOs, geocaching, Marvel, gadgets.
  • ransaka
    ransaka Posts: 135 Member
    Um, yes. Love graphic novels (especially 100 bullets and Transmetropolitan), huge sci-fi fan and avid tabletop and live roleplayer for the last 20 years as well as playing 40k and boardgames.
    Nothing wrong with being a geek, some of the most well adjusted people I know are total geeks whereas a lot of "normal" folks I've met tend to be shallow judgemental bags of ferret droppings by comparison. :)
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Let's see:

    - Comics (Marvel, DC and "indie" comics),
    - Doctor Who
    - LotR and The Hobbit - currently have my 11 year old daughter hooked on them
    - Podcast host/producer (HHWLOD Podcast Network, mostly on "SHIELD TV Podcast" right now), recorded our own commentary tracks for all the Marvel Cinematic Universe films (still need to record one for Thor: The Dark World)
    - Star Wars (see ticker :happy: )

    Hail Hydra!
  • dontdreamit
    dontdreamit Posts: 223
    I'm always scared to label myself a geek because I'm worried I might offend all the true geeks out there. I like a lot of Geeky stuff but I don't really spend much time on it or know that much about it...I'm a casual Geek, I guess. I love Sci-fi and fantasy, but there are so many shows I haven't seen and books I haven't read. I'm obsessed with Superheros and would love to get into comics but can never find the time (or know where to start). And even though I love gaming, I probably only play them once a month or so. I think I have geek potential but I can just never seem to find the time to immerse myself in all the many geeky things I'd love to get in to.
    I do have some Geek in my though, considering Wonder Woman and Buffy were some of my biggest inspirations for getting fit (sad but true haha).
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    Me: Hi, I'm webbeyes, and I'm a geek
    Crowd: Hi webbeyes!
    Me: It's been ... 12 minutes since I last did something geek-like
    Crowd: *gasps*
    Me: Yes, well, erm ... I just did an hour workout using my XBox 360/Kinect. You see, I have 4 different cool games that help me workout, and it's hard to just leave them on the shelf, you know?
    Crowd: *some mumblings...a couple sound like "oh yeah, I've done that too"*
    Me: I'm also going to do something geek-like today - I told my wife we had to go to Costco to buy the latest Hobbit movie, even though I'm horrified that they split it into 3 movies, quite uselessly. But, you know, when you've read the book over a dozen times, you just HAVE to buy the movie, right?
    Crowd: *some mumblings of agreement*
    Me: By day I help direct the implementation of a very large IT-enabled project, and, I still get really involved in the technical nitty-gritty
    Crowd: *losing interest*
    Me: My home wireless network shows about 15 different devices connect: 3 blackberry's, a Playbook, an iPad, and Android, a desktop PC, a laptop, a netbook, the XBox 360 ...
    Host: *interrupts* ...Okay thanks, who's next?
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member

    ^Win..all the Win
  • jjs10472
    jjs10472 Posts: 4 Member
    One geeky girl here ....add me !!!!!!
  • thevoidwalker
    I'm into nerdy, geeky stuff. Who else is gonna log 120 hours into bethesda games in 2 weeks? Hit me up cause im into games, anime/manga, books, and a ton of other stuff.
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member

    Right here...

    And I'm a Browncoat too. Woot.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member

    Right here...

    And I'm a Browncoat too. Woot.

  • jenabugg
    jenabugg Posts: 51 Member
    I didn't realize there were so many of us. I'm a complete nerd with some geek thrown in there. It's great to see so many of my favorite shows, games, and books represented in the this thread. To my shame, I have never learned Klingon, although I am a Trekkie.
  • quirkyconfusion
    Ooooh I see this is where all the cool kids are hanging out :) geeky girl here. Feel free to add me :)